
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 5,519,594 habitants. The capital of Norway is Oslo.
Members: 1,260 (Browse all)
Sent: 257,846 postcards
Received: 265,707 postcards
Ranking: 36th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Norway

Most active members

1. heidilura, Norway Postcrossing Supporter heidilura
18,253 postcards sent
2. jhbr, Norway Postcrossing Supporter jhbr
10,980 postcards sent
3. KAS, Norway Postcrossing Supporter KAS
7,525 postcards sent
4. Inger71, Norway Postcrossing Supporter Inger71
7,477 postcards sent
5. marit_la, Norway marit_la
6,200 postcards sent
6. ScandinavianTraveler, Norway ScandinavianTraveler
6,027 postcards sent
7. IreneBP, Norway Postcrossing Supporter IreneBP
5,012 postcards sent
8. OldManSea, Norway OldManSea
4,939 postcards sent
9. LindaBarL, Norway LindaBarL
4,919 postcards sent
10. ingerlinger, Norway ingerlinger
4,737 postcards sent

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