Thank you!
After only a week, we’ve already received an overwhelming amount of postcards, so we’ve decided to take down the address. We’re preparing an update for later this week, so keep an eye on the blog! Seriously, you guys are THE best! :)

Dear postcrossers,
This is Ana, your community manager speaking. I’m usually the writer behind the posts that you read on this blog… but today I’m writing this one as myself, to personally ask for your assistance.
You see, in about a month, I will be in Portugal, standing in front of an audience of several hundred people from various backgrounds, to tell them about Postcrossing and the simple pleasures of receiving mail. The problem is… I’m willing to bet that 99% of them have probably never received a postcard, or don’t remember the last time that they did. How can you empathize with something you’ve never experienced? While brainstorming a plan for making this work, I reached the inevitable conclusion: I have to show them!
So, inspired by Oprah, my idea is to surprise many of the conference attendees with an unexpected postcard written just for them, which they would receive during the talk!
I could write all the postcards myself… but I think it would be much more interesting if the postcards came from different people all around the world, with their own stories and details.
So I wanted to ask… would you mind writing a postcard, and giving me a hand? I would be really grateful, and you’d be helping all these people re-discover the magic of postcards! :)
Interested? Got a neat card that you don’t mind sharing? Then mail it to:
We’ve received sooooo many cards in just a week, that I’ve decided to remove the address, as I think they’ll be more than enough. Thank you so much! :)
What should you write on it? Whatever you like, really, but here are some ideas to get you started:
- How do you feel when you find a postcard on your mailbox at the end of the day?
- What does Postcrossing mean to you?
- What have you learnt or discovered through postcards? What would you teach this person?
- What was the most inspirational talk you’ve ever attended or listened to?
- What is special about your city or country?

Or you could just describe what you did today and what the weather is like where you are… anything goes, really! :)
That’s it! Those who know me, know that I’m a bit shy and not particularly comfortable with the spotlight… I’d like to think that, by carrying your postcards with me, I’ll have a little bit of your support on that stage.
Thank you so much in advance! :)
I thought I’d add a couple notes to clear up some of the questions that have come up in the comments:
- Please don’t put my name on the postcard – the cards are not for me, they’ll all be delivered to the attendees. The address is a PO box, it works fine without a name.
- If you want to write a salutation on the message, keep it simple and flexible with an “Hello” or “Dear attendee”
- The event takes place on March 8th… so please send your cards soon! :)
456 comments so far
Just a little side remark:
Postcrossing is one of the reasons I just started learning Portuguese. Also to read some literatur in the original. Hope I'll succeed. Love the language.
I'll get some postcards on their way to you! Promised!
Rainer (Tellmewhat)
You can be sure of my help!
Exactly 2 years and 1 day ago I received my first postcard by was such a great experience! And today it's still the same magic!
I'll send some postcards, of course!
I will send you a postcard, Anna! Hope you will make a deep impression towards your audience! :D
Great ideas! :D
of course I'm in!
You really have great ideas!
What a perfect idea - tempt the participants with the joy of random postcards to give them a taste of how much fun postcrossing is. I've got a postcard in the mail for you!
What a marvellous idea, Ana. I'm sure you will make a great impression on the people of Portugal, maybe lots of new members too.
It will be a great pleasure to send you a card.
Dear Ana, thank you for your work! (And of course I´ll send you a card!)
Excuse me,but I'm not very clear about the operation.Should I get the card written inside an envelop?Or just written and stamped to you?Sorry for disturbing.Happy Lunar New Year to all!
Happy to be with you in Portugal (at least in a postcard)
Boa sorte no trabalho de divulgação. Conte comigo. Enviarei algiuns postais amanha. Favor informar se coloco seu nome na direção. Abraços
Lafaiete Costa(em Minas Gerais /Brazil)
I'm in. Who are the participants? Kids, students, post employees..?
Oh yeah! You can coun't on me!
Postcard written - will be on its way tomorrow :)
Love that idea! I'm absolutely in.
written, will be send tommorrow....with little pep talk to join in :) it's such magic to find something except bills in your mailbox....I'm always skipping like my 3 years old daughter ;)
You can count on me. It´s a good way how to promote postcrossing.
Advance wishes... I'm in... Will send you a card from India...
That's a smart idea for promoting our great hobby and giving the participants an idea of how it really feels to receive a card! Greek cards are coming to you:)!
Great idea! I'll be happy to send a card.
Postcard will be on it's way to you tomorrow. Happy to help! :)
Happy to help with this, it's a great idea!
I love it! And you will do awesome!! Who better to talk about postcrossing than Ana???? My cards are on their way today.
I'm happy to help, and the idea is very good :) Thank you for the great and interesting blog, too!
YAY! You guys are brilliant! I wish I could high-five each one of you :)
So, a few notes to clear things up:
- No need for envelopes!
