United Kingdom

is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 68,350,000 habitants. The capital of United Kingdom is London.
Members: 18,313 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,676,737 postcards
Received: 1,699,618 postcards
Ranking: 12th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from United Kingdom

Most active members

1. mapcardcollector, United Kingdom Postcrossing Supporter mapcardcollector
21,298 postcards sent
2. NerdBird, United Kingdom NerdBird
17,713 postcards sent
3. werewegian, United Kingdom Postcrossing Supporter werewegian
16,999 postcards sent
4. AllSerene, United Kingdom Postcrossing Supporter AllSerene
11,711 postcards sent
5. toucans, United Kingdom Postcrossing Supporter toucans
10,545 postcards sent
6. Foig1, United Kingdom Foig1
9,265 postcards sent
7. balmbro, United Kingdom balmbro
8,262 postcards sent
8. piscean, United Kingdom piscean
7,531 postcards sent
9. gordonf, United Kingdom gordonf
6,047 postcards sent
10. tashac, United Kingdom Postcrossing Supporter tashac
6,000 postcards sent

Random members

rikki-tikki-tavi, United Kingdom moonraker_girl, United Kingdom bebop1971, United Kingdom smileykittens, United Kingdom Lata, United Kingdom tashac, United Kingdom shirley64, United Kingdom GetsugaTenshou, United Kingdom hocuspocus, United Kingdom welshlady, United Kingdom simmo11, United Kingdom chrisbonham11, United Kingdom sayuri2023, United Kingdom marijeuk, United Kingdom mdnj, United Kingdom Byrons_brain, United Kingdom tesc, United Kingdom mwntimperial, United Kingdom Kathleen_S, United Kingdom HariboGetDown, United Kingdom Florallle, United Kingdom gastropodmail, United Kingdom iliketrains, United Kingdom whiskersonkittens, United Kingdom Fyl, United Kingdom friedgold91, United Kingdom Vogeltje2001, United Kingdom Baerbel11, United Kingdom Vanessa2535, United Kingdom tanzianne, United Kingdom balmbro, United Kingdom postcardsfromgeo, United Kingdom AIHutchins, United Kingdom rubyegg, United Kingdom carlswift, United Kingdom Anamaria8, United Kingdom
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