Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Playful, Curious, Mischievous: the Acorn Elves / Dubánci of Petr Václavek


Petr Václavek is the creator of the Acorn Elves, beloved characters in the Postcrossing community and beyond.

a collage featuring small, handmade figurines crafted from natural materials like acorns, twigs, and nuts, posed in various whimsical scenarios such as reading, making coffee, enjoying nature, and celebrating autumn and winter themes.
Petr smiles with his chin resting on a table, surrounded by small, handcrafted figurines made from natural materials like acorns and twigs, displayed in front of a blurred background of bookshelves.
Petr smiles with some of his acorn elves

Petr paused from his work last autumn to share with Clarisse (aka CStar9) how he got his start in photography, give us an inside look at his artistic process, and let us peek at the cute stickers he debuted last year.

You’ve described the acorn elves (dubánci, in Czech) as a happy accident. When building woodland characters to entertain your children, you ran out of chestnuts and switched to using acorns. At what point did you realize this was an idea that could be widely – even globally – popular?

Yes, it was exactly like that – the acorn elves were created by accident. We ran out of chestnuts and so I used acorns instead, which we had plenty of in the garden. I first realised the popularity of the acorn elves when I posted the first pictures of them on social media – everyone loved them and they were one of my most successful posts. But it took me another year to realize how popular they really are. The first year I made only two or three figures, but a year later I made more and since then I’ve been making them regularly. The most successful one was of course the one sitting on the toilet, which literally went around the world (at least on the internet).

An acorn elf sitting on a toilet made of half a tree nut, reading a newspaper made of birch bark
The most famous and widely shared acorn elf
What are some elements that define Dubánci for you?

Playful, curious, mischievous, funny, mischievous again… They are forest creatures that have inhabited oak forests since time immemorial (sometimes you can see them in nature, but they are very shy and can hide themselves skillfully), but at the same time they are – at least some of them – very curious and so they watch what is happening in the human world and then try to imitate humans. But they don’t always get everything right and that’s how a lot of comical situations arise, which I like to capture in photographs.

How do you get an idea from your head to the final image? Which step in that process is generally the most challenging / time-intensive?
a mosaic of pencil sketches and photos of acorn elves
Learn more about Petr’s process behind one picture.

The process is sometimes a bit lengthy – sometimes it takes a few years from the initial idea, because I have a lot of ideas and they keep coming. In order to get them out of my head and not forget them, I write them down – actually, I sketch them – in a notebook, and then once in a while I make one of the ideas come true – I build an acorn elf based on the sketch, take it to the woods or some other nice place, take a photo of it there, and then edit the photos in Photoshop at home.

Sometimes the hardest part is to make the acorn elf, sometimes to glue together its equipment (bike, motorbike, lantern), and sometimes it’s much harder to take photos. Just to find a suitable place in the forest I have run dozens of kilometers there. Sometimes the shot needs a lot of editing in Photoshop, because even digital photography isn’t omnipotent (or I shot it wrong).

But I enjoy all of the above stages and am happy when the result entertains the fans.

Is there a particular image that has a funny or surprising creation story?

It’s interesting that even after eight years I still remember where I took each photo, including the story that led to the photo. Many of the photos were taken with my youngest daughter in the stroller – when she was about to go to bed after lunch, I loaded her into the stroller, grabbed my acorn elves and camera, and headed out into the woods. Along the way I looked for nice places to take pictures and when she finally fell asleep, I stopped and took pictures of acorn elves.

acorn elf on a motorcycle on a road with the forest seemingly whirring by
Faithful copy of the famous Czech motorcycle, the Jawa 250

I have made several means of transport for the acorn elves. The first one was a bicycle (I am an avid amateur cyclist), followed by a scooter, a skateboard and then a motorbike came to mind. But I wanted it to be perfect, so I found the plans of a historic Czech motorcycle, Jawa 250, and glued together a faithful copy of it. It’s probably their most challenging item – it took me 10 hours to glue it together, but the result is worth it!

with little pumpkins in the background, two acorn elves stand on a table, one with its hand missing and one with its head off and a wooden pumpkin-carving knife in the foreground
A scene Petr didn’t plan!

While photographing the instructions for making Halloween pumpkin decorations for a children’s magazine, one of the acorn elves dropped his little hand. So I immediately shot a horror scene, which was definitely not in the plan. At least the kids will be more careful of their fingers when they are working with the knife while carving the pumpkins!

An acorn elf sitting in a portapotty made of sticks, with another acorn elf waiting its turn in queue

My most famous and favourite photo is of the acorn elf sitting on the toilet and reading newspapers. When I was taking a set of postcards for the holiday campers, I thought I would reuse the toilet! All I had to do was make a wooden caddy and a funny new scene was ready!

acorn elf pulling mail from a tiny birch bark mailbox
Petr’s first postcard of an acorn elf

This was one of the first acorn elves postcards. The owner of a local postcard company talked me into designing a couple of postcards with acorn elves on them. And when I told him that postcards weren’t used much anymore, he showed me Postcrossing. I was impressed and immediately asked him what should be on the postcard, what motif would users like the most. He replied – well, something with mail, like a mailbox. I immediately remembered that a few days ago I was building little houses for the acorn elves in the nearby forest with kids, so I just glued together a mailbox and some letters and postcards from birch bark at home and went to take pictures.

I was once approached by a magazine that said they would like to do an article on acorn elves and that they could be on the cover, but as it was for the Christmas issue they wanted something with a Christmas theme and came up with the nativity scene.

A nativity scene made from acorns, twigs, and leaves, set under a starry night sky with a crescent moon and a shooting star, featuring an angel flying above.

