
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 114,891,199 habitants. The capital of Philippines is Manila.
Members: 2,000 (Browse all)
Sent: 168,922 postcards
Received: 170,086 postcards
Ranking: 43rd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Philippines

Most active members

1. cabbie, Philippines cabbie
4,900 postcards sent
2. LeilaKewl, Philippines LeilaKewl
3,947 postcards sent
3. conniecocoon, Philippines conniecocoon
3,717 postcards sent
4. rodrigo_dvjr, Philippines rodrigo_dvjr
2,961 postcards sent
5. susandg, Philippines susandg
2,953 postcards sent
6. anichat, Philippines anichat
2,698 postcards sent
7. glad1024, Philippines glad1024
2,303 postcards sent
8. meldz, Philippines meldz
2,127 postcards sent
9. mai0hmai, Philippines mai0hmai
2,018 postcards sent
10. jdaraawisan, Philippines jdaraawisan
1,821 postcards sent

Random members

MarianneSF, Philippines hydz_chua, Philippines jmbanaag, Philippines anichat, Philippines Olayra, Philippines serendipityandbliss, Philippines dinoPH, Philippines mmpf, Philippines heyits_breee, Philippines Bubblylady, Philippines springblues, Philippines Elle_PH, Philippines HopeWillGoPlaces, Philippines LeilaKewl, Philippines MareGel, Philippines rektz, Philippines allanum, Philippines bijouweled, Philippines Rodien, Philippines dannyPH, Philippines jvt, Philippines gavster, Philippines Tutubi, Philippines AJS_Mon, Philippines Moonchild24, Philippines jayemike, Philippines JuliaDee, Philippines jilltootee, Philippines idontcollectstamps, Philippines Ptrixi, Philippines germainewrites, Philippines roxannepena, Philippines unbb24, Philippines lovinglyours, Philippines TakBaetiong, Philippines LoveRed, Philippines
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