
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 3,715,483 habitants. The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi.
Members: 84 (Browse all)
Sent: 6,917 postcards
Received: 6,277 postcards
Ranking: 77th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Georgia

Most active members

1. AnnaHimenko, Georgia AnnaHimenko
2,381 postcards sent
2. haydamak, Georgia haydamak
2,187 postcards sent
3. Skia, Georgia Skia
1,207 postcards sent
4. Vakhnyuk, Georgia Vakhnyuk
1,011 postcards sent
5. silverpine, Georgia silverpine
851 postcards sent
6. mugene, Georgia mugene
787 postcards sent
7. topol, Georgia topol
766 postcards sent
8. daisyra, Georgia daisyra
590 postcards sent
9. Alex_Slove, Georgia Alex_Slove
458 postcards sent
10. Johatsu, Georgia Johatsu
433 postcards sent

Random members

Kira-Humster, Georgia MissJane, Georgia Memfis, Georgia PolinaManpo, Georgia kseniya_golub, Georgia AlexButenko, Georgia NastyaFox, Georgia anutiktyta, Georgia Ani94, Georgia Tinanami, Georgia haydamak, Georgia Alex_Slove, Georgia Avdotia, Georgia AnnaHimenko, Georgia Vickel, Georgia zybinmikhail, Georgia Tonya_Mark, Georgia Skia, Georgia ridanadze, Georgia ButenkoAlex, Georgia
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