- The theme of the conference is "emotions". The attendees are really from all sorts of backgrounds, but definitely not children - more like university students, professionals, experts in different fields and people who are curious and open to new ideas.
- You should write the address as it is without a name (it's a PO box).
- I plan to deliver the cards during the conference, so they're not for me - they're for the attendees. If you'd like to write a greeting, just write "Hello!" or "Dear attendee", to keep it flexible, and write the card as you would to any other Postcrossing member :)
Hope that helps!
Sending you some!!! :)
Good opportunity to practice Portuguese!
For you: everything :)
When is the deadline?
I'm portuguese, I'd love to know where the conference is going to be.
This is great! I am in! :)
:) Vou mandar ja amanhã!
I'm in, great idea! I'll send them tomorrow
Very good idea, I'll post a postcard tomorrow.
@SarahLin: the cards need to arrive before the conference day, which is 8th of march.
@MarinaMaia: no porto, a 8 de março! :)
You can count on one from me. :)
This is such a good idea! I'm sending you 2 postcards from Hungary and I'm sure you will just do fine. Good luck :))
an absolute pleasure to help you.....mine will be mailed tomorrow - if the snow here ever stops.
I d like to send one of the attendees a Where s Wally card ! Brilliant plan you came up with !
I'm in :)
I'll send a card this week, just to be sure it arrives in time.
I love the idea! Tomorrow my postcard will go your way!
I'd be happy to help/participate! Just one question - could you tell us a 'due date'?
will send my card tomorrow :)
This is a fantastic idea and the best way to help them experience the wonder that is PostCrossing first-hand! I'll send one!
Hey Ana! You can count me in!
Btw, can't we also watch the conference? I would love to go! :D
I am Portuguese and will gladly send a postcard myself too :D this should be funny!
Sure!. I will help too, Ana.
I will send one!
Yay, a perfect idea to show what Postcrossing is about: receiving a card from a friend you don't know yet!
I'm in. :-)
I'll send one!
One from Belgium will be soon on its way! :-)
postcard ready! will fly tomorrow! :D
Mine is going out to you today! Good luck!
I'm in!
Already in the post! Have a nice time in Portugal, best wishes from London !
Ana, you helped me out last year by sharing my Mom's story on Facebook and my request for birthday cards for her came in droves! I'd be happy to send some cards out. I will get on it later today - my hubby is having surgery tomorrow on his back :(, so we're a little busy right now.
I hope you get hundreds of cards!!!
I'm in!
Your mailman will be stunned! lol
Ana, of course I will help you!
I send you one from Germany!
I'll send a postcard, love the idea.
Have fun! Cards will come! :)
Great idea, Ana! I hope it will feel like we are all standing on that stage beside you, supporting you :) A card and a hug on the way from the Netherlands.
I'm writing one now! Good luck for your presentation!
Oh, I want to send one, and I will. The thing is that it won't reach you in a month, thanks to Venezuelan sucky postal service. :( Well, you'd get to keep it then. :)
Hi! When and where in Portugal will be the conference?
ill send one too :)
One from Canada, ready to send! Great idea :)
It's time to share with many other people.✌(*≧∇≦*)
What a great idea! One will be one the way! Good luck on the presentation ! I hope you could share the result and the audience's reaction with us. :)
Great idea, mine is on its way!
My card is on the way from Tokyo!
Great idea, card from Norway written tonight, will be posted tomorrow morning!
What a great idea! Thank you for this! I'm in!
I'm in ! :D
Postcard is (almost) on it's way...!
Great idea, I'm in!
hope this inspires many to start post crossing :)
sending a card today !
Lovely, Ana! I will send from Brazil! In Portuguese!hahahaha
I am in too, wonderful idea :)
Count me in! I will write one or two postcards for the people.
I just wrote the post card.
Reading your postcards gave me goosebumps in a very good way. ;) :D Im sure they would feel so good :D
soooooo cool, i'm totally in!!!!! :):)
I'm sending one from Halifax, NS, Canada. It's written just have to put stamps on it:)
written. will send tomorrow! :)
It's an honor to have in my country, hope everything works out :D
I love the idea! Choosing a postcard now!
I will do that, you will receive a lot of cards as I see.
No need to be shy! It´s such a great project! My card is written!
great, tomorrw i'll send one, hope you have a big success!!!
I'll definetelly doing it! Hope the postcard gets there in time :(
Postcard written and sent.! Wonderful idea. Wish you a lot of success!!
I'll send one!
i will send one too :)
One from Bulgaria on its way ;)
One on the way!
Postcard written, I'll send it tomorrow :)
Hi Im just beginner with Postcrossing but I like the idea very much. Just sending a card to support you :-)
I sent you one from Germany!
Two cards ready to go.
I'll send one from Holland!
Olá Ana! Enviarei um postal para Braga e escrito em português ehehe! Boa sorte para o TED!! :)
I'm totally in!
