
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 68,287,487 habitants. The capital of France is Paris.
Members: 18,493 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,625,724 postcards
Received: 1,645,760 postcards
Ranking: 14th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from France

Most active members

1. didieroux2, France didieroux2
18,460 postcards sent
2. yabiz, France Postcrossing Supporter yabiz
16,245 postcards sent
3. enfantfleur, France Postcrossing Supporter enfantfleur
11,975 postcards sent
4. jean-mimi, France jean-mimi
11,227 postcards sent
5. chris_in_burgundy, France chris_in_burgundy
11,100 postcards sent
6. Steve2006, France Postcrossing Supporter Steve2006
10,108 postcards sent
7. davidr, France davidr
9,950 postcards sent
8. york1987, France york1987
9,391 postcards sent
9. jojo06, France jojo06
9,351 postcards sent
10. cerisette79, France cerisette79
8,879 postcards sent

Random members

DELPHINE18, France Rakos, France Jakez44, France isa75, France LN89, France CalliopeFromTheSea, France davidr, France Mimel, France tigroso, France JonathanChoinArt, France meihura, France natinthemountain, France cobe, France Laurent28, France Casnoejal, France classicalelias, France charline_nl, France gaellinacee, France Chriscosol, France ildikoo, France pauliine0, France Tremet, France NenaMelissa, France Morepeachpie, France Gem-le-passage, France Palabresque, France Hellskitchen, France saylesstia, France nekowi, France mariedcp, France Mimi60800, France Happy_fox, France hdev, France sv_libertine, France Anthonydu76, France sweetieann, France
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