You might have seen these stamps and postcards around… they’re part of USPS’s GO GREEN program, meant to draw attention to the little things that you can do to make a difference and have a positive impact on the environment:
Out of milk? Walk or bike to the store. Repair that drippy faucet—the noise was driving you crazy, anyway. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. Put on a sweater instead of turning up the thermostat. Sun dry your sheets—they’ll smell wonderful!

Each postcard has a mix seeds of wildflowers, so you can plant it and watch it grow!
On this weekend’s giveaway, we’re offering 3 packs of Go Green oversized postcards, which come with matching forever stamps. You could plant them or just send them to your friends with a green message! To win a pack, leave a comment below. We’ll pick 3 random winners by midnight next Sunday, CET time.
These postcard packs were kindly offered by 9teen87. Brenda has a very neat postcard blog that you should visit!

PS – I did plant a couple of postcards, but nothing sprouted… I blame my non-existent green thumb, and I hope you have better luck!
616 comments so far
Oh! Am I the first one? :P Those are great and a good idea too!
Count me in! :)
Wow...that's very cool!
I'd love these!!
Great idea! A postcard to plant in!
I went green by purchasing an energy efficient washer & dryer that uses less water and electricity. Neat cards but I would not want to plant it but had to my collection or send
I've never seen that before, that's an original idea :)
Very nice idea :) And lovely blog, too !
Wonderful! I'd like one :)
Wonderful!! I love green!
very cool!
Love these! Great colour, and wonderful concept.
Oh these are my favorite color and so festive! Would love to add them to my collection. :)
This is instant love! This year I already planted an avocado which is actually still alive, so I might get lucky with a postcard too. :) Perhaps more postcards will grow out of it:P
Great, I love these. The receiver of this postcard will be happy as well!
Wow! Postcards with wildflower seeds; this is a great idea!
So awesome!
Me too!
Very cool! I'm going to have to look for these!
WoW! What an exciting idea!
Heh, I don't own a car and bike everywhere, even in Winter!
Very pretty! I have seen these in my local postoffice but haven't purchased them. I would love a chance to win these! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have used those stamps before, but never the postcards...they look pretty cool! :)
I really likelikelikelikelike!!!! what a great idea!!
This is a wonderful idea. And I think you don't neede to water the postcards :) Our post office has a nice stamp at the moment for oversees: It is a little bag and inside you find spruce seeds. So you can plant your own spruce. Then you can cut the bag and you have a wonderful stamp. http://www.post.at/eshop/philatelieshop/detail.php?prod=211460
Pick me!!! Love these.
I love this idea! I'm just sad that that design on the front is reminiscent of BP. Down here in South Louisiana, BP is the antithesis of going green. :(
If I win, I'll just have to mail mine OUT of Louisiana. :)
They're great ! I had a recycled pen that you could plant after the ink ran out, but never managed to see flowers comming out of it. Maybe I would have more luck with a postcard ?
That's such a great idea
Such a great project! I like it!
Very nice idea, it's the little things in life that keep you going. And even though I myself have a black thump regarding plants I'd love to try planting a postcard. :D
I think the designs on these are really pretty...much different than some of the other seeded paper I've seen. Thanks for the contest!
must be fun, waiting to see what grows! :)
I love the go green stamps! Awesome giveaway! :D
Of course I wan to win this cool postcards! :)
Oh, that's a lovely idea!
nice, great idea
everyone wish me luck! I will do the same for you ;)
Go Green!
Super nice!
What a great giveaway!!
What a great giveaway! :) So cool cards!
Very cool Cards!
that's great idea!
Man, I donno if I could send these and not just plant em mself, hah.
So fun! :D
i have been sort of opposed to going green, but i believe these postcards have changed my mind. :)
Would be lovely to be able to post these to friends.
pretty cool! i like them a lot.
Happy Postcrossing everyone, Vicky!
woah. :o love it.
These postcards look so pretty. And I love how they send out an environmental friendly message too. :)
they look soo beautiful =D i woud be happy to win
A wonderful idea, and i'd love to try to grow a few. But that's a weird thing to say to your friends: "Hi, you know what i'm planting right now? I'm planting postcards!"
Well this is a great idea! Let's make the world a better place :) And count me in!
I would love these!
Those are so cute! I
I got the stamps one time, but never the postcards! How cool.
That's great I'd live to plant a postcard
Would love these! I just finished using a whole sheet of those stamps - they are my fav! :)
What a great idea! I just love wildflowers.
awesome postcards :)
Very cool!
Yeah go green
I love go grean idea - I am trying to do it as well. For example, I always walk to work and use cotton shopping bag.
