Postcrossing Blog - Archives
« Go back to the main blog pageMarch 2025
- Lists, Love, and Living in the Moment: LouPaper’s Wonderful World of Postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: mairigold from Scotland!
- Postcards for a good cause: 2024 results
February 2025
- March Writing Prompt: the meaning of your country's flag
- Census 2024 highlights
- The Little Mail Carriers in Bali!
- Playful, Curious, Mischievous: the Acorn Elves / Dubánci of Petr Václavek
- February Writing Prompt: your earliest memories
January 2025
- Postcards: The Board Game!
- Month of Letters 2025 + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2024 stats
- Hurray! 80 Million Postcards! 🎉🎉🎉
- January Writing Prompt: your favorite piece of art
December 2024
- The Heart of Postcrossing: A Quilt of Connection and Creativity
- Book Review: Sorcery & Cecelia
- Tom Gauld's Snooty Bookshop Makes Us Feel 'a Little Bit Happier'
- When is the 80 millionth postcard going to arrive?
- December Writing Prompt: the stamps you're using
November 2024
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause 2024!
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Belgium!
- Leaf printing tutorial
- Postcrossing Spotlight: EvanescentHour from the USA!
- November Writing Prompt: The Place You Live
October 2024
- Polish Postcrossing stamp launch + artist interview
- A new Postcrossing-themed stamp... from Poland!
- World Postcard Day wrap-up + 150 years of the UPU!
- It's World Postcard Day!
September 2024
- The World Postcard Day is coming up!
- World Postcard Day: ideas for libraries and children!
- Geocaching celebrates World Postcard Day!
- September Writing Prompt: Favourite Restaurants
August 2024
- The UPU celebrates its 150th anniversary!
- Book Review: A Letter to the Luminous Deep
- Postcards of hope, positivity & pride
- The new Postcrossing stamp from New Zealand is here!
- August Writing Prompt: Fictional Characters
July 2024
- Celebrating the Golden Age: An Interview with Joel Anderson
- World Postcard Day 2024 theme + postcard
- Happy 19th birthday, Postcrossing!
- July Writing Prompt: Friendships
June 2024
- An upcoming Postcrossing stamp... from New Zealand!
- A New Peace Symbol for Europe: Linda Bos and Runa Egilsdottir on their Winning EUROPA Stamp Design
- New roundup of postcard boxes!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: NuriaLP from Spain!
- June Writing Prompt: Dream job
May 2024
- EUROPA's underwater fauna and flora
- KeyWe, a co-operative postal puzzling action game!
- Book Review: The One-Cent Magenta
- May Writing Prompt: Weddings
April 2024
- Postcrossing's tiny forest expansion update!
- Inside a Butterfly’s Wing: Jackie Morris's Wild Cards
- The Little Mail Carriers in Borneo/Kalimantan!
- April Writing Prompt: Slang
March 2024
- Little Moments of Art: Flower Box Artist Rose Wong
- Postcrossing Connections: StetsFlauschig and ybur
- Book Review: Script & Scribble
- Sending postcards from Germany's deepest postbox!
- Postcards for a good cause: 2023 results
February 2024
- March Writing Prompt: Unusual sports
- Always Push the Envelope: Bob Eckstein on the World's Greatest Bookstores
- Postcrossing Spotlight: chrisbonham11 from the UK!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Franconia!
- February Writing Prompt: The stamps you're using
January 2024
- Month of Letters 2024 + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- Deeper Meanings Behind the Art: Chrissy Lau on Zodiac Stamps and More
- You Know You're A Postcrosser When...
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2023 stats
- January Writing Prompt: Colour-related expressions
December 2023
- Prince and Princess Foundation Academy
- Feeling and Laughing is Okay: Jeff Brown on His Star Wars Adventures
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Porter County Museum!
- December Writing Prompt: Mythological creatures from your country
November 2023
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause 2023!
- Book Review: Post After Post-Mortem
- Mulready stationery
- November Writing Prompt: A breathtaking landmark or view
October 2023
- Nature’s Power, Beauty, and Magic: Clark Little on the Art of Waves
- Postcrossing Connections: NanPC & Seb_Hcd
- World Postcard Day 2023 wrap-up
- Hurray! It's World Postcard Day!
September 2023
- Penguins, Postcards & Preservation: Antarctica's Hidden Postal Gem!
- The World Postcard Day is coming up!
- Color and Pattern Everywhere: Flower Box artist Carolyn Gavin
- September Writing Prompt: Your favourite card/board games
August 2023
- Book Review: Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Social Network
- The Little Mail Carriers in Tokyo!
- World Postcard Day 2023 new postcard!
- The World Postcard Day design contest
- August Writing Prompt: Birds
July 2023
- Merry Aunties: A Conversation with Inge Löök
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Suegathman from the USA
- Happy 18th birthday, Postcrossing!