I took it as a challenge and had a great time. Especially shooting in the dark and lighting the scene. It made a perfect cover and to this day it is one of the most beautiful Christmas cards.

What is your studio like?

I may surprise you, but I don’t have a studio. I usually glue them in the evenings at home, right in the living room on the table, when my wife and children are asleep. I have a quiet place to work and no one disturbs me. It’s just that the midnight clean-up is sometimes more difficult, because I have to carry a lot of boxes of material and all sorts of tools while I’m working.

A crafting workspace with a wooden table covered in tools, glue, twigs, acorns, and natural materials, used for creating miniature figurines.
Petr’s studio: a table in the living room in the deep night

The most important tool in the work is of course the hot glue gun – it’s unbelievable what you can do with a melt gun. At one time I used to make stuffed animals with my youngest daughter with a melt gun because I got tired of sewing them with a needle :) Another must is a sharp knife or gardening shears. But sometimes you also need to use a jigsaw, a hacksaw, a small cutter or a soldering iron.

And if you ever catch me gluing acorn elves in the evening, you might be surprised how often I look in the mirror and try out their poses – I want the result to look as natural as possible. So sometimes I’ll use a mirror, other times I’ll search the internet for inspirational photos of the pose.

Acorn elves look simple. But there are trade skills needed to create their world: woodworking, photography, and design, to name a few. You learned woodworking in your father’s workshop as a child, then studied software engineering and became a programmer and web designer. When did photography come into your toolkit? And, do you still work as a designer?

When I was a kid, I liked to help my dad in the darkroom when he developed our family photos, but I didn’t try photography then. I didn’t get interested until after graduation, when I was a senior front-end developer for a multinational corporation and the first affordable digital cameras came out.

Sometime in 2003 I bought an Olympus C730 digital ultrazoom with an amazing 3 megapixel resolution and 10x optical zoom. It was a small miracle for me and I fell completely in love with digital photography – I watched a lot of photography websites, had my images critiqued and gradually learned how to take decent pictures.

A calendar featuring Acorn Elves on the cover, depicting three handcrafted acorn figures walking in a forest, with a detailed interior photo showcasing a rustic scene.

Everyone liked my photos and I often heard that I could do it for a living. So I tried uploading my images to microstock sites and was surprised at how well they sold. So I gradually built up my portfolio on the microstock in the evenings, and later I started adding vector illustrations because I found they sold even more and I enjoyed making them.

As time went on, my earnings from the microstock were more than my income from my corporate job, so I switched to freelancing. Nowadays, I still make my living from the microstock, but I do other graphic design work on commission from time to time, and then of course the acorn elves make some money too, but I still think of them as my creative escapades that I do for fun.

What is your relationship to postal mail, and how has that evolved over time?

I love the mail, it’s always a surprise what turns up in the mailbox and when it arrives. When I discovered Postcrossing, I thought it was a great idea and I love it! My kids and I have sent several postcards out into the world this way. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the price of postage doesn’t go up too much and that Postcrossing will continue to thrive in the future.

a selection of Christmas postcards

And one more thing – this year I have prepared a special set of stickers with acorn elves for decorating postcards. So maybe someone will like it.

A sheet of whimsical stickers featuring acorn figurines in playful poses with captions like Sent with Love, Snail Mail Priority and Happy New Mail.
Get the stickers here!
What’s something you’re proud of, outside of the acorn elves project?

Definitely my kids! We have three and they’re so smart. My oldest is following in my programming footsteps and my two daughters are incredibly creative, so I have my acorn elves followers.

The acorn elves are now postcards, calendars, stickers, t-shirts, books, even games. What’s next for them, and for you?
Two t-shirts featuring a sleeping cat cuddling with acorn figurines, displayed on a wooden background.

I’ve been making postcards, calendars, and t-shirts for years. I thought it was a shame to keep the photos only on the internet. This way, the acorn elves are more exposed to the real world and many more people get to know them. Over time, in addition to my Czech e-shop, I started a shop on Zazzle, just to fulfill the wishes of my foreign fans. And of course I also made a separate site in English.

In the last few years, I’ve started to create more books. I began to collaborate with a successful children’s book writer Klara Smolíková and so gradually three books with stories of acorn elves for children were created. It’s a different job again, when I have to read the text and take pictures according to the story.

I didn’t limit the author in any way as to what is and isn’t possible in photography and so there were many challenges that I thought I couldn’t possibly overcome. For example, I photographed a flying bird nest with a lizard and an acorn elf, or an acorn elf with a dog fleeing underground through mole burrows from fighting earthworms. But in the end I did it all! And if I can get a publisher abroad, these lovely books will be published in English.

Actually, I have already published one book in France, bilingual (English and French): Acorn Elves – the lovely creatures from Petr Vaclavek. But it doesn’t contain a story for children; it’s a book of my photos with short bilingual captions, a short interview, and a photo guide for gluing and taking pictures of an acorn acorn sits on a plate eating a snack while a hand holds up the book about Acorn Elves

What does the future hold for the acorn elves?

I’d love to see them in an animated movie or TV show someday. I’ve been working with a Czech company on this for a year now, but it’s a long haul – you can’t do it with one person anymore. I definitely also want to try to come up with a board game with acorn elves in the next few years, and maybe we can make a computer game – that would be a nice stepping stone to a movie.

You can find out more about Petr and his acorn elves on his website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or other social media. You can also visit his shop for Europe or for the rest of the world.

And now, for the traditional giveaway! Clarisse is going to send 4 postcards featuring Petr’s Acorn Elves to 4 randomly picked postcrossers. To participate, you have to tell us: “If you could create your own acorn elf, what would it look like or what would it be doing?” Leave a comment below, and come back this time next week to check out the winners!

