
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 17,877,117 habitants. The capital of Netherlands is Amsterdam.
Members: 35,432 (Browse all)
Sent: 5,588,941 postcards
Received: 5,653,747 postcards
Ranking: 4th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Netherlands

Most active members

1. korf, Netherlands korf
21,215 postcards sent
2. Zwollywood, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter Zwollywood
20,036 postcards sent
3. jjv, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter jjv
17,509 postcards sent
4. martha66, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter martha66
15,307 postcards sent
5. ihhf, Netherlands ihhf
15,165 postcards sent
6. freddybear, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter freddybear
13,375 postcards sent
7. Seashelly, Netherlands Seashelly
12,618 postcards sent
8. Eefkejohanna, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter Eefkejohanna
12,241 postcards sent
9. read-addict, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter read-addict
12,196 postcards sent
10. mary-ann, Netherlands mary-ann
11,915 postcards sent

Random members

herxen, Netherlands cillacilla, Netherlands Marleen1971, Netherlands veerlevanson, Netherlands Brien, Netherlands Inge24, Netherlands TamaraV, Netherlands DutchIslandGirl, Netherlands Jess18877, Netherlands Essiemee, Netherlands KarenH, Netherlands Colinda58, Netherlands skeffie, Netherlands tyn1971, Netherlands Je4net, Netherlands little-Lise, Netherlands Joo5t, Netherlands liesbeth86, Netherlands Kushboo, Netherlands Laanaa, Netherlands joke55, Netherlands Acuutje, Netherlands MHvGalen, Netherlands Desiree93, Netherlands JettJongen, Netherlands dlagerwaard, Netherlands michiel071, Netherlands Seashelly, Netherlands chloejosephine, Netherlands xinnn0206, Netherlands Corno, Netherlands ilsewo, Netherlands Mischa007, Netherlands Cleootje, Netherlands PapallonaNL, Netherlands Bjorna, Netherlands
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