- Meet the judges of the World Postcard Day design contest!
- July Writing Prompt: Relaxation
June 2023
- Book Review: The Moonday Letters
- Women in... Cards: An Interview with Rachel Ignotofsky
- Show us your post office!
- World Postcard Day 2023 design contest
- June Writing Prompt: Your favourite word
May 2023
- A visit to a postcard café in Taipei
- EUROPA stamps 2023
- May Writing Prompt: The food you always keep in your fridge
April 2023
- Postcrossing's tiny forest gets bigger!
- Postal-themed clips from Sesame Street!
- April Writing Prompt: Languages you study
March 2023
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Malta Postal Museum
- Book Review: To the Letter
- Postcrossing Spotlight: eta55 from the USA!
- Postcards for a good cause: 2022 results
February 2023
- March Writing Prompt: Prediction for the future
- Türkiye-Syria earthquake (how you can help)
- Accidentally Wes Anderson giveaway results!
- Black History Month: The Six Triple Eight Battalion
- February Writing Prompt: Your mantra
January 2023
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2022 stats
- Travel Mode adventures in Africa (part 2)
- January Writing Prompt: A trip in a time machine
December 2022
- Travel Mode adventures in Africa (part 1)
- When is the 70 millionth postcard going to arrive?
- December Writing Prompt: New words in the year you were born
November 2022
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause 2022!
- A 1907 postcard poem
- Hashtag #xtremedeltiology and #xtremephilately
- Book Review: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
- November Writing Prompt: What's on your grocery list?
October 2022
- Accidentally Wes Anderson postcard book giveaway
- The German Postcrossing stamp launch
- World Postcard Day 2022 wrap-up
- The German Postcrossing stamp is live!
- World Postcard Day is here!
September 2022
- October Writing Prompt: Origin of your name
- The World Postcard Day is coming... are you ready?
- The new Luxembourg Postcrossing stamp is here!
- A new Postcrossing-themed stamp... from Estonia!
- The Little Mail Carriers at Museumsdruckerei Hoya (and a giveaway)!
- September Writing Prompt: Your favourite outfit
August 2022
- A Postcrossing-themed stamp is on its way... from Germany!
- An upcoming Postcrossing stamp... from Luxembourg!
- World Postcard Day 2022 official postcard!
- August Writing Prompt: Your favourite day
July 2022
- Postcrossing Spotlight: bokmorten from Norway
- Happy 17th birthday, Postcrossing!
- The Little Mail Carriers visit NASA!
- July Writing Prompt: Superpowers
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022
- More beautiful handmade postcards
- Book Review: Wish You Were Here
- Postcards from the southern end of the world
- April Writing Prompt: What do you do to cheer up?
March 2022
February 2022
- Census 2021 — part 2
- Census 2021 — part 1
- Kosmopolit, part 3: museum, meetups, and postcards
- February Writing Prompt: What is your comfort food?
January 2022
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Pony Express Museum!
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2021 stats
- Book Review: The Address Book
- January Writing Prompt: What are your hopes for the year ahead?
December 2021
- Postcrossing Spotlight: agapara from Greece!
- Black Pyramid Mountain Post Box
- December Writing Prompt: What would you do if you won the lottery?
November 2021
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause 2021!
- Kosmopolit, part 2: membership, wishlists and medals!
- New postcard boxes roundup!
- The Little Mail Carriers at the London Postal Museum
- November Writing Prompt: The best present you ever received
October 2021
- Book Review: The Griffin & Sabine Trilogy
- Same sky postcards
- World Postcard Day 2021 wrap-up
- It's World Postcard Day!
September 2021
- October Writing Prompt: Your local post office
- Less than a week until World Postcard Day!
- Kosmopolit: an introduction (part 1)
- Postcrossing spotlight: ohegarty from Canada!
- September Writing Prompt: Your neighbourhood
August 2021
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Postal History Foundation!
- Papercraft Postcard Tutorial
- World Postcard Day 2021 official postcard!
- August Writing Prompt: sayings or proverbs from your country
July 2021
- Postcrossing Spotlight: jlynch9923 from the USA
- Happy 16th birthday, Postcrossing... and a new stamp from Austria!
- The new Postcrossing-themed stamp debuts in Belarus!
- Fabric Postcard Tutorial
- July Writing Prompt: What would you like to become an expert in?
June 2021
- #PostboxSaturday!
- Book Review: Long Live the Post Horn!
- The Guernsey Postcrossing stamp is here!
- World Postcard Day design contest — prizes and deadline!
- June Writing Prompt: The last thing that made you smile
May 2021
- EUROPA Stamps competition 2021
- The Little Mail Carriers in the Philippines, part 2!