Go for it, Ana!! :)
É para o TedxOporto? Que espectacular! Boa sorte!
I did it right now !
It will be done
I'm in. Maybe you could post a wall of all of the postcards that you get! I'd love to see them.
Yep, a postcard will be send tomorrow. That's a great idea, good luck! ^__^
What a good idea, I'm in!
Good luck Ana, you can do this! I'll post a card this evening!
From the Netherlands Northern part (Fryslân ) I 'm sending one tomorrow :)
From Holland, Zeewolde is a card on his way to Portugal!!!!
i managed to get down the driveway and out through the snow to the post office....your two cards are sent....good luck at your talk! this is a great idea.....
Très bonne idée. Ma carte partira demain de France.
you will have to post pictures of the event.
Count me in!
A small card can make a big difference! I will mail my card tomorrow.......
Great idea! I'll get one sent to you this week. And I pray that you'll be confident and composed when you make your presentation. Please share with us how it goes.
YES ! this is great !
That is an awesome idea, Ana :) I am going to send a postcard, of course.
I think you'll need a wheeled suitcase. One?! Sending a postcard from Lower Saxony, Germany.
Almost ready. :) I'll mail a card from Russia tomorrow in the morning. Good luck!
Absolutely, Anna! I'll send a beautiful postcard from the lovely Argentina. :)
Great idea! Let us know how many cards you received and tell us about the reactions!
I'll send one tomorrow from France. :)
I'm on it! You'll be getting one from New Mexico :)
Count me in! Postcrossing rocks! : )
Absolutely! Canadian postcard on the way!
Saúdes da Alamanha written on a winter landscape
I'm in! :) Card is ready, I'll send the card on Wednesday with prioritaire. You are great and You will be great on that special day too!
Sending a postcard to you tomorrow! :)
I'm in! Today is my little Postcrossing anniversary - 365 days since I found this amazing community. I'll be glad to let other people feel the joy of receiving 'live' mail :)
Mine will be on the way tomorrow ;D
I'm in too ! As others said, you won't be alone on that stage !
Count me, too, in
I just wrote mine and it will be in the mail tomorrow :) Thanks for this great idea! There will be many postcards from Finland I assume, mine is just one of those. ;) Good luck there!
It's a great idea! I'm in too=)
Another card is on it's way. Have fun at the congress. You'll rock!
Card on the way from Canada. Good luck with the speech.
Of course I'll write a card, too.
I am pretty sure your speech will be just perfect Ana. Toi,toi toi
printing the address as we speak :) I like this idea.
Great idea! I'm in!
Yeap, i'm in, too :)
Coming from. New Zealand, leaving today !
I will send a card :) the Portuguese people are the nicest people :) My Grandmother came from Madeira
I'm in too ;)
Quincy cards is in too!
Marvelous idea.
You can count on me!
Thank you everyone! Your outpour of support is really overwhelming and incredibly nice. Postcrossers sure are the best! :)
I will definitely be updating you with photos of the postcards (provided by my brother, who I'm bribing with chocolate in order for him to empty his PO box regularly), and I'm quite certain there will be video evidence of the talk to share later... I'll keep you posted! :D
It's on its way x x a
A card is on its way to Portugal.. and good luck :)
A card from Holland is on the way! Good luck with the presentation, I'm sure you'll do great! :)
I'm in !
Participo com gosto..
Boa conferência .
My card is on it's way too. Portugal is one of my favourite holiday destinations, have spent many summers basking in the sunlight. So enjoy !
Sending a postcard from OKLAHOMA
Consider it done.
I will send one, too. I am a Portuguese-speaking German, so I hope my card will be a nice little "surpresa" for an attendee! :-)
I'm in, sending a postcard from Corsica (France). Great idea and I'm sure it will be a great moment, good luck !
I'll add my address, so the receiver has the possibility to write his/her first postcard ;-)
That's great :D
I'm willing to help!
A card from Vancouver on its way to you now :)
the card is on way...of course I'm in ;)
I've also just finished writing a card :)
I should have picked a bigger one though, I wanted to write so much more than what actually fit on the card :(
Well, I wish you luck with the talk and really hope there will be many happy faces afterwards :)
My one is on its way now! Good luck!
awesome! :) Boa sorte!!! :D
Just written mine the post tomorrow
It's in the mailbox! :D This is great, I hope you inspire many more to join our community!
Posting mine after I send in this comment XD
I just sent mine to your address. It's such a good idea to share all these cards.
OMG I received a postcard from Ana month ago ;D Crazy that I don't remember which card on my room-wall, but the user behind that cards.
Just printed an own photo as a big card (maximum postcard sizes from our post office) to send it, and I don't know whether it'll stay only that card. Probably I'll send much more cards. Expect more than one. Normally if I'm writing postcards I can't stop it.