And the winners of this giveaway, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… ChrStroh, wendyquilter, harrickson and Blumenkohl! Congratulations, and thank you all for participating!

184 comments so far

Toome2, Netherlands

What a great creator, I love the way people use there fantasy.
This interview is again a nice way to read how we enjoy postcrossing.
My acorn elves like to do a little skating on ice, like we are doing as Dutch.

angel555, Russia

These acorn elves are just wonderful. I wish someone would send me a postcard with them) My acorn elf would be fishing while sitting in a boat.

wormole, United Kingdom

These are absolutely adorable - you are so clever.

My acorn elf would be walking his acorn dog.

GoCindy, United States of America

I’ve never seen or known about this wonderful world of elves! My elf would be riding a bicycle.

elbe, Germany

Great interview - great artist - lovely acorn fellows! :D
Perhaps I'd send one of them as an astronaut to outer space, meeting some friendly aliens...

livi16, Spain

Wonderful creations!

My acorn elves would like to swim.

dubanek, Czech Republic

Thank you for your kind and lovely comments! And also for your ideas for new Acorn Elves. Feel free to mention in your comments which Acorn Elves you think are missing from the postcards. I will definitely pick some of your suggestions and photograph them for the next set of postcards, or (if I already have a suitable photo) I’ll add it to the collection.

Petr Václavek, creator of the Acorn Elves

queenofc, Germany

OMG, that absolutely warmed my heart; just what I needed today ❤️. If I could create my own acorn elf it would be a Physical Therapist in a humorous situation/treatment with a patient !

psychichigo, Japan

I recently went to an art gallery and absolutely fell in love with a contemporary artist. I wanted to support her work but there were no affordable options in the giftshop. I have so much respect for artists willing to produce postcards and stickers so that their work can be shared widely rather than limiting it to a select elite few. Petr - your art is so charming and so clearly made with love! Please continue to breathe life into Europe's mischievous and charismatic legendary creatures!

ChrStroh, Austria

I would LOVE an acorn elf interacting with a cat - maybe just looking at it from a distance, or even riding it - that would be such a great cross over for all the cat fans out there :D

ctr, Germany

Lovely Photos. My Acorn Elves would like to dance or do covers of famous art works.

Guny, Switzerland

My acorn elf would chill in the hammock 🏖️.
Very nice Acorn Elves 😍.

piper06, United States of America

What a delightful interview, thank you! I’d love to see the elves camping, or an acorn elf teaching a child something like how to tie thier shoes. Or an acorn elf feeding a baby their first solid food.

Thank you for sharing this creative artist with us!

Blue_Sheep, Germany

Oh my! What adorable pictures 😍
My acorn elf would be tending to his garden of crops. Maybe in cute little pots, or if he is a more ambitious gardener a small farm of wheat or mini-sunflowers.

tcornell, United States of America

My acorn elf would be soaking in a hot tub.

an-foxy, Belarus

My acorn elf would be sailing in a kayak or playing board games at the table with a group of friends 🌰🛶🎲

Indreni, United States of America

Amazing work, Petr! This is the uplifting story we need nowadays. Kudos to all the creators everywhere.

My acorn elf would be doing Tai chi!

CorgiGirl, United States of America

My acorn elf would be walking a dog. I love the acorn elves.

kelpie, United Kingdom

I love these elves! Firstly when I saw them years ago, it reminded me about forest creatures from my favorite "Kuky se vrací" movie. And he is from Czechia as well :)

My acorn elf would meet Kooky the Bear.

Bille, Germany

That's such an amazing art work 💙
My acorn elf should be a singer or a guitar player in a band 🎸🧑🏽‍🎤

TerriGreenberg, United States of America

Love these little creatures. One day, all my favorite little friends would have a giant party (the little chef, the on). In the meantime, how about crocheting? I'm happy to crochet you a few tiny scarves to use!

Chique, Netherlands

My elves would be playing tennis on the tennis court as I am a huge tennis fan 🎾

Demmi, Romania

Wonderful creations!
My acorn elf would take a walk with his house friends a cat & a dog!
(the cat must be black wit orange eyes and the dog must be an Akita dog)

:) :D

carlwritescards, Germany

These cuties made my day and just motivated me to try it on my own. I think acorn elves with flying kites would be sweet. 🌬️🪁

dackelerna, Germany

what a great creativity, really love this :)
My acorn elve would stand on a ladder picking apples from a tree.

Greenveg32, United States of America

I think my acorn elves would be green leprechauns because I have a house that is green with a big oak tree and Saint Patrick's day is soon and one extra acorn elf would have a sombrero for Cinco de Mayo because acorns will jump like Mexican jumping beans when you collect them from the Oak tree in our green house yard. I know this to be real and true!

Lider, Russia

These are absolutely adorable =)
My acorn elf would be embroidering.

Willi, Germany

wow, what a great story! If I had the talent, I would make the Beatles with 4 elves, including the instruments

ClareBerlin, United Kingdom

I ADORE these wonderful little people. How clever and unusual.
I would love to see a whole choir of acorn elves, singing with joy!

elkmoon, United States of America

Hi Petr! I remember seeing your work floating around blogs back in the day! It's wonderful to hear that you've made a living from your creative works. My acorn elf would definitely be napping in some soft, green mosses, I wish I could do that myself! All the best.

Rocky, United States of America

I love the acorn elves! As I was reading your story, I was visualizing you pushing your daughter in the baby stroller. So my acorn elves would be a proud acorn father pushing a stroller with his little baby acorn in it OR a set of proud acorn parents cradling their newborn acorn baby and looking lovingly down at him or her snuggled up in a blanket.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with the world!
Eileen, USA

stormarela, Canada

If I could make an Acorn Elf, she would be knitting! I adore how deceptively simple they look, and yet appreciate how complicated and exacting they must be to make. Thank you for sharing!

juliakay, United States of America

I love the creativity and spirit of these little elves, and of course I would love some postcards. My little elf would be sewing a quilt for those cold winter nights.