Wow! I love these cards! Thank you!
Yesss, I love green! :-)
Here I am ... Willing to go green:)
Don´t left me green-eyed and let one of this great postcards come over here ;)
I am a Botany Major I would love to try one out!
I LOVE the idea that these postcards have a purpose!
wow! what a great idea! I love those cards!
I really like both cards and stamps! Great idea!
I'd love to win those, they are so adorable! I had some of the Go Green stamps that I've been using, I love the little cartoons. :D
I would never ever plant such amazing postcards :D
Wanna go green on my little balcony!
These sound awesome! Although I don't have much of a green thumb either.. but I would still try going green!
It is a great idea! :D
Oh! Those cards are amazing! Love them :)
I would love to have them
Awesome. I would love to receive them. What a creative way to promote GO Green:)
Nice, pretty nice !! :)
Love green ;)
Wonderful idea! Something you can put on your table and always remember to go green :)
that's cool!
what a fantastic idea! go green :)
Love them! So neat.
These are really cool cards, but if you plant them the cards are sort of gone ... :D
i want one! cute :)
OOOH HOW COOL ARE THESE! there might be a lovely person on who i could send one. all that love has to be given away
The picture is amazing! Planting is a great idea, but then I wouldn't be able to watch beautiful pictures. :P
Great idea :) I'd love to win!
Those cards are great - Regular cards get shoved in a drawer, but what a great reminder of the person who sent you a card to have a great potted plant. Nice warm fuzzies. Would really like to win!
I'm glad people are getting on board with the green movement more these days!! Would love to win this!!
Funny cards, let's grow them !
for me, paicontea!!!
Cool idea!
more seeds for the world!!! green seeds, green life..
They look so interesting, thank you for this post!
Green is Beautiful!
They are very nice! I would love to have one
Those are great! I've sent some of the Go Green stamps and people love them!
awwwh such wonderful cards, they look fantastic!
Love it!!!
I love all green things! :D
Austrian Post has issued a stamp on a bag of seeds - it's this year's Europa stamp!
Nice cards! But a nicer statement! ;)
I have received postcard with "Turn off the lights not in use" stamp. Others look cute too and the postcard idea is awesome!
How do we participate :D?
Oh what a fantastic cards and stamps. I'd love to have one :)
My supervisor was designing Go Green stickers, and I'm sure he'll love it if I win and send him one of these postcards!
it is one of my dreams to receive this card!
thank you for such a possibility!
I am almost done with my sheet of go green stamps!
The most important thing one can do to help preserve the environment is HAVE NO CHILDREN.
I was just thinking about buying some of these, but I only got the stamps. It would be very neat to win!
great idea! i want one :)
I heard about Go Green cards and I dream about having this marvel!
What a lovely idea to send seeds with cards!
We used to have stamps with seeds in them, but none of those ever sprouted either. I would love to have a do-over with these cards!
How nice idea! :) In my country they stated this new, greener way to send postcards, so this is just naturally coming next!
Oh I love green! :3
What a great idea! ^//^
These are so cool! I received one myself once, but I would love to send them out myself!
I would love to receive them :)
WOW...with elections here at the moment and the Green Party polling well, these would be awesome to win
green greener greenst
I love to go green - recycled cards are my favourites!
Like this one for example:
uhhhhhhhhh i hope i get one !
Send me one please.
I saw these at my post office, but when I thought to buy one, they were gone! Would love to have one.
I'd also love to get one!
How cool! :D This would be so much fun to have in my collection and mail out!
The Old Lutheran website has postcards for sale that grow into wildflowers too :D
Very generous again! Count me in please!
Wonderful - I'd like to grow a postcard tree. :)
How very generous. Thank you for offering this fun contest.
Great idea!!!! Love to recieve them...:)
At the two cards I have seen such brands that I pleased. Probably such beautiful cards I regretted would have to dig into the ground.
Great idea! I'd be glad to get one like this :)
I received one from Brenda as an RAS this summer and could not bring it over my heart to put it in the ground. ;) You can see it on my profile pic. ;)
There is no need to count me in for the giveaway. I just wanted to comment. ;)
Love the idea! May I win, I would give these to my grandmother, who has a huge garden. She always gives me veggies, it is nice to return it with something special as this :D
Great idea. I love those postcards!
my profilephoto from isagvproject account, sorry, forgot that I changed it here....
Oh woww you guys! This is amazing! I hope I get a chance to get those postcards :D
I'd like one of these too!
Great, I hope I'm still in time
Special . . .
Be happy.....Go green!!!
Love it, great design!
I love my planet - Go green!
