Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > The Postcrossing Forum


Many of you know that Postcrossing has its own forum, but perhaps the newest members haven’t noticed it was there… so we decided to properly introduce it to you on a blog post!

Postcrossing's forum screenshot

In the early days of Postcrossing, the community felt the need for a place to share ideas and contact with other members directly… and so the forum was added to the project, where it has been ever since. The forum is kept running by mundoo, soilian, geminiscp, jetske and swan, as well as many other volunteers who help guide the members in their own local communities.

In the forum, postcrossers share experiences, ask questions, organize meetings, play postcard games, look for special postcards, talk about their favourite artists and postcard series… among many other things!

To get the new members started, here are some of our favorite threads or sub-forums:

This is just a very small sample… the forum has over a million posts! So if you’re interested in exploring them, head over there! :)

Please note that you’ll have to open a new account to start using the forum, since it is a separate website – your regular Postcrossing login and password will not work there.

PS – Do you have any favorite threads? Share it in the comments!

30 comments so far

ned44440, Ireland

The forum is great and I love connecting with people. I love to watch countdowns and it is a great way to arrange meetings etc.

kamikazeherz, Germany

I recently joined the forum - I love the Random and Non-Random Acts of Smileness and collected a few cards for my gandma's birthday there :)

phuleshouse, Canada

I love another alternative to exchange postcards on Round Robins and I exchange regularly with members and I get to know them more....this is another way of exchanging cards for us who cannot wait for cards to register.

Mailbird2, United States of America

I have looked at the forum several times and found it
confusing. Any hints for me?

crazyaboutpostcard, Canada

I really love the forum. It is more interest-focused and you can surely build your collection by merely being part of various Round Robin.

Nordbaer, Germany

Best place to be when you have reached your max limit on official cards...

zasa, Switzerland

And I found so many friends in there! Some of them I've met in real and even better are my daily best friends now! Love the forum!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

@cat-nip I understand your feelings, I've being relictant to join the forum because it does look complicated, but... it is just ask there and plenty of helpful postcrossers will guide you, and sooner it would become a second home! I advise you to go for it!

kroete68, Germany

I agree with Zasa :D - and i love the different Round Robins, especially nannie's Japan RR and the int. secret christmas round robin.

chrissybaby, Ireland

As I discovered the forum some years ago a whole new world had opened up for me :) And I have found many great postcard friends there. Since I join round robins my collections had really grown.

cheshirekat, Canada

There's also an unofficial Postcrossing Facebook group for swaps :)

Blogger, United States of America

It has been a while since I was there, and didn't know about Bingo... I will have to sign up for one of these - they look like fun. Thanks for the post!!

isagvproject, Germany

I met a lot of new friends there and even visited some! Great place to be. :)

danielc, United Kingdom

I've recently started using the forum and I'm taking part in a couple of Round Robins. Postcrossing is so amazing!

JustKatie, Canada

Since finding the forum, my hobby is stronger, and my collection is better.

whosforcoffee, Ireland

I have yet to venture into the Forum (only sent 25 postcards so far) whats a round robin?

sinta, Indonesia

I love our forum and its fantastic members :P

jamie1972, Switzerland

A great place to be - I met so many wonderful people there - and some of them I met as well - and some belong now to my daily life and I can't imagine a life without those crazy folks anymore!

postmuse, United States of America

I love the Round Robin where I send unwritten postcards to participates and they send them back to me, written and postmarked ... because the idea came from my own Orphaned Postcard Project. And, @zasa is a fabulous RR host! There is also a US only one on the same idea.

Mailbird2, United States of America

Thank you AnniePost for information about venturing into the Forum.

vonxblood, United States of America

I love the countdowns and the pen-friendship forums the best. I've met some awesome people on here over the years. :)

Neldchen, Germany

I have also read in the forum a couple of times as a guest, but like catnip found it very confusing. Especially the Round Robin, Bingo, Lottery etc. I have been looking for explanations on the forum as well, as how these work but unfortunately haven't found out about it.

lyndac, Canada

In the welcome to Postcrossing section there are answers to your questions about how different things on the forum work. You can also ask the person who started the item and I'm sure they will help.

volvomom, United States of America

I've made ***so*** many friends on the Forum! It's one of the best things about Postcrossing!

Neldchen, Germany

Thanks mousytrap and Anniepost :-)

bluepoppy, United Kingdom

I love the forum felt a bit worried at first as it looked big and complex but its not. I joined in the sending of sand then had some messages from other post crossers asking for some.. I sent it all out and everything went well until I sent some to Malaysia, where the letter and sand never arrived Knowing Malaysian customs are quite strict I smile when I imagine them testing my little letter with its small bag of sand for cocaine or some other substance

Tiethyan, Indonesia

I forgot my ID. what should i do?

jjmedusa, United States of America

Thanks for this blog post about the Forum! I was wondering, can anyone post the specific thread where people send postcards & envelopes containing as many stamps as possible on them? I love stamps! Thanks!

AnniePost, United States of America

Medusa242: here's link to the stamps part of the forum:

There are also many "tags" in the "Tags-postcards only" section, for instance postcards with three or more stamps. Worth looking for. Also, many folks are like me, if I get an envelope with stamps I save them to send to others who love stamps, so put it in your profile on the official site as well as the forum site.

Geminiscp, Portugal

As some of my friends said above: it's the best place in the world to find good friends who share our ideas and thoughts. Someone to be weird with us, someone who knows how fun it is to be a Postcrosser, something that our "flesh friends" sometimes don't understand. And meeting Postcrossers is the best experiences I've had, it's so nice to finaly really hug someone, to talk with them, even with language barriers sometimes, we always find a special way to communicate. :)
Postcrossing Forum changed my life since the day I discovered it. THANK YOU ALL and a special thank you to Vicki (Mundoo) who is running the Forum all these past wonderful years! :)


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