Anywhate, United States of America

My acorn elf would be walking in a wind storm with leaves flying around. Thank you for sharing your amazing work.

cbayha, United States of America

My father would always tell me, "Remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you", whenever I was frustrated for felt that I could not succeed at something. Back then it made me feel strong, and now it reminds me to be humble. We all start out small, just like acorns. When my father passed, I got my first tattoo (at age 55!) of two acorns and an oak leaf. Right over my heart.
My Acorn elf would have to be a father and daughter walking hand in hand.

suvimmmm, Finland

My acorn elves would have dachshund.

durtlskdi, United States of America

So cute!!

RomaandPaul, United States of America

100% delightful! (I needed delight today.)

My acorn elf would be flying a bi-plane with an open air cockpit!

cspt, United States of America

If I made an acorn elf, I think I would show itgardening. Maybe it will have flowers growing? Maybe some bushes? Maybe a pretty gazebo or an arbor!

mirletaliz, United States of America

My acorn elf would send mail or play with an acorn unicorn - both have lots of scenic possibilities.

clbrown, United States of America

These little acorn people always make me smile :) I would have my acorn person scooping grain into a wheelbarrow to go feed the animals. I was raised on the farm - can't tell, can you?? :) Thank you for the story too!

BONBON, United Kingdom

My acorn elf is nestled in the heart of the forest, surrounded by a mandala of colorful leaves, each one carefully arranged to form a natural circle. In the centre, the elf is painting a new Czech stamp design on a tiny canvas. Beside the elf is a pestle and mortar, used to mix pigments made from crushed forest treasures—berries, mushrooms, delicate flowers, pine needles, moss, leaves etc. A palette holds each of these earthy colours which capture the hues of the woodland. In the background, a curious squirrel peeks from a hollow in the tree. Nearby, strips of tree bark are scattered, adorned with sketches and small sculptures, remnants of the elf's creative process 🌿

sacdalton, United States of America

What talent! I have a love/hate relationship with acorns since I several oak trees near my garden. The squirrels dig up my vegetables and flowers to plant them.

I'd love to see a little acorn gardener (s) being chased by a squirrel.

MaryYellan, Italy

My acorn elf would be trekking up a mountain with a big backpack on their shoulders, and it would be a lovely sunny spring day

sunshine_daydream, United States of America

My acorn elf would be sitting around a bonfire playing a banjo

CorgiLove, United States of America

My elf would have a little cape like a superhero!

MoScuba, United States of America

My acorn elf would be a scuba diver!!!

SuziH, Canada

How sweet and whimsical are these little acorn elves. I love them all and hope someday to receive a postcard of them.

Verabrady, United States of America

I haven’t looked at any of the above comments because I don’t want them to influence my idea which I got while reading the interview.
I would have an acorn elf sitting in front of an open burning wood stove holding out one hand warming it and the other wiping a tear from her eye saying, “ I wish they had cut down the maple instead, mama.”
Really lovely work Petr. Bless your creative mind and hands.

mwntimperial, United Kingdom

These Acorn Elves are new to me and I love them!
I'd like to see elderly Acorn Elves and also a birthday party scene.

Ceres1849, United Kingdom

My perfect Acorn Elf would be sitting in an Armchair with a nice cup of tea , warmly dressed and wearing their spectacles whilst reading a book intently.
That simple ! I love these acorn Elfs......

Lunushka, Belarus

My acorn elf would be doing cross-stitching or knitting

Alpe-Adria-Radlerin, Germany

My ahorn elf would be collecting mushrooms in the forest.
Really love your acorn elves!

itzapitzza, United States of America

These little guys are my favorite postcards to send! As I live near the beach...I'd have them surfing, playing volleyball, building sand castles or just lounging on the sand relaxing!

cherrytree687, United States of America

These little acorn guys are so cute! I’d make one sitting down with a glass of wine in hand and a cozy cat on the lap. 🐈

Bees-and-Butterflies, France

I love the Acorn Elves. What wonderful fun!
My Acorn Elf would be wearing a beret, carrying a baguette and would of course, drive a Citroen 2CV.

anupgarg, India

My acorn elf would be a little explorer, dressed like an intrepid adventurer with a tiny acorn cap as a safari hat, a twig walking stick, and a leaf-shaped map in hand. It would be on a daring journey through the deep forest, encountering curious animals, discovering hidden mushroom villages, and perhaps even befriending a mischievous squirrel along the way. To capture its sense of wonder, I’d place it standing on a mossy rock, gazing at a glowing firefly like it’s a rare treasure. After all, every great adventure begins with a tiny step—or in this case, a tiny acorn elf!

Bart1, Hungary

These elves are so cute! My acorn elf would be painting a picture or driving a car.

13wolves, Hungary

How delightful!
My acorn elf would be sleeping. In a cosy, peaceful place.

penguinmail, United States of America

I was thinking about one roasting some marshmallows, but maybe a mountaineer elf climbing a tall tree/branch (to see what it could see). This was a lovely feature article, thanks!

BP, Poland

Cool. I've seen a lot of postcards with elves, but I don't think there was a businessman :)
My acorn elf will be a hat salesman. The bald customer will try on a fashionable acorn hat in front of a mirror.

piz, Germany

So much fun to look at them!
My acorn elf would be a mountaineer climbing a big rock in the forest.

Kitaloko, Brazil

If I knew how to do woodworkm I would do my acorn elf sunbathing on a beach, sitting on a chair under a beach umbrella!