I really enjoy your blogs, Ana. I was amused that you thought of writing the postcards yourself - allowing us to join in is the whole purpose of Postcrossing. You can be sure I will be writing at least one card. Or maybe a half dozen!
Just read about this a moment ago - surely there will be a postcard from Ireland. It will be in the post tomorrow :)
Tomorrow my card will be on its way to Portugal. Lots of success! :)
Helping you for sure! Such a good idea, and good luck with the event...after you've done it you'll probably feel even stronger than before :)
FEELINGS - it is an essence of postcards and Postcrossing.
Another one from the Netherland comming your way. Succes with your presentation and let us know how many card arrived there in Braga. Love to hear how the reactions are.
tomorrow I'll send a card from Italy. The main reason why guys must know postcrossing is about geography. I have 3 kids...they don't know where the countries are in this world, they don't study the capitals of the countries at school. East, West, North, all identical. The beauty of getting a card from a far country is to understand where it comes from and to check on the world map where that city is situated...Great occasion really. ciao from Italy. Alfredo.
Expect multiple postcards from me! :) I love the idea!
What a great idea! I´m in!!!!
Count me in, Ana!
did it! tomorrow a postcard will be on its way to Portugal
Two cards from South Carolina are on the way! Great idea...thanks for letting us be a part of it!
My postcard is on his way to Portugal. Greats Fenna
Hi Ana,
great idea! Cad is written and on the way...
Absolutely, Ana! Mine will go out tomorrow! :)
card written. I'm pleased to help you :)
Sending tomorrow too.
With pleasure, but who do I address it to? Have your name on the card makes you feel so special.. So if you have a list of names of people invited that would be een better!! Giving them bags of mail destined for them, with THEIR name on the card!!
Consider it done..... my pleasure. Ynnoc from the USA
Sending one... or two...
Calro que sim, ainda por cima tão pertinho. Eu so de Guimaraes.
Boa Sorte Vizinha!
I'm sending my support from Indonesia! ^_*
Love to join this! I will find a nice one and send out tomorrow! :D
I'm in! Hope my postcard from the Philippines makes it in time for your presentation. Best of luck! :-)
I'll be very glad to send a postcard for this nice project, Anna. Hope my postcard will be received before the event held.
Break a leg, ANA! Card sent.
Ana, it is in the mail!
Postcrossing has brightened my days and I can't wait for the mail to come. So much better than bills, and my little help in keeping writing alive.
Great idea! I'll send a couple of postcards (from Japan and Philippines). Hope they reach you before the event. Good luck, and I hope you will be able to encourage more people (especially young people) to participate in this wonderful project.
I'd love to be a part of this, i will send you the cards tomorrow :) Cheers from the Philippines
I may be inactive here but I'd love to help you out. Hope it reaches you soon!
Great! Will send you a card asap :)
Just hope the cards reach you in time for the event. God bless you Ana! Way to go. Cheers from the. Philippines!
I will send one today, I hope it reaches you in time!
I'm a relative new member of postcrossing and already my office wall has about 20 cards to brighten up my day... A card from Kenya is on its way :)
I'm happy to help! A card is on its way already. :)
Sending you a postcard from Republic of Georgia! :) Cheers!
I send IT today
Please wait for my postcard! And GOOOOOD LUCK!
Marvelous idea! I'll try to have mine mailed by the end of this week or early next week at the latest. Have a wonderful time at the conference Ana!
This is a perfectly well-intentioned invitation. I prepared a card immedialtely and going to send it today... Come on folks lets show the power of postcrossers.. :)
@Help777 my brother promised to empty the PO box regularly! :)
I am in with a card from the heart of Transylvania :)
yes Ana, I will join this great event and send my card today!
I'm in too. I've put a few together and written on all of them .. hope the talk goes well!
Great idea! I'm in,too!
Hello Ana, I'll send a postcard from France :)
Best wishes!
We will send one, too. It will be also interesting to know how many cards you can collect. Good luck for the presentation
I'm defenitely in! Hope all the cards will be presented to the attendees as there can be really many cards based on the comments above from the postcrossing prticipants:))))
I'm in! Just wrote the text in the postcard and I'll send it today. Good luck in the conference. It will be great!
Great idea!
I'll post mine today!
Wishing you a lot of succes
Postcard written and stamped - it will start its journey today from Austria to Portugal :)
Done. Sent. Postcard from Chicago headed your way. I addressed it to "Ana" but I hope that whoever reads it knows that it was written for them. I just wanted to make sure that it reached your mailbox alright.
Good luck at the conference/seminar/speaking engagement! There need to be more proselytizers for real mail in this world :)
@GnuD I don't want to say the name of the event for fear it will spoil the surprise when the attendee's google it... but I can say it's a regional version of a big worldwide conference.
