
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 17,879,488 habitants. The capital of Netherlands is Amsterdam.
Members: 35,694 (Browse all)
Sent: 5,525,851 postcards
Received: 5,591,003 postcards
Ranking: 4th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Netherlands

Most active members

1. korf, Netherlands korf
20,755 postcards sent
2. Zwollywood, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter Zwollywood
19,645 postcards sent
3. jjv, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter jjv
17,105 postcards sent
4. ihhf, Netherlands ihhf
15,163 postcards sent
5. martha66, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter martha66
14,952 postcards sent
6. freddybear, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter freddybear
12,966 postcards sent
7. Seashelly, Netherlands Seashelly
12,352 postcards sent
8. Eefkejohanna, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter Eefkejohanna
12,086 postcards sent
9. read-addict, Netherlands Postcrossing Supporter read-addict
12,004 postcards sent
10. mary-ann, Netherlands mary-ann
11,915 postcards sent

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