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Blog > Lithuanian postcards + giveaway


You know when sometimes you just can’t find a single postcard that you like…?

It happens now and then, in some places more than others, and it used to happen to a group of Lithuanian postcrossers – they were frustrated by the fact that they had a beautiful country, but no way to showcase it to the world properly through postcards!

Can you guess where this is going? Of course, they decided to make their own postcards! They searched for photos on their own archives, and looked for professional photographers or illustrators who wanted to share their art pieces with the world.

The Lithuanian postcard set

A couple of months and a few hundred pictures later, they took a vote on a Lithuanian forum to choose which pictures should be turned into postcards. Sixteen postcards were chosen for this special set, and sent to a professional print shop. Six thousand postcards were then printed and distributed between the participants of the project.

The Lithuanian postcrossers who undertook this challenge told us it wasn’t an easy process, but it was very rewarding to finally have an assortment of postcards they were proud to send out!

They’re so happy with them in fact, that they’re looking forward to sharing them with you! :) They have 16 postcards set aside to 16 members. To receive one of them (sent from Lithuania, naturally!), all you need to do is leave a comment below, telling us something you know about Lithuania. You have a week to participate, and the 16 lucky users will be picked by the Lithuanian group themselves.

Have fun discovering this lovely country by the Baltic sea!

494 comments so far

pefawm, Norway

What a great idea. I also have sometimes problems with finding nice cards. So i also make sometimes my own cards with my or husbands photo's. I heard that Lithuania is a beautiful country and that Vilnius is a beautifyl city. Just find myself a penfriend from that country.
Keep on doing such nice work :)

HM, Netherlands

I was impressed with a received postcard from amber and find out there is an Amber stone museum in Lithuania, which is on my wishlist to visit!

the photo with the cards in the wooden box on the painted wooden floor looks great!

Lord5005, United States of America

My sons best friend in grade school was from Lithuania! It is the largest of the Baltic states and declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. Vilnius is the Capital!

Hotaru, Norway

Well-done to all the Lithuanians who took part in this project!! :) Well, I must admit I know very little about it (and I'll be glad to learn more through your postcards :P ), but I know for sure it borders with Russia (I think it's not that obvious.. maybe.. ahah!)! :) Thanks everybody!!

FMScreations, Netherlands

Love the idea.... hmm something about Lithuania .... The Battle of Grunwald?

kirko, Finland

Years ago I had penfriend in Lithuania but we lost our penfriendship :(

poppett, United Kingdom

At Easter it is Easter Granny who brings egg to the children :)

marcelia89, Ireland

I know that we have the same sea! :) Baltic sea! :)
You're our neighbour, in Lithuania there is a lot of cities with polish signs and of course we are the biggest ethnic group! :)

stokely, Russia

The first thing I know is that I didn't sent or received a card from Lithuania yet:) The second is that it's a beautiful Baltic country with very interesting mix of architecture. I hope to visit it someday.
ps. this set is so fresh and bright, they definitely did a great job!

Franca103, Netherlands

Great idea & good job! You do want a nice collection of cards when you participate in PostCrossing! Over the years I've collected a box full of postcards, including leftovers from holidays. I recently discovered Postcrossing and think it's a brilliant way of using my cards!

marcelia89, Ireland

the Battle of Grunwald was in Poland...

Hansgom, Netherlands

I really do love Lithuania, I have been there several times after I was helped during my first visit when I was robbed. Those incredible nice people helped me translating, with the police and to get new papers. That was 10 years ago and they are still my best friends. I love the country and the people.

hammy, Croatia

This semester, I'm taking a class in Lithuanian, which is considered to be the closest spoken language to the old Indo-European.
Also, that was a great idea :)

markie_b, United Kingdom

I have to agree, that's really great and also very cool idea! Some of the postcards are so cute. I love the combinations of colors. The authors are really skilled. Great work, guys! :)

thaisdalloz, Brazil

cool iniciative!!! i would love to receive one of the postcards!
Lithuania has a coast of aprox. 100 km and 40 km is open to the Baltic Sea


TheMooncakeBox, Taiwan

I know a rather interesting cake from Lithuania made with apples. Except for pineapple (in the States) and dried longan (in Taiwan), I'm not familiar with any other fruit baked in a cake!!

BettieBizarre, United Kingdom

What I know about lovely Lithuania? One of the kindest girls I ever met was born there!

Pauli22, Netherlands

Well done you all, be proud!

There is a village called Nida. In that village is a little cottage named Thomas Mann, he was a nobel price winner.He lived in that cottage during the summer. the cottage is still there!

regards from Paulina

KimFree, United States of America

Lithuania is part of the European Union.

Evulia, United Kingdom

I'm Lithuanian but I live in UK. Am I allowed to take part? What do I know about my home country? It's the most beautiful country in the world. It doesn't have any mountains. The currency is litas. Neigbouring countries are: Poland, Latvia, Russia and Belarus. The famous dishes are: cepelinai and saltibarsciai (I saw it in one of the postcards)There are about 3 million people. The capital is Vilnius. Kaunas was once the capital too. Basketball is the number one sport in the country and we are proud of our national team. The president is Dalia Grybauskaite. There are two independence days that we celebrate: february 16 and march 11th. Beautiful postcards and I'm really proud of my country. :)

Franca103, Netherlands

Oops: something I know of Lithuania? Well: you participated in the Eurovision Songcontest last year; I also know you're one of the three formerly Russian countries at the west of the present Russia and you are the most southern of those three. Enough? ;-))

Sietse53, Netherlands

It is unfortunate that the Lithuanian postcrossers not can show their country via postcards and therefore I find it very good that it has taken this initiative.
I'm knowing not much of Lithuania. Only that Vilnius is the capital and it meets the Baltic sea.

Good luck with this project.

Greetings Sietse53

niko_students, United States of America

Lithuania...I know it is farther north than I expect whenever I see the little line go horizontally from my town in Alaska to a user from Lithuania!

jordi07, Spain

Great idea, congratulations!

Lithuania have 14 lighthouses, but only 9 at the sea...maybe in the future, a collection of Lithuanian lighthouses postcards? ;)

leojus, Austria

That is a fantastic project! I wish we get the same in Vienna. About Lithuania: You have a female president, that's something you can be proud of! My country is not ready yet to get a female head of state or government. That is a really good signal for Lithuania.

bulletproofheart, Poland

What I know about Lithuania is that they have wonderful cottage cheeses. I think that I have never eaten better ones:)

milko, Greece

what do I know about Lithuania..? :) It's a country of my heart, of my dearest people, which I miss every day living in other side of Europe... And it's such a great project you guys have done- always missed good postcards to present my homeland!! Šaunuoliai! Ir šilčiausi linkejimai iš Graikijos ;)

chourique, Russia

Литовский язык самый нежный :) И да, Žalgiris į priekį!

Eileen05, Poland

Lithuania joined The European Union on 1st of May 2004, the same day as Poland ;)

nanwise, United States of America

One of my dreams is to travel to the Baltic countries. The photos I've seen are fabulous. I appreciate how the people of Lithuania managed to retain their culture throughout the days of Soviet rule. A proud and determined people!

callmenayi, Spain

I love the idea!!!
The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. They have a great national basketball team and the last Eurobasket FIBA took place there (Spain won the championship). Lithuania borders with Latvia, Poland and Belarus. That's all I know of Lithuania.

Yarn-Lady, United States of America

I have received cards from a couple of Lithuania Postcrossers - My knowledge of Lithuania at this point is limited to one very important fact - the people are warm, friendly and truly love their country. This makes me want to know more about it!

ittzings, United States of America

The geographical center of Europe is in Lithuania!

sophie_87, Greece

My first pub crawling was in Kaunas, making it one of my most favourite cities of all...!! Three days, i was walking around the city with good friends, went to than museum that's inside the church (blind museum or something relevant), ate all the potato food you had to offer and enjoyed the landscape! Really beautiful city, magnificent country and i hope one day i will be able to go again!

thestraits, United States of America

Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare independence. What a fun project!!

laim_inga, Lithuania

I am Laima and I live in Lithuania, a small town - Skuodas.
In my town is difficult to find some interesting cards. So I make my photo cards :)
Greetings from Lithuania!

loveautumn, Italy

Great Job! It's my dream too to have some postcard stamped original, that it isn't on sale... I know that stork is a national bird and flax is a national plant :)

inkarri, Poland

Traditionally, the centerpiece of Lithuanian cuisine is dark rye bread (ruginė duona) which is used substantially more often than light wheat breads

ilona500, Netherlands

Ok i admit, i googled!
Only because i like this idea so much, creating your own postcards, well done!
An interesting fact about lithuania is that the middle of europe lies in the borders of Lithuania, that's nice to know!
Good luck with the cards ♥ Ilona

paw_luck, Belgium

Mouthwatering pelmeni in Trakai, beautiful The Gate of Dawn (which is really important for polish catholics), famous Rasos Cemetery, amazing view from the Hill of Three Crosses and surprising Republic of Užupis. I visited Lithuania only for 3 days, but I hope I will visit it again one day - there is still so much to see.

jesscostal, Brazil

As I am passionate about reading and how I love castles, I became interested more about the history of Lithuania after i read texts by the author Czeslaw Milosz, who was born in Lithuania.And my friends showed me Trakai, by my interest in castles.I always find beautiful images there!

A phrase of Czeslaw that I like is: "We are well made​​, half disinterested contemplation and half appetite."
And I have a huge appetite for postcards :D

Jéssica :)

caffelatte, Poland

Lithuania used to be part of Union of Lublin.
One of the greatest Polish poet and noblist Czesław Miłosz was born in the village of Szetejnie.

I was in Vilnius few years ago and I had the privilege to see this beautiful city. My favourite place in Vilnius is Rasos Cemetery where the heart of Józef Piłsudski is enshrined.

qvovadis, Mexico

Great idea! Lithuanians are very good at basketball! The capital is Vilnius and the patron saint of Lithuania is Saint Casimir, oddly enough his painting has 3 hands. There are lots of beautiful baroque buildings in Vilnius. The Hill of Crosses is a symbol of the resistance of Lithuanians against the soviets. The mother of late Jean Paul II was from Lithuania. One of the mayors of Lithuania did a very funny "demonstration" at illegally parked cars by smashing one of them with a tank, so cool! Trakai is a beautiful historic town with amazing views from its lake. Lithuanians formed an amazingly large human chain with Latvians and Estonians to protest against the soviet power.

Oh, and I visited Lithuania last May, it's a beautiful conuntry!

sokakkedisi, Türkiye

That's a great idea!

I know Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. And I know that Lithuania became a member of United Nations on 18th September 1991.

HermioneGinny, Italy

Postcards are so beautiful!

Lithuanians are one of the people that less suffer from obesity due to their healthy diet based on barley, potatoes, rye, beets, vegetables, mushrooms and dairy products.

Kirst, Netherlands

Nice be honest besides I know where Lithuania is on the map I know nothing about this country. So it sure is time for more information.

Dechen, Australia

Lithuania always reminds me of fairytales with those wonderful castles and romantic forrests an old and elegant country with a great past and an even brighter future.. The postcards sound wonderful I hope more countries follow your lead.

tcdrtw, United States of America

The only thing I really know is it is a Baltic country and the capital is Vilnous... Sorry! I want to know more, though! :)

Mia1961, Germany

I know about Lithuania, that I don´t know enough about it! And so I know now, that I have to open my eyes and pay more attention to news I can get from Lithuania so that it will soon be more familiar for me. :)

patie80, Poland

I know they love mushrooms and I do too! ;) And that there`s Lithuanian barszcz :) And that it`s close to Poland, but I`ve never been there, yet!

Smedette, United States of America

I wish I knew more about Lithuania! I know the capital is Vilnius and the geographic center of Europe is in Lithuania.

Katja_Gartung, Belarus

A lot of years ago Belarus and Lithuania used to be one country)

MrsRollTide, United States of America

I haven't received a postcard from Lithuania and would love to add a few to add to my collection!

Carakaye, United States of America

Lithuania is the birthplace of the artist Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, who was a painter and music composer.

bazil, United Kingdom

Hello, I would love to receive one of these special postcards as my housemate it part Lithuanian (half Lithuanian and half Latvian)and we have very much enjoyed learning more about a different culture from him. We have tried special home-made rye breads and potato pattys which were nothing like food I have tried here before in the UK (yummy!) and my interesting fact is that for Easter Lithuanian people sometimes decorate real eggs to either eat for Easter breakfast or have competitions, like throwing them at each other or trying to toss them furthest without breaking them...this did not end well in our house :)

nomisho, Germany

My great-grandparents were from Vilkaviskis, Lithuania!

BOOGIE_PIPPIN, United Kingdom

A great idea, well done to all who took part. I have had several postcards from Lithuania, so what do I know about it.
Vilnius is the capital, the flag is very colourful it is yellow, green and red. The currency is Lithuanian Litas, it borders on Latvia, Russia, Belarus and Poland. That is as much as I know, which isn't a lot really.
The cards look fantastic.

Fage, Czech Republic

I received a couple of postcards from Lithuania and they were awesome!!
I know, that in Vilnus there's a great old university (I applied as an exchange student there ^^)
I know the really beautiful city Trakai with the biggest lithuanian castle
aaand of course lithuanian great beer :D

AnaLourenco, Portugal

Great project! In Lithuania on the Christmas Eve people believe that animals can speak (when people are not listen I guess )! Can you imagine how great would that be!?This is acctualy kind off a superstition, I guess , but it's a cool one!
Another great fun myth is that if you get a blemish on your nose that means that someoone has fallen in love with you :P

JordanATX, United States of America

I haven't received a card from Lithuania yet, but I would love to share these with other Postcrossers! The traditional dish of Shrove Tuesday is, Pancakes!

SunnyakaSolecito, Slovenia

...many Lithuanian boys are blue eyed and people there love basketball

wldr_wiola, Poland

Lithuania is a country where national Polish epopee's action takes place :) I bet some Lithuanians have heard about Adam Mickiewicz, who described their motherland with the most beautiful language in the history of Polish literature... And he described it like a paradise!

Btw I've got the same problem here... I live in Chorzów, unusual city in the centre of 3 000 000 aglomeration BUT with the biggest municipal park in Poland :) What can you find in my postcards? Inert fountains or communist blocks of flats :(
Well done, guys! I think we should do the same thing!

Linkėjimai iš Lenkijos!

Best wishes from your neighbour

KittyNL, Netherlands

I am one of the lucky ones who got already such card! And they are really great!

Honeybunny241, Germany

What a great idea! A good friend of mine is from Siauliali, Lithuania. She lives now in the USA with her husband and she is a wonderful hair stylist.She is an Eufora educator at Eufora International. Through her, I first learned about Lithuania. It has lots of cultural interests with its spectacular architecture, with the churches, the Jewish history, the German and the Soviet occupation and the devil symbolic. For people who love beaches, Lithuania has beautiful sandy beaches, for people who love lakes, Lithuania has hundreds of lakes and rivers for canoe tours. Plus traveling in Lithuania does not break you bank account, because their prices are moderate. So it is definitively on my list to travel... :)

LadyDiBella, United States of America

On Christmas Eve, exactly at midnight animals can speak! (I would love this)

Juneau78, Germany

What an amazing idea!! Really cool! I wish I could get one of those cards!

skagitcatherder, United States of America

they have a hill of crosses that is pretty amazing.

Marynia88, United Kingdom

I will add my two cents to the cuisine of Lithuania. There are a lot of excellent vodkas produced by Stumbras, including the famous 999 herbal vodka, good for your stomach. Also (checked the name in Lithuanian :)), Šakotis is a popular and tasty cake baked really well in Lithuania.