The theme of this year's conference is "emotions" and the things that move us. I'll be focusing on the small pleasures of receiving mail, and the difference that small moment can make. I'm hoping many people will realize the power of postcards, and who knows... perhaps join Postcrossing too (and make the world a better place!) :D
Written and stamped - From France to Portugal :)
My card is written and on the way.
May your speech show the audience that postcrossing is a pleasure...
of course I will do this. It's a splendid idea!!!
I would like to see there faces when the here about how it comes. i really would like to do that myself That must be great telling about this fabulous hobby. And please just be yourself and tell them alll about the postcrossing just the way you do.I wish you a lot of succes.
Yes you can!
The postcard is on its way!
Ana, we're with you. You can do this. Stay confident - you're supporting a wonderful project!
What a great idea! A postcard on its way from Australia :)
Postcrossing brings so much happiness!I'm definitely sending a card.
You had a woderful idea :) I need to support this. My card is on its way!
Postcard from India... on its way...
Happy Postcrossing..
Best of Luck and Enjoy..
as one of postcard lover, I will definitely support this wonderful idea!
My card will on its way after Chinese New Year because post offices in Taiwan are also on vacation for this lol.
Go Ana!
Where are all my postcrossing stamps - ok, found and cards are on the way
ofcourse i am in :)
Done! Best luck with it!
What a fantastic idea, my card is on it's way. Good luck and don't worry you will do just fine. We just love Postcrossing
Great idea! A London postcard is on its way from me.
We are in too! And since there´s three of us, we will send three cards. Ana, do keep us posted how it went... we keep our fingers crossed!
Well, i´m from Portugal and didn´t knew that you were going to be im my country. Where you will be?
Ana, just posted a card :) , with pleasure too!!
you are one of the main persons in postcrossing too :) so i feel honored. i hope i can ask if the meeting has something to do with International Woman's Day , anyway success on stage!
Sending a postcard by tomorrow morning
I'm sending one from South Africa, hope it will be there in time.
Using my investigative skills, I figured out the exact details of this secret event :P
I already mailed one postcard yesterday, and am preparing more today! :) ... from PR to PO!
I'm sending a card from Finland :)
Ana, this is great idea! I wish you good luck!
I'm in Ana. :) Hugs!
Good luck with your speech Ana! I'm sure it will go well! I'll mail a card from Australia later today!
I'll be happy to send a card, Ana. Enjoy the conference!
It's a wonderful idea! Good luck for your conference! :)
Olá! Sendo a conferência em Portugal posso escrever em português? Ou trata-se de uma audiência internacional?
Hi Ana! I'm happy to send a card for your conference. Great idea! Good luck. Smile and enjoy all those people who are there to learn about Postcrossing. Share your passion and enthusiasm and you will be great! Picture them naked if it helps!
Another is on its way from Colorado.
One from Belgium and good luck to you on stage!
Hallo Ana, sure you can count on me.
I think, that it is a great idea to show the magic behind Postcrossing or getting postcards in general.
We all back you on stage with our thoughts & cards!
I have already posted a postcard from Ireland, Good Luck Ana, wishing you all the best.
From Hungary, Eger an another with a beautiful landscape! :)
One from Serbia is (almost) on its way to you :)
I'll send one from Sweden.
I've already send a card :-)
My card from Germany is on the way.
I will send one from Canada :)
Another one from Indonesia will accompanying you Ana ^_^
I'll send tomorrow ^_^
Great Idea - Of course I'll send a card!
(Amanhã já segue um postalzinho do Fundão! :) )
Ana - I know you will have a great time and do a great job! I've mailed off 5 different postcards today! I hope you are overwhelmed with postcards!
I'll get one in the post tomorrow. Great idea.
I am sending 3 from Canada. :)
One card from Ukraine is on it way to you. Good luck!
post crossing is really fun for me as Im disabled and no longer able to travel. And making friends along the way is a big PLUS! Its so nice to get "HAPPY MAIL" in my post box instead of only bills. So grateful for this hobby!
I will send a card for this effort. Make it bigger!
Will do! Could you tell us about this event at this place afterwards? I don't always have time to study the news forums, but always check the blog. Good luck!
Card going to Braga - been there too, some years agao. :)
Olá, Ana,
Seria óptimo se conseguisse mais aderentes. Postcrossing dá vida à nossa caixa do correio. Conte com um postal meu. Abraço,
Aida Veloso
One cards to Portugal coming up!
Vandaag Balverts fruitbar gepost.
One postcard from Romania sent today. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great! Wonderful idea! :)
Two cards on their way from Leiden! Good luck!!
Well, of course I'll send a few cards!! This is going to be fun.
Poor mailman who has to carry all these cards to you and you take them to congress :) card coming.
Written one today! I'll post it tomorrow or thursday! :)
Dear Ana, I love your spotlights, hope to see all your received cards- my card will get there in time!I'll keep my fingers crossed for your presentation!
