🎉 Hurraaaaaay! 🎉 We did it everyone! We reached the big 50 million, and we couldn’t be prouder of all of you for delivering us to this milestone with your avalanche of postcards these past 13 years!
Did you know that if we put all these postcards together side by side (assuming they’re all regular size), we would get a line connecting New York to Moscow? Yup! And all the distance they’ve traveled would put us way beyond the Solar System at this point… though still very far from Alpha Centauri, the next big thing in space. Maybe by the time we reach it, they’ll have a post office there! 🤔

Anyway, I know you’re all waiting to discover which postcard was the lucky one, so here it goes:
Postcard number 50,000,000 (IL-60207) was sent by nostase in Israel on 29 November 2018, and registered today at 19:13:01 (UTC) by RassDim in Russia!
The postcrosser with the most accurate aim was Isacle, whose guess was spot on! Well done, your new box of 100 photo postcards is on its way.
But we’re not done here yet — there are loads more prizes to give away! The other fourteen lucky postcrossers who came the closest to the right time were pele32, Admiral_Penguin, vasilcho, stokana, uintaterium, Mari-Pyon, makeuplover, ingunciks, Washisaur, RinClare, estromberg, Alexiel-chan, raraelli and starrynight1111 — great job! You will each receive a set of nice postcards as well.
And last but not least, the sender and the recipient of this special card will also receive a pack of 50 postcards, to celebrate their good luck. Hurray!
We encourage you to enjoy your contributions to this historical milestone by eating one celebratory cookie (or 50!) and sending some postcards on this very special day. Thank you so much to our team of volunteers, to all the supporters and ambassadors, and last but not least, to every single one of you, for believing in this project and keeping the world’s mailboxes filled with smiles. 😊 Onwards to Alpha Centauri!
105 comments so far
Congrats to every Postcrosser!! Really glad to be a part of it. <3
Woohoo! Congrats!!
How wonderful 🙋 . Well done to everyone concerned. On to 100 million now. We are all winners being involved with this fantastic project 😀🙆😀
Congratulations everyone. 50 million smiles across the globe. What a team we all make! ❤❤❤
This is a big milestone.🎊
Happy Postcrossing forever.
Super! Congratulation!!!!!
congratulations :) this milestone deserves a stamp, maybe a miniature of that postcard.
This is amazing! Congratulations :)
I can’t believe I was so close to the time, thank you!
What a great happening !
Next year we also celebrate at 1st November 2019 , 150 years issued of the first POSTCARD ! Maybe also 60 mil Postcrossing cards ... !
Congratulations everyone. Up to the 100 million. :-)
Congratulation for this milestone!
Congratulations - what a milestone! Very happy to be a part of it.
Hi everyone ! Wauw, we did it :-D. Congratulations to Isacle: spot on !!! That's great. I enjoyed participating in this little contest. Also congrats to the other winners. Enthousiastic greetings from Belgium :-D
50,000,000 Congratulations!
wow - congratulations to all of us. 50 million postcards means 100 million smiles (sender and recipient) somewhere in the world. Let's go onwards to the next milestone :)
Wow!!! Congratulations, guys! 😊
Congrats to Postcrossing and to all the winners!!
Congratulations !! Its a great number !!!
50 millions! Incredible! It feels so good to have sent a few of them!
Wow! Thank you for the opportunity and CONGRATS on 50 million!
Congratulations to everyone on this fantastic achievement and Thank You Postcrossing team for making it possible for us all to participate and have so much fun ! 😊
Dear founders of postcrossing! We sincerely congratulate you on this significant milestone! Thank you very much for this project and for the joy it gives us all every day!
Congratulation to the winners and to every single postcrosser who made it happen to the 50.000.000. A big thank-you to Paulo & Ana.
WoW ! Congrats to all postcrossers 🎉. I joined Postcrossing since a year and it's my biggest addiction. I'm always excited to get my postcards registered so I can send new ones 💌. Thank you for this passion 🙏
beautiful congratulations that can unite more and more the world💕🌻
Congratulations, Postcroasing commubity!!!!!