This looks fun! Count me in!
I'm from U.S. and haven't seen these, would be neat to get one.
So many before me. I love the idea do I have a chance?
I've sent people cards like this before with poppy seeds in them. Very cool!
Great idea! Would love to get one.
I actually received one of these from another Postcrosser...would love to send them out.
This is such a great and unique idea!! This would be a great way to make our planet Green ;)
I sent some of these! They're fun! Thanks for the idea! :)
What a great idea! I would send one to my mom as she loves gardening and flowers.
These are so cool. And the designs are pretty neat too!
Those postcards are soo awesome. But I won't know whether to plant them or send them! :)
cool idea , i haven't seen any around here.
Oh my goodness, what an awesome product. I LOVE THEM!!!! It's so kind of you to make this offer. I actually sent a card out to someone today who is an avid flower garden person and he would have so gotten a kick out of this. How ironic that I see this now. If I'm luck enough to be chosen I'll have to send him one :)
What a great idea! I've seen the stamps before but never the postcards. Super cool!
Love it!!!
I love these! I am a huge fan of the stamps too! And green is even my favorite color. :)
These are great and forever stamps will pay off soon:). Recycling and composting are now required by law in my city. Thanks for advertizing these cards. If I win, I will properly re-use and re-cycle the packaging. :)
Wow, such a cool postcards! That's just a great idea to help the environment. I'd love to plant one of those and see what happens! :D
What a great idea!
What a great idea!
Very cool postcards
I'm having a great time reading all the comments! I too would love it if tiny postcards grew from the seeds!!! :D
(Ana - please don't enter me in the contest - haha)
Fingers crossed! >
Excellent ideas!
I hope to get one as I want to try it here in our country and start the same thing if possible. With all the global warming issues, I believe this is the best way to help and educate others to save the earth:)
I hope to win!! :) It's really a cool idea and I'd love to plant them!
Hi Brenda, if I don't win this, can we trade? :P Please >_
What an awesome idea! I love to garden,but our season is so short here. Our city just recently started a community garden,and its been met with great successs!
Groovy postcards! I would be great to win these! Heres hoping I do! I have my fingers crossed♥
Oh! Please count me in! I love these little postcards!
Very cool way to be green. I like it!
Excellent initiative. Count me in!
it is wonderful, im definitely in :) i think the go green stamps in usa are some of the best they ever issued. and gardening is a lot of fun :)
this is a card from my favourites :)
That is too brilliant. Amazing idea!
Love it. (:
Neat idea. Didn't even know they made these.
Very cool!!
Wow it's so cool. A postcard that can be planted. The idea is brilliant. Really go green. I love it :)
Oh it would be such an awesome sight to see the postcard growing in my garden. would definately like to recieve one.
Wow! Really interesting!
That's nice idea :)
such a great idea =)) hope somedays that will be in kazakhstan too
Great cards (:
wow! Thank you!) good idea)
I scatter a packet of wild seeds in my raised bed every year, after flowering they sow themselves so the following year I get even more. I would love these so I could try to do the same. It's a great give-away. Count me in!
omg!! i wish i win!! thanks for the giveaways! :) :)
That's a great idea, I've never seen cards like that before :)
I hope i am not too late :)
Please count me in...
Those are AMAZING! (@.@)
I'm late but it seems that the winner have not been drawn yet... :)
Wow, these would be great to receive in my mail...
Omg that's the best idea ever. Planting a postcard O_O
Really great cards. I love them. :)
oh, that sounds interesting. thank you for the chance to plant a postcard :)
this is a great idea.
Wow! I've heard about it and dream about it=) But fortune is not my best friend=)))
that would be great for a eco-mom like me, i so want to have that.
So amazing! The cards are really beautiful and the idea + message behind it just great!
Please one for me!!!:)
What a great idea! I would love to get one!
What a fantastic idea! Thank you!!
An interesting idea. How many people would really plant these?
Hello, I like stamps, it is fantastic. But about idea, I don't have the heard to plant postcards.
Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!
Great ideas - the postcards & the giveaway.
Thanks, Brenda.
The message behind this idea is very nice, we should try and do these kind of things more :) Matches the idea behind the stamps of 2008 in NL 'Denk groen, doe groen'
Great idea! I would like to send one of these to my friend Gerda. She just love flowers and have a balcony, where every year the flowers blossom. By the way, she goes green...:D
Very good idea for recycling :)
This is really creative! :)
count me in!
It's a really creative idee, I'd like to join :)
When looking at the example, it seems that we were doing a few things already. It is a great concept/idea, so count me in.