LifeLongLearners, United States of America

My great grandparents were from Lithuania but I never met them - I am always happy to learn more about this part of my family.

mrscdoc, United States of America

Kudos to the Lithuanian group who undertook such a project! :) I admire their determination to be able to represent their country in a satisfying manner such as that. I would be honored to be selected as a lucky recipient of one of their postcards.

eleanor16, United States of America

I am a great fan of movies and the first I heard of Lithuania, especially Vilnius is from the movie "Red October". Vilnius is the boyhood home of Sub Commander Marko Ramius (Sean Connery). One reason I joined postcrossing was to learn about other people and places beyond the United States. Hooray Postcrossing!!

gwyllion, Belgium

Great idea!
This actually made me realize I don't really know much about Lithuania (except from the really obvious things like the capital etc.). So I consulted wikipedia and now I know a little more! :)
I do know that a lot of people confuse Latvia and Lithuania a lot (like Slovenia and Slovakia), which must be really annoying...

Kfartalnik, United Kingdom

First of all, congratulations with the wonderful (and successfull) project!
And the facts about Lithuania... in Poland we know quite a lot about it's history, as we used to be actually one country for a couple of centuries ;).
I was in Lithuania only once for a couple of days and what stroke me the most was that so many nouns in Lithuanian sound just like in Polish, but finish with "-as" or "-us". It also concerns the names - like the famous Polish poet, Adam Mickiewicz, who was born in Lithuania and is known there as Adomas Mickievicius :).
Still it's a shame to admit that I don't know many other Lithuanian cities than Kaunas, Trokai, Klaipeda and Vilnius (with it's amazing cathedral in Classical Revival style, which I like sooooo much; and many other landmarks, of course...), so it would be great to find out more, for example by... hmmm... receiving a beautiful postcards from there? ;)
Best regards,

symonka, United States of America

I heard that Lithuania was the last country that converted to Christianity

AB-tje, Netherlands

I know, I learned from a postcrossing-member the Lithuanian people are very proud of their country. It has had his 1000th birthday and it was a great happening. I believe that. I have read about Vilnius, large city. I think it is very good of them to promote sending postcards and make themselves. They did a great job! Most people know the Dutch people like to learn about everything, and believe me ... also about Lithuania. Wish you all the best.

shelly, Spain

Wow! What a great idea!!!
It should have been a hard project, finding the adequate pics to print and so on, congrats for the group who make it possible!
I know Lithuania is a Baltic country, the capital city is Vilnius and there are many great postcrossers there as lately, I receive quite a few cards from there.

kugusch, Germany

awesome idea! The first thing that caught my attention was two of my newer favorite cards shown in that picture!!!

My bit of Lithuania info:
The fictional Character "Hannibal Lecter" is lithuanian, also Bob Dylan is of lithuanian descent.

eskae, Canada

I'm embarrassed to say I know next to nothing about Lithuania. I do know it's on the Baltic, but that's about it.

Making your own postcards is a great idea! It looks like the group has come up with some lovely cards.

abbyaguas, Philippines

I don't know that much about Lithuania, except that Vilnius looks historically amazing... and they have this tear shaped stamp, that is really so unique!

Thank you for sharing postcards, fellow friends.

sleijster, Netherlands

Good idea :) another example of people united by postcrossing. Well done "Litauen" as we say in our country

Kitty184, Netherlands

What a wonderful project!
I must admite that I don't know very much about Lithuania; It's one of the Baltic states, the Capital is Vilnius. It was the first Soviet republic that declare independence.
I think there is beautiful nature and that's all I know, that isn't very much, sorry

cinghiospol, Italy

I know Aciu, Labanaktis, Basketball and Amber :-)

Peekbird, Netherlands

I visited Lithuania last year and except for the nice people, I know a typical Lithuanian dish, called "Zeppelini", which I enjoyed in Klapeida, Kaunas and Vilnius. Loved it!

alhanaart, Spain

Wonderful project! Sometimes the best way to find the postcards you would like to see is to make them yourself.

I don't know for other Spaniards, but for me Lithuania is best known for their great basketball players and national team. They are really good! Like Arvydas Sabonis who played in the Spanish ACB League in the early 90's. :-)

KarenNfld, Canada

What a great project. I have sent 3 postcards to Lithuania but I haven't received one from there yet. Hoping I will soon, I know it is a beautiful country.

irina_koloshva, Ukraine

Wow! What an interesting topic of the competition! First, I want to congratulate all the postcrossing members of the Lithuanian so that they could make their own beautiful cards! Second, what do I know about Lithuania? In school on the history and geography I learned a lot about Lithuania. I know that Lithuania has a long and interesting history. Lithuania is a country on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. There is a very beautiful nature! One of the largest and most beautiful cities - the capital of Vilnius with a huge number of architectural monuments, the great temples. Also know that the main product of the Lithuanian national cuisine - potatoes. And there is a very tasty meal :) I have only one postcard from Lithuania, but really very beautiful. I hope that many more cards get out of the beautiful Lithuania!
Good luck to all Lithuanians in postcrossing! I wish you to do a lot more beautiful cards!

matkapolka, Poland

Fantasic idea. And I'd love to have one of those cards, especially that my grandparents came from those regions and one of my favourite book shows pre-war Lithuania. It's The Issa Valley. And who knows, maybe you have a postcard with Issa or flora or fauna from Issa ; )?

mahoema, Netherlands

I'm always interested in the history of countries, especially the etymology of the names of the countries. Once I've read a book about the etymology of European countries and it told about Lithuania that the name possible came from a small river called "Lietava" near an old capital that was called "Kernave" or "Kername" (or something like that). Love to know that a small river then could lead to the name of a country nowadays! :D

Beautiful postcards by the way! :D

craveyardcat, Philippines

My friend and I are actually thinking of the same thing for Philippine postcards! We only have tourist-y cards here, and very few choices to choose from.

I am very interested in paganism which is why I was happy to find out that Lithuania has pagan roots. What would it be like to pick berries and mushrooms in the forests there, I wonder...

tootle, Canada

I would so love to have one of those postcards, such a great idea...all i know is the traditional dish of Shrove Tuesday is pancakes. :)

mse-home, Germany

I know Lithuania from Eurovision Song Contest and for sure from Basketball. seems to be a nice country, but i has never been there, but one day i will come and visit :)

kybaliona, United Kingdom

Aww that's so lovely, such a nice idea!

Not so much a Lithuanian fact, but the thing that sticks most in my memory was a Scout and Guide camp I went on in Estonia when I was a teenager. Pitched right near our tents there was the loveliest group of Lithuanian Girl Guides who were so welcoming, I've still got the badges they gave me on my camp blanket!

frleon, Germany

I don't know that much about Lithuania. I heard of a Devil Museum in Kaunas, sounds interesting!

drup, United States of America

I'm yet to receive a postcard from Lithuania, so I would love one of your new cards. It sounds like a great project, congratulations on making new postcards!

Well, let me share my knowledge of your country:
It is called Lithuania in English, Litouwen in Dutch, the German people refer to it as Litauen, Litwa by your Polish neighbours and Литва in Russia and Belarus. In Iceland you guys are from Litháen, Litauen in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish, and the Finnish say Liettua. In more southern Europe, people refer to the country as Lituania in Spain, and Italy, almost similar to Portuguese: Lituânia, Λιθουανία in Greek, Litvánia in Hungarian and Lituanie in French. But most importantly... Lietuva in your own language!

Happy postcrossing :).

Claw, Austria

Those are such beautiful pictures!
In my time as a chemical laboratory assistent in Untiverity of Leoben, austria, we had two assistances there from Lithuania. The first girl was able to speak german very well and said they learned it in school. The second one only understood english because german wasn't told in schools in Lithuania anymore. I found it really interesting that earlier they had german in school. But more important for them to learn is Russian, they both could speak it. It's fascinating how many different languages they learn there. I think thats the most interesting part of living in a small country, you have to learn more different languages at school than in a big country.

memyselfandliz, United Kingdom

What a wonderful idea! :) I know that the Neris and Vilnia rivers meet in the capital city...

diome, Finland

I'd love to receive a postcard from Lithuania.:) I know you were pagan still in the 13th century, and a powerful state, later in union with Poland. Vytautas Didelis was a famous king of that (union) period.

They say Finnish word "haltia" likely comes from "saltys" (the type of snake, which was kept as a guardian of the house - don't know the word in English). The snake "saltys" is also present in some folk legends.

I've been studying a little bit Lithuanian language & culture, hence know more than said here, but yet it was many years ago.;)

ZijVerstuurt, Netherlands

Unfortunately, I don't know nothing about Lithuania. Searching the internet is an easy way to learn about Lithuania, but it would be really amazing if I received on of these beautiful postcards and learn something about Lithuania . :)

ammajori, Netherlands

I've been told that people in Lithuania are quite superstitious :) By the way, I just love the story behind these lovely cards!

littlelibrarylady, United States of America

The Easter Granny brings Easter eggs to Lithuanian children on Easter. Bunnies help her paint the eggs.

Antosie, United States of America

My first card was from Lithuania and I was thrilled because I am one-half Lithuanian. I think this is a wonderful idea./ I already learned so much just by reading everyones replies. My mother and grandparents came from there.

Rach514, United States of America

This is a wonderful idea! Sometimes I wish I could use my own photos for my state!

What I know about Lithuania is that my grandfather was a prisoner there during the holocaust in Vilnius. He escaped into Russia and eventually made it to America to start a new life.

I also know that their Act of Independence was signed February 16, 1918.

I'm pretty new to post crossing...I found it on accident and it has become my new favorite obsession! I can't wait to receive cards from Lithuania regardless! Congratulations and good job of those of you were able to achieve this!

Happy Postcrossing!!


singer, Latvia

Lithuania is our neighbour country. :)
For some reason, many people mix Lithuania and Latvia. I can't understand why, because the names are so different, aren't they? :)

ptm12983, United States of America

I know something about Lithuania ... Klaipeda has two wonderful cousins named Erika and Donata who visited Lake Placid, New York this past summer and made many friends here in the US. I would love to get a postcard from Lithuania. My friends just sent me a wonderful picture book of Lithuania. Vilnius is the capital, and Klaipeda has a wonderful statue of a specter rising out of the harbor, and climbing onto a pier. My best wishes to all of the citizens of Lithuania. You are a wonderful people. Cordially, ptm12983.

jjmedusa, United States of America

I know that Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. And I'd like to learn more! Thank you for offering this great giveaway! :)

migafka, Poland

I've been to Lithuania only once a few years ago and I must admit I have plenty of good memories from there :)
But the coolest one is actually about shopping (not to mention the general beauty of this country). In a big supermarket in Vilnius, together with friends, we bought something between a jump spring and a scooter! We took turns to use it, even though it was really late.. We were probably making a lot of noise, so someone has thrown a bucket of water on our heads! But it didn't really quench our enthusiasm :)

Apart from that, the most important thing about Lithuania is that this country gave us (Poland) a great monarch Jogaila (Władysław II Jagiełło, Jogaila Algirdaitis) who, by marring polish queen regnant Jadwiga, become a king of Poland :) He was a founder of the royal Jagiellon dynasty which reigned in Central Europe for more than 200 years!
Władysław Jagiełło also revived the Kraków University, which afterwards was called Jagiellonian University (one of the oldest in Europe).

So Lithuania, we owe you a lot ;)
Spread the picture of your country all over the world! :)

Speranza, Ireland

Great idea - I wish there were a better choice of Irish postcards. I know Lithuania is the only Baltic country to have a Western border with Russia:) Also in the fourteenth century the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the largest country in Europe. I love jewellery and gemstones so if I visited Lithuania I would go in search of amber. I think I have yet to get a card from Lithuania:)

pnicholls, United States of America

I know very little about Lithuania, and have never received a postcard from there. I know it is located in Northern Europe, and now will have to learn more!

elwingelfje, Netherlands

What a great idea! And good for those postcrossers that they took matters into their own hands. They must be very proud of the results.

The geographic centre of Europe is in Lithuania, not so far from Vilnius in fact.

Nath09, Belgium

My memory of a visit to Vilnius, ten years back, is to be described in one word : colour. Houses were so colourful, that's what I associate Lithuania with : colour !

LizzyS, Canada

I love the postcards, and the whole idea of taking things into your own hands and making some yourself, when you couldn't find a good selection already on the market! I don't know much about Lithuania, but that's the wonderful thing about Postcrossing - the chance to find out more about other parts of the world!

I now know that Roman Catholicism is the dominant (most practiced) religion in Lithuania, that there are four distinct seasons (like there are here in Canada!), that Lithuania is just slightly larger than West Virginia (for anyone who is familiar with the size of West Virginia), that there are 10 counties and 60 municipalities, and that the government is a Parliamentary Democracy.


Vagabond_Trader, United States of America

My mom would love to see this! It looks very beautiful!

The Hill of Crosses is a site of pilgrimage about 12 km north of the city of Šiauliai, in northern Lithuania. The precise origin of the practice of leaving crosses on the hill is uncertain, but it is believed that the first crosses were placed on the former Jurgaičiai or Domantai hill fort after the 1831 Uprising. Over the centuries, not only crosses, but giant crucifixes, carvings of Lithuanian patriots, statues of the Virgin Mary and thousands of tiny effigies and rosaries have been brought here by Catholic pilgrims. The exact number of crosses is unknown, but estimates put it at about 55,000 in 1990 and 100,000 in 2006.

globefish21, Netherlands

I went to a summer camp in Lithuania when I was 15 and a boy I liked kissed me :)
My mother is the only person our the family who had Lithuanian surname (Zhemaitis), but I never knew who my Lithuanian granfather was. My grandma raised my mom on her own.

Love your idea, Lithuanian postcrossers!

MarcusL, Australia

Until I started with Postcrossing I did not know that there was a country called Lithuania. Now I know that it is in Europe and that the capital city is Vilnius. I know that it snows in Lithuania. It is a long way away from Australia, where I live.

Melissa8910, United States of America

Lithuania is situated in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, between Latvia and Russia. It's just a bit larger than West Virginia. Their flag is 3 equivalent horizontal strips of yellow (top), green, and red; yellow represents golden fields, in addition to the sun, light, and kindness; green symbolizes the forests of the countryside, as well as nature, freedom, and optimism; red signifies bravery and the blood spilled in guarding of their country.

muhrkfaks, United States of America

Didžkukuliai are delicious!

malleechick, Australia

Whenever I see a map card of Lithuania, my first impression is that the outline belongs to Africa!! Just goes to show how (my) life experiences influence what we see.

Renren16, Philippines

There's a pilgrimate site called Hill of Crosses that Lithuanians and even tourists have put up. It has been existing for as early as the 1800's, initially to honor the dead. Now it's a symbol of faithfulness for anyone who wants to take part. My first postcard from Lithuania shows the Hill of Crosses, and it came with a little coin too. :)

NeilFamily, United States of America

What an amazing idea! I love that the Lithuanian postcrossers took the initiative to find lovely cards for their country and would love to have some of them! I count myself lucky that I have received a card from Lithuania and it is one of my all-time favorites! A beautiful view of Vilnius, which I know is the capital city. I also know that Geros Dienos means "Have a good day!" :)

StetsFlauschig, Germany

Such a beautiful idea, keep on the good work! I also print cards myself, made of pictures I took to catch some of nature beauty in my country.

Lithuania is one of the countries I'm planing to visit - I love the culture and beautifly nature, and it's not a 'typical place' people travel to from Germany, like Italy or Spain.
I took part in some International Youth meetings and learned some Lithuanian songs. One of them I still remember - I cried when I first heard it, because it's so beautiful.

"Viešpatie, tu viską žinai. Tu žinai, kad tave myliu."

Carlos_Pereira, Portugal

I recently read an old article published in 2004 in one of the world's most distributed magazine, about the Curonian Peninsula. When I read about this Postcrossing challenge, reminded me of that article and about a curious information envolving a post station in Nida!

