
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 666,430 habitants. The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg.
Members: 348 (Browse all)
Sent: 112,250 postcards
Received: 111,865 postcards
Ranking: 46th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Luxembourg

Most active members

1. sandralux, Luxembourg sandralux
11,189 postcards sent
2. jean-marc, Luxembourg jean-marc
8,740 postcards sent
3. Nana77, Luxembourg Postcrossing Supporter Nana77
5,314 postcards sent
4. Luxi, Luxembourg Luxi
5,094 postcards sent
5. HOVI, Luxembourg HOVI
3,506 postcards sent
6. keyasa, Luxembourg keyasa
3,418 postcards sent
7. bcostacurta, Luxembourg bcostacurta
3,264 postcards sent
8. Beos, Luxembourg Postcrossing Supporter Beos
3,252 postcards sent
9. tuhatjalgne, Luxembourg tuhatjalgne
3,204 postcards sent
10. itzibitzispider, Luxembourg itzibitzispider
2,581 postcards sent

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