
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 1,438,069,596 habitants. The capital of India is New Delhi.
Members: 11,441 (Browse all)
Sent: 551,823 postcards
Received: 539,223 postcards
Ranking: 26th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from India

Most active members

1. mukundc, India mukundc
7,737 postcards sent
2. kkswami, India kkswami
6,815 postcards sent
3. monarja, India Postcrossing Supporter monarja
6,607 postcards sent
4. vedoswal, India vedoswal
6,504 postcards sent
5. shrikantkp, India Postcrossing Supporter shrikantkp
6,368 postcards sent
6. saher, India saher
6,111 postcards sent
7. manbol, India manbol
5,765 postcards sent
8. akhilpreeti, India akhilpreeti
4,661 postcards sent
9. Parryboy, India Parryboy
4,348 postcards sent
10. sunny25, India sunny25
3,991 postcards sent

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Varsha, India rashphilately, India surajag12, India sunny25, India grisharb, India Anirudhpostcollecter, India Ratan_Singh, India cavemanfirmware, India ash85ind, India meghna1017, India VG1987, India sanajose, India machaiahib, India ROHITHKAMATH, India Khushimasti, India RatanSingh, India Rakshitha_G, India kallasirippu, India anupgarg, India Kiranpimple, India desaandhiri_ak, India sriramrang, India adithyagopan, India grk, India rhythmeventz, India BB_Patil, India Dolcy, India Jojigp, India inky_finger, India niloof, India sorichie, India TigerMQ, India Mugdha_Aaaa, India hari2102, India Sixriver, India Chyavana, India
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