I've once written an article about postcards like these, but have never seen them myself=)
Thank you for the chance! ^_^
Love it...
would love that.. count me in!:)
What a great idea! Never seen anything like this before, would love to have some.
I absolutely love the idea, as I want to win it as well!
oh, I love such cards. I've only heard about it but haven't received any. :(
Me too! :) What a wonderful idea with this cards :)
Such a nice easy present to send through the post.
I wonder if it can be planted everywhere. I have one from Australia but it is said that it is only suitable for Australia weather + soil, etc :D
That sounds really great!
I'm here and already receive your cool postcard :)
I'd love to win these postcards!
what a cool idea!
Nice and interesting idea! :)
Great idea!
thank you Brenda :) nice offer.!
Beautiful cards!!! I would love to plant one, and share others with friends :)
Great idea! I hope to win because I'm already looking forward to next spring :)
Thanks, Brenda.
Go green, grow greens!
Wonderful idea :)
Great idea! Wonderful!
What a great idea! They are lovely postcards.
Sounds great, count me in :)
Just great!
wonderful idea, i want to try this at home..
pick me.. :D
Brilliant idea :D
It's good )))
this is a fab idea!! x
What an amazing idea! I'd love more plants in my garden :)
cool idea
Wow, that's great!
Luck to all participants! =))
wonderful idea!
Thank you, this is very nice :)
I want to play this game :)
Thank you, 9teen87
Hah! The first time I've seen picture, where postcard in the pot, I couldn't understand, why they did it? Then I've read the message below and was delighted of it. I think it's amazing thing. So I want to get it and plant one of it!
i'm in. always wanted a card like this
Beautifull Postcards! Idea of seeds inside of the card is so amazing :)
What a great idea! They're wonderful!
Also love the idea! Really original and, well... green. xD
A brilliant idea! I wear a sweater and use energy lamps. And take a nice walk to the mail box with my postcrossing cards.
I don't have a green thumb but these seem easy enough to handle to me! :D
I would love to get one of these! my son loves gardening!
my mom loves gardening, she'd love to get one of these ^^
great idea, by the way~
Oh! Love those :)
amazing idea!
Well, certainly I would like to win some postcards!
But one should be careful with wildflowers: If they are not local in one's area, they may spread out and displace originally local species. :-(
Saya ikutaaannn! (in english means: count me iiiinnnn!) :D
I just love the idea of the "Go Green" stamps! Now if it was a "recycled" stamp that would be even "greener"!!!
Great idea, these would fit perfectly in my environmental protection collection! :) However, it's a pity australians can't receive these.
I would love some green postcards!! :)
What an interesting idea. I love it!
Wow! These are really cool. I like the idea of those and I'd just loove to have one :)
That's a great ideal,good luck everyone!
How nice :) I haven't planted anything from seeds, that would be really interesting :)
Love this idea!! Hope I win.
What a great idea!
I am not in this yet? What a shame!
What an awesome idea! I'd like to get lucky ;)
wow, great postcards!
I'll give it a try
I love this idea, it would be a great early christmas present! :D for myself!
wow, postcards you can plant? what grows out of it? :D
Those are neat! I've seen the stamps available, and have gotten a few on my postcards!
So neat! :D
I like seeds!!!
Great cards. I have my fingers crossed!! :D
nice :) Let`s go green! :D
very coooooooooooooool!! ;o))
Beautiful goGreen postcard with matching stamps! A good move I say. :)
Oh wow, never heard of that! Would be so nice to try and plant one of those!
Oh, what a beautiful cards! Let's go green!!! xD
Really cool idea :) I'd love to try these out!
Go Green!! I always ride my bike to everywhere. That's the way I Go Green. I'd love to get that postcard.
I've gotten these stamps before to put on my postcards :] The USPS also sells reusable bags with similar graphics. I didn't know they also had these wildflower seeds!
Years ago I received a gift tag with a seed in it. Glad to see that now there are postcards with them!
Go Green! It's always good to be close to nature=) Hopefully all of us are aware of that.
Great idea :) Go green!
Really awesome! We gave away these heart-shaped seed papers at my father-in-law's funeral and encouraged people to plant them in his memory. Go GREEN!
I believe I got two of those stamps on a postcard I received recently, but I could be mistaken. I love the prize!
Great to read that USPS is working out something nice with Postcrossing. Would love to see more from the collaboration.
I really like this "green" idea. :)
amazing, I could not even imagine that this could be! very interesting and it's really a good thing! 0_0
These cards looks amazing! I'd love to have them! :D
Count me in ^_^
I like green :D
Sounds cool (looks so, too, in the picture, by the way). ;D Would love to try my luck in this one. ;)
I would love to enter!