- The World Postcard Day design contest is coming!
- May Writing Prompt: dream holiday
April 2021
- Upcoming Postcrossing-themed stamps
- A Postcrossing world quilt
- The Little Mail Carriers in Manila, Philippines!
- Your beautiful handmade postcards
- April Writing Prompt: children's books
March 2021
- Census 2020, part 2: Sending
- The Bone Cancer Research Trust Stamp Appeal
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Palacio Postal, Mexico!
- Stationery Heaven giveaway!
- Postcards for a good cause: 2020 results!
February 2021
- March Writing Prompt: Bridges
- Who are the postcrossers?
- Book Review: Going Postal
- February Writing Prompt: flora of your country
January 2021
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- 60! 🎉 Million! 🎉 Postcards! 🎉
- The World's Highest Post Office
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2020 stats
- 60 million postcards coming up... guess when!
- January Writing Prompt: A Skill You Want To Learn
December 2020
- Masha's Spotlight + Book about Postcrossing!
- Postcrossing Connections: Carrick & Milad
- December Writing Prompt: Childhood Aspirations
November 2020
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- A new forum for Postcrossing
- Book Review: 84 Charing Cross Road
- November Writing Prompt: Favourite Snacks
October 2020
- A Halloween costume suggestion... for your dog!
- World Postcard Day wrap-up
- The World Postcard Day is finally here!
September 2020
- World Postcard Day talk at Stampex!
- A lesson plan for the World Postcard Day
- World Postcard Day's official postcard
August 2020
- September Writing Prompt: your plans for the World Postcard Day
- Audrey's Postcard Exhibition
- Postcards from under the sea
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Ebot from the USA!
- August Writing Prompt: inventions!
July 2020
- World Postcard Day — the day to celebrate postcards
- 15 Years of Happy Mailboxes + a new Postcrossing stamp... from Brazil!
- Book Review: The Documents in the Case
- July Writing Prompt: lockdown experiences
June 2020
- The Little Mail Carriers on a cruise to Bermuda!
- Show us your happy mailbox!
- EUROPA's ancient postal routes
- June Writing Prompt: national architecture
May 2020
- Postcrossing Spotlight: rainerebert, in the USA!
- Postcrossing's tiny forest, expanded
- A multi-postcard adventure story!
- May Writing Prompt: musical instruments from your country
April 2020
March 2020
- Ashwin's sketched postcards
- The postcards that bring us together
- A treasure trove of lost letters
- Papertraveler & pentraveler giveaway!
- Postcards for a good cause: 2019 results!
February 2020
- March Writing Prompt: Popular festivals from your region
- Vintage Leap Day postcards
- Coronavirus & Postcrossing
- Postcrossing Spotlight: SimonBurrow from the USA!
- The Graceful Envelope Contest — 2020 edition
- February Writing Prompt: Fauna from your country
January 2020
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2019 stats
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Chenoah from Germany!
- January Writing Prompt: Goals and Resolutions
December 2019
- 150 Years of Postcards - highlights
- 150 Years of Postcards - best messages
- 150 Years of Postcards - most creative postcards
- December Writing Prompt: Desserts
November 2019
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Postcard Advent Calendar
- The Little Mail Carriers visit Dominican Republic!
- November Writing Prompt: Sounds
October 2019
- Bridegroom's Oak
- Christa's peculiar collection
- Happy 50th World Post Day!
- Putting together the postcard exhibition at the UPU
- The postcard celebrates its 150th anniversary — hurray!
September 2019
August 2019
- You guys are awesome!
- From Correspondenz-Karte to Picture Postcards
- Apollo insurance covers
- Postcrossing meetups around the world
- August Writing Prompt: the last book you've read
July 2019
- Celebrating 150 Years of Postcards — a call for postcards
- 150 Years of Postcards — let's celebrate together!
- Happy 14th Birthday, Postcrossing!
- July Writing prompt: your favorite ice-cream flavor!
June 2019
- Postcrossing workshop at the Space Foundation Discovery Center!
- Åland Postcrossing stamp launch + giveaway!
- June Writing Prompt: your favorite sports
May 2019
- Going on holidays soon?
- EUROPA's most beautiful national birds
- May Writing Prompt: Your favorite museum
April 2019
- Postcrossing Spotlight: mikebond from Italy/France!
- Healing with postcards
- April Writing Prompt: a person from your country's history
March 2019
- Postcrossing Spotlight: alison41 from South Africa!
- A soundtrack for writing postcards
- Postcards for a good cause: 2018 results are here!
February 2019
- March Writing Prompt: quotes and mottos
- Towards a greener hobby, one tree at a time
- The Little Mail Carriers in Terceira, Azores!
- February Writing Prompt: An artist from your country
January 2019
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day! (repost)
- Puzzlel hand-drawn postcards
- January Writing Prompt: three things about your country... with a twist!
