
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 68,287,487 habitants. The capital of France is Paris.
Members: 18,537 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,610,506 postcards
Received: 1,631,272 postcards
Ranking: 14th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from France

Most active members

1. didieroux2, France didieroux2
18,315 postcards sent
2. yabiz, France Postcrossing Supporter yabiz
15,982 postcards sent
3. enfantfleur, France Postcrossing Supporter enfantfleur
11,888 postcards sent
4. jean-mimi, France jean-mimi
11,225 postcards sent
5. chris_in_burgundy, France chris_in_burgundy
11,033 postcards sent
6. Steve2006, France Postcrossing Supporter Steve2006
9,917 postcards sent
7. davidr, France davidr
9,897 postcards sent
8. york1987, France york1987
9,315 postcards sent
9. jojo06, France jojo06
9,203 postcards sent
10. cerisette79, France cerisette79
8,675 postcards sent

Random members

CoinCoin, France Filraiser, France Claire-Anne, France Kuromaro, France Mel0uche49, France audreyChPin, France Mik, France Corentin86, France mymyc59, France jojo06, France Laurent28, France isa75, France didieroux2, France basilscamera, France ClaraBG, France Tourangelles, France Moonysnail, France myfloe, France classmates2, France Flay, France Skel-Animal, France beawittmer, France andimatzl, France Worldmusiclover, France stgr, France hanane, France jeanluc44, France Choupette21, France Saona, France LeilaM, France Liava, France Jeannot_ddrt, France kumonosu, France louloudylan, France moineau, France Harobed82, France
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