Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: cicus from Finland!


Happy New Year, everyone!

We’ve met Katriina (aka cicus) a few times now, in different Postcrossing meetings around Europe. She likes languages and traveling… and sometimes even takes ideas for upcoming trips from the postcards she receives! Here are her replies to our interview questions:

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I saw a little article in a magazine, and got interested. I started shortly after that when my sister recommended Postcrossing to me, and explained how it works. I’ve just always liked receiving snail mail. I used to have a few penpals, but all had disappeared, or I had, and this was and still is a perfect substitute!

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Currently I enjoy a burlesque class once a week. I like learning languages but am not participating in any classes at the moment. I used to take Russian lessons, and now I use Postcrossing as a way to practice.

I travel quite a bit, too. Last year I’ve been to Estonia, UK, France, Slovakia, Russia and Denmark.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!
Cicus Spotlight interview

I keep my unsent postcards in a purple box in the bookshelf. I haven’t counted them, but I’m assuming there could be a few hundred. The box is also the limit: I don’t want more clutter around so I can’t keep buying more postcards than what fits in the box.

Cicus Spotlight interview

My received postcards are in an Ikea box which also stays in the bookshelf. I also have a file *somewhere* and I found a small shoebox full of postcards in the walk-in closet. So clearly my collection is not very carefully organized… But it’s full of memories and nice surprises.

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.
Cicus Spotlight interview

This is my first received postcard in Postcrossing. I couldn’t take my eyes off it — what a nice looking, atmospheric place. About a year later I had a chance to travel to Porto, so I did, and it was just as amazing as it had seemed on the picture. When I started Postcrossing I didn’t really expect such big impact like travelling to see a place on a postcard:)

Cicus Spotlight interview

Another special received card (among many, of course!). I think it’s hilarious that pets participate, and there had just been discussion about a very, um, “self-respecting” cat called Gordon on the forum. Then I received a card from him — a self-portrait of course!

What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

What isn’t? :) But maybe the moment when I draw a new address and get to read the profile. Especially when they have some unique wishes that I’m able to fulfil.

Have you met any other members in real life?

Maaaaany, even hosted some in my home and been hosted. I have attended meetups in Finland, UK and Germany. Later this month, me and mr. cicus will visit another postcrosser in Denmark.

18 comments so far

MeggieW, Australia

How wonderful to meet other people who understand the thrill of getting snail mail. Maybe you can make it to one of our meetings in Australia.

Poste, United States of America

Thank you for sharing the Joy of Postcrossing!

sparkly-, Germany

Yay! Another member who uses the size of her postcard storage as the absolute limit of how much postcards she can buy :)
Lovely, thank you for sharing, and nice to 'meet' you!

Mailbird2, United States of America

Limit the number of postcards to buy, what an odd idea. . .

zomertje, Netherlands

Thanks for the nice story, love the card with the cat on it!!
I have a little chest with drawers for my cards to send.

SunflowerLover, United States of America

I agree with Jubula! My husband keeps asking me if I REALLY need to buy more cards...of course I do! That is part of the fun of this FUN hobby! I LOVE Postcrossing. I also love that Cicus has traveled to other countries to go to meetings. I hope she comes to the Meet Ups I have planned!

meiadeleite, Portugal

We also have a one-drawer limit around here! :)

acornishmaidinzelah, United Kingdom

Congratulations on being in the spotlight Kata! Can I just add that years ago I named one of my cows after Kata and there is also a Kata Junior!

miwi2, Germany

A friend asked me: "You have been sending only 70 postcards till now. What the hell you have a storage of app. 500 unsent postcards for?" I know;-)

Janinelily, United States of America

I bought a cardboard sort of large trunk to put my received cards in. My granddaughter said, "You don't have any cards yet." I told her,"Oh, but I will!" I've made a good start now.

LadyP1964, Germany

Oh I really must limit my unsent cards to just one box! I reckon I have over 1000 in my 3 (!!!!) swap boxes.

It was a great read here, thank you!

fisherman, Ireland

Nice spotlight Katriina. Lately I have been filing my received cards in shoe boxes in countries order. I need more shoe boxes LOL.

Areli, Mexico

Wow what a beautiful collection!

rikspacs, Finland

burlesque new side of you :) One of my friend does it too, she is professional and her shows are great :) I have too many boxes with unused and my received ones are a bloody mess.

Mailbird2, United States of America

I confess: I have a two file box limit.

isagv, Germany

Hi Katriina, nice spotlight. It was a pleasure to host you in Germany. :)

ybur, Czech Republic

Yes, I know it, too. We have no more place in our box full of cards for sending and promise not to buy new cards. And always come one of us home with some nice new cards and said: "I could not leave them there (i.e. in the shop), they are attractive for postcrossers!"

PiaSusanna, Finland

It was so nice to read another postcrosser's experiments.
Same favorite part here too, when find suitable card to send somewhere.
I' ll take that idea of unsent postcards in use, easier find what to send.