Michelle305, United States of America

I absolutely loved reading about the creator of Acorn Elves! I've seen these adorable designs before and even purchased a few, but I was always curious about the entire collection and whether there were more designs. I'm thrilled there's a link to the stickers. My Acorn Elf would be exploring the depths of outer space! 🪐🌕🚀 🌎

HM, Netherlands

Acorn Elves planting acorns, like in
The Man Who Planted Trees, book by French author Jean Giono, published in 1953.

NaturalistNatalie, United States of America

I would make my acorn elf look for critters in a stream.

stacyj25, United States of America

It was so nice to meet the creator of these famous little works of creativity! My little acorn elf would be feeding her chickens.

KitchenTable, Canada

These are wonderful. My acorn elf would be gardening--badly, with flowers and weeds and veg all mixed up together. I don't think elves are big on weeding.

Koudelinka, Czech Republic

Acorn elves have been with us for more than two years. They are very popular with me and my friends. My acorn elf would definitely be the lighthouse keeper. He could stand at the top of the railing. Or he would sit on a bench next to the lighthouse. And watch the sunset.

merjem, Bosnia and Herzegovina


SparklyTurnip, Australia

So much fun! 🤩
I’d like to see a game of tug with a doggy 😍

Matrini, Germany

Since i'm a surgery nurse from the bottom of my heart, i'd definitely create a surgery acorn elves team at work! 😷

Gelian, Germany

My acorn elf would sit on the couch, watching football and a fluffy cat would lie on his stomach.🙂

wendyquilter, Canada

Acorn elves are so cute! My acorn elf would be sewing, either clothes for the little ones or perhaps a quilt to keep warm on cold winter nights.

ArchaeoloBree, Australia

These acorn elves are absolutely delightful! My acorn elf would be working at a sewing machine, fixing up some new clothes!

craziferretlady, United States of America

I love this!🤩 It reminds me of fairy furniture for fairy gardens.🧚‍♀️
My acorn elf would be somewhere in a forest sitting on a tree stump meditating.🧘

AccentOnHakes, United States of America

I love these! I would love to see my acorn elf relaxing in a nice bath, maybe in a forest puddle.

ahmandah, United States of America

Very sweet. My mom showed me photos like this recently, I think she’d love a postcard of it.
My acorn elf would say give a friendly wave to a squirrel.

Cheryll, Suriname

A M A Z I N G!!!
What a talent you have, success with your business 🌰
Interesting link too, the making of an elf.

I would take my elf to a tropical scene, shelling on a beach for example 🐚🐚 😉

Featheredletters, United States of America

These are so cute! My acorn elf would be lying in a field watching the clouds go by.

lixiujing, Malaysia

If I could create my own acorn elf, it would be training with a Wing Chun wooden dummy stand or doing a sidekick.

moonflowerink, United States of America

My acorn elf would be in the kitchen trying to cook dinner while their little acorn children get into things. I'd like to think that even fairy creatures have the same struggles as me!

victorgrabreu, Brazil

It's amazing, I really loved it! My elf would surely be resting in a tiny hammock on the beach.

greatoaksstudents, Taiwan

I love these!
I have an acorn elf calendar in my classroom every year. I use the old calendar pictures to decorate the hallways in my little school. Love to get these cards! They always make me smile. 😃 My acorn elf would be a teacher surrounded by lots of little acorn elves.
Thank you so much Petr!

Nadia_Jang, Korea (South)

Amazing creator! My acorn elf would be a traveling mummy with a baby elfie in her backpack! 🎒

Mirfi, Australia

I love the acorn elves. I was so excited to get a postcard of one of them in the mail.
It would be fun for the acorn elves to visit Australia and play some Aussie Rules Football.

Blumenkohl, Germany

What a brilliant article! It was so nice to learn more about the little acorn figurines. If I would make an acorn elf, my would be standing on an open book with a magnifying glas

P05tkatze, Germany

The acorn elves photos are amazing and so humorous and expressive. 🤩 And it was fun to read this interview!
My personal acorn elves would interact with birds. Maybe a black bird, which prefers soft food, so the elves are out of danger. Feeding it? Flying with it? Having an argument about something? 🐦
Or the elves would visit their own versions of famous buildings or Unesco WHS buildings and here they would visit the Porta Nigra. 😄

What is missing in the postcard sets? In the international shop I missed the coffee pictures, but I saw they are included in sets in the European shop, so they are there. They are just too good to not be on a postcard. Hm... There is winter/Christmas, spring/Easter and autumn postcard set. What about summer? Or another version of a parachute jump would be cool with someone afraid of heights.

BaiZimo, China

This is really amazing. It's the first time I've read such a wonderful story! The author's writing ability is truly remarkable. I like his articles so much and hope he can update them.

BaiZimo, China

After reading this story about the acorn, my heart is filled with ripples, brimming with emotion and contemplation.

The acorn in the story may be small and ordinary, yet it contains a powerful vitality and profound implications. It reminds me of the tenacity and resilience of life. Just like the acorn, even when buried in the dark soil, it harbors the dream of breaking through the ground and growing vigorously. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles it encounters, such as the onslaught of wind and rain or the infertility of the soil, it silently perseveres, waiting for the right moment and striving to take root and sprout. This unwavering spirit is exactly what we should learn in life.

At the same time, the growth of the acorn is inseparable from the nourishment of its surrounding environment. The sun gives it warmth, the rain gives it moisture, and the soil gives it nutrients. This is just like our lives, which are inseparable from the support and love of family, friends, and society. We grow with the help of others and should also learn to be grateful and give back to others and society when we are able.

