Costa Rica

is a country in the continent of North America with a population of 5,212,173 habitants. The capital of Costa Rica is San José.
Members: 144 (Browse all)
Sent: 10,443 postcards
Received: 9,854 postcards
Ranking: 70th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Costa Rica

Most active members

1. judithalisonlee, Costa Rica judithalisonlee
2,869 postcards sent
2. shiguzman, Costa Rica Postcrossing Supporter shiguzman
935 postcards sent
3. ingpaguilar, Costa Rica ingpaguilar
543 postcards sent
4. loungeact, Costa Rica loungeact
392 postcards sent
5. LauraCR, Costa Rica LauraCR
378 postcards sent
6. cariasinter, Costa Rica cariasinter
368 postcards sent
7. RandallElizondo, Costa Rica RandallElizondo
323 postcards sent
8. tonnocc, Costa Rica Postcrossing Supporter tonnocc
299 postcards sent
9. Snowfly, Costa Rica Snowfly
297 postcards sent
10. MSotoA, Costa Rica MSotoA
296 postcards sent

Random members

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