December 2018
- The Little Mail Carriers at the National Postmark Museum!
- 50 million postcards coming up... guess when!
- The "Basel Dove” letterboxes
- December Writing Prompt: a holiday from your country
November 2018
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Postcards and weddings
- Poll results: Your nearest place to send mail
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from the Åland Islands!
- November Writing Prompt: something you've learned recently
October 2018
- A special postcrosser: Honney17 from the USA!
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Museum for Communication!
- Happy World Post Day!
- World Post Day is coming up!
- October Writing Prompt: A superstition from your region
September 2018
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Helena2008 from France!
- Poll results: Your letter penpals
- The Little Mail Carriers in Guernsey!
- September Writing Prompt: The last movie you've seen
August 2018
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Andry1961 from Estonia!
- Postcards from Timbuktu
- August Writing Prompt: Be a tourist guide
July 2018
- Postcrossing birthday celebrations
- Postcrossing turns 13!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: PhillipsFamily from the USA!
- Sister Cities of Düsseldorf — exhibition update!
- July Writing Prompt: Your bucket list
June 2018
- Postcrossers per capita — an updated ranking
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Moldova!
- Finnish Postcrossing Friends Association
- Going on holidays soon?
- June Writing Prompt: your local news
May 2018
- Papersisters giveaway!
- Time to pick the best EUROPA stamp!
- May Writing Prompt: a national musician that you like
April 2018
- The Little Mail Carriers at the RPSL
- Children's Books about Mail
- Postcrossing Spotlight: BeckyS from the USA!
- Sister Cities of Düsseldorf — a call for postcards
- Extra space for your messages!
March 2018
- April Writing Prompt: Your typical breakfast
- Amy's inspiring postcards!
- Hong Kong augmented reality stamps
- When are postcards registered?
- Postcards for a good cause: the 2017 results are here!
February 2018
- March Writing Prompt: Looking through your window
- Postcrossing Spotlight: clouisesz from the USA!
- The Postcrossing blog turns 10!
- The Graceful Envelope Contest — 2018 edition
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Hungary!
January 2018
- February Writing Prompt: A writer from your country
- Month of Letters + Mail Carrier Appreciation Day!
- Postcrossing in numbers: 2017 stats
- Marina's Scarf of Friendship update
- Open Poll: What would you like to see on the blog?
- January Writing Prompt: Your typical day
December 2017
- Poll results: Kittens, babies, flowers, sunsets!
- Let's write to Santa! (repost)
- December Writing Prompt: A famous food from your region
November 2017
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Travel mode: On!
- Poll results: Rate your country's postal service
- Malaysian Postcrossing meetup
- Introducing the Monthly Writing Prompts
October 2017
- Postcrossing Spotlight: ColorfulCourtney in Germany!
- Poll results: Writing your first postcard ever
- World Post Day is around the corner!
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Ireland!
September 2017
- Stationery makers: Kehvola
- Postcard Stories
- Poll results: Where do you mail your postcards?
- Swiss Postcrossing stamp launch + a giveaway!
August 2017
- Making Connections to Mozart
- Poll results: sending vs receiving?
- Celebrating connections across borders
July 2017
- New Postcrossing stamps... from Switzerland!
- Indonesian Postcrossing stamp launch!
- Postrip exhibition in Shanghai
- Postcrossing turns 12 + new Postcrossing stamps... from Indonesia!
- Marina's Scarf of Friendship
- Poll results: Licked or self-adhesive stamps?
- Natuurlijkefoto giveaway!
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
- The Little Mail Carriers at Toronto's First Post Office!
- Il Postino (The Postman)
- Cats checking the mail!
March 2017
- "What I am trying to say to you" giveaway!
- The Little Mail Carriers in the Åland Islands!
- Our Alice in Wonderland
- New postcard boxes' roundup!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Zeby from New Zealand!
- Postcards for a good cause: the 2016 results are in!
February 2017
- Romanian Postcrossing stamp launch + meetup
- A new Postcrossing stamp from Romania!
- Stationery makers: Joana Rosa Bragança
- The Graceful Envelope Contest — 2017 edition
- 40 Million Postcards!
- Joint Wuxi-Singapore meetup!
- Thank a Mail Carrier Day + contest results!
January 2017
- Month of Letters 2017 — are you in? (repost)
- 40 Million Postcards... guess when!
- Thank a Mail Carrier Day is coming up...
- The People's Post on BBC4
- Dear Data, the book!
- A new Postcrossing stamp from Belarus!
December 2016
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Luziaceleste from Brazil!
- Google PhotoScan
- Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands
- It's time to write to Santa!
November 2016
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Stunning 3D Landscapes by Caterina Rossato
- Postcrossing Spotlight: maleko from Hawaii!