Congratulations! 50.000.000 postcards - wow. 😀 🎉 🏆
And thanks a lot to everyone who made this possible! I'm so happy to be part of this wonderful community. 💛😊
Congratulations to Postcrossing.com and all the winners.
Congratulations to all membres and the Postcrossingteam. We have a great hobby!
Many congratulations on 50,000,000 postcards received, and here’s to the next 50,000,000. Many thanks to Paulo and Ana and all the dedicated Postcrossers around the world who made it happen
Congratulations to ALL postcrossers.
We wrote and received 50 million cards
THANK YOU to Paulo & Ana
for this project: P O S T C R O S S I N G
Congratulations everybody! 💐💐
What do you mean with "the most accurate aim"?
Congratulations to everyone! Now on to 100 million! Postcrossing your the best!
Congratulations to the lucky sender & recipient and to the winners! My guess was waaay off ;). What a wonderful way to end 2018! Onward to the next milestone.
There are 50,000,000 winners! Congratulations!!!
Amazing 😉!!! Ya-Hooooo😃😁!!!
As long as we are doing PostCrossing passionately, ALL are winners!!
Next milestone, 60 million!!! A Great Project for Great People. Cheers.
Was it 18:13 or 19:13? I was betting on 17:50 UCT which in ET was 13:50. - the UCT is so confusing. Regardless, I was only 23 minutes too early. Congratulations all around! How long would it take to 100,000,000?
I LOVE Postcrossing!
Congratulations to the team of this great site with this milestone and also to all the Postcrossing members!! I think it is unbelievable that there are sent so many postcards. I am so happy to be part of this wonderful project that makes me smile every time I may send a postcard and also when I may receive all the ones that are picked especially for me :))
POSTCROSSING IS AMAZING!!! On to 60, 70, 80, and so on with millions until 100,000,000! I registered a postcard and I think it was around 50,000,030. Thank you Postcrossing, you are a very great website.
Wow, congratulations! ❤ It was so exciting! Thank you 😊
Heal the world; SEND A POSTCARD! 💌
Congratulations! What a great milestone.
Congrats to everyone. This is such a lovely community! On to 60 million...
Hooray! Congratulations to the winners -- and to us all for making Postcrossing so much fun.
Today I got postcards from Texas and Taiwan. Who knows what will arrive in the mail tomorrow?
Happy Postcrossing!
Congratulations to everyone. Postcrossing gives lots of positive emotions.
Wow great
Congratulations to all the post crossers
Great achievement
Wow!!!!! Very good result!!!!
Congrats to all the postcrossers! - and all the postmen and postwomen who delivered this awesome amount of postcards to every corner of our planet. :)
Heartiest congratulations to all postcrossers. I remember when we reached the first milestone of 1 million postcards. keep up the great work Paulo and Ana
My congratulations to all on enthusiastic postcrossing! think only 50 million cards ...cool
Congratulations! I am happy to be part of this great project! I am looking forward to my Mail in my Mailbox today! :-)
@kallini2042 i'm not sure what "UCT" time is. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the standard solar time at 0° longitude — the time from which all other timezones are specified as offsets.
Postcard 50,000,000 was registered at 19:13:01 UTC time. Since ET is UTC-5 at the moment, that would be your 14:13:01.
Congratulation to all! It was fun! :)
A year ago I crossed my fingers for 45 million before new years eve, but didn't happen until a few days later. This year I knew 50 million would happen right after Christmas. :)
That's so fun, congratulations! ★
Just requested an address to celebrate....
Every Postcrosser has put his/her stone on the building !
Congrats everyone !
Congratulations everyone!
And the postman has just brought me a postcard to help us on the way to 100 million!
Awesome. We all did a very good Job!
Up to 60 million!
50 million official cards that has spread joy. And then there's the postcards send as private swaps, round robins, tags and surprise cards (thanks to this site and the forum). That's many postcards and many smiles!
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to all.... now lets go fwd to the next 10 millions more 😸😸😸
Wonderful congratulation to the winners and to all the postcrossers who made this happen.I'm so proud to be part of this community ciao. Lets go on for the next 50 Mill.
Congratulations to all, and especially to Paulo & Ana for all the work they do for us!