Due to excessive grazing, people knocked over trees and the herds ended the delicate vegetation. The forest received the fatal blow in 1757 when the Russian army invaded and toppled trees to build hundreds of shallow draft boats to the siege of Königsberg. In 1825, Georg David Kuwert, a decided postal employee, and his father, Gottlieb began to reforest the peninsula. It was a long and arduous struggle. For over a century, hundreds of people worked on the project.

Today the forests are home to elk, deer, foxes and wild boars. About a hundred varieties of birds nest there, and almost one million migrates to the peninsula every year. There are 900 varieties of plants and there are many dunes, although they now occupy only 12% of the land. Some sand dunes 50 meters high. See only sand and sky all around should be an unforgettable experience.

Unfortunately, I never visited Lithuania but who knows if a little bit of that beautiful country can travel to me in the form of a postcard!

SallySmallpox, Canada

I know that Lithuania has the fascinating Hill of Crosses near Šiauliai.

Mistletoe, United States of America

Lithuania is full of meadows and hills and on the Baltic sea coast.

freshwater, United States of America

Lithuanian postcrosser: Well done! Way to take the initiative to solve a problem!

I have 11 postcards from Lithuania and every one expresses the sender's love for and pride in their country. My favorite card shows Trakai Castle which was built in the 14th century.

hulottati, Germany

On most of my 14 postcards I received from Lithuania I could read: "Lithuania is a small but beautiful country in the heart of Europe." A recent visit showed me that they are right!

pierrev, Canada

Lithuania is definitely on my list of places to visit, for many of the reasons that have already been posted here. However, there is another fascinating fact about this country: its association with the "non-conformist" American musician Frank Zappa! There is a statue in Vilnius in honour of Zappa, even though Zappa had nothing to do with Lithuania during his lifetime (although I think he was some kind of cultural ambassador for the Czech Republic at one point). And then who can forget the tie-dyed shirts (donated by the Grateful Dead!) that their Olympic basketball team wore to the medal ceremony in 1992?

I think these acts show a real independent spirit - something also shown by the fact that they are making their own postcards.

When I visit Lithuania, I will definitely see things like old Vilnius, the Curonian spit, Trakai Castle and the Hill of Crosses...but I'm also looking forward to meeting the people!

clcdark, United States of America

Vilnius University is the oldest university in eastern Europe.

jmdx5, United States of America

The main thing I know about Lithuania is.... they have the nicest group of "postcrossers" ever!!! I have not had a single card from anyone from Lithuania who has not been kind and thoughtful. Good luck in your postcard process.

eevaanneli, Finland

Wonderful idea. I have visited Vilnius with my family, we all loved this beautiful city very much. Those beautiful churches!

visnjabo, Canada

Arvydas Sabonis

Currently_Wandering, United States of America

At one point in time I wanted to live in Lithuania very badly, I even learned a couple of things in Lithuanian and about Lithuania in wanting to do so! Lithuania is a very beautiful country with nice people, if I ever get the chance to visit, I shall!
So, this is what I learned a while back - Note: I don't think all the information is right! But! Here goes everything!

Lithuania's "official" name is Lietuvos Respublika (If I remember right) which means The Republic of Lithuania in English...It was the first Baltic state (of the three in Northern Europe) to declare independence from Russia (it was part of the Soviet Republic I think?).
As of now they are an EU member and is also a member of NATO.
Ah, and Lithuanian is Indo-European. I think I am right in saying this, but "aciu!" ;D

yimin_ng, Malaysia

Labas, my name is Yi Min.

Oh gosh, the only thing I know about Lithuania(sorry to say that) is that the sceneries are breathtaking. I have just looked it up at Google, and immediately fallen in love with the beautiful views of the country - the greens and the buildings.

One day, I must visit there and have a look with my eyes~^^

Geros dienos~^^

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Independence of Prussians was on a February 16th, so a new way to celebrate is have printted 16 different postcards, send them to 16 different postcrossers!

leleka, Russia

Great idea!
Well i remember a bit of history from old times which we learnt in school.
recently i saw photos by collegue's relatives who was to Lithuania and was surprised that i had a postcard with one of places:)
and from cards received here i remember that basketball is played greatly here and there is tasty dish called tsepelliny (dont know how it sounds in English:)) also i like some Lithuanian modern pop-music:)
thank you!

sofree, China

Hello, I'm Seraph from Shanghai, China. I also print all postcards that I sent, so I love the idea!

To be honest, I don't know too much about about Lithuania, but I do know basketball is very popular there. And I know it's located in northeast Europe. I have received one postcard from Lithuania, a very romantic one and I love it.

Last weekend I just met a new friend from Lithuania at a language exchange event here and he is trying to settle down in Shanghai.

In sum, these cards are so beautiful and I really want one! :)

amycate, United States of America

A player for the NJ Blue Devils was on theLithuanian national hockey team. Dainius Zubrus.

Blackthornhiei, El Salvador

What I know about Lithuania... what I know was from a techno-thriller novel, were most of the action happened in Lithuania.

Some stuff was probably inaccurate, but it's description of the history of Grand Vytautas and the Trakai Island Castle left such a big impression on me, that I want to visit one day.

KatjaMarika, Finland

This is a great idea, I've received already two of the cards, they are beautiful!
I have visited Kaunas and Vilnius, beautiful cities. I noticed that kids were playing basketball in the yards, while here in Finland they play soccer.

jenneapple, Czech Republic

I don't really know anything about Lithuania, aside from the fact that it lies next to the Baltic Sea and its capital is Vilnius - which is the reason I'd love these postcards, to learn something about your country :)

Melifaras, Lithuania

Sveiki, šaunuoliai!
Ar šios atvirutės vienetinės, ar jas bus galima kažkur rasti? =)

scriptor, United Kingdom

I'm ashamed to say I knew next to nothing abiut Lithuania but I've now read two articles and am a lot better informed. So this great idea has worked. I was amazed to see that out of a population of 3.3 million some 2.1 million are estimated to be Internet users.

Well done to the group for their idea and for carrying it out.

katskity, United States of America

What a wonderful idea. Beautiful. I really didn't know any facts. I did google to read about it. Most of the facts I read were already in the comments here. There is a lady that works the same place I do that is from there. Thank you for sharing with us all more about your country and creating some beautiful postcard to share with the world.

connorf, Norway

I know that Lithuania has a female president named Dalia Grybauskaitė because i did a school project on her when we did things about Female Political leaders.

YITICH, Taiwan

Lithuania's people are so friendly~

I have many grest pen pals from Lithuania!!!

MiniP, Czech Republic

What a lovely idea!! I know that Lithuanians work incredibly hard as I used to work with some in Ireland and despite the boring work, they were always smiling and happy!! I think this project shows their determination :) Fair play to you !!!

laneje, Norway

What a great idea. What I know about Lituania....hmm. It's part of the Balticum, members of the Europeean union and there's a lot of nice people there. Many of them does have their work here in Norway. And, I'm told that the Lituanian people are very good at crafting of all kinds.

Lagmar, Ukraine

I have always been impressed by traditional Lithuanian clothes! Especially women's clothes :) That colourul skirt and a hat look wonderful! They are very elegant!

jjv, Netherlands

Great idee! I have been to Lithuania twice.. have not been to 'the hill of crosses' or 'centre of europe' .. but seen trakai twice. One of the funniest things happening there was that i was having a drink and the waitress spoke to us in dutch, apperently you can study dutch in Vilnius.

JellyBean78, Germany

I have to confess that I don´t know anything about Lithuania! If you think about it, that´s really sad! But maybe with the set of postcards with great pictures I could get a glimpse of the nice and beautiful country Lithuania surely is!! :-)

sc86, Canada

Lithuanian currency is called: Lithuanian litas (Lt) (LTL). In Lithuania people drive on the right side of the road. Basketball is a popular sport in Lithuania. Just some fun facts :)

katepoll, Australia

Well done to you all!!! My knowledge is minimal as I live in Australia. But have learnt quite a lot from reading all the comments.
I like the Easter Granny!!!And your female President!!!!

Cheers Kate

Dingre, United Kingdom

I am Lithuanian, but I would really love to get one of the giveaway sets. I know we have 3 millions inhabitants, Lithuania's size is 64 thousand sq km, we have 99 km of Baltic sea coast, our neighbours are Latvians, Belarussians, Poles and Russians. Our longest river is Nemunas and capital city is Vilnius. Should I continue? :) By the way, I do not live in Lithuania at the moment :( Sekmes! :)

Catherine777, Estonia

It is a great idea! I were in Lithuania, in Vilnius. It is a beautiful country. In Vilnius many various church and cathedral, because Lithuania is religious country.
I will be very happy received postcard from Lithuanian postcrossers!

merri, Finland

I have receved a card from Lithuania, the hill of crosses. A pretty amzing place. I´d like visit there.

dollart, Finland

I visited Kaunas last october and find it very beatiful city. This city also has Devil´s museum and basketball is huge sport in Lithuania :)

YiliLoh, Malaysia

A wonderful idea! Sorry to say that I only know a little about Lithuania, but I received a postcard from there in March and I like it. I only know Lithuania is an European country and its capital city is Vilnius.
I hope with the postcards, I could know more about this country! :)

BonnieM, Canada

I know that Lithuania is one of the Baltic countries, and it has been inhabited since the Middle Ages. That's hard for this Canadian to comprehend. So much history! Thanks for the chance to win those colourful postcards!

AlexandraCilliota, Romania

Congratulations for your beautiful initiative ! Your country deserves to be promoted and I would be very happy to learn more about it. For the moment, I know that Lithuania has an estimated population of 3.2 million and its largest city is the capital Vilnius.
I was very glad to learn that is actual president is a woman, Dalia Grybauskaitė. In Romania, women don't even dare to candidate for the presidency :)
I would like to have a pen friend from Lithuania, if someone is willing to! Happy posctrossing to all of you!

Zika91, Germany

I know about Lithuania, that the country have to be great because of those people like you. Keep going, there should be more of people like you. It makes the world a little bit better :)

vee__, Poland

Fantastic idea! Congratulations, Lithuanians! Sometimes I think I should do that, too. :)
Lithuania is Poland's neighbour so my task is quite easy. ;) Vilnus is the biggest city and capital and the place where fantastic museum of Adamus Mickiewiczus (or Adam Mickiewicz) is located. There is also a famous icon of our Lady of the Gate of Dawn in Vilnus. I loved the city when I visited it a few years ago, it's really beautiful, you can trace history there. And I loved the idea of putting padlocks on the bridges to celebrate love - I saw that for the first time in Vilnus and was impressed. :)
I know that it wasn't always good in Polish-Lithuanian relations in the past and even nowadays (and I am aware that Poles were not innocent), but I hope that there will be the change for the better in the future. We have a lot in common and should stick together. :)

jarezien, France

There must be thousands of things to say... But who knows about the Stelmuze oak ?! It is the oldest oak in Lithuania, probably about 500 years old ! It is worth taking a photo of this very old tree and make a postcard of it ! ;-)

myfloya, Indonesia

I received many cards from lithuanian, my friend said that lithuanian chocholate has a very yummy taste ;)

Kazoline, Belgium

Dear Lithuanian fellow postcrossers,

I know for a fact that your wonderful country has a very rich and unique folk culture. My favorite part must be the woodcarving Lithuania is so famous for.

It is my dream to go and visit the Hill of the Witches (Raganų Kalnas) in Juodkrantė. Folk traditions and stories are my soft spot. I love how, through the woodcarvings, the ancient tradition of celebrating Midsummer Night is being remembered and honoured, put in the exquisite setting of Lituanian nature. The Hill of crosses is also something that I wouldn't miss when visiting you. I got to know it through a dutch travelling documentary.

Because of the rich folk culture, I have always seen Lithuania as a very mysterious country. Although whatever I know comes from books and internet and tv, it has fascinated me for a while now, and Lithuania is on the list of countries-to-visit-very-soon-whenever-my-wallet-allows-it. :)

Other than that, two things that have really boosted my wish to come visit, are the stunning natural scenery and the fantastic architecture. I know from my own experience that when you are born and live in a country, sometimes you forget to appreciate the beauty that is around you every day. I hope - like it did for me - that Postcrossing gives you the gift it gave to me: to see your own country again through the innocent eyes of a tourist, staring in wonder of all the magnificent things your own culture gave you.

Because cultural beauty is all around us! Congratulations on your creative postcard initiative. Have fun Postcrossing, and maybe, some day, we meet in beautiful Lithuania!

Best wishes from Greece,


DorotheeB, Germany

What a great project of the Lithuanian Postcrossers!
I have never been to Lithuania, but this country is on my wishlist of countries to visit. A friend of mine was there last year, she visited several places like Vilnius and Klaipeda, and she told me about Nida where the famous writer Thomas Mann had a house and about all the painters who came there to paint like Max Pechstein and Lovis Corinth.
And like some other Baltic States Lithuania is famous for amber.
I hope for a card from Lithuania - if not this way maybe via Postcrossing, when someone draws my address -, and I'm still looking for a pen pal from there.
Maybe the people who run this project will continue this - I am absolutely fascinated by this idea.
Kind regards from Germany

Flash_A, Russia

That is cool! My girlfriend has received the one of shown hand-made Lithuanian collection not long ago.

Well, as for me I usually order a postcard with my own photoes on it too. I thing it is a good way to show the newest Moscow underground stations and any other new (and not famous) sightseeings to the World.

Thanks a lot, friends! And happy postcrossing to everyone here!

Cherie8, Australia

Important visitors are greeted with bread and salt.

seyyah, Türkiye

Capital is Vilnius. Thanks.

KiwiPL, Poland

Really good idea, especially when most of city views are boring & all similar... I love that one painted in colours of the flag! I've been to Lithuania only once, despite im from neighbouring country (Poland) and there is not much distance. I've remembered that Lithuania is such a clean country, and Lithuanian people are really really nice :)

JoyceHeinen, Netherlands

I happen to know that the national bird of Lithuania is the stork and that every year there are around 15,000 pairs of white storks raising their young. The other thing I know about this country is that there is a factory, Ruta, that makes chocolates and sweets. I learned that through postcrossing, because I received a card from Lithuania with a picture and logo of the factory.

vchera, Russia

My name is Olga, I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

I think that this idea is great and I understand the frustration myself, because in Russia you can buy beautiful postcards only in the internet-shops.

In 2008 I started learning Lithuanian language, almost accidentally. But in the process I fell in love with it. After half a year of learning I went to Lithuania for the first time. I took an intensive language course in Vilnius and lived two weeks in an apartment with a girl who never saw me before (she was Lithuanian). I was genuinely surprised by her hospitality, it was amazing! We became real friends and I visited Lithuania many times since then. Actually I have just returned from my last trip:) I have several good friends there and I'm really happy every time I have an opportunity to meet them!

I beleive that I know rather a lot about Lithuania, its history and culture. I visited some historical places, had lectures on history and culture, learned poems and participated in meetings with poets and writers, went to the museums, theatres, cinema.. I can say I am totally in love with your country!

For the last two years I had no opportunity to continue studying the language, so I used it only when I was in Lithuania. But somehow it's impossible to forget it:) I still have no troubles speaking with friends and the only regret is that I can't use it here in Russia.

Aš dar negavau atvirukų iš Lietuvos ir man būtų labai malonu turėti tokį ypatingą specialų atviruką:)

ynde, Australia

One of my friends' cousins got married in Lithuania, and as a wedding gift, you know what she got? A loaf of stale bread and a glass saltshaker! Apparently it's a custom for important visitors and newlyweds to receive bread and salt as a gift! Strange huh? =P

vilmathien, Australia

My best friends dad is Lithuanian and her her grandma makes the BEST food! So I guess I know that they have amazing cuisine!

McAue, Netherlands

What a lovely project! I have never been in Lithuania, but I know a Lithauanian who makes beautiful dropspindles. I bought two of them, they are my favorites.