From the story of the acorn, I also understand the power of time. It gradually grows from a small fruit into a towering tree through long - standing years. This makes me realize that no great achievement can be achieved overnight. It requires us to wait patiently and persevere in our efforts. In this fast - paced era, we often long for quick success but overlook the process of accumulation. The growth journey of the acorn reminds us to be down - to - earth and move towards our goals step by step.

This story about the acorn, though short, is profound. Like a guiding light, it illuminates my understanding of life, gratitude, and growth, inspiring me to move forward bravely on the road of life and shine my own brilliance.😁😁😁😄😄😄😃😃😃😊😊😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️❤️

Picicmunda, Czech Republic

Wow, I'm so happy to see a post about Petr Vaclavek on this blog 😍. I have a lot of postcards with Acorn Elves and I love sending them out into the world.
Petr, I wish you many more amazing ideas about the life of these elves. My acorn elf would love to relax on a deck chair by the forest pond 😊

Cleootje, Netherlands

What amazing creations! In my garden there are some huge old oaks and every autumn I am annoyed by the amount of acorns covering my lawn. From now on, I will consider these as just-born acorn elves.
My acorn elf would be a harpist (like myself) in the midst of this ‘nursery’.

figi555, Russia

My acorn elf will be a chemist)
Thank you, Peter, for such creativity. I wish you creative success! And I hope to receive one of your postcards!

figi555, Russia

My acorn elf would be a chemist)
And it would also be great to make a positive postcard with him from the "Keep Calm" series.
Thank you, Peter, for such creativity. I wish you creative success! And I hope to receive one of your postcards!

2prestos, United States of America

My acorn elf would be water-skiing!
These acorn elves are so creative and cute!

alterego, Canada

I love the acorn elves! I have received one postcard with an elf in a small boat, and some of your stickers were on the back, too!
Nothing pleases me more than creative talent and playful imagination! I am going to have to look for a wall calendar of the elves.

My acorn elf would be reading a book, with a cat or two close by, maybe in a cozy chair or in the garden. Thanks for sharing your delightful whimsy with the world and as someone else said, so deceptively simple but I appreciate the intense and intricate talent and time it takes to make them look so simple.

dubanek, Czech Republic

Someone mentioned in the comments that my international shop was missing postcards with a coffee theme. So, I’ve added them today! It’ll take a few hours for them to appear.

Also, if there’s a postcard design you’d like that’s not in my shop, just let me know (either here or via email), and I’ll be happy to add it! I can usually do that within a day or two since I have over 1,000 acorn elf photos and designs. And if I don’t have the right one, I can even take new photos—but that would take a bit longer.

Big thanks for all your kind comments! They keep me inspired to create more!

svanskrib, Russia

I would like to make acorn elves, 1. playing musical instruments. 2. athletes - on skis, on skates, tourists with backpacks, 3. also ballerina elves. It would probably be great.

Krimi65, Germany

How creative and imaginative!
I would love an acorn elf sitting on a swing and swinging into the treetops.

ChocCrossie, Germany

I love the acorn-elves so much! Especially those with animals.
So I would create acorn-elve-kids riding on a pegasus through the air. :-) Let me know, if ever this one comes alive, please!

Flippie, Canada

I would make acorn wearing Mickey mouse ears kissing his/hers life time partner at front of one of the Disney Castles in Orlando, California, Paris or somewhere else where the other parks are.
I love what you do, Petr.

xado, Germany

what a creativity talent, thank you for sharing with us, My acorn would look like a tourist with backpack and camera in front of the Acropolis, in Greece♥

JillRock, United States of America

I would like to see them hanging their laundry on a clothesline. Hee Hee.

BetteJamison, United States of America

It would be a discreet view of an acorn mommy feeding her acorn baby in a comfy chair. Little newborn acorn elf babies have to eat!

Akub, Germany

I would love to celebrate my birthday with the big acorn family sitting on a beautiful decorated table & enjoying my special day 😃👏🏻🌅🍀🤩👌🏻 !!

inuk, Germany

My acorn elf would be feeding his hens, while his partner collects eggs...

teamug, Germany

I really adore the acorns. Mine would be sitting high up in a tree singing lullabies to squirrel babies or small birds in a nest.

Dorogusna, Russia

The acorn elves are just cute! I would be glad to have a postcard with these cuties))) My elf probably tried skydiving :)

sianj, United Kingdom

These guys are wonderfully creative. I’d like to see an acorn elf chopping wood with an axe.

jrowley, United States of America

My acorn elf would be a storyteller, many toddlers in her lap, over her shoulders, and in her arms. A traditional indigenous storyteller is always shown with an open mouth. Thanks for this very interesting article.

NZ_Chris, New Zealand

My acorn elves would be crouched by a kiwi bird.
I love the creativeness of these!

ladybug513, United States of America

Your acorn elves are just fantastic! I'm so happy I read this blog. My acorn elf would be swinging on a swing - such a childhood joy! Or, enjoying a day at the beach - my favorite summer activity!

snowflake1, Australia

Delightful interview. The acorn elves bring real joy, adventure & fun to life!
I'd like my acorn family to go surfing the waves 🏄‍♂️ Maybe the most adventurous one would be doing a head-stand 🌊😄

Glenbir, New Zealand

Loved reading about your work, and the fun you must have making your lovely elves.
My acorn elf would be posting one of your postcards, into an acorn letterbox.

tulip4, Poland

I love them! ❤️

My acorn elf would be a pirate captain with a sailing ship and a formidable beard made of moss.

marbeta, Italy

Simpaticissimi bella idea!

sharon3, Canada

I love the imagination for acorn elves!
I live in a forest and feel the spirit of these little creations.
Thank you.

