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Blog > The Graceful Envelope Contest β€” 2018 edition

The Graceful Envelope Contest

Time to submit your entries to the Graceful Envelope contest, one of the nicest mailart contests out there! Every year, they pick a theme for the submissions, and 2018's topic is simply the weather. 🌦

From their website:

There’s always something to say about the weather. From severe storms to sowing crops, to using the sun and wind for renewable energy, the weather affects everyone. Summon a brainstorm to capture what’s outside your window—or outside the box—and design a winning envelope!
The Graceful Envelope Contest

And if you think you don’t have a nice enough handwriting to participate – don’t fret! One judge on the contest’s 2011 edition revealed that they’re not simply looking for the best calligraphy or painter… in the end, what really matters is the winning combination of all elements in the envelope (ie, design, calligraphy and stamps) and how they work together to reflect the year’s theme.

The contest is open to entries from all around the world (as long as they are sent in by March 26th 2018) and there are separate categories for children too, so do encourage your little ones to give it a go!

You can read the contest rules and how to participate on the Washington Calligraphers Guild website, and check out some of the previous entries for inspiration on their Flickr page.

15 comments so far

mgwhiterice, United States of America

Those past entries are insane! I've decorated envelopes, sure, but nothing on that scale before.

SunshineCece, United States of America

For children? I am child!! Please tell me how I enter as a kid!!

meiadeleite, Portugal

@SunshineCece Just have a look at their page β€” the instructions are really simple! :)

hulottati, Germany

I would like to encourage all people interested to participate - though I am only an amateur calligraph I succeeded in winning a prize last year.
Btw - if anyone is interested in exchanging covers please contact me!

meiadeleite, Portugal

@hulottati Oh, that's great Albrecht! Congratulations!!! πŸŽ‰

alterego, Canada

Wow!! Some serious and creative talent out there!

rhhk, Singapore

Good luck to everyone participating!

lama1, Netherlands

They look fantastic. Wish I am able to do that. Can only wish to received an enveloppe like that one day. Athough if it will ever arrive? Dutch mail already has problems reading normal typed addresses so an eveloppe like this will never arrive over here I'm afraid :(

Flippie, Canada

Hi, I love to try....why not, eh?

meiadeleite, Portugal

@Flippie Canada has really nice weather-themed stamps too! 🌦

iphoto, Australia

I could spend hours scrolling through the entries for this & past years ... the talent, creativity, originality coupled with the obvious passion each entry has is a joy to share❣️

ilikeharrypotter, United States of America

so cool! i want to send in an entry.

ilikeharrypotter, United States of America

i hope they let kids enter.

meiadeleite, Portugal

@ilikeharrypotter Sure they do β€” there's even different categories according to age! πŸ˜€ Give it a try, there's still time!

Flippie, Canada

I just send away my envelope, let hope for the best.