- Michael's postbox game!
- A peek into New Zealand Post
October 2016
- Pipsticks review + giveaway!
- A new Typographic "sticker-card"!
- World Post Day is coming up!
- A special game of bingo... with postcards!
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
- Harry Potter exhibition at the Singapore Philatelic Museum!
- Visiting a mail sorting center in Bremen
- Postcrossing turns 11... plus 2 new stamps coming out today!
- Kaartfanaat giveaway!
June 2016
May 2016
- Around the world in 90 cents
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Austria!
- Ellen's special mailbox
- A special postcrosser: Corry1919 from the Netherlands!
April 2016
March 2016
- "Inside the GPO" documentary
- Wonders of America jigsaw puzzle giveaway!
- The first Postcrossing train meetup, in Romania!
- New Postcrossing stamps from the Netherlands!
- Postcards for a good cause: the 2015 results are in!
February 2016
- The Graceful Envelope Contest, 2016 edition
- Postcrossing Spotlight: kereru from New Zealand!
- It's time for the Month of Letters challenge! (repost)
January 2016
- Thank a Mailman Day is just around the corner!
- A ratical postcard wall!
- (Postal) systems at work
- Juliet's club
- Postcrossing Spotlight: cicus from Finland!
December 2015
November 2015
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Santa's address around the world!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Leicestershire, UK! - part 2
- The Little Mail Carriers in Leicestershire, UK!
- The Post Office in Galapagos Islands
October 2015
September 2015
- Postcrossing Spotlight: ybur from Czech Republic!
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Ukraine!
- Caitlin's postcard-themed wedding
- Czech Postcrossing stamp launch!
August 2015
- The Corn Palace
- Armenian Street Festival's Postcrossing exhibition — an update
- Birthday party map highlights
- Postcrossing's 10th birthday party map + giveaway results!
July 2015
- Postcrossing Spotlight: carolreader from USA!
- Hurraaaaay! Happy 10th birthday, Postcrossing!
- Ten years of smiles!
June 2015
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Czech Republic!
- Stationery makers: Lali Cards!
- Typographic Postcards
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
- Armenian Street Festival — a call for postcards!
- 30 Million Postcards!
May 2015
- Slovenian Postcrossing stamp launch!
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Slovenia!
- EUROPA stamp competition 2015
- Postcrossing Spotlight: poissonrouge from Guinea!
- 30 Million Postcards... guess when!
- The Penny Black turns 175!
April 2015
March 2015
- Dear Data
- Raisa's hand-drawn chibi characters
- The Czech Train Post Office Museum
- Postcards for a good cause: this year's results are in!
February 2015
January 2015
- It's time for the Month of Letters challenge! (repost)
- Russian Postcrossing stamp launch!
- A Postcrossing quilt!
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Russia!
- Postcards for a good cause - update
- The Little Mail Carriers in Stewart Island, New Zealand!
December 2014
November 2014
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!
- Letters to Santa!
- Meet Postwoman Deb!
- Come Home at Once + Weekend Giveaway
- The Little Mail Carriers in Belém, Brazil!
- Audrey's postcards!
- Postcards from Maude
October 2014
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Sprinkledonut from Canada!
- Stationery Shop Map
- Meet Postman Pieter!
- It's World Post Day!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Tabriz, Iran!
September 2014
- Postcrossing Spotlight: ichabodhides in the UK!
- A quirky postcard wall
- Weekend giveaway: Natuurlijkefoto!
- A back-and-forth postcard experiment
- Postcrossing Meeting at Sberatel/Collector's fair
- World Post Day is coming up!
- Postcrossing behind-the-scenes: unknown Postcard IDs
August 2014
- Postcrossing Spotlight: mad_madchen from Russia!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Brussels, Belgium!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Dinant, Belgium!
- Project "We Are One" from Tuvalu - an update
- 25 million postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: MacKittens from Germany!
- Postcrossing behind-the-scenes: address validation
July 2014
- Postcrossing behind-the-scenes!
- Spreading the love of postcards... in Malaysia!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Nzqu from Finland!
- The 25 million postcards guessing game!
- Happy 9th birthday, Postcrossing!
- Yogyakarta Postcrossing meetup!
- Jakarta Postcrossing meetup!
June 2014
- Postcrossing day at the Okanagan Regional Library!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: LyndaC from Canada!
- Postcrossing Connections: TBJean and rositahtc's story
- Francobolli, the postcard café
- The unlikely Dominican postman
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
- Postcrossing Spotlight: PostcardPerfect from the Philippines!
May 2014
- Guernsey Postcrossing stamp launch!
- EUROPA stamp competition 2014
- Postcard Happiness
- ToyVoyagers
- Mumbai meetups!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: wildernesscat in Israel!