Hello Anna. Love to help! Your are getting a lot of help from all the postcrossers, but I will also contribute from the Netherlands!
You can do it, Ana !! Two cards of Belgium on their way, with beautiful stamps of course (part of the fun).
Good idea! I'll send a card tomorrow :)
This is the least I can give back to a person who has managed an incredible site.
It will be a pleasure to put the postcard in the mail tomorrow morning.
dear Ana,
I love this idea, two on their way from Slovakia tomorrow. :)
Great idea! Will mail my Canadian postcard tomorrow!
I will definitely send one :)
Postcard is written and will be on its way tomorrow. :-) Good luck for your presentation, Ana!
Just written a postcard which I will post today.It is a great idea Ana.
What a wonderful idea! I've got a card on it's way! Good luck with your talk!
dear ana,
wonderful idea!!! i'll put several in the mail tomorrow :)
I'm in! I have one last stamp for this weekend, and I will be glad to spend it THAT way! Wish you good luck in Portugal!
Sent mine from Nashville, Tennessee USA naturally with a picture of a guitar!
Hello Ana, I'll send a postcard from Switzerland.
Hello Ana!
Poor postman in Braga. Thousands of Cards will reach you
at Portugal. I´m in.
Greeting from Duisburg
I'm in! Wait a postcard from Belarus!)
Done deal Ana ;^}
Hello Ana
This sounds very good, and a card from me will go on its way to Portugal today.
And I bet the postman in Braga will have a lot of work soon ;-)
And also a postcard from Holland with love...
2 postcards sent from the Netherlands
Postcard coming from here too.
..a fantastic idea, I just wrote postcards..all good things come by in threes ;o) ... ANA you will do it ;o)
It's a great idea, you have my support! ^^
We also like to help. Card is written and on its way! Greetings from the complete team of The Library of Reuver!
What a great idea! A card coming from Finland. :)
Is there a way to tell if my postcard have reached your mailbox? Do you make a list for the received postcards? :)
@nisnoopy I think it will be impossible to make a list of all the postcards, but I will certainly be taking pictures, and perhaps you'll be able to spot your own card there! :)
My card is on it's way from Zwolle in The Netherlands
Sent:)! and good luck to you!
My card sent today! =) Hope it arrives in time!
Sent a meet-up card yesterday. good luck,Ana!
I'll send my postcard from Moscow, Russia tomorrow definitely. Good luck!
Great idea! One from Croatia is coming!! :)
Ana, my postcard is getting mailed out today. (I noted it on the facebook page as well). Good luck with the project. I hope you get TONS of cards!!! Rick
I am with you! Anna, good luck to you!)))
Sent today. :-)
My card left today! Great project! :)
I sent my postcard out yesterday. Good luck with your presentation Anna.
A wonderful idea; I'm in, too!
I am so in on this. What a wonderful way to spread a wonderful hobby. I am looking forward to hearing all about your presentation and the receptions these postcards get in a future blog. Have fun!!!!!
Like that idea! Sent my card in today.
Regards from The Netherlands.
Sending out 8 from Sunny Florida in the United States! Good Luck, I'm sure it will be great! Love postcrossing, I'm a newbie, and am hooked! God Bless you! Charmaine
An idea or two, sent tomorrow :)
Most certainly I'll send some postcards! I think this is a lovely idea and, although new to Postcrossing, I am loving it quite a bit. More than happy to help out and spread the enjoyment of receiving friendship in the form of a postcard. All the best for your trip!!!
I sent two. I hope you get a lot of postcards for the presentation.
Count me in! I'll send a card today :)
count me in!
i am preparing two now and i hope to post it today if not tomorrow! =)
Into the mail it goes - what is the date?
I am mailing you a postcard today (6 Feb '14)
I sent a postcard 5.02. Good luck.
i will mail you a postcard and keep brainstorming keep your head up high and be happy with postcard :) :)
Hej Ana,
Will the card reach you with only the name Ana on it? And what date is that conference?
Interested! Will be sent some from Indonesia! :-)
I send one to, with love!!,
I'm sending a card, too! :)
postcards have been sent :)
Mine is ready, too. It will be on its way to Portugal soon! :) With Love from me and Istanbul! :)
Great idea! And here is one card coming from Estonia :))
Will sent one from France today! I'm the attendees will be amazed!
Of course I'll send one too!
Good luck with the presentation, Ana. :-)
Hi Anna,
Excited to be spreading the joy of postcrossing around the world! Card ready to go. You'll be fantastic, don't be afraid, be proud to be presenting postcrossing, we're all up there with you cheering you on!!
love from Belgium
Will do!
One from Russia is already waiting to be put in the mailbox on my way to work tomorrow. Hope it gets delivered in time, Russian Post is known to be erratic at times.