My first guess was December 19; when I saw it wasn't going to work, I then placed December 27 at 18.27 UTC, which, after some research, I discovered (I think) UTC was 6 hours ahead of USA Central Time … am delighted that I was that close. The reward for me is simply participating as a Postcrossing Supporter and exchanging postcards from around the world. Yes...on to 100 million. Congratulations to us all!
Congratulations to all postcrossers!!! That is a huge number, unbelievable! ♥♥♥
Wow, we reached the 50 million before the end of year 2018, which I did not predicted.
Congrats to Paulo and Ana for a wonderful Postcrossing family and to all of us to make it happen
How wonderful! Congratulations to all postcrossers!
Many happy mailboxes across the globe!😁
Congratulations to sender, receiver, and all the rest.
Continue on sending cards and may you each who read this have a happy mail day 💕
:) :) :) :)
Cool! Congratulations to Postcrossing and to all of us :)
Happy Postcrossing and... happy New Year!
Fantastic! :D Makes me proud to be a part of this!
Maybe we should already send our postcards to Alpha Centauri so they might arrive just in time when they open their post office :)
Congratulations to all, apart from the milestone what fun it was to participate in the contest. As for a post office in the sky, well maybe they are up there already, as they close down every week in the UK. Maybe a modern travelling PO, in the old green. Well done to all the people who send and receive postcards, but most of all, the team who keeps us in contact all year round. Well done to them, and all.
happy New Year
What an achievement! Congratulations to every postcrosser who made this possible. And a big thank you to Paulo and Ana for creating the means!
Bravo ! Proud to be a Postcrossing member !! Thanks for the job.
Congratulations for the 50 millions and congrats to all the winners!
And thank you for this contest, I am happy to be one of the winners. I didn't expect to win, so it was a big surprise for me. 'o'
Happy postcrossing everyone ! 😊
@meiadeleite - I messed something up no doubt! Beginning with UTC! Universal Coordinated Time would be better as UCT or Coordinated Universal Time (CUT - even easier!) I know that the difference is (should be) five hours, so I have no explanations as to how I arrived at four hours instead of five. My miscalculations aside - 50,000,000 is a staggering number whatever the time zone is. My best wishes to you and all who make Postcrossing possible and still going. Happy New 2019 and another Postcrossing Year!
What a great spread of happiness that represents. Proud to be part of such a positive initiative. Congratulations and warm greetings to everyone.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Was hopin I would've been the "chosen one" but :)
Congrats to @Isacle
Hurray! I'm excited! I congratulate you all on 50 million postcards! This is a very large number! I'm so proud to be a part of this project!
Congratulations to those who received prizes and guess the exact time of arrival cards!
I'm about to register the 50 million + postcard right now
Let's hit 100 million!
2019 awaits!!
Huray congratulations👍😃
Congrats to all members of this community,
I remember when I started 2010, and it was close to 3 million cards. It was 8,5 years ago. Wow!!!!
Congratulations all ! ☺
'Cheers" to Paolo and Ana; have you called up Guiness Records? Or just go have a couple as soon as you finish telling us what time is UCT!
I love going to mail box everyday and find surprises same as you...
Congratulations to all of us + the mail carriers.
I wish every one a very good Postcrossing New Year!
Slightly off-topic, but UTC seems to confuse people as the acronym doesn't match either the English name "Universal Coordinated Time" (UCT), nor the French one "Temps Universel Coordonné" (TUC)
In fact, the acronym is a compromise between the two languages, so that neither is favored — confusing and genius at the same time! 😊
Awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations everyone!!! Thanks first to the founders of Postcrossing, and thanks to all of the members!!! Postcrossing is a top notch way to connect with people from all over the world. Over 50,000 postcards sent so far!!!!!
Thanks again, Postcrossing founders!
Congratulations to Postcrossing and
Thank you very much!
Happy New Year!
Peace, Love and Joy!
Congratulations! I was excited to see my name on the list as well!
Great result! Congratulations.
It’s so great that I take a part of it !
Поздравляем всех с этим фантастическим достижением и спасибо команде Postcrossing за то, что она позволила нам всем принять участие и получить массу удовольствия! 😊
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