- Project "We Are One" - Tuvalu on Postcrossing!
April 2014
- A new Postcrossing stamp... from Guernsey!
- Linen Postcards
- Got a wrong or missing Postcard ID?
- The Heartbleed issue
- Postcrossing connections: Loli-ts and azuzanka's story
- Weekend giveaway: Kaartfanaat!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Ålesund, Norway
March 2014
- Invading the Vintage
- Postcrossing Spotlight: David2051 from Indiana, USA!
- The Postcrossing Forum
- Amiko's beautiful postcards!
- Postcards for a good cause: the results are in!
February 2014
- Postcrossing connections: TotosDawn's story
- A Postcrossing postmark from Czech Republic!
- An update on our special call for postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: BlackDrago from Ukraine!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Pocatello, Idaho!
- A special call for postcards
January 2014
- A Month of Letters - 2014 edition (repost)
- Your (real) postcard walls
- Weekend giveaway: Art Unlimited!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: LadyP1964 in Germany!
- Postcard boxes roundup
- Belarusian Postcrossing stamp launches!
December 2013
- A new Postcrossing stamp, from Belarus!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: andrea209 from Germany!
- A Study in Dachshund
- Sir Rowland Hill, Postal Reformer
November 2013
- Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause
- Postcrossing connections: Telenn and Amit's story
- Wise Words + The Mo Project
- Postcrossing Spotlight: annet10 from Finland!
- Marichie & Annuc1s' Postcrossing story
- Around the world in Postcrossing meetups
- Everything is Connected + Weekend Giveaway
October 2013
- 20! Million! Postcards! :D
- Bad postcards!
- The 20 million postcards guessing game!
- En l'an 2000
- World Post Day!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: hope97 in Morocco!
September 2013
- Postcrossing Exhibition at the PostEurop Plenary Assembly
- Kaweco fountain pens
- Finnish Postcrossing stamp launches today!
August 2013
- Ellen Clapsaddle's postcards
- The Underground Worlds of Rail Mail
- The Little Mail Carriers fly to Boston and Washington!
- The Little Mail Carriers in Paris, France!
- Stationery makers: Green Banana Cards!
July 2013
- Field trip to MOO!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Dorthe from Denmark!
- Pillar Boxes
- Happy 8th Birthday Postcrossing!
- Postcrossing's 8th birthday is coming up!
June 2013
- The Little Mail Carriers in Galway, Ireland!
- PostSecret
- Best EUROPA stamp competition 2013
- Postcrossing Spotlight: sevvie from Finland
- The League of Extraordinary Penpals
- A special Taiwanese meetup + giveaway!
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
May 2013
- Oxford Postcrossing meetup!
- New Postcrossing stamps... from Finland!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: las424 in UAE
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Curt Teich Postcard Archives!
- Smarter Every Day - call for postcards
April 2013
- Fun with Postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: egni in Switzerland
- Stationery makers: The Missive Maven
- What does a trip through the mail look like?
- Fun Ways to Decorate a Postcard
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Drakrana from India
March 2013
- A postcard déjà vu
- Attending a Postcrossing meetup in Cologne
- Postcrossing Spotlight: dotdotPC in Finland
- Greetings from...
- Postcrossing Community Guidelines
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Hawwa in Morocco
February 2013
- A different ranking - updated
- Snakes & Ladders exhibition at the SPM
- Dictionaries for Postcrossers (re-post)
- Hello Kitty!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: minnasusanne
- Pneumatic Post
- 20 ideas of things to write on postcards!
- The World Needs More Love Letters
January 2013
- Postcrossing Spotlight: mondkind in Hamburg, Germany
- Dear Doctor...
- The Postcrossing Book Club at Reuver's Library
- Stationery maker: Anke Weckmann
- A visit to Schöning Verlag
- Postcrossing Spotlight: PostMuse in Pennsylvania, USA
- Gabi's shop garland
December 2012
- 15,000,000 postcards registered!
- Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!
- Our 15 million postcards guessing game!
- A once-in-a-century postcard!
November 2012
- Exaggeration and Tall-Tale Postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: PilotOne from Portugal
- Where should you write the Postcard ID?
- Postcrossing event in Baia Mare
- Postcrossing Spotlight: MichelleW from Texas, USA
October 2012
- Vintage Halloween Postcards
- illustransit's hand-drawn postcards
- International Bielefeld meetup 2012
- Guimarães 2012 school initiative - postcards received!
- Gotochi cards!
- World Post day (repost)
- Notice something different?
- Postcrossing Spotlight: dst121gr from Greece
September 2012
- EUROPA Stamps
- Postcrossing in academia
- By Kris giveaway results!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Gogge1 from Denmark
- By Kris giveaway!
- Postcard storage: boxes, albums and more!
