Hong Kong

is a special territory in the continent of Asia with a population of 7,536,100 habitants. The capital of Hong Kong is Hong Kong.
Members: 9,637 (Browse all)
Sent: 798,913 postcards
Received: 807,859 postcards
Ranking: 19th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Hong Kong

Most active members

1. sandyahyu, Hong Kong sandyahyu
8,912 postcards sent
2. VivienSin, Hong Kong VivienSin
8,721 postcards sent
3. emilaylay, Hong Kong emilaylay
7,156 postcards sent
4. angusjai, Hong Kong angusjai
6,859 postcards sent
5. yukspostcard, Hong Kong yukspostcard
6,793 postcards sent
6. CaMoLa, Hong Kong CaMoLa
6,346 postcards sent
7. ZeroFu, Hong Kong ZeroFu
6,258 postcards sent
8. LovePC, Hong Kong LovePC
5,941 postcards sent
9. dorothy1109, Hong Kong dorothy1109
5,937 postcards sent
10. ilovepostcrossinghk, Hong Kong ilovepostcrossinghk
5,657 postcards sent

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