MMargo, Belarus

Lithuania has lovely artists like Lina Dūdaitė. I love her art postcards.

pnne, Netherlands

It's the third from the three countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. :)

At primary school we had to learn topography of Europe. We always were confused: what's the right order? We learned those three countries by numerating: Estland, Letland, Litouwen (in Dutch) :)

splodge, United Kingdom

I have heard about the national dish of Lithuania, cepelinai, a stuffed potato. I have never tasted it however potatoes are my favourite food, one day I will taste it.

alpski_popotnik, Slovenia

Lithuania (org. Lietuva) is the largest and most southern Baltic state. As well as other two, Estonia and Latvia, coutry was independent for a short time in early 20th Century, but then the Soviet Union occupy them until the 90s. Lithuania is a plain country without any high mountains, but it has many forests and lakes. Major landmarks are the Trakai castle, The hill of Crosses in Šiauliai, Curonian Spit on the Baltic coast, cities of Vilnius and Kaunas, and Aukštaitija National Park. I especially like the last one because my first official Postcrossing card was from Lithuania and showing this natural landmark.

Lithuania is also a strong basketball nation and I am looking forward to see them on Eurobasket 2013 here in Slovenia.

thereshegoes, Sweden

Awesome work and congrats on finishing it :D I wish we could do so in Sweden too. As for what I know about Lithuania. Well, the country borders Sweden through the sea and you can take the cruise, Tallink Silja, to the capital Vilnius. :D

Norway_girl, Norway

Lithuania got independence from Russia and Germany in 1918.

marchsky, Canada

I'm afraid all I know about Lithuania is that its capital is Vilnius and that it's one of the Baltic countries.

strummer, Italy

I knew a boy from Lithuania. He introcuced me to 2 things: Svyturys and Kalnapilis. But I swear I am not an alcoholic, just a beer lover! :-) Kisses and good luck to everyone!

ankehelene, Germany

All postcard-messages I received until now from Lithuania were so friendly and creative!!!

yosephvera, Taiwan

I just remember that Lithuania sent participant on the summer olympics, so i heard the name there, also that it's one of the european countries

Littledaff, Hungary

Lithuania has around 99 kilometres of sandy coastline, of which only about 38 kilometres face the open Baltic Sea and which is the shortest among the Baltic Sea countries; the rest of the coast is sheltered by the Curonian sand peninsula.

morning_sky, Germany

Great idea and well done!
Since one of my closest friends was born in Lithuania and still has relatives there I know a lot about the country :) Not just things like its a Baltic country with the beautiful capital Vilnius and was a very large country in medieval times. It has beautiful landscapes with forests and lakes. Oh, and if you are at the bus station in Vilnius and all people you see seam to only speak Russian - don‘t worry, you are still in Lithuania! :)

tumbleweed, Germany

I am not only a postcrosser, I also love knitting. Traditional Lithuanian patterns are well-known among knitters for their beauty, and there are several books out there for anyone who wants to use these patterns in their own projects.

krishnaraosridhar, India

Wonderful idea and successfully executed... Congrats...

I liked the Lithuanian Octagonal Lighthouse, Uostadvaris located on the side of the Atmata River.... Beautiful Lighthouse... This Lighthouse is commemorated by the Lithuanian Post in 2003...

The details about the philatelic-ally commemorated Lithuanian Lighthouse(s) are available in my blog

Best of Luck and Happy PostCrossing days...

krishnaraosridhar, India

Wonderful idea and successfully executed... Congrats...

I liked the Lithuanian Octagonal Lighthouse, Uostadvaris located on the side of the Atmata River.... Beautiful Lighthouse... This Lighthouse is commemorated by the Lithuanian Post in 2003...

The details about the philatelic-ally commemorated Lithuanian Lighthouse(s) are available in my blog

Best of Luck and Happy PostCrossing days...

akhilpreeti, India

Lithuania is famous for its symphony and chamber orchestras. Also for its vast agricultural land.I've heard that they're incredible basketball players.
i appreciate and admire the spirit of Lithuanian Postcrossing .

Maxcimar, Netherlands

Wow, well done! Uhm.. what do I know about Lithuania? Well all I can do is point my finger at it on a map, but further I actually don't know nothing about it.. I'm going to "google" it immediately! Greetings from the Netherlands!!

rgeorgii, Brazil

Those guys had a great idea!
What I know about Lithuania is that it has 10 'apskritys' (am I right?) and the currency before the Euro is Litas (in Portuguese). I also know that Vinus has a beautifull business center!
Happy Postcrossing and Greentings from Brazil!

meghanG, South Africa

I'm glad they made a plan & didn't just give up! From what I know Lithuania is a small country. It's nice to get postcards from the smaller countries.

andreaj, United States of America

What a great idea! I also struggle sometimes to find the kind of creative postcards I'd like to send. I did not realize how recent democracy is in Lithuania and I am impressed by how hard the Lithuanians have worked for independence.

Linn1984, Netherlands

Great project! And it's really fun to read about how you all put it together. Congrats and be proud on yourselves :)

Ok, I must be really honest here. I don't know much (anything) about Lithuania...I could cheat and quickly Google something, but I think it's better to be honest about it :)

splendit, Slovenia

I know that Lithuania hosted Eurobasket 2011 and they have a great basketball team/players. They won us 80-77 :)
At the end Lithuanian team was 5th, Slovenian 7th! :))

fisherman, Ireland

Lithuania joined the EU in May 2004 - I like Lithuanian stamps with the inscription 'Lietuva'.

Lonapo, Slovenia

Beside that Lithuania is in EU and in the Schengen Agreement from 2004; I also know - because I'm crazy about amber, that Lithuania is also an "amber land". If I'm not wrong, you can find some amber at the see side.

DarkTeal, Poland

whoah, awesome cards! :)

mskamat1857, India

to be honest we Asians rarely know such small country .. In recent months i have chance to send card to Lithuania .. Very Best luck for Your Initiative ; We are Indian talking so much to print our own cards provided they must cost-effective. Hope soon we also have such goodies for you .

jessica2000, Netherlands

Good idea,

The girl that lives across the street from us, comes from Lithuania.
She told me that the weather over there is almost the same as here in Holland.

Happy Postcrossing
Jessica (11)

rkneo11, India

We in India are also facing the same problem... Maybe one of these days in one of the meetups we should also plan to do something similar...
All the best and congratulations...

mechoeso, United States of America

I know that basketball is a popular sport in Lithuania and in 1988, the Lithuanian team won a bronze medal. Those cards look beautiful!

ashmol86, Singapore

Lithuania is a land of stocks!

Tundra1, Canada

I know that during WWII, a Japanese diplomat in Vilnius issued transit visas to over 1,000 local Jews. (Just saw a movie about it called "Visas that Saved Lives") Based on footage from the film, Lithuania looks like a lovely country!

emotis, United States of America

Lithuanian Easter eggs are some of the prettiest in the world! I wish ours looked as nice.

Roo17, United Kingdom

the postcards look fantastic - well done guys for getting them made! my Lithuanian fact is that it is, I believe, the birthplace of ice hockey player Darius Kasparaitis who I remember watching playing for the New York Rangers a few years ago....

zdobczy, United Kingdom

I`m form Poland, so I know much about Lithuania. From 1569 to 1795 we were one country. We had one king, one goverment, one currancy and one crest. Adam Mickiewicz outstanding writer was living in Lithuania, but Polsih people say that he is Pole and this is true, when he was born we were one country so he was both Lithuanian and Pole. Władysław Jagiełło was Lithuanian king who married Jagwiga and became Polish king. Since this time Lithuania is christian country. We have many connections and Poles are learnig about Lithuania in school and Lithanians are learning about Poles. We were together in past so I hope we`ll be on good relationships in the future :)

marimekko, Finland

The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. Lithuania's flag colors are yellow, green and red. :)

LarissaV, Netherlands

When I think of Lithuanian, I think of the film ´Oorlogswinter´ (dutch movie), which is filmed over there, because in the Netherlands there was no snow and they need snow. But when they came in Lithuanian, there was no snow either, so they have to make fake snow :)

SilentSilence, Spain

Wow! Those postcards are actually beautiful :D I love them! And the idea is great ^o^

What I know about LITHUANIA:
-I joined postcrossing because a Lithuanian penfriend told me about it.
-Its flag: yellow, green and red.
-Eurobasket was held there last year. And we (Spain) won :D
-I read a book (Between Shades of gray; by Rūta Šepetys)which tells the story of many Lithuanians during the Second World War. Great book!
-Basketball: I love it! And I really like Lithuanian players: Kalnietis, Jasaitis, Pocius, Javtokas...
-Many Lithuanian men names end in "-as", an ending used in Spanish for plural feminine names; so it's funny!
-Its capital: Vilnius.
-Lithuania in Lithuanian: LIETUVA!!!

nikos8109, Greece

Congratulations on the idea. Now what I know of Lithuania, is Vilnius-the capital- Kaunas, a big city, the colours of the flag of course (green-yellow-red) and Sarunas Jasikevicius who plays into my favourite team,Panathinaikos

sereiadomar, United States of America

Well, I don't know much about Lithuania, I could easily look in google and say something, but there's one thing I know: I have a Lithuanian friend, I only know him by the postcards we send to each other, he is very smart, sensitive, artistic, and kind, so I've come to think that Lithuania is a great place, because it has great people!

Schoffie, Netherlands

What a great idea! I am from the Netherlands and would love to receive such a wonderfull postcard some day by postcrossing!

ned44440, Ireland

I am afraid I am one of those who know very little about Lituania beyond the fact that Vilnius is the capital and it has a coast on the Baltic Sea. The first postcard I ever received from Lituania revealed that the White Stock is the national bird. One of the best things about Postcrossing is that from something as simple as a postcards we can learn so much about the world around us. I know I have learnt so much about my own country [Ireland] from the postcards I've sent out.
Well done to the team who undertook to produce their own postcards. I do hope to receive at least one of them through Postcrossing sometime.
Regards, Nora

martymarty, Czech Republic

Just this week I have received a postcard from Lithuania:, thank you lindenfir! It shows a piece of nature - a special place called "the Hole of Devil". And on the postcard was a link to find out more:
For me it was quite surprising to find out, that Lithuanian language doesn´t use azbuka, but latin writing (oh, silly me, I´m sorry that I did think of that). And, to be more ashamed, I have to say it is really confusing in Czech to call this nice country it´s own name (EN-Lithuania, LT-Lietuva, CZ-Litva) and not to mistake it with it´s neighbour (EN-Latvia, LV-Latvijas, CZ-Lotyšsko). But I promise from now on I will remeber it correctly! :-)

fff786, Sri Lanka

Postcrossing made me realize how little I know about our beautiful world. Postcards always encourages me to travel more and more. And I like to add Lithuania into that list. And congratulations to you guys for this amazing project. Because of this project you can show your country's amazing things through your own eyes and in your own way. And you inspire all of us(well at least me)to do the same. I must admit I am becoming a huge fan of Lithuanian architecture. I would love to know more about Lithuania through your postcards. So one day I would see them with my own eyes. And I also know that Lithuanian National flag colors are green, red and yellow. Capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.

Oltea, Russia

Our region (Bryansk region in Russia) was a part of Lithuania in ancient times (since 1356). :-))) And Lithuania itself took part in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410 (together with Poland) and won! And I also know (from Soviet times) that it has a totally awesome resort town Klaipeda. But actually, Lithuania is a very interesting country with great history but such a small comments window lets say few facts only. ;)

Ketty18, Germany

I know that the Flag of Lithuania is a horizontal tricolor of yellow, green and red!

Timo_Niemi, Russia

I love Lithuania, the largest country of the three Baltic states, known for more that a 1000 years, & love Lithuanian language which is one of the oldest European languages & closest to The Proto-Indo-European language.
Aš myliu Lietuvą ir norečiau išmokti gerai kalbėti lietuviškai.)))

jabajbaj, Poland

Hm...firstly i thought about Rumšiškės where is one of the greatest heritage park in this part of Europe...ethnographic paradise^^
But when I thought of what else reminds me of Lithuania i remembered the amazing taste of Šakotis and Žagarėlis - delicious! What can I do, that's my favorite foods? xd

Hasenwinkel, Germany

Well, until now I do not know very much about Lithuania - one fact is that the language is a indo-european language, written in latin alphabet - but we are going to visit the Baltic States this summer, so I hope to learn much about this certainly beautiful country then! :-)
And I would love to receive these postcards as a little foretaste...

Grakallo, Germany

Well, about Lithuania, the soccer-player Valdas Ivanauskas from Lithuania played at my home-club HSV some years ago.

elpis, Australia

I've been to Lithuania many times. Curonian spit is a wonderful place as well as many other places in Lithuania ;)

martymarty, Czech Republic

Hm, and some more fact about Lituhania postcrossing :-)
There are 3,5mil inhabitants, from which are 5,799 Postcrossers, who sent 176,201 postcards and received 181,770 postcards. By ranking it´s the 17th (by sent postcards)

LucieZezulkova, Czech Republic

Wow, a good idea.
I visited Luthuania a few years ago and I met very nice people there. I visited Vilkaviškis and Vilnius and saw many beautiful places there. I also tasted lithuanian meals and I liked them.

Oele, Belgium

Wauw, I love this idea! I was just thinking on Belgian postcards you can always find buildings,... but never beautiful secret places or what the people are like. I wish there was a Belgian project like this. I'm curious to find out what Lituhania is like!

maccharedbean, Malaysia

Well, I do not know much about Lithuania,i only received 1 card from Lithuania and i know the place Klaipeda as the postcrosser lives there.

cuauhtemoc, Mexico

I have an amber from the Baltic Sea, maybe from Lithuania?

chompismylion, United States of America

What a fun project! I only know where Lithuania is on a map, and that it is a small country. Such a bonus of Postcrossing: to learn about countries all over the globe! Thanks for the chance to win.

PetroKisa, Russia

Hi everybody! First, I know the legends about great ancient Lithuanuan princes: Gedimin and his sons Olgerd, Keistut, Skirgello. Then, I can cook "zeppelinai", a delicious national dish from meat and potatoes. Finally, I adore amber from the Baltic sea. And there are so many other amazing facts about this beautiful country...

hillie67, Australia

I work in the aged care industry in Australia and we have had a few Lithuanian s in our care and they have spoken so fondly of there home country. One lady spoke of a beautiful garden and she would describe the smells in the morning of the flora and fauna on her way to school and how the dew would alight the leaves of the trees and that even winter snow would have a smell all of its own and I said this could be anywhere and she said no it is different altogether, like nothing she had ever smelt before. And playing with other children She told us of how they would go past some of the castle and talk about their dreams of being the fairy princesses. Then she spoke of teenage life and how they would hide some of the fashion under there coats as they where not to wear them as this brought disgrace to their families and this was not a good thing. So they used to meet and have magazines from America and Europe of all the last fashions and they would hide them. And in spring time this would be alot of there festival time and what they would wear to these, they would wear traditional clothes made by there mothers or grandmothers and handed down. That they would wear these with great pride. We had spoken about photos and she said there that there are not many photos showing there culture, essence and of a time that was very different.

This all came from a lady holding my hand that was suffering dementia this gave me the interest to look it up and learn a bit more about Lithuania. So to have some of these postcards that I could of shared with her would be amazing I have tried finding photos on the internet for her but nothing she can hold in her hand. Anyway all the best to you all that helped in this project. I hope if brings what you are wanting


FloridaGirl, United States of America

What a great project. I've learned some about Lithuania. The Curonian Spit is a narrow bit of land closing in the Curonian Lagoon. Part is Russian and the other part is Lithuanian. The other is the Hill of Crosses. Read about it, it is a bit of history. Thanks for the opportunity to receive a card from your set.

Lukka, Russia

There are a lot of interesting museums in Lithuania. I'd love to see one of the Amber museums.

sarouri, Netherlands

Well, I don't know much of Lithuania so maybe I need those cards to learn something about the country! I think it's a great idea to make your own cards!

Briarcliff, United States of America

The beautiful forests seen in the movie Transsiberian are actually in Lithuania.