August 2012
- Postcrossing day in Sochi
- Postcrossing Spotlight: WY from Taiwan
- Unique postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Fimafengur from Iceland
- Thomas Goletz and Diddl the Mouse
- Where are the postcrossers?
- Stationery maker: One little journey
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Blackthornhiei from El Salvador
July 2012
- Royal Mail's Olympic initiatives: golden post boxes and next day stamps!
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
- Edward Gorey and his postcards
- Happy 7th Birthday, Postcrossing!
- Let's talk prizes!
- Postcrossing's birthday is coming up...
June 2012
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Marianna7 in the UK
- Anne Taintor's witty style
- The Little Mail Carriers in Novosibirsk, Russia!
- FunnyCard weekend giveaway results!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: DiannaMacau from Macau
- Weekend giveaway: FunnyCard!
May 2012
- POSTICK - converting things into postcards!
- UNESCO World Heritage sites
- A Postcrossing cancellation mark!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: SonOfBilly from New Zealand!
- Melvin the Mini Machine
- Lithuanian giveaway results + stamp project
- Lithuanian postcards + giveaway
April 2012
- Postcrossing Infographic
- Kickstarter + MOO giveaway results
- Europa stamp competition 2012
- MOO's Spring sale + giveaway!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Jany from Mexico!
March 2012
February 2012
- Spotlight interview: FairyFoot from the UK
- Being a mail carrier + Giveaway results
- European Capital of Culture - Guimarães 2012
- Weekend giveaway: Stamp-postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: AllSerene from the UK
- A Month of Letters Challenge
January 2012
- The Little Mail Carriers in Okinawa, Japan!
- 10,000,000 registered postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: nboliveira from Brazil
- A contest for the 10 million postcards milestone!
- Indian Postcrossing meetup on 11/11/11
- I won't give up, by Jason Mraz
- A Postcrossing wedding
December 2011
- Postcrossing Spotlight: iamnuchy from Thailand
- Night Mail + weekend giveaway results
- On your marks! Set! Send!
- The Little Mail Carriers at the Bielefeld meeting!
November 2011
- Weekend giveaway results + fun festive facts
- Weekend Giveaway: Go Green!
- Imagine dragons...
- Swab your cheeks for Amit!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: ddonkey from Croatia
October 2011
- Stationery makers: Holly Webber
- The Little Mail Carriers in Tianjin, China!
- Postcrossing stamp launch + PostNL contest
- The Postcrossing stamp launch
- Postcrossing Spotlight: bodrumlu from Turkey
September 2011
- Who would you put on a stamp?
- MOO giveaway winners
- Postcrossing Spotlight: lucymonty from UK
- Weekend giveaway: MOO!
- Postcard sets roundup!
- We have winners!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: martinha from Portugal
- Weekend giveaway: House of St Junior
- Stationery makers: dicky bird
August 2011
- Weekend giveaway: PostCarden
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Evanscrew from USA
- The Little Mail Carriers in Australia - part 2!
- Tasty Cards contest results!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Volvomom from USA
- - mouthwatering postcards!
- Best EUROPA stamp competition
July 2011
- Postcrossing Spotlight: jamie1972 from Switzerland
- A different kind of Postcrossing meetup
- Charles Lindbergh, U.S. Air Mail pilot
- Stationery makers: Lila Ruby King
- Six years of postcards, million of smiles!
- Happy 6th Birthday Postcrossing! :)
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Christa from Germany
- The Little Mail Carriers in Australia!
- Postcrossing's 6th birthday is coming up!
June 2011
- Postcrossing Spotlight: BraveJ from Serbia
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
- J.W. Westcott: Detroit's floating post office
- World's smallest post service - DIY kit
- Postcrossing Spotlight: lapoussine35 from France
- Par avion
- Postcrossing Spotlight: marja2006 from Finland
May 2011
- Via Airmail
- Railway Post Office
- Inge Löök's old ladies
- Postcrossing Spotlight: dj_christina from Bulgaria
- Postal surveys
- Postman Pat!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: anagahan from Macedonia
- Frankie & The Heartstrings - That postcard
April 2011
- And we are back!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Kilona from Finland
- Postcrossing Spotlight: sinta from Indonesia
March 2011
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Patagonia from Chile
- Japan 2011 earthquake
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Mickaela from the United Kingdom
- The Little Mail Carriers in Taiwan, Netherlands and Spain!
February 2011
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Hexentrio from Germany
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Robin67 from the Austria
- Mailart 365
- What to do with unknown Postcard IDs
January 2011
- Bunny Wonderland
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Duplevista from the United Kingdom
- FI-1000000!