I would love to have these!
Already bought a green flowerpot to match. Pick me;+)
am i´m too late to join?
i want to be in as well :)
So nice! I want it! :)
I have a green thumb. Count me in.
I'm always surprised by PC... and this idea is just brilliant!! Love it!! Go Green go!!! :D
What A Great Idea.. I Adore Green. :-)
These are awesome!
Very interesting idea! :D
These are like the coolest postcards I've ever seen! I mean, I love multifunctional things in general but this is absolutely brilliant :)
Thank you! Count me in! :)
These cards are so cool! I love the message, and that you can plant them!
I worked at a "Green" school (and still keep in touch), I'd love these cards and I'd give them to my former students to help spread the message. I also just like the design, and green is my favorite color.
What a fantastic idea! I hadn't seen these before, but I'm looking for those stamps on my next visit to the post office.
What a great idea!! Cool!
I have several sheets of those Go Green stamps. Would be happy for the chance to get the postcards too, thank you!
These are super fun. I hadn't seen them yet. I'll have to keep an eye out!
How cool! Hope even those of us who don't win make a change to be more green :)
i love these stamps!
I want this. First time see this type of postcard :) cool, green and beneficial!
I've seen the stamps but not the postcards... pretty cool!!
Pick me please. I would love these cards.
These are so interesting! I would love to win :)
I buy cards that are printed on recycled paper and i avoid printing address labels. I only print out if the address is in a different script like chinese or japnese or russian...
These are so interesting!
pick me! pick me!
would love to get these cards!! :)
What a cool idea!
Wow! You actually can grow plants out of a postcard? That's awesome!!!
What could be more beautiful than a combination of postcards, seeds and a green message...truly universal idea!
These sound wonderful - I'll have to go pester my local post office and see if they have any. :)
fantastic, interesting and attractive postcard, great idea :D
i bought these stamps a while back, they are really neat. Would love to win some though :)
Ooooo! Very カッコイ! Count me in too please!
this is amazing
Awesome idea! Also, beautiful blog :)
Count me in please! =)
Great idea! I'm in please!
Interesting idea :) I want this card :))
I want to try plant a postcard :)
Planting postcards! What a lovely idea!) It would be wonderful if a little poscards could grow from this seeds=)))
favourite color~
*smak* Love it! Send, register, plant, grow and enjoy :)
Meee! XD!
Would be cool to plant them and see if I could get some flowers out of them. I don't have green thumbs, so probably not!
wow, it's awesome. Nice giveaway.
Amazing postcards :)
greeny idea ♥
Nice idea! But you wouldn't be able to read the message on the back ever again if you plant it...
Nice idea :-)
me ,please!!!!:)
Amazing idea!;D Go Green!
I like the idea and i like green! :)
Lovely innitiative, a step forward to just state the importance of sustainability! Congrats!!!!
Count me in :D
What a fun give away. I have no garden so I can just imagine one of these growing in my flat and sending out the rest to my pen-pals. Good luck everyone!
Green green green!!! Yay yay yay!!!
For fun, I put the "Fix Water Leaks" stamp on a postcard of Niagara Falls...adding a little humor while also getting the "Go Green" message out to the world...
super good idea!
Wow, this is really awesome, I'm going green! :D
I've got terrible flu! Please can I win? It would make up for the fact I'm having to grind up tablets so i can swallow them xxxxxx
If I plant a postcard with seeds, will it be a postcard tree after some time? :)
Great, I would love to send and try them!!!
Oh, I would love to win! I saw these at my post office and wanted them so bad!
@Circustown - VERY NICE!! hahahaha
I just moved into a little apartment and these would be great for a container.
Would be nice to have something green at home during the long cold winter :)
Great idea, love the cards. I just wish they didn't have the BP looking logo on the front--not an environmentally friendly company.
I would like to try to grow something out of a postcard! :D
Great idea!!! I'd be happy to grow flowers in my flat)
We do recycling at school where they teach us some of the principles on the stamps. At home I've taught my parents all about recycling!
I have had potatoes and strawberries growing on my balcony this year. Now, wouldn't it be great to plant a few Go Greens and harvest postcards next year? I could then send them all over the world to prosper and multiply.
That's awesome! :)
Awesome :o
Count me in! :) Thanks for the nice offer.
That's really great :D
Love those! :)
Thank You, Wonderful give away. Going green Great
They seem like such good postcards.
Wow! Wonderful cards! Really would like to have some :)
Planting a postcard and getting little postcard-sprouts :D
So awesome!
That's amazing!
very nice idea!! Thanks!!
