
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 9,131,761 habitants. The capital of Austria is Vienna.
Members: 3,765 (Browse all)
Sent: 734,680 postcards
Received: 738,209 postcards
Ranking: 22nd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Austria

Most active members

1. radiofan, Austria Postcrossing Supporter radiofan
21,694 postcards sent
2. Bock, Austria Bock
21,682 postcards sent
3. honeybee, Austria honeybee
15,935 postcards sent
4. rehrlanna, Austria rehrlanna
12,655 postcards sent
5. eagle1, Austria eagle1
12,245 postcards sent
6. haweiup, Austria haweiup
10,303 postcards sent
7. rotviolett, Austria rotviolett
10,222 postcards sent
8. paladru, Austria Postcrossing Supporter paladru
8,099 postcards sent
9. Robin67, Austria Robin67
6,698 postcards sent
10. wandafan, Austria wandafan
6,620 postcards sent

Random members

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