Keep looking into your mailbox ;)
You have my support :)
...sending a postcard as well!!! From the Black Forest...:D
Hope, you can carry them all!?
Sending a card from Brazil to lovely city of Braga.
Card sent, I hope it will arrive soon! :) Bye! :)
What a great idea! I'll be happy to mail the card tomorrow. Good luck!
You are done! I want my card also managed this miraculous event.
My card is on the run!
Í just wrote a card and I'm going to mail it tomorrow!!
Love your country!
I'm in too. Postcard and greetings from Ukraine are traveling to you.
Am sending one from Oklahoma! What a fun ideal!
sent today
Sending from the Philippines!
Mine should be in the mail tomorrow from Michigan USA! :) Brilliant idea!
Just mailed my postcard! :)
Gee! I LOOOOVE this plan. Got to find a cool card to impress a future postcrosser:D
I'm totes sending a card right now! :P
Great idea Ana, will send my postcard sometime this week :)
oh yeah
A postcard from Switzerland will be sent soon :)
Sent you one from China wishing the recipient a very happy Year of the Horse, and much joy in joining Postcrossing.
Wonderful idea, Ana, I'm sure you are going to be a motivating speaker.
I sent mine today from Japan. It's on a thinner card than normal postcards (but it is a postcard), so I hope it gets there all right. I put my address on it in case the recipient wants to write back.
I have posted my postcard.
Sending several cards from Barcelona, Spain :) What a great idea!!! I hope you will share all with us the moment all those attendees will get their mail, it will be amazing!!!!
Such a great idea~! I love it ♥
Let me join :D
I'll send a card from Indonesia tomorrow :D I really hoping that it will reach Braga on time. It's so interesting to share with other people.
Anyway, how if the card don't arrived yet on March, 8th?Thanks and good luck for the brilliant idea, Ana!
Hi Ana, this is a really great idea. I will post one today. By the way how big is the audience? I am sure you will have more cards than participants. Sounds to me like you are attending a TED talk and if not that might be an idea to bring some more happiness to people via their postboxes.
You can coun on me.
I'll have a Portuguese friend help me translating my text.
The card will leave Montreal today.
done :D
Wonderful idea, I will be part of you little project, too:)
Cards on their way!
should we send some chocolate to your brother as well.. ;-)
I've written also a card and it will be on the way tomorrow! Wonderful idea!!!
Card sent. :)
I'm in!! How many cards do you actually need??
Cards tell them the joy n happiness when one sees a card in their mailbox.......happier if they see more cards.....cheers...
4 cards sent n done with a sense of accomplishment that I have done my part to make somebody in the world rgds.......
sure i will send a card to confirm them the magic that postcards bring to us!!
I really hope people like it and we get a lot of more Postcrossers.I think it is a fabelous idea. My card is already in the mail.
love the idea, I am totally for it, the more the better.
I will write some this weekend and mail it to Portugal. Lots of success and looking forward to your story afterwards.
My postcard will be in the mail today! This is a great idea, Ana!
One postcard from Taiwan is on the way to Portugal today! Hope it'll reach there in time! Great idea, Ana!
It´s a great idea. I sent today a postcard to Portugal and hope, the person who receives my card is happy about it....
My postcard is on its way to Portugal, what a great idea!
I wish you lots of succes!
Hi Ana, I´ve sent a card from Kiel, Germany today.
You´ll do a great job in march - with all that support ;)
Ana, you can be proud of what you have done and do. Good luck! (My two cards are already sent.)
@NynkeK: if I were to give one to each person in attendance, I would need around 700 postcards. I was a bit skeptical of whether I could get that many, but right now I'm "cautiously optimistic" and my fingers are crossed! :D
Another card posted! Fingers crossed that all cards arrive in time, would be an amazing amount :D
700 cards... That's a lot. I'm going to send another card or two tomorrow! :-)
Count me in!
Postcard written and ready for posting tomorrow or Monday.
Loved the idea, it is amazing :) Just finished writing a beautiful Moscow card for the event. Hope it gets to you in time!
Sending a hummingbird card from North Texas, USA!
Ana, 10 cards sent from Singapore to support the project you are doing.............hope the cards reached you in time for your regards to the attendees n CHEERS!!!!!! from Jonathan Chua n Peggy Loh, Singapore
Just finished writing a card... from Toronto!! New postcrosser here and I hope more people will join!! =D
Anna, that's really an innovative method. Expect postcards from me too!!!! I still remember my first postcard.
Riaz Khan INDIA
Hello Ana!
That's a great initiative! I'll send some cards from India to support this project.
Tomorrow I'll be attending a UNESCO Postcrossers' meet in Mumbai. There I'll spread the word!
All the best for you speech! :)
Sanket Oswal.
Pune, India.
Postcard posted from the UK!
I'll be happy if my cards like in Portugal, there will be many! Belarus supports your idea!