Such a nice idea! I like it!!!
I am new to postcrossing and I think this is a great idea.
I would love to receive these!!!!
beautifl ;)
i like green))) amazing cards)))
Love green! Go green!
Thanks fpr giveaway! Wonderful idea.
I've seen these in the post, what a great idea!
Really interesting! Great idea! :)
Very nice cards and stamps...
That's a cool postcard :)
WOW!! Great idea! I want one, too!! :D
Love the cards and stamps. :-)
Wow!! Almost 500 replies!!!
I'd love some Green Postcards!
Really sweet idea! I'll give it a try:)..
wow! growing postcards! I've never seen them before! count me in:)
Beautiful.I like it. !!!!!
I'd like to try my luck too :)
Postmaster Ted says, "I don't even remember seeing these".
It would be amazing seeing this cards growing here in Brazilian countryside! What an amazing and inspiring idea!
Good idea! I'd love to have those green plant seeds, and postcards (:
What a thoughtful giveaway :) Thanks for sharing
It's very unique and it's nice to have one of those :))
These are so very awesome! I love hearing tips for 'going green'!
Very cool and green!!
awesome idea to raise awareness to go green
This is very cool.
What a wonderful idea! Count me in!
Plantable postcards? How cool is that?
Love the post office postcards, these look really nice!
look like amazing and nice
The card and stamps look great! "Put on a sweater instead of turning up the thermostat." I do that all that time:)
We're ridin' the green wave ~
Count me in! Go green, green postcrosser!
I like Green cards :))
Such a good idea !!! I love it !
This is cool!!!
Winning this would be so awesome!
Being green is so important and inspiring)
That's nice)))
Beautiful retro design on the cards! And green is my favourite colour :)
Maybe it would be better to plant the cards during spring time so that the plants would sprout easier :)
Hello, I love these stamps and received some nice comments back on them from recipients. I even received one card, but have been saving it until spring before trying to plant it. Great idea for a promotion. Cheers!
Lovely cards and beautiful stamps, would like to send some to my regular private swapper postcrossers!!
I can't agree more! let's go green because we only have ONE earth (^_^)b
i'd love to get one!)
Great cards! Count me in please :-)
Wow I like it! Go Green!
Nice idea! I'd love to join this initiative!
Growing something out from a postcard.. that is a new thing to me! XD
Oh! That's a nice idea! Thanks so much! :-) Also Austrian post did something like that on stamps.
Make it more green :D
That's really cool!
Awesome idea! Although I´m wondering if it´s legal to send those to countries with strickt customs regulations..
I love those stamps. Unfortunately I used them all when I was in Florida. Should have bought more :)
I've seen these cards before. They're really quite beautiful.
Go Green !!
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I love these postcards!!;)
I'd love to receive one of this postcards!!
Wow , it would be fun to have "postcard-flowers" in the garden next summer :D
Great idea! Include me too!
I'm simply in love with the idea!
I teach my students a lot about recycling and the environment and I bet that when I tell them about this it will drive them crazy :)
I love plantable paper products! They make lovely gifts too :-) Can I share another 'green' tip- turn off the tap (faucet) whilst brushing your teeth, and only turn it on to rinse your toothbrush. Please!
SO sweet! I really wish to have these amazing seed stamps! :D
Great idea!!!
Wow! That's awesome :)
The cards are so cool!
Hope that I'll be able to win it by chance :)
Looking forward to see them sprout in my garden! =)
Happy Postcrossing you all, from Mexico.
Oh they're so cool! When I get them, I'll definetely send one to my uncle who takes his car for even a 100 metres!
these cards i will not put on my wall but save them in the sand!
It's interesting! And where can I buy them?
@ be_shiny: everything in blue text above the comments you can click on (like most of the text in blue on the postcrossing-site), you are forwarded to another page - one of them is where you can buy those fabulous cards!
how do I enter the giveaway?
Me and my black thumb would love these - Cindy
We had one card like that during the spring and from what I've heard those sprouted :))
I've used these stamps several times for mailing out my postcards. I had seen the postcards before, but since they were oversized, I wasn't sure how much it would cost to send them overseas...
Let´s grow a postcard-tree! :)
What a great idea!! ^_^
Great! The cards almost look psychedelic, very nice :)
WOW, this is amazing :)
these are cool! =)
I want to try my luck, too! :) I always refused to drive because I wanted to keep my ecological footprints SMALL. I do walk to the nearest shop if I need milk, yes. And I use public transportation, even if it's crowded and smelly... :) I am GREEN! :)
Well, greetings from Portugal ;-)
What a lovely idea! I could be doing two of my current hobbies at one time: postcrossing and gardening! Just wonderful!!!!