One of Lithuania's highly desired natural products is Amber. It’s actually fossilized tree resin and is frequently used in jewelry.

In the early 20th century many Lithuanians emigrated elswhere, but always retained their love of their homeland and instilled it in their children and grandchildren(including me).

tartagal, Argentina

fun project to create their own postcards, congratulations for what they do

nenya1985, Germany

Beautiful cards.
I know that because Lithuania is one of the countries that lies at the Baltic Sea you can find amber on a beach walk when you are lucky enough.

miezilein, Russia

Wow! Well done guys!*)
Oh..I've always been tiny bit envious of their possibility to switch between different languages so quickly)
I hope one day I'll visit Lithuania

enola, Austria

Vilnius has been European Capital of Culture in 2006. Friends of mine went there for vacation and brought some candy as a thank you gift for looking after there plants. I still have the box and like to remember its sweet content ;-)

AaronBleess, United States of America

I would love to swap some South Dakota, USA cards for some cards from Lithuania.

Apwohalyptica, Lithuania

I started reading the comments about my homeland and I felt so touched by all the sweet replies from different people :) You all should know that Lithuanians are very proud to hear such lovely words about their country and themselves!

Good luck for everyone :)

singapore_huey, Singapore

Please give me one of your photos by making me one of the 16 winners!! I love flowers and I know rue is the national flower. It is also a symbol of chasity in the culture of the country. . . .please also tell me when the winners will be made known. . . .

treksek, Estonia

In Kaunas is the Devils' Museum, very interesting. In Kaunas is in a shopping center very big aquarium, high two floors. Very beautiful. Trakai Castle is one the beautifullest castle of Europe. I visited Lithuania first time around 35 years ago and very many times now, but I will visit it again, I like Lithuania very much.

Mayangiras, France

Lithuania?what came cross my mind when i heard this name is ancient and romantic. i can play thousand scenes in my head about knights riding along the beautiful hills and sing the old songs or just take a time to enjoy the breathtaking sight of their beloved country. or parents tell a tale to their children about how babies are delivered by hundreds storks. and kids play a fascinating story of the first king of Lithuania while mommies prepare super dishes consisted of breads fresh from the oven, pancakes, and capelinai filled with meat. When they are called to come inside, they will sit down comfortably while watching the national basketball team shows their best performance and make the supporters proud of them. best of all I think is the fact that Lithuanian is one of the oldest European languages which means it comports cultures and histories for centuries. Wonderful! and also, their attractive flag! yellow green red.who doesn't love that combination! so, what I know about Lithuania? richness and joy.
so bring more joy with the cards^^

szvandaaa, Hungary

This year, Lithuania supported Hungary in the EU Parliament ;) ! Thank youuuu again :D !
And the postcards're wonderful :) !

inciaa, United Kingdom

Great idea! I hope I'll be one of lucky winners, haha ;)
Of course the capital is Vilnius, you sepak Lithuanian and Russian and you are one of my country neighboors and we share Baltic sea (I'm from Poland, not from UK, I just live here) :) I have couple of friends from Lithuania, I met all of them at my work places and they are all great, nice, friendly and beautiful girls!

Lanzaroterose, Spain

What I know about Lithuania without googling it is that it is a post comunist country, which has been changed a lot in the past decades. What I mean is that tha facades of the buildings are renewd and the general aspect of the capital. I also know there are many Finish tourists going there for shopping. My personal experience says Lithuanians are very nice people and very intelligent as well.
Wish you all the best with your project!

ichabodhides, United Kingdom

What a great idea! I also struggle finding nice postcards of my region..

I don't know very much about Lithuania, but it seems like a really beautiful country. Two guys in the aikido group I'm a member of are from Lithuania and I'm jealous how they can speak more than two languages :p

LacrimadiLuna, Italy

Aukštaitija National Park has pines 200 years old ^.^ I love trees and I think you had a nice idea! Many greetings and congratulations!

Yastrebinka, Germany

Thanks for a wonderful possibility to get amazing cards! I know, that Lithuania in Ukrainian sounds like Litva, it is very close to Ukraine historically and it is simply a beautiful Baltic country.

Tetsuko, Germany

Great idea :) love it.

hmm something about Lithuania.. difficult, to be honnest I don't know much about that lovely country. But I think Vilnius is its capital.

agung, Indonesia

Lithuania is situated in Eastern Europe, between Latvia and Russia.One of three countries known as the Baltic States and was the first Soviet republic to declare independence from the USSR.

HofVliet, Netherlands

Thinking about the Lithuanians I always remember this short film

In 2009 the Dutch Queen made a state visit to Lithuania. The NOS, the official network made this short and comic announcement with the cooperation of Lee Towers. He is a more or less well known singer from Rotterdam.

“Lee Towers” sounds just like “Lithuanian” in Dutch.

This is the short film;

They ask him;
“Mr. Lee Towers, is it right that Queen Beatrix will visit you?”
He answers;
“No, you are wrong. She is going to the Lithuanian, in Lithuania”

And the voice over continues “Queen Beatrix will meet the Lithuanians in Lithuania.”

MaMaMind, Thailand

One thing I know about Lithuania is there are a lot of cool postcrossers who make this wonderful idea happen!!

pne, Germany

Lithuanian has vowels with ogoneks, which used to be nasal but are now pronounced long.

Lithuanian is an Indo-European language, and in some morphological respects a very conservative one.

Luchistaya, Russia

I know that Lithuania is a country in which I want to go. I want to wander through the beautiful and romantic streets of Vilnius, to visit Kaunas, to see the Curonian Spit ... and lead from Lithuania as a souvenir charming imp :)

Улиц твоих аромат чистоты,
Зданий прекрасных твоих красота…
В воздухе чувствуешь тон доброты –
Это реальность, а не мечта.

Легкий ажурный прекрасный костел,
Холм, на котором башня стоит…
Ты мою душу навеки обрел,
Город, где солнце восходит в зенит.

Вильнюс, прекрасным дождем ты умыт!
Улиц твоих чистота с красотой
Душу приводят в восторг! И мои
Мысли и сердце навеки с тобой.

stefka, Bulgaria

I know, that Lithuania is a very green country and about one third of its territory is covered by forests.

Olgitta, Poland

Lithuania is my homeland, which I left 6 years ago. I would like to refresh my memories. Ohh Dear, I miss you!

stefka, Bulgaria

One interesting thing that I remember from a Lithuanian pen-friend: Lithuanian surnames have specific masculine and feminine forms. While a masculine surname usually ends in "-as","-ys" or "-is", its feminine equivalent ends in "-iene" for married women and "-aite", "-ute" or "-yte" for unmarried ones.

annaoneil, United States of America

Fun fact: Latvia has won 17 Olympic medals even though it has not bee participating as an independent country for long. It Sounds like a beautiful country I would love to visit some day!

Sisko1, Finland

A great idea! I have one card from Lithuania, I think, but I'm definitely looking forward of maybe getting a card of your selection one day. - I remember from my childhood how my mother listed from memory the Baltic countries, drawing the outlines in the air with a finger. Lithuania was definitely included. :)

AsiaBo, Poland

Lithuania was once part of Polish territory. Polish writer and poet Adam Mickiewicz wrote about her "Lithuania, my country, you're as healthy. How much you appreciate that you will know just who you lost ...."

MrPooney, Canada

When I was younger, I had a metal radio show, and would receive albums from small labels to broadcast them.

One day I received one from Obtest, a lithuanian metal band singing in lithuanian. Basicly that's how this country and I met, I must say I was quite impressed.

Lithuania rocks and I'd totally enjoy one of those special postcard.

espresso_Anna, Netherlands

What a great idea, very inspiring ♥ and remembers me of a beautiful Lithuanian saying: 'The person who gives, is a person who has'! Happy postcrossing and hope to send and receive one day a card to and from Lithuania!

Love Anna

Marthijn, Netherlands

I like to visit Ukmerge in Lithuania. The old city-buses in our city (Eindhoven) has been go to Ukmerge and are driving there.

tornadogrrl, United States of America

I am embarrassed to say that I don't appear to know anything about Lithuania? I think that it is a former Soviet nation, but I am not sure about that.
I am now going to go and read the wikipedia page on Lithuania!
Any chance that we can see closer shots of the postcards? It is such a wonderful idea, and I am happy to hear such a positive and inspiring story.

susannev, United States of America

Wonderful idea for the postcards. On 11 March 1990, the year before the break-up of the Soviet Union, Lithuania became the first Soviet republic to declare independance.

Shellan, Canada

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania which has many medieval churches

MrLemon, Poland

I was once in Lithuania few years ago and it was very nice trip. I remember that in Vilnius you must waiting so long for choclate pancakes but it is worh - it's delicous! I ate something called bliny and it was amazing and very unique. Also I was shocked because the Lithuanian drivers are very careful, not like in my country:)

edo, Spain

The geographic center of the european continent is the city of Purnuskès ,located at 26 km.from Vilna.Registered in Guiness World Records Book!!

lswindisch, United States of America

This is such a great project! Not knowing much about Lithuania, I set out to learn more about the country. I happened upon the Hill of the Crosses in Siauliai, in the northern part of Lithuania. What an amazing sight! So many crosses with more being added all the time. I would love to make that pilgramage. The people of the country have definitely overcome many types of government over the centuries.

miarhi, Finland

I play Scrabble a lot and I sometimes use the word liti, Lithuanian currency. I wouldn’t know liti is Lithuanian currency if I didn't play Scrabble.

I also know the Hill of Crosses. I’ve only seen it on TV but I’d really love to visit the place myself. There must be a mystical feeling to that place.

chaelamonstah, United States of America

How completely awesome! In high school I learned that Lithuania had only one king during the royal times (King Mindaugas). How I remember that after all these years, I'll never know. :P

Mirumiru, Greece

Once I have a vacations on Kurshskaya Kosa ( Curonian Spit) in Kaliningrad (Russia). And one morning I woke up really early and go for a walk. It was so pretty weather and so beautiful surrounding that I can't stop and just walk and walk through the forest and sands and see etc. And then I came on the road I saw so many cars with Lithuanian number that I was frightened that I cross the boards. I didn't afraid to come in Lithuania but I didn't have my ID with me and fill like illegal=) So I creeped in forest and start to go very quiet back and in a few hours came back in hotel. So I still don't know, have I ever been in Lithuania or not?=)))
Also I know about 2together festival and dream to vizit it once!
Good luck to your bright country!

riledup, United States of America

What a great idea, good for everyone for not just accepting there weren't cards out there that they liked!

As for what I know? Not a whole lot, I admit. I know there are several people of Lithuanian heritage here in Pittsburgh and it's predominantly Catholic (lots of Eastern European heritage here in Pittsburgh which is how I know that) - and I know the capital is Vilnius which I remember from a movie and also from some cards I've received in the past.

Mirumiru, Greece

Pardon, I mean be2gether for sure=)

julietdeltalima, United States of America

I "found" Lithuania in my world atlas when I was a young girl. The first two things I think of about it are: (a) part of Jonathan Franzen's novel "The Corrections" takes place in Lithuania (although, unfortunately, the characterization of Lithuania isn't very favorable), and (b) the Lithuanian team's uniforms for the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2 years ago were my favorites, so much so that I still remember them!

Marie-Lou, France

I know that the funniest english anagramm you can spell with "Lithuania" is : I Hail Tuna


JennyH2dogs, Australia

Congratulations to the group of people who had their own postcards made. I know that Lithuania is famous for causing the USSR to collapse. Most nationalities do not need a visa to visit this beautiful country. Lithuania has delightful natural treasures to see, such as the lakes, forests and an amazing variety of bird life. The Curonian Spit was listed on the World Heritage Site in 2000. I hope we can see and learn more of your beautiful country through you postcards.

petrini1, United States of America

I had Lithuanian neighbors when I was in high school, and because they had 5 daughters, most of them older than me, I learned that Lithuanian weddings are really, really fun! That's where I learned to polka. Happy Postcrossing!

marlepowe, United States of America

What a great idea. I'd love to receive one. I do not know much about Lithuania but I have chronic kidney disease and my doctor is from Lithuania and I like him a lot.

BayouGal, United States of America

If I ever had the opportunity to visit Lithuania, I would definitely like to see Vilnius old town! Not sure would I would want to see first - the many churches, the President's Palace or one of the many restuarants! Also, Vilnius old town was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Blogger, United States of America

One think I KNOW about Lithuania is that I would like more postcards from there! :D

betslets, United States of America

What I know about Lithuania is that my paternal grandparents were from there (Vilnius) and left the country around the time of the Russian Revolution (about 1914)to find a new life in America. They ended up in the state of Wisconsin and my father and his brother were the first of the family born in the USA. I met my grandfather when I was very small; he passed away when I was eight. I never got to meet my grandmother, as she passed away before I was born but I was named after her (Elizabeth).
I had the privilege of acquiring a Lithuanian postcrossing exchange and after receving my card, she sent me one of Vilnius in return.
I am now 63 years old and proud to be a second generation Lithuanian...I may not get to visit the country myself, except through Postcrossing. But, Lithuania is definitely part of who I am.

Tsadida, United States of America

Lithuania is famous for cold beet soup, potato pancakes and cepelinai – potato dumplings stuffed with meat, curd cheese or mushrooms.

I haven't had any of these, but they all sound delicious :)

akalle, Sweden

What a nice give away contest. Lithuania is a neighboure of Sweden, just on the other side of the Baltic Sea. I have visit there one time, for Christmas, just after they left the Soviet chains. And it was very poor then. I visit Vilnius and the people there where very kind and helpful.

giacatalan, Philippines

Honestly, I've never known about Lithuania until I have received a postcard for a Postcrosser in Lithuania. Then I looked them up and learned that they are a part of the Baltic states. And they have amazing postcards.;)

AnitaMac, Australia

What a great effort to get this project off the ground! There seems to be a small Lithuanian community here, and a couple of years ago I had the chance to be part of a Lithuanian Christmas Eve dinner organised by the community. I liked the custom of wishing everyone a merry Christmas with sharing unleavened bread.
In the middle ages, the capital Vilnius had a Hansa community and was involved with the merchants trading in the Baltic Sea.

lama1, Netherlands

Have to admit I know little about Lithuania. Know the coastline must be special, that Vilnius and Kaunas must be beautiful cities and that there is a hill somewhere in Lithuania full with crosses. Must be spectaculair.

HinArien, Ukraine

Great cards!
Lithuania borders with Belarus and great amount of Belarussian territories were under its reign in middle ages.

stickerhappy, Canada

Lovely idea! :)
I know basketball is a really popular sport in Lithuania.

sonjab, Germany

I just know that the Curonian Spit is a very nice part of Lithuania and that it's an Unesco World Heritage Site

pandali, China

I don't know anything about lithuania, first time hear about it . so i google it. i spent 50mins to read ..what r beautiful lithuania.

Wolha, Belarus

Ačiū labai for the wonderful idea!
What do I know about Lithuania? Well, Lithuanians are proud of their history, especially the times of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. Vitaut, the Great Duke, is a national hero, a lot of names of streets, universities, etc. are devoted to him. He was the leader of the Lithuanian army in the battle of Grunwald in 1410.
Lithuanian cities are very picturesque: Kaunas, Trakai, Vilnius and others. The capital - Vilnius - is said to be a city which contains several very different cities in it.
Oh, and one more thing I find interesting concerns last names. If it is a man, his last name ends with -as, married woman -iene, unmarried woman -aite.

kwt_425, Hong Kong

I actually know a little about Lithuania. Lithuania is the largest of the three Baltic states. I know about it from my history textbook.
One of my friends that have been traveled to Lithuania told me that there are many churches in Lithuania. I don't know whether it is true or not but I believe it.
Another thing about Lithuania is prestigious about the amber. People often buy amber products as souvenir.