Written and ready for posting! With greetings from Heidelberg/Germany!
@lovely_card: there's nothing to win here, except perhaps the good feelings that come from spreading the word about something we (and i hope you too) like and believe in.
it's absolutely optional though, so don't feel like you must to do anything.
It's in the mail! Just has to cross the Atlantic ocean now...
This is a great idea, Ana. I'll write soon... I hope you'll sign up lots of new Postcrossers!!!
What a great idea! :D I'll send a card, too!
Card is written, post it tomorrow!
Hello Ana, it is a great idea to let your audience experience the magic of Postcrossing! They will have something personal to take home and enjoy. Of course I'll support your project!
You will do well on stage, all positive energies of the community will be with you!
Sending a couple of cards today! :D
Hi Ana, I think your 700 listeners might get more than one card/person.... good luck
Hello Ana, I love the idea of surprising the audience with postcards. I'll send a couple of cards.
I only just saw this. My card will go out with the collection on Monday morning.... and if I can't decide which card to send, then I'll send 2 :D
new user here.... :D
finally one of the postcard i had sent was registered today... and finally i can leave a comment..
already mailed one postcard from malaysia on feb 7, hope it will reach portugal before the event...
i hope the message that i wrote on that postcard will make anyone who receive it, smile even for just a second.. :D
A postcard from Arizona is on it's way to Portugal for one of the 700!
Sending 4 on Monday from Canada! :)
Hi Ana,
maybe u can update how many postcards you had received so far...
I send today.I hope to your success and enjoy your project!
I sent ^-^ Good luck with nice idea
Mine will be send tomorrow!!! A pice of my wonderful Belgium !
What a good idea, my card is on the way. Good luck for the presentation!
Ooooohhhh brilliant idea!!!! I will send one.
I did write a postcard from Germany and put it in the postbox today. So it is on its way now.
Best wishes for your presentation.
one card more is on the road :-)
Sent 2 yesterday!
A couple of cards heading your way from Down Under - if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have my favourite hobby :)
Sending 2 postcards in the hopes that the recipients will enjoy them as much as I do! Please be sure to write an article about your experience!!
hello ana,that's a wonderful idea and i really support it,you can count on me as i will try and send you only favorites cards from the gambia in west africa,finally i would like you to write me back.ok bye
Sent one with a snow photo. Stay cool.
Hello Ana,
great idea! I wrote my postcard today and will send it tomorrow.
Good luck with your presentation!
Hi Ana. I think I know what conference you're going to but I won't spoil the surprise. It's going to be awesome! And a postcard will be on its way tomorrow. Enjoy the experience!
3 cards already in the post, in one envelope :)
hope it goes wonderfully! one in the mail tomorrow!
Sending a card to you. Best wishes for the presentation. :)
Oh, I just left for a week of holidays and nearly missed this project! I´m sending one quickly (well, here in China it is really SNAIL mail, so I hope it will be there on time!). Good luck with the conference!
Postcards in the mail. Have fun!
What a wonderful idea! I'm sending my card today and I hope it will arrive in time. What a nice surprise this will be!!! (^-^)
Good luck, Ana!
I'm in :) Good luck!
Also one on its way from Switzerland.
GREAT ! I am in!
my card will be sent from France tomorrow !
Sending a card from Colorado USA tomorrow.
I'm in! Hope my card will help a bit to spread The Postcrossing :)
Nice! I'm in :)
A card is going your way tomorrow! :)
Best of luck for your talk! ^^ Postcard on the way!
I have sent it this morning :)
Wow... that's great.. but I'm sure my postcard still on its way to portugal..
@jjajja: that's ok, we haven't reached the goal of one postcard per person yet - we're just trying to avoid having too many extra cards.
My card is on its way to Portugal.
I've just written and stamped a card - but you've taken down the address! Might you have room for one more card? Could you give the address please (even by sending me a private message). I don't want to waste my stamps and drawings! Thank you!
Ana, what about this: you let the address on and then all the extra cards you give to some institution like old people homes or hospital, etc...
@hevans: address sent!
@cleopatra-matta: that's a really nice idea for the extra cards! I would love to do it, but I think most of the cards' messages might be focused on the themes I hinted to above, which would make them a bit strange for those institutions...
With a bit of planning though, I recon we could do a postcard drive in the near future for a few of those! :D
Olá Ana,
Gostava de saber onde vai ser a tua apresentação.
Good news, everyone... WE DID IT! :D
In the end there were over 1400 cards... which means most attendants got 2 postcards instead of just one! I'll write a proper post about it when the organization publishes the video of the talk, but I just wanted to let you know that I think it went well, and the people loved the surprise of discovering your postcards! :)
I was quite nervous, but Paulo tells me I didn't mess up the whole thing, so YAY for that! Thank you so, so much for making all of this possible. I wish I could hug ALL of you really tight!
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