Korea (South)

is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 51,712,619 habitants. The capital of Korea (South) is Seoul.
Members: 5,056 (Browse all)
Sent: 289,498 postcards
Received: 286,563 postcards
Ranking: 35th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Korea (South)

Most active members

1. dlwlsl, Korea (South) dlwlsl
3,461 postcards sent
2. yoyo7755, Korea (South) yoyo7755
3,056 postcards sent
3. kristiinkorea, Korea (South) kristiinkorea
2,951 postcards sent
4. heewonushka, Korea (South) heewonushka
2,888 postcards sent
5. usersoyoung, Korea (South) usersoyoung
2,593 postcards sent
6. cinnac, Korea (South) cinnac
2,515 postcards sent
7. Rhye, Korea (South) Rhye
2,070 postcards sent
8. yun-jeong, Korea (South) yun-jeong
2,029 postcards sent
9. Arinazmi06, Korea (South) Arinazmi06
1,956 postcards sent
10. silverdoe, Korea (South) silverdoe
1,736 postcards sent

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