Lovage, Finland

I have tasted the traditional Lithuanian wedding cake "raguolis" and it was delicious. Do you have a card showing this speciality?

ozbok, Australia

G'day from Australia,
We are a long way away but i remember so well while travelling i spent some time with a man from Lithuania named Jonas. Jonas just loved potatoes and said many times that it was the lithuanian national dish. Where is Lithuania, not quite sure but Russia and Poland come to mind as border countries.
Excited to see get a Lithuanian card
Have fun
George McIntosh

aletta74, Netherlands

I don't know much about Lithuania and that is something I don't like. My grandfather was born in Belarus and told me about history of his part of the world. But I almost couldnot understand him. He told me about a commonwealth were Lithuania and Belarus were in. He told me about fairytales, and about other things.
I really want to know more!!!!!

DragonRabbit, Canada

I like to know about your stories:) what stories do kids cherish:)

iliovasilema, Greece

Oh, a great idea! Congratulations, guys!
I'm from Belarus that is beautiful and as we almost don't have nice cards (they began to appear though) I understand it well:)))
Actually, I've got a nice penpal there (greetings, Justyna!)and she tells me much, and Belarus is so close to Lithuania. For sure I must visit it one day.
Well, my associations...
Vilnius, Trakai Castle and castles in general with thier legends, Druskininkai (the closest big city to me), cepelinai, Kaunas and others, the Baltic See shore (Palanga), the place Nida I have a card from)), Adam Mickiewicz!!!, the Cultural European Capital-2009, the wonderful architecture...
Also it is known as Northern Jerusalem. I've heard there is an area in Vilnius which concentrates people of art professions *Uzhupis* (sounds nice as Moscow Arbat); Lithianian is one of the oldest Slavic languages.
Lithuanian holidays also are interesting for me)
PS would love to go there!!!

linku, Germany

Lithuanians have so beautiful names... it must be the language!
I've just been to neighbouring countries but it's my dream to visit Lithuania one day with some peace! The food, people, landscape, culture,.... must be fascinating!!!

jolo, Germany

You are the BEST!!!! we've already received one of those great cards (the postboxes) in the family but we want mooooooooore... ^

Big compliments for having made such such a great project!!!! which country group would be able to organize an action like that, tell me?!!!
it would be my wish to be part of a group of people like that, too...but i think i'll have to do it on my own in italy:O)

paicontea, Germany


this is what our daughter Elorri (4) wants to tell you about the c

Praskovya, Russia

I love the Baltic sea. I have been to Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Helsinki, Riga, but I have not been to any Lithuanian city yet. I think I must go there next time when I decide to visit the Baltic seashore. It will be a real pleasure to get acquainted with the Lithuanians, their food, their customs. I think a beautiful card will contibute to my wish to go there :-)

P.S. It's a great idea to make such postcards!


wilopa, Netherlands

What a wonderful idea!!
I learned a lot about Lithania after I joined postcrossing!
About the people, nature, cities, I got a link to a beautiful youtube-film about Vilnius.
I have swapped cards with a Lithuanian postcrosser and we are friends now,in letters we tell about our countries and the most wonderful, she will visit me for a holiday with her family this summer and I am planning a holiday to Litouwen!!

joys, Korea (South)

I had a penpal from Kaunas, Lithuania. She stopped writing me all of a sudden a few years ago, and still it hurts me.
Through exchanging hand-written letters with her for a couple of years, I got to learn a bit about Lithuania.

kisscut, Germany

Lithuania is amazing. I have only been there once for a few days but I loved it :)
Especially Nida, Juodkratne, the hill of crosses and Palanga.
I would love to go again.
Ačiū&iki Kisscut :)

blunosr, Canada

Fantastic initiative! Way to go!

Lithuania: rebellious, quirky, vibrant, tenacious,colorful history, pagan roots, shadowy courtyards, awesome eccentric arts, beautiful baroque, magical forests, shimmery lakes.

tonix_cat, Italy

Tautos jėga vienybėje

rabziz, Latvia

Awesome project!
Few months ago I came across Lithuanian post-card shop - I'm keen on postcards with cycling theme, so I almost ordered some postcards from the bicycles section. And what a great surprise it was when I received this -
So - I know that in Lithuania people make awesome postcards.

milfred_ong, Belgium

Lithuania is a member of the Schengen Agreement. Unfortunately, I was not able to go there last year when I was in Europe. So, for now I travel to Lithuania through postcards and Postcrossing.

Tresart, United States of America

What do I know about Lithuania? Not as much as I should! So, I applaud your group for spreading the news about all of the wonderful and unique things your country has to offer.

But, what do I know? One fun thing I've learned is that you have white storks in your country. Secondly, I am interested in food and cooking so I am aware that you have a delicious rye bread.

I wish your group the best of luck with your new postcard sets! I wonder if you would consider selling some sets and use the money to make a donation to the Postcrossing project? I bet many Postcrossers who like to collect cards would be interested in purchasing a set.

Cheers, Jessica.

Aijai, Finland

Lithuania is right above Finland. There is only some little countries between us ;)
But really i dont'n know much more so I desperetly need your cards to teach me more about your wonderful Lithuania.
Wish you all good and respect your project with own postcards! Aijai

cuddiepiers, Singapore

I think it's wonderful that you guys have decided to celebrate your country in this way. Sometimes I get tired of sending touristy postcards from my own country. What do I know about Lithuania? I had to memorize your country's name as part of a history test on Europe in secondary school and I learned about the difficult times during WWII and after.

Best of luck with your project!

Mylene, Russia

That's a great idea! Thank you for a giveaway
Lithuania is a Baltic country and basketball is popular there!

fulcircl, United States of America

This story beautifully illustrates the spirit of Postcrossing :) My students and I have learned many things about geography this past year through the postcards and their locations; including Lithuania, which we now know borders the Baltic Sea~

sarahmajumder, India

i like Lithuanian architecture a lot. it wows me every time i see it.i received a card showing a beautiful Gothic cathedral and from ever since i like them quite a lot.

nediam_nori, Finland

Lithuania has a very cheerful flag :) it is a Baltic country.

Shineerocks, India

i once tried the Cepelinai and loved it! pity i cant make it!i was licking my fingers to the end.

paradonym, Germany

I really enjoy the cards from Lithuania I receive... There must be many sights...

Caddi, Germany

I konow that Vilnius was european capital of cultur in 2009 :)
What a good idea to make their own postcards!

littlebaby, Austria

What a lovely idea! I've heard so many amazing details of Lithuania from my friends. I hope I can visit this land with his hospitable people one day. I know that the people there are very proud of their tradition and culture (dances, sagas, fables, but especially the lithuanian songs). The many parks, famous places and castles keep the history still alive. Because I love jewellery, i know that lots of amber comes from Lithuania. I would be proud to get a card from a such a fascinating country.

lucymonty, United Kingdom

What a lovely idea! It's great to hear about postcrossers working together like this :-D I know that Lithuania has a female president.

nisnoopy3, Malaysia

I received many cards from people living in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania! :D
It must be a great journey to make these wonderful cards from scratch. Thank you for your hardwork! :D

signhild, Norway

"Labas" is the Lithuanian word for hi. For a norwegian it sounds like a candy, and sometimes, when said by the right person, it sounds like it too. Besides that, I know that LT can offer great beer and the best barbque in the world. And that Vilnius was known as "Jerusalem of the North" before WW2. (And probably a lot more, but the more I think about things I know about LT, I'm loooonging to go back asap! :))

jblackwell, Canada

I know that recently Kanapinis fought and defeated Lasininis and now Spring has arrived! Hurray for Kanapinis!

antigoni, Greece

Labas to all! I've always wante tovisit 'Lietuva' for some magical reason I couldn't explain to most people who had just heard of it...Well, I know the basic facts about the coutry, biggest cities, that they're famous for basketball, their surnames can end in -skas or -ie, their female first names are very unusual and people are very warm and art interested! Plus I've never met a Lithuanian in real life!
Well done for the initiative!

nastok, Ukraine

I know that Cepelinai is a traditional Lithuanian dish :)

Tancia, Belarus

Belarusians and Lithuanians have a lot in common
a dish (dumplings) with a similar name: kalduny and kaldunai

female surnames:
in Lithuanian Grybauskaite (girl, single) - Grybauskiene (married)
in Belarusian Kaltavičanka (girl, single) - Kaltavičova (married)

at the International Book Fair in Minsk I bought some wonderful cards by the Anusauskai, some their country views reminded me of my grandparents' village - they are so Belarusian!

klausdiemaus, Germany

I don't want to google, so I have to admit that I know almost nothing about Lithuania... (a bit ashamed)
It is great that you made your own cards, I love that! I wish I could buy them, maybe sometime you consider to set up an online store?
Best wishes to you!

Ivana26, Czech Republic

What a great idea.Best wishes to you!

bobso, United Kingdom

I work with a lovely lady from Lithy(as she calls it.) She has just returned from a holiday to visit her Mum and brought us some fantastic chocs. They were to die for!!! Dream on Cadbury's***

MirjamNL, Netherlands

Wow! That is creative! If you can't find it, make it yourself. And the cards are looking great. It is sad but I can't think of anything more than that Lithuania is one of the Baltic States right now. I just looked in to postcrossing-stats and as I already guessed: I have never received a card from Lithuania or send one to Lithuania. So help me doing that with your cards ;)

Archicraft, Canada

lovely idea! i also admit that i don't know much about Lithuania, so i look up on wiki & learned that it has estimated 3.2 million people as of 2011! I have traveled to many counties, but would love to reach your homeland someday! cheers!

juytters, Belgium

I know they are very good in basketball!

guu5555555, Germany

As I read about the Hill of Crosses I remembered that I got a postcard from Sweden with such a picture from someone from Lithuania is living now in Sweden. I only know that I have a problem with Lithuania and Latvia, I first have to think about what is Litauen and what is Lettland in German... sorry for that. And years ago I had a penpal from Siauliai.

Kikidi, Germany

some years ago a player from Vilnius joined my favourite basketball team, so i learned a little about Lithuania. i especially like the traditional music and dance, and i have a lot of respect for the 'singing revolution'.

Diminuendo, Finland

Lietuvos Respublika is the biggest of the Baltic states and its population is about 3,5 million. Tha capital, Vilnius,is a really beautiful place and its the biggest city in Lithuania. :)

Trios, Netherlands

I received already 3 cards from Lithuanian postcrossers and on one of them was a really nice statue of three girls near the beach.
Because I wanted to know more about the country I surfed to a special site.
There I learned that in Lithuania children go to school when they are six years old and not when they are 4 or 5 (obligatory) as in the Netherlands.
It was also interesting to see that their language is rather similar to Latvian, but differs a lot from Estonian.
Lithuanian is an Indo-European language.
One day I hope to go there and see the beautiful city of Vilnius with my own eyes.

GSD, Trinidad and Tobago

Once was a fan of Lithuanian basketball team Zalgiris :) and my favorite player Arvydas Sabonis. Btw, this is beautiful idea and I am sure it took lots of efforts from the Lithuanian postcrossers. Wish we could do something like that with T&T postcrossers. Kudos to your guys.

leojus, Austria

I know something more about Lituania: Today the lithuanian latin formation team Zuvedra 1 of the Klaipeda University won the european championship in Schwechat near Vienna in Austria. I was there and your team with "I rock you like a Hurricane" was so incredible awesome!!! Austria has also latin dance formations, but what these guys from Lithuania were doing there tonight - just awesome. So next postcard theme should be your winning team. By the way, they won the last WORLD champion ship in 2011. Just AWESOME!

ksanajoy, Ukraine

Let's see.. I know Lithuania, besides the ordinary stuff about common past in the Soviet Union and even older times of Lithuania+Poland+Ukraine, thanks to a wonderful crafter Renata who creates astonishing stuff with wool! I gather that in Lithuania the land is rich in talents and artistic point of view :))))

jjkeim, United States of America

I had such great fun going to and discovering such wonderful things about your country. You do have a beautiful country with an amazing history! I applaude your efforts to share this through postcards. I found it most interesting that you are Baltic people and that your official language Lithuanian is one of only two living languages in the Baltic branch of the Indo-European languages. I was also impressed that you were the first Soviet republic to declare indendence on March 11, 1990 and have consistently made strides moving towards democracy and becoming a part of Nato and the European Union.
Your process of creating your first selection of postcards to represent your country, is a clear indicator of your ability to recognize a need, organize, and then get it done!! I hope one day to have a set of these special cards.
I can see an entrepeneural oppportunity on the horizon for your group!!

maryhassound, United States of America

I really love this idea and it's so awesome that it's getting promoted like this! :-) I believe that one of the most popular sports in Lithuania is basketball.

Smirgeline, Finland

Great idea! I know you have delicios pancakes there! Had once an exchange student make some for me.

laurenemm, Canada

Beautiful cards! What I know (it's pretty random) is that there is a Hill of Witches in a place called Juodkrante where there are wooden statues based on folk tales and Lithuanian legends! (: I'd love to visit there someday.

locoroco, Türkiye

what I know about Lithuania is their pink soap, called "šaltibarščiai" :) It's very famous in Lithuania! You should try this and I hope you like.

Aussiecards, Australia

Congratulations Lithianians on your ingenuity ! Would you like to go to the Kaziukas' Fair? I would love to go. It is a festival of arts and crafts held on the first Sunday in March - St. Casimir's Day. This Fair has a history that goes back to the 17th century.

Depechechrissy, Germany

One of my first penfriends in my life is Inesa from Vilnius in Lithuania. We must know each other for 15 to 20 years now and have still contact on Facebook. On the other hand I have still got problems in dividing the Baltic states from each other:(

Lennika, Russia

Awesome project!I have a friend, living in Klaipėda. Wonderful city, according to his stories.
What I know, well: St. Anne's Church is the most remarkable place in Vilnius, Stelmužė Oak is the oldest oak-tree (about 2000 years already,I guess),best beer in the world!)

ringriel, Belarus

Great idea and great success! Hope one day we will do something like that here in Belarus)
I don't know much about Lithuania (strangely... our countries border), but I can tell what I remember about it. I went to Lithuania when I was a little girl and I remember lots of beautiful things made from amber.... It as amazing, I could touch all those for hours.... Hope one day I will revisit your country and enlarge my collection of earrings, bracelets, pendents and beads))

ebreah, Malaysia

If one reads Prussian history, you will find a place called Kleinlitauen/Little Lithuania. They were particularly concentrated in East Prussia. The major city was Memel and now known as Klaipėda. Sadly this unique culture was destroyed after the War.

jojojo, United States of America

I saw this too late, but I want to give it a shot at possibly winning the postcards. My grandparents were from Lithuania. They passed when I was very young, so although I have heard a few stories about the Country, I never heard any first hand. I would absolutely love to see a piece of the Country where my grandparents were from. My grandfather's last name was Ambers, but I'm sure that was changed somewhat at Ellis Island. In advance, thank you. Sincerely, Beth

jyjulf, Ukraine

What a great idea! In Ukraine, the range of postcards is also not very big, while our cities are so beautiful!
What I know about Lithuania? Many Soviet films about West were shot on your beautiful streets.
In 14th century Ukraine was a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which we regard as a very progressive period of history.
I know by heart the introduction to "Pan Tadeusz" by Adam Mickiewicz, which starts with 'Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jeste jak zdrowie'.

doryp, Italy

It's a very good idea!! Where I live there aren't many postcard and I have to travel to find some beautiful.
I know Lithuania is a EU member from 2004, the capital is Vilnius.
The national sport is basket and most famous players are:
- Šarūnas Jasikevičius
- Jonas Mačiulis
- Rimantas Kaukėnas
- Kšyštof Lavrinovič

dams87, France


What I know and can say straight about your country :-)

A baltic state with Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda (ex-Memel, and main harbour) as main cities. About the landscapes I don't know but I just imagine them with many forests and swamps (like in Finland, EStonia, Northern Russia). The national flag is yellow/green/red (in disorder probably) and the national sport is basketball (am from Limoges, basketball here is the local sport too :-)

As for history, I think it was a Teutonic knights area, surely Hanseatic cities, then was Polish (?) then Russian then a free state (between the 2 WW) then Soviet then free again (1990). In Napoleon's imperial guard, were Lihuanian lancers (they had a specific name I can't remind at the moment). May your 1st President was Landsbergis ?

