
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 8,888,093 habitants. The capital of Switzerland is Bern.
Members: 3,968 (Browse all)
Sent: 724,713 postcards
Received: 736,682 postcards
Ranking: 23rd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Switzerland

Most active members

1. schneggisabrina, Switzerland schneggisabrina
20,336 postcards sent
2. Dascia, Switzerland Dascia
13,840 postcards sent
3. Hurbig, Switzerland Hurbig
11,958 postcards sent
4. diams1, Switzerland diams1
11,800 postcards sent
5. OTTOX, Switzerland OTTOX
10,951 postcards sent
6. Newdawn, Switzerland Newdawn
10,672 postcards sent
7. Sylvette, Switzerland Postcrossing Supporter Sylvette
7,677 postcards sent
8. Vre, Switzerland Vre
7,661 postcards sent
9. nissemor, Switzerland nissemor
6,944 postcards sent
10. swisslady, Switzerland swisslady
5,843 postcards sent

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