
is a country in the continent of Oceania with a population of 26,658,948 habitants. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
Members: 6,111 (Browse all)
Sent: 920,529 postcards
Received: 932,282 postcards
Ranking: 16th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Australia

Most active members

1. iwang, Australia Postcrossing Supporter iwang
17,762 postcards sent
2. Sew_Crafty_A_Woman, Australia Postcrossing Supporter Sew_Crafty_A_Woman
14,044 postcards sent
3. IndigoAngel, Australia IndigoAngel
13,092 postcards sent
4. Wonboyn, Australia Postcrossing Supporter Wonboyn
12,280 postcards sent
5. WattlePark, Australia Postcrossing Supporter WattlePark
12,128 postcards sent
6. Telopea, Australia Telopea
11,505 postcards sent
7. karenk, Australia Postcrossing Supporter karenk
8,312 postcards sent
8. disisdi, Australia Postcrossing Supporter disisdi
7,887 postcards sent
9. rosscott, Australia Postcrossing Supporter rosscott
7,434 postcards sent
10. sarsy, Australia sarsy
7,318 postcards sent

Random members

L3ila, Australia Louchenhan, Australia lynley, Australia Nhilah, Australia LindsayB, Australia jenal, Australia Mamaduke, Australia sage2068, Australia rachelmail, Australia Telopea, Australia Mbomp, Australia MeggieW, Australia mjlittle7, Australia movek, Australia MissLanaP, Australia melissamack, Australia mailcovers, Australia kellstarrz, Australia home6150, Australia nrg1991, Australia Deevar, Australia zifffo, Australia KYZA, Australia Sunshine15, Australia Classic, Australia quicksilver, Australia cutiepie, Australia klemmfamily, Australia Queen_of_the_Hounds, Australia sudhu, Australia J_loh88, Australia jezzabell, Australia Davros-10, Australia MargaretEv, Australia fleurandthepost, Australia PirateB, Australia
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