Chagall and Soutine had Lithuanian origins if I don't mistake. As for economy, firms and typical farm or industrial products, sorry but strictly no idea :-)

That's all I know ! Never was there (up to now).

Nice project you launched :-)

pliumbum, Lithuania

I am afraid people saying nice things about Riga and Latvia (lovely as they are) will not participate in the lottery - that's a different country :)

sarabo, Brazil

What do I know about Lithuania? As a coin collector, I know that the national currency is the litas. I also know you have a female president and were the first republic to be independent from the Soviet Union.
I'd love to get to know more about your country!
Greetings from Brazil :)

tiira, Finland

Labas! I used to know some Lithuanian language when I was traveling there. There are some words quite the similar to our words even Finnish and Lithuania as languages don't have same origin. Such words as "kirves", "Suomi" and "laivas" are almost the same (axe, Finland and ship). Must be some historical reason for that. Also your word for "thank you" sounds like sneezing and so easy to remember. I have lot of good memories of your country!

de88ie, United States of America

Hello! love their stamps!!!

tiira, Finland

Labas! I used to know some Lithuanian language when I was traveling there. There are some words quite the similar to our words even Finnish and Lithuania as languages don't have same origin. Such words as "kirves", "Suomi" and "laivas" are almost the same (axe, Finland and ship). Must be some historical reason for that. Also your word for "thank you" sounds like sneezing and so easy to remember. I have lot of good memories of your country!

renegade_cavalcade, Canada

Lithuania is a pretty city. :D I know Vilnius has a KGB museum..I dont think any other country has that.

JESilverstein, United States of America

Congratulations to the Lithuania Postcrossers for taking such great initiative! My great grandfather came to the US from Vilna--back when it was part of Russia! I know that shortly after my great grandfather left the city (circa 1893), Jews--like my family--constituted about 40% of the population. I also know that Kaunas, where a friend of my is living and teaching, is the country's second largest city and is an academic center. I'm learning more about Lithuania because I'll be traveling there in autumn and I'm really looking forward to visiting and learning more about my heritage. So exciting!

lieselgrobler, South Africa

Both my daughters and I have received postcards from Lithuania and my favourite is one with a map of the country on it -

Lithuania is called a small country & is in Eastern Europe as far as I know.

lisarr, Canada

I am really interested in textiles, and Lithuanian mittens are just beautiful. Thanks for offering the contest!

nisha, Poland

Lithuania... I've never been there but I associate this country with the beautiful postcards from Vilnius which I got from my boyfriend's family. Most of my Lithuanian postcards are from the capital, so I know it's a city with a specific climate. The postcards make me think especially about the Gate of Dawn and the icon of the Virgin Mary which is well-known in Poland.

When I think about Lithuania, I also think about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - the union connecting Lithuania and my country between 16th and 18th century. They were ruled by the same monarch and it was the biggest European country back then. Despite how it ended, I think Polish and Lithuanian people should remember about this period in our common history. In Poland, we learn about it at school but I don't know if people in other countries know something about it :)

And the last thing is the TV tower in Vilnius that became the biggest Christmas tree in Europe! It's a special thought because I learned about it from a postcard via Postcrossing! ;)

Tijgeroog, Netherlands

I know Lithuania as one of the Baltic states (Estland, Letland and Litouwen in Dutch, like a little rhyme, often connected) that was the first state that got independent from the Sovjet Union in the early 90's. Now it's part of the EU.
And I believe in Lithuania is the geographical centre of Europe, although from the Netherlands it seems to be the very-far-away-other-site of Europe.

weasel, Germany

What a great idea to make a set of postcards!

And my fact: Lithuania owns 87 airports. :)

elfin814, United States of America

I know that pancakes are the traditional dish of Shrove Tuesday! Gorgeous cards!

iriscai1217, United States of America

what i think about Lithuania :)
Basketball xp i also had several amazing Lithuanian pen pals actually.
Wish me luck!

mrmustang, United States of America

I know that Lithuanian sausage is awesome! There's a deli down the street that sells it and it's sooooo goood. The recipe came from my partner's family on the step side. His stepmother's godmother's husband used to make it and he passed the recipe on to 3 delis that make their own sausage when he couldn't do it anymore. All the delis are Italian, because in Baltimore there was a lot of intermarrying between the Lithuanian and Italian communities. In fact, his stepmother is half Lithuanian and half Italian. :)

mikeyz1, United States of America

I know that Lithuania is very good at basketball. . . :)

Fincher, United States of America

I got to meet their Men's Olympic Basketball team when they traveled to the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. I was 16 and a volunteer at the Georgia Dome, the host venue for the sport. I loved their green and yellow outfits. :)

WahineCrystal, United States of America

I think Lithuania is Europes best kept secret! They have many natural treasures. Wonderful lakes, Forrest and a beautiful sculpture park. Lithuania is a good place for picking mushrooms and berries. The capital (Vilnius) is very small and the people are very pretty!

sweetllani, United States of America

The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. I understand it is a beautiful country. The postcards look awesome.

JinaSensei, United States of America

Way to go Lithuanian Postcrossers for wanting to represent your country via great postcards. I think the teamwork is awesome.

What I know about Lithuania, they have dumplings with lingonberries. I have never had lingonberries and would love to try them!

flannelflower, Australia

Brilliant idea! I know I would like to visit Lithuania one day. I've heard it is a beautiful country. The capital city is Vilnius.

zaczac, Singapore

It's a great idea. I would love to make my own postcards too but somehow I can't seem to find the right paper quality. I know that Lithuania used to be part of Russia, and it has gained independence since. Its capital is Vilnius, and it's an exotic location I would love to travel to some day!

blackstickyrice, Australia

I remember Lithuania came close to winning Eurovision a few years ago (2007?) with 'We are the Winners' - I would love to travel to Lithuania and meet these witty people :)

droopy_kat, Belgium

This is certainly one of the most intelligent groups on the forum ;-). Seriously i love the initiative.

It made it possible for me to go and read something more about this beautifull country. I discovered they have a female president and that from arpil to october they can have nice weather with temperatures higher then 26°C wauw i'm thinking of moving there

I'll have a talk to my husband to make sure this country will get on our next holliday planning!!

Finerst, Finland

Very good! We belong to the same language group (fenno-ugrian) with our Baltian'neighbours'. Lithuania issues such great, beuatiful stamps, it is good that you've made some great cards to match them! Good luck to you!

famvanrems, Netherlands

Pfiew....I know nothing about Lithuania, I could google and copy-paste some of what I find, but that would be cheating! I can find Lithuania on a map, the Dutch name is for this country is Litouwen. I would love to get one of these postcards send to me, so I can see what a great nation this must be!

antintin, China

Lithuania is the first country which declare its independence from Soviet Union!Also famous for its amber ,which mentioned on my textbook!Lietuvos is its original name, from which The Chinese name is translated !

mezzah, Australia

The capital city is Vilnius and Lithuania is a Baltic country.Amber is commonly found there-I have an amber necklace from there.At Lithuanian weddings the women make the wedding cakes by dropping batter on a skewer over a fire and turning the cake as it cooks -it is delicious.My friend's mother is Lithuanian and she made such a cake for her daughter's wedding.

valerievna, Netherlands

That's an amazing idea!
I know Lithuania doesn't has the euro.. 'cause when i was there, we had to change the euro's in Lithuanian litas. :)

Jsea, Malaysia

I know Lithuania is one of the Baltic country. But i don't really know anything else about it because it is so far and have very little contact with my country, Malaysia.

Hope to get the postcards from Lithuania, I'll love to know about this country more :)

Priyank, United States of America

I don't know very much about Lithuania, except that Donny Montell is from there! :)

Priyank from India xo

Blackqueenie, Hong Kong

It is a wonderful idea! I really hope that I can get the postcards from Lithuania because I have never been to Lithuania before and it would be great to travel there. I've heard that it is a country with colorful history. I look forward to receiving the postcards:)


mg962005, Belgium

Great idea !!! Lithuania became an independant country in 1990.... I was still in highschool when it happened and remember this vividly because of our geography lessons : a new country excisted and its capital was Vilnius !

Surma, Poland

Litwo! My country! * Thou art like health;
How much you need to appreciate, it only finds out,
Who lost thee. Today, your beauty in all splendor
I see and describe, for I long after you.

minevaganti, United States of America

Here's a fun fact about the Lithuanian language--it's believed to be the most conservative language in the Indo-European language family, meaning that it supposedly retains the most features from Proto-Indo-European. (Well, maybe it's only a fun fact if you're linguist!)

rita_roda, Portugal

It was an excelent idea! Sometimes I have trouble finding good postcards where I live. The tourism office doesn't have much variety.
The most Lithuanian famous dish is probably the Lithuanian cold beet soup. Potatoes are also very used in Lithuanian cuisine, and the most popular dishes are made with potatoe for e.g potato pancakes and Cepelinai. :)

teesa, Portugal

I don`t know very much about Lithuania, but I know that your idea was excelentHappy postcross !

maneij, Finland

What a wonderful card idea! I have just received one of them ( a national costume) !
Actually I know something about Lithuania. I have visited in Vilnius about 8 years ago and also in the castle of Trakai. Vilnius is very green, so lovely city full of parks and magnificent churches. Unfortunately I don`t remember the name of the river but I never forget Aurtos Vartu!!! It was soooooo awesome with numerous silver hearts. My son has visited with warship in Klaipeda, near the Curonian Spit so I actually know also this Unesco WHS. Someday I have to visit in Lithuania again because I did not have time to visit in Siauliau !! I MUST see all those numerous crosses in my own eyes!!

ulpa, Poland

lithuania.... handsome boys and dense forests!!!

insomnie_, United States of America

I'm interested in hockey, so naturally what I know about Lithuania is hockey related. :) New Jersey Devils player, Dainius Zubrus, is Lithuanian, and is currently playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs. :]

Swell idea, but it sounds like a lot of work [but fun]!

Pipp-ee, United States of America

ooo ... I am half Lithuanian!! My husband is 100% Lithuanian! It would be wonderful to see photos/postcards of the country - I hear that it is absolutely beautiful! Amber is fabulous ... and the hearty foods are wonderful!! Years ago - I even planted rue in the garden!

tiszta, United States of America

Lithuania: my youth orchestra played in Kaunas once, in Christ's Resurrection Church. From that trip I remember that the decision to build it was taken during the interwar period; that under Soviet rule the mostly-finished building was used as a radio factory (!), and that it was finally consecrated as a church only in 2004. (But because it's so big and hollow inside, it has strange acoustics for an orchestra.)

Also, along with Latvian and the now-extinct Prussian, Lithuanian is a member of the Baltic group of the Indo-European languages, and has a highly conservative (well, from an Indo-European perspective, at least) case system including seven cases! What's not to love?

chungciara, United States of America

I would love to know about the language! I study languages and would like to expand my knowledge!

Nells250, United States of America

Good for them! :-) I have been toying with that idea as well. But they must have more energy/know-how than I do! What is that saying? When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!!

EddieGunner, Bosnia and Herzegovina

well done,
Lithuania, hmmm my first assosiation is basketball Lithuaninas are best in this, and we play vs lithuania in world cup qualifications ;) ....

Corentin-L, France

Hello ! Or rather Laba Diena !
What I know about Lithuania is that it has a great Hill of Crosses well-known all around the wordl. There's even a cross that had been put by the former pope John Paul II !
In addition, Lithuanians also have a huge popular culture with some beliefs such as the fact that there would be witches.
I really enjoyed this project and I hope that it could continue or be realized in other countries in the sale case.

ericavallier, Canada

Here's a quirky fact about Lithuania that not everyone would know - The other evening my husband and I were watching a television program called 'Finding Your Roots', in this particular episode Robert Downey Jr.'s ancestors were linked to Lithuania! The episode was very interesting.
I would love to receive a postcard from this beautiful country.

Elkka, Finland

As I love ice hockey, my fav ice hockey player from Lithuania was Darius Kasparaitis. And about that card idea of yours. That is absolutely brilliant! :D

Maggie05, Australia

What a wonderful idea. I know that basket-ball is a very popular sport in Lithuania.

geekerella, United States of America

What beautiful cards and what a beautiful wooden box! As a fan of opera (and someone who sings mezzo), I love Violeta Urmana. She's an inspiration that if you work hard, you can get even better and achieve your dreams. A real hero!

BeaglesGuy, United States of America

Great project!
Lithuania uses the date format: yyyy-mm-dd CE. (The only correct date format, IMHO.)
I received an exquisite postcard of Trakai Castle in Lithuania, which is the only Gothic island castle in Europe. I hope a picture of this castle made it to the final 16.

joanna8555, United States of America

Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare independence from the USSR. :)

spectrus, Canada

A girl I studied with at university taught me how to properly pronounce the country's name in Lithuanian: "Lietuva" (attempted transcription)!

valentines69, United States of America

The traditional dish for Shrove Tuesday is Pancakes=)

Saagaadaa, United States of America

Lithuanian History Factoids:
In the 1300s, Lithuania conquered many lands around it. The areas now called Belarus and Ukraine were once part of Lithuania. It's one of the better places in the world to visit, and the tourism industry barely knows about it!

In 1569, Lithuania and Poland united into a single dual state, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This entity survived until 1795 when its remnants were partitioned by surrounding countries.

shpankina, United States of America

great cards) Lithuania is a beautiful country on Baltic sea!)

Jaidol-CR, Mexico

Amazing castles, 5 Lithuanian masterpieces are included into UNESCO World Heritage list. The unforgettable Vilnius Old Town, beautiful Curonian Spit, art of cross crafting, inimitable tradition of song and dance celebrations and Kernavė representing disappeared culture.
Vilnius TV Tower is the highest building in Lithuania. Inside Vilnius TV Tower at the height of 165 meters there is a restaurant.
Hill Of Crosses is probably the most attractive pilgrimage center in Lithuania.
The Gate of Dawn is one of the greatest highlights in Vilnius. This miracle and religious place attracts people from all over the world.
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. One of the most important projects implemented in honor of 1000 years aniversary of first mentioning of Lithuania was the reconstruction of this building.

Nordbaer, Germany

Great work!!!
I would LOVE to buy these cards here!

donnaron903, United States of America

I have a delicious recipe for Lithuanian Kugelis, a lovely potato dish. Easy to make and family loves it.

abertrandus, Netherlands

Lithuania, the country where history meets history. Countless weddings in the weekend. That great Curonian Spit with its mosquito's and amber. Sweet memories. In two years on the bike through east Lithuania.

dirkhans, Germany

A few years ago my father went on a round trip to visit the Baltic countries. While being in Klaipeda he had a bad apoplectic stroke. I was on holiday during that time and since my father doesn't speak any word English the Doctor talked to my sister in Germany on the phone. At the end they were able to get him fit again and found stuff out, that the doctors in Germany before didn't realize. That's what I know about Lithuania. I don't know the name of the doctor, but I'm very thankful to her.

irisseraphic, Taiwan

One of the most "dreamy" postcards I got was from Trakai, Lithuania. It's a bird's-eye view postcard, one of my favorite kinds, and it shows a town built on water. It looks absolutely stunning.

mingshu, Finland

that is so interesting ! i know lithuania is neighbor to latvia, by baltic sea and capital is vilnius ...not much else ^^

agath, Netherlands

Today in Lithuania (May 8) is the festival/holiday St. Stanislaus (Sv Stanislovas) and Cybulinis (Cibulinis).
May 13 will be the Day of Love (Meilės Dien), the Feast of the goddess Miłdy.

