New Zealand

is a country in the continent of Oceania with a population of 5,223,100 habitants. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
Members: 1,765 (Browse all)
Sent: 248,843 postcards
Received: 251,819 postcards
Ranking: 38th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from New Zealand

Most active members

1. gordonsmummy, New Zealand gordonsmummy
17,170 postcards sent
2. SonOfBilly, New Zealand Postcrossing Supporter SonOfBilly
14,194 postcards sent
3. Gordon, New Zealand Gordon
12,366 postcards sent
4. SuzyDoozy, New Zealand SuzyDoozy
6,959 postcards sent
5. pveejay, New Zealand pveejay
4,947 postcards sent
6. Nickyjeanne, New Zealand Nickyjeanne
4,602 postcards sent
7. smokinjo, New Zealand smokinjo
4,167 postcards sent
8. adriennegarry, New Zealand adriennegarry
3,418 postcards sent
9. kiwi2140nz, New Zealand kiwi2140nz
3,264 postcards sent
10. RaelynNZ, New Zealand Postcrossing Supporter RaelynNZ
3,252 postcards sent

Random members

Fletch, New Zealand huffpuff, New Zealand Donkeybrown, New Zealand icycat, New Zealand EllaYang, New Zealand DaisyChainz, New Zealand OvergrownFern, New Zealand quietjoy, New Zealand vanialee, New Zealand DarciNZ, New Zealand Netjan, New Zealand happydayout, New Zealand SuzyDoozy, New Zealand barryoc, New Zealand Daisy5, New Zealand KiwiKaye, New Zealand ninjagoat, New Zealand sinclairlomax, New Zealand ktbela, New Zealand MilaBel, New Zealand NZ_Chris, New Zealand bennettlmorgan, New Zealand Sfogs, New Zealand Nellu88, New Zealand Frankster, New Zealand EndlessHalls, New Zealand OllieJames, New Zealand TigeyRoo, New Zealand Mayet, New Zealand qwypyyy, New Zealand Vexre, New Zealand KiwiSunsetNZ, New Zealand pommiegal, New Zealand Gypsypost, New Zealand pveejay, New Zealand smokinjo, New Zealand
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