Such a beautiful idea. Sewing the seed of postcrossing while growing an interest in greenery at the same time. Marvellous x
Wow, thanks for the giveaway! And good luck to everybody!
good idea and thanks for giveaway!
I'm going to buy a sheet if I can! This giveaway is a great idea, by the way. Thanks!
Great cards! I once used Dutch stamps with plant seeds, people really appreciated thm.
Great idea!
So awesome! Count me in for this drawing!
green is my favorite color!!!
I love this idea!!
I love sending these to my pen pals' children...they all adore them
Very interesting postcard, thanks.
These are so cool (and ecofriendly) I will have to give them a try!
Yes, I would like to enter the contest!
wow!go green needs our everyday little good habits!
come on,everyone!:)
so special!
Count me in for the contest. Thanks!
nice idea!nice postcards!nice stamps!!!!
I have a green thumb : ) !!
Those look so awesome. ^_^ I love flowers.
What a great idea!! :)
I really love this!
Wow... that is awesome!
Special postcards for a special good idea!Great!
It would be great to win such a special postcard! :)
Wonderful cards! :)
Count me in!!
Wildflowers are great! Count me in! :)
So cool.
They are almosty to nice to send of plant.
I'd plant one, send one and keep the spare just because it's beautiful
wow, it' so interesting! I've never heard about it before. It will be nice to see how it works on my own eyes :) Count me in! :)
That's a great idea!
I really want to have the postcard!
Hope I'm the lucky one..^_^
i simply wanna have one. postcrossing u rock.
Very interesting!
I've had such fun sending these cards! I also found a bookmark that has similar theme - "Save the Earth Day Everyday!" People just love them - and I'm waiting to plant mine in the spring.
Amazing idea! It looks so fun! I love it!
Seems like an awesome idea! :}
Green Card with Green Stamps,
Green Seed Grow Green Plant,
Green People with Green Idea,
Green Environment for our Green Earth
What a fantastic idea! I am always trying to think of new ways to go green! :)
I once got a wedding invitation, the paper was recycled, and had seeds in it!
Well, it´s an interesting idea to follow - just in case I don´t get the original ones :-) I could make some myself... nice recy-paper + flower stamps are always at hand. However with the seeds I preffer to wait until spring, so I hope I won´t forget it.
0/ i want to participate! That's a great ideea!
How cool is this :D we need these cards in Holland!!
That's very interesting, but if I would receive one of these postcards I wouldn't plant them in ground. They are so nice!
Every time i get more and more exicted about the postcrossing project, and as a fellow go-green activist i'd be more than pleased to win this ones!!! They're so cute and a very nice way to spread the word all over the world!! =)
Very very neat! Count me in! :)
Well, the place where someone gives something for free is the place where I am.
What a wonderful idea! If I won't win them I guess I'm gonna have to buy them!
Go Green - am I the only one to notice the irony? The USPS is so deep "in the red numbers" that it will take a major miracle to even survive... Just as there is so little hope to stop global warming.
I always try to save some natural resources: I recycle materials, buy products with less packaging, always use compost and leave grass clippings on the lawn at my dacha.
great idea!
Count me in! (:
Let's go green together!=D
They're really beautiful and I wouldn't be the only one that want them by the comments that I see :D
Wonderfull! I'd like one :)
I think these postcards are just beautiful and I love the fact that just perhaps I could grow some flowers from a postcard! Amazing!!!!
We had stamps with a seed on them a few years ago, but since I collect stamps I never planted them... These postcards are almost too beautiful to plant too. Dilemma!
I'd love to win a pack!! I do my small part to be green by using reusable shopping bags.
This is brilliant!! Can you imagine what our landfills would look like if all paper items were made like this?!?!?!?!?!
Card board, business cards, 'brown paper' bags... The possibilities are endless!! GO GREEN!!!
Wow! :) Great.
Choose me =)
wow, i've never heard about such opportunity to plant sooo cute postcard. I want it.
What great Postcards! although I must say I would be torn send them off into the world or plant one hmmm.....
Pretty cool!
great idea!
Wow these are beautiful and the boys in my class would love to plant the seeds and watch them grow! What a great idea! x
Supercool! I've seen something like that before, just can't recall what it was... Hmm...
how cool is that?! count me in, guys!
Love it.
Wow! That's great!
Very cool idea :)
Great idea and what a beautiful postcards and stamps to be added as collections.