Poohmaa, Germany

What a fab idea! :)

I know that Lithuania's capital is Vilnius and the national flag is yellow, green and red stripes.

That's not much so all the more reason that I win and find out more about this lovely country. ;)

blackdaug, Poland

Lithuania is historically connected to Belarus. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was a European state for four centuries. Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is very beautiful indeed! Interesting and amazing country with great history.

rosejoy, Australia

How clever of you to come up with this idea-love it! I know that Lithuania has a huge amount of rivers and lakes for a small country-there must be lots of water sports there?

auntie, Netherlands

This is a great project and a dream for many postcrossers: having made your own real postcards.

What I know about Lithuania? Not enough, but I do know my son's loving girlfiend lives in Vilius and I know she is a great girl!

blubimnotafish, United Kingdom

I think I've once heard that the traditional dish eaten on Shrove Tuesday is pancakes. Don't know if that's true, though.

Great project! I really admire that you all achieved this! (:

dahliablue, Netherlands

Wonderful idea! My compiments on not leaving it only an idea put making it a reality.
On what I know of Lithuania: hmmmm, nothing really except geographical facts. So there's still a lot more to do for the people of Lithuania ^_^
All the best from the small country of the Netherlands!

Tyr, Austria

Good idea! In Lithuania are five wonderful nationalparks with lots of water :)

Schadeau, United States of America

Instead of an Easter Bunny delivering eggs on Easter, Lithuania has the Easter Granny.

MaMiFeNi, Germany

Great idea!

I know about Lithuania, that we spent wonderful holidays there some years ago. We loved to discover Vilnius and did a day-trip to Trakai together with a guide, who really could tell us interesting stories.

We learnt many things about Lithuania and Vilnius, the former European Capital of Culture. We liked the wolf-story, all the churches, the nature, the singers and (especially important for my sports-loving husband) basketball.

One year later we visited Estonia and Latvia – so the most impressive thing about Lithuania and the two other countries was this: standing once at the beginning, the middle and the end of the Baltic Way.

ceoramalho, Brazil

Lithuania is a small country in area, but a big nation in history! It's a wonderful place to be in!

Sukisansje, Netherlands

I actually don't know nothing about Lithuania. I am ashamed of myself.. But i don't want to look things up on Google. That would be cheating!
But i really like the idea and, ofcourse, the postcards!!
Maybe the set op postcards could be a starting point of my knowlegde?

killtheclown, Singapore

Lithuanian girls are GORGEOUSSSS! The postcards look awesome too :)

nightvamp, Netherlands

I now that the Lithuanian can make some beautifull postcards! And that they put a lot of effort in it.

understundom, Finland

I know that Lithuanian traditional dish of Shrove Tuesday is pancakes. :)

araneia, Netherlands

I come from Latvia (but live in Germany) and I studied in Lithuanian school in Latvia for 7 years. So I know Lithuanian language- that's the moset important I guess =) . But the problem is that I haven't been there for many years to practice my language skills and my Lithuanian language skills become rusty. I would like to recieve a card in Lithuanian language =)

Paulina03, Poland

I remember than Polish eminent poet and author of many good literary work wrote: " Lithuania, my country, thou
Art like good health; I never knew till now
How precious, till I lost thee..."

PoppySu, United States of America

I live in an area of Texas where the population is so diverse in its ethnicity; I know that Lithuania is a quite homogenous society, ethnically and religiously. That must be so different than what I am used to. The countryside looks absolutely lovely ! Good work on your postcards ! I would love to be one of the 16 lucky recipients ! PEACE & LOVE from Texas :)

ARod26, United States of America

I'm sure the postcards they created are beautiful! I read where the majority of Lithuanians belong to the Roman Catholic Church. And that basketball is one of the most popular sports in that country!

Sjouke, Netherlands

I don't know if Lithuania has a webshop to buy cards, but in Holland we have (by example) You can put the language to Dutch and English. There is a possibility to order cards in this shop, but I don't know if they send the cards abroad.

panda47, United States of America

I love it - creating your own postcards to showcase your country! Something I know about Lithuania - languages spoken there: Lithuanian (about 84%), Russian and Polish.

Caterp1llar, Netherlands

I know the capital is Vilnius, and I know there's an airport there... because I'll be landing there in July! I'm going for work, for a week, and I'm so looking forward to it!

renatoBG, Serbia

Lithuania in esperanto: Litovujo (accusative Litovujon) :)

carlanguis1, United States of America

The Baltic Republics in Spanish are Estonia, Letonia and Lituania, so students get very confused especially between Latvia (Letonia) and Lithuania (Lituania) because they both sound very similar!

omuromur, Türkiye

I know that Lithuanian ladies have silky-soft skin that makes me think that it will bruise easily even if I touch gently - sensitive in skin, and fragile in heart. That is why I think I see bits of fear in Lithuanian eyes.

kellioops, United States of America

I have heard of The Hill of Crosses which sounds interesting and a place I would love to do some photography!

Dancing_Sun, Thailand

Lithuania in in northern Europe and has Vilnius as its capital city.

cdan87, United States of America

Lithuanians have unique musical instruments such as the daudytė (embouchure aerophone), long shepherd’s horn audible dozens of kilometres away or wooden bells – wooden cow bells attached to a frame and beaten with sticks. :]

This is such an awesome idea you guys came up with. Im excited and curious just to see the pictures you picked :)

GoCindy, United States of America

I could learn about Lithuania from Google, or I could learn by receiving this lovely set of postcards!

heartforID, Indonesia

Klaipėda, a great place to relax awhile look forward to the sea. :)

Elleke, Netherlands

I feel ashamed but I know nothing about Lithuania, isn't that just awful....
Best wishes from rainy Holland!

Miriam14, Netherlands

Wow what a great idea!
Years ago i had a penpal in Lithuania

beadysnook, Australia

Lithuania, is a place right on the sea, the girls and boys are inventive and creative there.
When no postcards were available, they made it happen, through hardwork, laughs and setbacks.
The cards are for the world, to show how beatiful this baltic state is, right on the sea.

Well done to all - i hope you like my little poem. beady

arti_baki, Russia

Labas rytas!
I have a friend Evaldas, he is Lithuanian. Few years ago I visited Vilnius for the first time and since that it is one of the most desirable cities in the world to me. I love it's atmosphere, so I try to return there every year. I love one coffee-shop in Gediminas avenue- Belgiskas shokoladas, I get used to start my day there as we lived in the same house. So another wonderful place to visit is Belkontas park. It is so romantic, clean and cosy.
I love your Zeppelins ( sorry, totally forget its real Lithuanian name), I know the recipe and usually make it for my friends) it's tatsty))
I don't want to write about the country's history, I just want to tell one funny thing. I like the pukuotukas)))) I love the song Smagu -I think that is the best translation of the old Russian cartoon.
So anyway, I wish you good luck with your postcards and hope to see my Dear Vilnius this summer.

emma-cole, United Kingdom

What a wonderful project!
The only interesting thing I know about Lithuania that hasn't already been posted is that the public bathrooms have blue lights in them. I never did find out why though!

AleksAndFlo, Germany

The first time Lithuania was mentioned as "Lithuania" was in 1009.

hipilaps, Finland

Hihi, I know that Lithuania's biggest minority language is Polish!

Phibbyfan, Japan

Many countries are in need of new or updated postcards. Some are from so long ago the pictures are grainy and unattractive!

Hmm... Does the fact have to be pleasant? I couldn't read all of the ones mentioned above but as far as I saw I didn't see anyone mention it has the world's highest suicide rate. It's not a happy fact, but I do think it's interesting

Amissa, Finland

Karuna is a Lithuanian brand of chocolate manufactured in the second biggest city Kaunas. Beautiful city, delicious chocolate:+)

PinkArt300M, United States of America

I read that Lithuania deployed troops to Iraq until 2008 and continues to participate in the NATO Training Mission-Iraq. Lithuania sent troops to Afghanistan in 2002.

anesskina, United States of America

What a wonderful idea!
Lithuania is one of the countries in Baltic region with incredible architecture and views :)

Eyris, United Kingdom

Lietuva, I think means Country of rain. also the centre of Europe is near Vilnius

zie, Malaysia

my first Lithuanian card was from my penfriend, Vickie which shows Klaipeda before and after WWII. Because of that I knew that it was called 'Memel' as Klaipeda was once under Germany rules. At that time Lithuania seems new to me and didn't really know much of it, until one day when I got this card of architecture in Vilnius it really excite me. Also read from another card that Vilnius has served up the 2009 World Gastronomic Feast- architecture, history, culture, food..I knew all of these from just a piece of postcard. Wow, what a great effort you guys have on this postcard project. I wish we Malaysians could do the same thing because we know how powerful postcard is to speak to the WORLD. Well Done!

alexis_an, Belarus

Labas! I work as a teacher of Russian language in Lithuanian school. I learn the Lithuanian language. I really want to go to Vilnius. In the summer going to do it=)

deep, Malaysia

LABAS! i learn that when i received my 1st postcard from Lithuanian. it is a beautiful card from Vilnius. i hope i get more card from Lithuanian & learn more about this country. i basically know nothing about this country until i received the 1st card from Lithuanian on 24 April 2012:)

flfamily7, United States of America

My children and I are learning about Lithuania in our home school. We would love to receive these postcards so that we may see the beautiful images of this fascinating country.

Marcie08, Austria

I know that it is the Baltic State I have yet to visit! So far I have received two cards from Lithuania and they were both beautiful :) What a great idea to have your own cards printed!

Irenethefairy, Taiwan

I know the currency is the Lithuanian Litas :) I've never been there but I would really love to see the country. Beautiful !

kosmitka777, Germany

I really don't know anything about Lithuania. But receiving this postcards will tell me something about your country :) And this will be better knowledge than this one which I can find in WIkipedia.
Marta :)

paronomazja, Poland

Oh, it's great idea, really! :) Applause please, for the initiators of the project. I'm from Poland - not far and I'll try to write what I remember:) This country is bordered with my country of the north-east. I know that in the past where governments held the polish king's brother - Witold (he's very important and respectable ruler. From what I remember people dedicate to him one of the windows in their homes). Lithuania is famous for its delicious dishes which in Poland is called "KIBIN" (delicious dumplings with meat:)Capital of Lithuania is Vilnius and colors of the flag are the colors of the flag of reggae just arranged differently :) Lithuania is also a beautiful castle in Trakai who I visited.

greatgma, United States of America

What a fabulous idea! We are not a tourist town and it is so difficult to get postcards that are not boring. So great that a few people with a great idea can put together somthing like this to solve the problem. I think I may have to see if I can get some local postcards made.
Greatgma - Mary Jane

OhMG, United States of America

I just did a quick search for "Lithuania" in my local library's catalog. I've put holds on three books, a history of the Baltic revolution, a novel about a Lithuanian girl sent to Siberia in the 1940's, and a collection of Eastern European fairy tales. I also placed a request for a travel book, let's see if I can get them to buy it!

rhackett, Canada

What a wonderful project! I had a German teacher years ago (1980!) who proudly told the class that she was Lithuanian, and showed us where it was on the map. It has since been a dream of mine to visit that part of the world, and I am so happy when I receive postcards from there!

only_rose, Belgium

In Lithuania, tradition says that it isn't the Easter Bunny that hides the eggs, instead it is the Easter Granny (Velyku Senele)! It is said that she travels across Lithuania on cart led by bunnies and stops to leave sweets and decorated eggs at the homes of well-behaved children. She's like an Easter Santa Claus!

only_rose, Belgium

In Lithuania, tradition says that it isn't the Easter Bunny that hides the eggs, instead it is the Easter Granny (Velyku Senele)! It is said that she travels across Lithuania on cart led by bunnies and stops to leave sweets and decorated eggs at the homes of well-behaved children. She's like an Easter Santa Claus!

roaring_phoenix, Germany

I am intrigued by the story of the Lithuanian folk hero Tadas Blinda.

captainclaire, United States of America

Dainius Zubrus, a NHL hockey player (New Jersey Devils) hails from
Elektrėnai, Lithuania.

MarcelaV, Brazil

What I know about Lithuania is actually something a postcrosser wrote to me. I learned that people from Lithuania are very catholic and there are many churches there.
And they also celebrate Easter decorating eggs, which are a symbol of the holiday.
This is the card with the information:
It was the fourth card I received and arrived just in time for Easter in Brazil! :)

yuvraj, India

ohh....great great great..lovely.truly very great idea & efforts. hats off :)))
as i like basketball, i know that very popular game in lithuania is basketball.some Lithuanians play professionally in the U.S. and in European countries. Lithuania's individual athletes have won Olympic medals and routinely compete in European events.

sewer-rat, Netherlands

At Christmas Eve, when people leave the table after dinner, they left the food to stand overnight. The spirits of dead relatives or loved ones visit home during the night and eat. I think that's fascinating, and it's really special.. Not very common here in the Netherlands.

kangweixie, Malaysia

I remember Lithuania as a country between Germany and Russia and was in the middle of the second world war.

Luckyluuk, Netherlands

What can i tell you about Lithuania. Well, something about the weather. Today 10-05-2012 the weather will be nice. A bit cloudy but the sun will shine. I is about 22 degrees. A nice day for a t-shirt.

Anja_M, Slovenia

Ou,this is freat idea! I vrely like it... Well: I know that Lithuania is very beautiful country which is in Northern Europe,the largest of three Baltic states. Capital is very nice city Vilnius...:)I like that country because it has a lot of beautiful views of nature and culture! :)

windsordoc, Canada

Baltic is beautiful

yiphinwai, Malaysia

One of the Baltic countries. I know ancient time it has a union with Poland.

positivegirl, Russia

В Литве самый вкусный сыр! =)

yrref8, Indonesia

Hope to see one of the postcards released from Lithuania. Must be really different scenes than tropical archipelago country. Congrats for the brilliant ideas.

kinte75, Italy

Lituania is a wounderful land! I hope one day ....vvidit every part!

Moon-1965, Netherlands

I am a very lucky girl :-)
I have received such a lovely postcard by chance. Postcard ID LT-203626 from user Jurslan. Please favourite!

EmmaEnfield, United States of America

To be completely honest, I didn't know very much about Lithuania. I remember when I was younger, I though Lithuania sounded like a very medieval country. I used this task as a way to get to know Lithuania a little better. I try to research each country I receive a card from however, I've only just begun this great project and have not acquired very many cards from Lithuania. So the search began.

I found that Lithuania used to be part of the USSR. It became dependent shortly after the breakup of the USSR. Lithuania is a strong, proud country. The people of Lithuania stick to tradition by way of dance and dress.

One of the most interesting things that I found, was that Lithuania is the geographic center of Europe. I never really thought about where that was in the past, but now that I know, it gives a better sense of where Lithuania is located.

I appreciated being given the chance to learn more about this great country. I love learning about traditions, language and culture and there is quite a bit more to learn from here.

Thank You.


winnka, Russia

Very interesting idea, I also decided to try to print your photo greeting cards

anaoha, Romania

Sadly I don't know too much about Lithuania,I know they have good food and sweets :).

Liz_Bush, Belarus

hello!) I received three cards from Lithuania. but each of them interesting and beautiful!)
I know now:
1) how to say hello in Lithuanian: Labas!
2) Kaunas is the 2nd largest city in your country.
3) live a good and polite people in Lithuania :D
I hope that soon I will get different cards from Lithuania, so I will wait impatiently))
good luck to all!
Happy Postcrossing!=)

erierii, Japan

I received one of special postcard from Lithuania today:))
so happy now!
I learned from her card that
There is lovely clothes with embroidery in Lithuania.
(I received LTgirl in traditional clothes one:))
and I know there are pink soup in Lithuania.
Saltibarsciai!beautiful color soup!
I want to try it someday.

wildernesscat, Israel

Just got one of the cards from this set, and it's simply exquisite. Excellent idea. Keep up the good work!


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