- Helping children through postcards
- Polish sound postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: FloridaGirl from USA
December 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: nextlola from Italy
- A different ranking
- Postcrossing Spotlight: scrutiny from Hong Kong
- International Bielefeld 2010 Meetup
- Postcrossing Spotlight: bcsikar from Serbia
November 2010
- The Little Mail Carriers in Tainan, Taiwan!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Dees from The Netherlands
- Mail sorting
- World's largest postcard!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: aardvark from South Africa
October 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: maroussia from France, but in China!
- The power of a postcard
- School projects
- Happy World Post Day! (repost)
- Postcrossing Spotlight: brunyi from Belgium
September 2010
- Present & Correct
- The Mail Clock
- Postcrossing Spotlight: isagv from Germany
- The Englishman who posted himself and other curious objects
- Friends of Art & Art Unlimited
- Postcrossing Spotlight: toucans from United Kingdom
- Letters of note
August 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: yvi-1 from USA
- 5000000 postcards received!
- Time for the 5000000 card contest!
- Japanese vs USA addresses
- Postcrossing Spotlight: MaHaKo from Finland
- Underwater Post Office
- Mysterious Letters
- Five years of smiles!
July 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: ipuenktchen from Iran
- Guinness record: most postcards sent
- Postcrossing Spotlight: honeybee from Austria
- 5 years and counting
- Postcards from the World Cup
- Results are up!
June 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Mundoo from Australia
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Danger
- Little Paulo & Ana in Nassau, Bahamas!
- Monthly contest: Caption a postcard!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: wackystuff from Canada
- Postcard + Garden = PostCarden!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Luxi from Luxembourg
May 2010
- First monthly contest: the results!
- Some postman you turned out to be!
- Little Paulo & Ana in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: zasa from Switzerland
- New monthly contest!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: DanielD from Uruguay
- The volcano effect in Postcrossing
April 2010
- Latest Postcrossing meetups
- Postcrossing Spotlight: moonlessnite from Canada
- Earth day 2010 + Tuvalu = Postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Twinkley from New Zealand
- The traveling mail carriers in Cape Coral, Florida
March 2010
- UNICEF thanks Postcrossers!
- 4 000 000 postcards!! :D
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Synnin from Russia
- Little Paulo & Ana in the Netherlands!
- 4 million postcards... and a contest!
- Hearts in unity with postcards
- Postcrossing Spotlight: octabis from France
- World's oldest paperboy?
February 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: heidrunhlin from Iceland
- The traveling mail carriers
- Your most popular postcards!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: SkipE from the U.S.A.
January 2010
- Postcrossing Spotlight: nowaglas from U.S.A.
- Why are you sending me postcards?
- Search and you shall find!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: valdagua from Portugal
- Year of the Tiger
December 2009
- Postcrossing Spotlight: imajica from Malaysia
- Postcrossing Spotlight: nane85 from Germany
- UNICEF postcards
- Meetups: an update
- Paper Culture
- Postcrossing Spotlight: arjakos from Finland
November 2009
- The art of the postcard - celebration
- Postcrossing Spotlight: klemko from Slovenia
- Letterpress holiday cards, from Etsy
- Christmas postcards - 5 picks from Moo
- Postcrossing Spotlight: MuhV from Estonia
October 2009
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Jude and TPL from Northern Mariana Islands
- Happy World Post Day!
- Postcrossing Spotlight: nordbaer from Germany
- My REAL wall
September 2009
- Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writing
- Postcrossing Spotlight: pbesoo from The Netherlands
- One, two, three! 3 million postcrossing postcards!
- Countdown to 3 million postcards
- Postcrossing Love
- International Postcrossing meetup in Helsinki
- Postcrossing Spotlight: Huppu68 from Finland
August 2009
- Sandy, the Armchair Traveller
- Postcrossing Spotlight: kazinhabueno from Brazil
- Dictionaries for Postcrossers
- Abe's Penny
- Tin can mail
- Postcrossing Spotlight: adriennegarry from New Zealand
- A Postcrosser European Tour
July 2009
- Postcrossing Spotlight: paulo from Portugal
- Postcrossing is 4 years old!
- Re-post: Planning your holidays?
June 2009
May 2009
- Bendy friends
- Indexed Postcards
- Postcrossing as a school project
- Quirky mailboxes
- More Postcrossing meetups!
- World Lupus Day & LupusCrossing
- Moomins!
April 2009
- Owney the Postal Dog
- A Duck of All Time
- Postcards from Everywhere
- LupusCrossing - Butterflies are crossing the World
- Meetups in Germany
- ChocoTelegrams!
March 2009
- Tampere (Finland) meetup
- World's smallest postal service
- Year of the Ox: A Cow and Bull Story
- Meetups updates
February 2009
- 2 million received postcards! YAY! Can you believe it?
- (Almost) 2 million postcards!
- Tell us what you think!
- How to speed up mail delivery time
January 2009
December 2008
November 2008
October 2008
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
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