It would make such an awesome addition to my collection :) excellent excellent initiative to make an awareness campaign in this manner.
i hope i can win.. :) this is such an awesome idea.. GO GREEN!!
super-cool postcards....how cool that they grow! And I love the stamps too...fun! :)
They are WONDERFUL, and i am all for this idea. im going green !!:)
That's interesting... :)
These are fabulously fun postcards, I have sent out a few myself.
Me me me please! :) I love this idea, very cool!
I just bought some of these going Green stamps at the post office to mail out a bunch of postcrossing cards today!
I'd love to receive one of these
These sound so cool! I'd love to get one!
I really like the idea of cards. If I would win them, I think I would plant one and sent the others away :)
Wow, these are just great. Very good idea!
Green is my favorite colour LOL and I love the environment
quite an interesting idea and really nice cards:)))
What a good idea to get people thinking about going green :)
Plantable postcards, wow... that's really creative. I'd love some! :)
Love an idea!
I'd like to get one too ))
I just love them :)
There is restoration and maintenance work in my office, and I think these plants will be great with the new decoration :)
These cards are awesome! We are recyclers and I just taught a pre-teen group how to make a personal journal from upcycled drink coasters and cup cozies. It was so cute!
Green is my favorite color! And I love cards you can plant!
So nice! Especially at the winter time, small warm "hello" from summer:)
I have the stamps but decided against buying the postcards, as I've heard a lot of countries have customs restrictions on plant seeds, and I wasn't sure if these postcards would actually arrive at their destination because of that.
I suppose it's probably worth a try, though!
Count me in too!
Nice card and seeds~ Love to get one. :)
A very good initiative. I LOVE THE CARDS AND THE STAMPS !!!
I hope to receive one! :P
had proper coffee this morning? these grounds, don't flush them down the sink!! Add them too your garden where they will mix into soil and deter slugs and snails!!
Pick me!! Please....:)
Great; I've got place in my little city garden!
it would be great to have them
good luck everyone.
What a nice idea! Planting postcards ;)
Great idea!Looking forward^^
I would love to try it
I've got the stamps but I haven't seen the postcards. I'll have to look for them at the post office. Thanks for the post!
What agreat idea, I hope I win!
How fun! And they look great.
I just bought these stamps the other day! Wish I'd known there were postcards to go with them....next trip I will pick some up, thanks for posting!
What a great idea! Where can you buy them?
Great Idea... If I'll get one I'll send everything to other postcrossers...
I'd love to plant a postcard :)
Amazing idea!
Fantastic idea... I have seen greeting cards and little valentine pack like this, but some postcards like it would be nice! Count me as entered, please!
bobos: If you click on the words 'Go Green' in the blog article it will take you to the place to buy some :D
oops, I meant Bobso :D :D
am I the last one???
Awesome idea!
I have used the cards that you can plant, I didn't know they had postcards. It's such a neat idea.
Amazing! whatt a wunderfull idea!! make the world greener!!
I think this is an amazing idea, no matter who wins the weekend giveaway. Go green everybody! =)
This is such a cool idea, my mum is well into postcards and I'd love to send one of these to her :D
What a great cards! It's an amazing idea! :)
Very cool indeed!~
It's very beautiful!
This is my 2nd cmnt, so I disqualify myself: If the idea of the card and your message being planted in soil seems sad, you could tape another postcard to the Go Green card (or use an envelope for the two), and write your message to your postcrossing friend on this 2nd card. BTW, I wish the post office had included stamps for "Use a Hand Rake, not a Leaf Blower" and "Reach for a Paddle, not a Jetski throttle". (Thanks Brenda 9teen87 for a fun and conscious-raising contest....You ARE an ambassador!)
It's really a fantastic idea!! Count me in!
what a wonderful giveaway...and what a great idea to make these postcards. I actually think it is rather nice to plant the card and the message in the soil and see the words "blossom". Would be interesting to take a series of photographs of the card as it arrived/being planted and then growing ( hopefully) :-)
Ooooh, nice!
What a great idea! I definitely want to participate. Thanks to those who organise it!
Please add me. I read about them before. It is awesome idea.
hola amigos la verdad me gustaria ganarme las postales que viene con semillas desde ya gracias
Good idea!!
What a wonderful idea to teach every generation to conserve energy and go green!! Give it to kids in schools they will plant it and watch it grow , see the beautiful stamps and understand their meaning!Give it to grown ups and i am sure everyone will definitely take second look at it..realizing what they are about to lose if they dont save it!! GO GREEN! :D ♥ ♥
I would love to get those cards :)
Great Idea with the seeds in it.
Very cool cards!
Great idea!
This is an awesome idea and I think kids, in particular, will be interested in growing from the postcard.
The postcard is interesting.
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