Goldberry59, Netherlands

Thank you for sharing your work with us, I love these adorable acorn elves!
My acorn elf would be sitting in a rocking chair crocheting a colourful baby blanket for a baby acorn elf.

cleopatra-matta, Italy

I love Dubánci postcards! If I could make one, he'd be taking a walk with his favourite friend hedgehog, or also feeding him.
Thanks for this great interview and contest!

Carrie-76, Finland

Wow! I love the acorn elves! When my father was alive he worked as a chimney sweep, and every Christmas I tried to give him a gift that had to do with this. Like a postcard or a poster. I would like to see the acorn elves in this profession!

Trenker, Germany

Great stuff! My acorn elf probably loves eating french fries... Yummy! & Thank you very much!

Lachgas, Germany

I would have two acorn elves in wheelchairs. One with the yellow sunflower leaves in the wheels (so it would look a bit like spider wheels) and the other with oak leaves on the wheels.

Iain0154, Canada

Love every one of these little nutbars, Petr!
My acorn elf will be carefully queueing up a vinyl record to play. Maybe one stick hand on the tone arm, ready to place the needle down. Other stick hand might be holding the record cover.

MrsMidsomer, Finland

Thank you for this nice and informative interview. I didn't know the maker about these masterpieces, so delightfully funny.
My acorn elves would be picking bilberries and mushrooms in the woods....or doing gardening, such as weeding and watering.

sohnderleere, Germany

As a bookbinder there is only one correct answer to this question: my acorn elf would be reading a book ;)

Pinkee, Canada

Your work is magical and endearing and I love them all Petr. My acorn elf would be receiving happy mail of postcards in his mailbox.

beesknees, United States of America

Fabulous - such creativity, well done sir! I would like to see an acorn creature interacting with another forest creature like a squirrel or even a bug - this may entail leaving a camera on a motion timer?

Talal90Ahmed, Iraq


CatCards, Germany

Oh, what a surprise! I came across the acorn elves long ago but didn't know their creator also had joined postcrossing. :D Congrats on the great interview, was a delightful read. <3

If I made an acorn elf, I think it would be a knight on a unicorn running away from a dragon (= bird), or maybe recreating some scenes from Brothers Grimm/ fairy tales (The Valiant Little Tailor comes to mind).

petrini1, United States of America

Those are magical! I think I'd make an acorn elf painting a picture.

Hafizaa, Malaysia

My acorn elf would be flying a Wau Bulan (traditional Malaysian kite).

dmusic92, United States of America

I would have an Acorn Elf Band and they’d be playing music! 🎵

Evgenij, Russia

Good afternoon, friends! My daughter and I live in the North of Russia, and there are very few acorns there! We discussed and thought that if our Northern animals, such as the polar bear, reindeer, walrus, arctic fox, wolverine, were in the form of an acorn, this would greatly please children from the northern regions. It's funny, isn't it?!!!

muisje_eef, Netherlands

A mailman delivering postcards would be cute

JuliaGaia, United Kingdom

Fantastic article! I was so excited when I received an Acorn Elf postcard via postcrossing. I'd love to see them in space exploring the moon on a rover.

Ti-ti-uu_North, Finland

I would put a beard on Acorn Elf and it could help Santa during the holidays.

Elschwobo, Germany

Thank you for the wonderful post. My acorn elf would go hiking.

pappo, Japan

My acorn elf will love talking and singing with birds! :)

PaisleyEclipse, United States of America

My acorn elf would be sitting at a table drinking tea while watching a squirrel eating all the bird seed.

lodawa, Czech Republic

An acorn elf could be a librarian :-)

rouxhannah, Philippines

I want an acorn elf in a library, on her belly reading books. It would be such a warm scene.

HanaJoh, United States of America

These are so wonderful and whimsical! If I were to make one it would be of an acorn elf knitting a scarf or something comical like a leaf or acorn. ;)

candyflosscurls, United Kingdom

I love these! Will definitely have to get my hands on some postcards and a sticker sheet! My acorn elf would be reading books in a nook in the corner of her local library :)

VivianSummer, United States of America

These are adorable! I love the nature-y backgrounds and sets that were created too! My acorn elf would be dancing with a little flower petal tutu :)

estromberg, United States of America

My acorn elf would be sitting in an easy chair with a cast on his leg and a pair of skis tossed to the side. Of course he would be drinking a hot toddy too!
Off to you website to buy postcards............!

Gertarud, Germany

I really liked the interview and the inspiration, although I don't think that I will be able to produce similarly good ones! I like the idea of little acorn elves in the forest, but my elf would be the greatest detective of all solving crimes to the forest, of course accompanied by his friend Dr. Watson.

hairygranola, United States of America

my acorn self would be playing the tuba while rollerblading haha. hopefully wearing a helmet!!

HookedonPostcards, Canada

This article gave me a "a-ha!" moment. I've been following the acorn elves on Instagram for years; just loving the photos. But I had NO IDEA that there were postcards. So, as soon as I post this, I'm on the hunt...
What would I like to see in the acorn elves? These days, I'm feeling rather battered by global events. I could really use a forest retreat, with massage, surrounded by birdsong and the smell of earth. Any massage is welcome, but to stay with the forest theme, rock therapy or bamboo sticks. Please.

Sandristica, Spain

It's wonderful!
My Acorn Elf would be making origami 😊

arasmi, United States of America

How lovely! I'll definitely purchase a few postcards!

As a therapist, I'd like to see an acorn elf on a couch being analyzed by another.

I also like the ocean so maybe an acorn elf scuba diving.

