
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 8,888,093 habitants. The capital of Switzerland is Bern.
Members: 4,012 (Browse all)
Sent: 730,698 postcards
Received: 742,571 postcards
Ranking: 23rd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Switzerland

Most active members

1. schneggisabrina, Switzerland schneggisabrina
20,466 postcards sent
2. Dascia, Switzerland Dascia
13,840 postcards sent
3. Hurbig, Switzerland Hurbig
12,009 postcards sent
4. diams1, Switzerland diams1
11,948 postcards sent
5. OTTOX, Switzerland OTTOX
10,961 postcards sent
6. Newdawn, Switzerland Newdawn
10,780 postcards sent
7. Sylvette, Switzerland Postcrossing Supporter Sylvette
7,684 postcards sent
8. Vre, Switzerland Vre
7,661 postcards sent
9. nissemor, Switzerland nissemor
6,970 postcards sent
10. swisslady, Switzerland swisslady
5,883 postcards sent

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coordinates, Switzerland Dan0509, Switzerland Murex, Switzerland karolinsky, Switzerland sailmouse, Switzerland trauti-coccinelle, Switzerland Bobby_vo_Schwelleme, Switzerland Acclax, Switzerland Norina, Switzerland Mascha, Switzerland mokajojo, Switzerland springginkerl, Switzerland 67tom, Switzerland book, Switzerland stellina96, Switzerland demianthamatten, Switzerland Charlie8, Switzerland sarasweetz, Switzerland Yeske, Switzerland Aotearoa, Switzerland IlanaFae, Switzerland stellina05, Switzerland zoramyriam, Switzerland bibliokate, Switzerland cc_mth, Switzerland regibo, Switzerland ausLuzern, Switzerland Pluto123, Switzerland anastasia90, Switzerland travel_reflection, Switzerland rogerml, Switzerland Karmellix, Switzerland maigbc, Switzerland Amym91, Switzerland diams1, Switzerland DJ-RICHI, Switzerland
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