PostcardNation, United States of America

What an incredible story. Congratulations on your success! My acorn elf would be dressed as a hockey goalie standing tall and protecting the front of the net.

cali_valiee, United States of America

My acorn elf would be dressed for prom and dancing.

jmr1739, United States of America

I'd make an acorn elf hockey player! :D

Globalgal, New Zealand

What an uplifting article - such amazing creative energy and optimism (…much needed in the world at the moment!). My Acorn Elf buddy would be creating some kind of haute cuisine meal…. (Naturally it would be plant based….!). 😊

plhatfield56, United States of America

These are so cute! I've been following for a while on Facebook.

My elf would be reading a book and drinking hot tea in a comfy chair.

Weller_Edina, Hungary

My elf would have his wedding in the woods. Leaves falling from above as confetti, birds are singing as a chior, and his bride would have a lovely flower petal dress with long veil. :)
He would have a picnic in the woods. With a big basket he would bring all the snaks and drinks to the woods. Sitting in a big blanket, looking to the clouds in the sky.

Lovely pictures! :)

harrickson, United States of America

“If you could create your own acorn elf, what would it look like or what would it be doing?” My acorn elf would be geocaching!

Also - love the idea of a board game, too!

Arttatito11, Moldova

great artistic idea!
my elf would make masage under the oak tree in the forest.

laurence39600, France

I love Dubanci postcards.

Tampatippi, United States of America

These are the sweetest little creations. My husband, son and I like to go to amusement parks. I would love to see an acorn elf on a ferris wheel, carousel or roller coaster.

mapa, Belgium

What a lovely work! Why not make some Postcrossing related acorn elves?
Writing a postcard
Putting a stamp on a postcard
putting the postcard in a mailbox
receiving a postcard
reading a postcard
registering a postcard
Perfect for Postcrossing!
Will defintively look at the webshop to buy some lovely postcards!

judy_0112, Taiwan

I want my acorn elf to play piano and form a band! That must be cool!

AnMiSa, Germany

I`m afraid I won`t be able to create such beauties. But I mine would be a cyclist.
I like Petr`s work, so special and funny.

Lila20, Australia

My acorn elf would have to be something iconic and local - so "snorkeling" !

MythOwney, United States of America

I think it would be cute to have an acorn elf "planting" a new family. :)

orange_memo, United States of America

These are absolutely creative and adorable - you are so talented.

My acorn elf would be riding his motorcycle.

x_PostcardPerfect_x, United States of America

This is amazing!!!!!

Karl_Pen, United States of America

2025 will bring more flowers because my acorn elf will be planting wild flower seeds.

13wolves, Hungary

Is commenting here twice allowed? Because after my first reaction I checked Acorn Elves postcards that are available, and realized that my wish have already came true, since there ARE acorn elves sleeping, napping. So... my new idea is... cucumbers. Cucumbers are my favourite postcard would be soo cool to see an acorn elf with cucumbers.

PatteHen, United States of America

Fascinating! I'd like to see an acorn elf riding a horse.

grauli, Germany

I fell in love with the acorn elves, the same moment I've got the first acorn elve postcard and hunted through the www to get some of the postcards. Reading about Petr and his amazing work makes me realy happy!
My acorn elve would be a gardener/gardening lady elve, and meeting a typical German Gartenzwerg :-)

triplightly, United States of America

Because I am a librarian, my acorn elf would be shelving books on a tall ladder and would have a book in each hand.😊 I just love Petr’s imagination and creativity! Thank you for sharing it with us.

AlohaJoe, United States of America

I love these! Such creativity and originality. I will be ordering some of these postcards and at least one set of the stickers and maybe more.

Brueghel, Germany

Really wonderful!
My acorn elf would be working in the garden.

Rehiss, Czech Republic

I have multiple of these postcards at home just waiting to be sent out 🤗
Mine would definitely be a nurse 😁

industria, Germany

One of my first postcards through Postcrossing was one of an acorn elf! I was so charmed by that lovely creature. If I created one myself, it would sit in a library an read.

triomom, United States of America

These little elves are adorable! I would love to see acorn elves playing music instruments. Another thought would be the elves playing ice hockey.

FanZiteng, China

This article about the acorn elves, Dubanci, is absolutely delightful! Petr Vaclavek's creation is brimming with imagination and childlike charm, making it impossible not to want to design your own acorn elf.

My acorn elf is named "Zippy." It has a shimmering silver shell and wears a tiny hat made of dandelion fluff. Zippy loves dancing under the moonlight, and with little magnets on its feet, it can cling to metal surfaces, often performing its "moonlight ballet" on old clocks or iron railings. Zippy is both mischievous and kind-hearted, always secretly helping lost insects find their way home, though it occasionally plays pranks, like hiding squirrels' nuts just to see them panic. Zippy's magical power is the ability to make acorns instantly sprout into saplings, so it always carries a pouch of enchanted acorns, ready to plant new life in the forest. I truly hope to one day see Zippy and Dubanci go on adventures together in the woods!

ilovemail2021, United States of America

My acorn elf would have fairy wings and would be sitting on a tree stump reading a book about fairies and elves.
These acorn elves are amazing, I love them!

Soozcat, United States of America

I do love the oak folk! Have purchased several postcards for Postcrossing and other adventures.

If I could create an acorn elf, it would do something I'd probably be terrified of doing. Say, bungee-jumping.

rubber_ducky, United States of America

Very cute! I would make an acorn elf knight fighting an acorn dragon.

Luminelle, Finland

The Acorn Elves are so cute! I love how simple materials can make such expressive figurines. It’s really a great skill! My acorn elf would be organizing their book shelves with piles of books lying around.

puttingpentopaper, United States of America

Thank you for your creativity. These are precious and cute little characters that make a person smile! My acorn elf would be hiding a treasure from nature under a walking foot bridge for my young grandsons.


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