Hi everyone!

As you may know, World Post Day happens every year on October 9th — it’s kind of a big deal for all of us, post-lovers worldwide!
Many post offices and postal museums around the world use this opportunity to organize all kinds of events. Last year, we put together a list of all the events we could find, and this year we’d like to enlist your help in collecting them. This way, we can update our special World Post Day page in advance, and let everyone know.
So your mission, if you wish to accept it, is to find out what your postal service and/or local museums are doing for World Post Day this year. Are they launching new stamps or a special cancellation mark on that day? Do they have any special exhibitions or events taking place? Or will they perhaps offer something to their customers, like free museums’ entries? Check their websites for announcements or get in touch with them!
We would love to help spread the word and make this day a success – so if you hear from them, just let us know on the comments below! :)
Thank you!
14 comments so far
oh I would love such a list! hey. fun to be the first to comment :-)
anyways sorry I dont know about any norwegian things happening that day..
happy postcrossing!
Good idea! I wrote about special cancellation in my city (Khariv, Ukraine).
I dont think Australia Post do anything (could be wrong), but they do release a 'kids' stamp issue each October for stamp collecting month. This year it will be creatures that sting!
Yes, Malaysia post do!!
They will release new stamps on that day due to the joint issue with Hong Kong. =)
Can't find a single hit for anything planned in Sweden?! :(
The next Postal Bulletin due out online should show if there will be any special cancellations in the U.S.
The biggest event my postoffice ever organized was its shutdown on Aug.28th. Great, isn´t it?
If we are lucky they will re-open located somewhere else in my town.Keep your fingers crossed for that.
The Deutsche Post has this year again a special cancellation mark. It's available from 09.10. til 13.10.2014 at the Philatelie-Shop Postfiliale Bonn 1, Münsterplatz 17, 53111 Bonn and at the Post Tower, Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 20, 53113 Bonn. And also here: DEUTSCHE POST AG, Niederlassung Brief, Sonderstempelstelle, 53253 Bonn if you send your postcard/letter to them for cancellation.
Oh yes , new atamp will be issued and they has special cancellation mark on that day.
Here is a picture of the already mentioned German postmark: http://www.sonderstempel.info/stempel00.php?WERT=s091014a&BACK1=plzsuche2.htm&BACK2=53&BACK3=00&BACK4=00&BACK5=stempel03.phtml&BACK6=00&BACK7=00&BACK8=00
Anybody in Toronto want to get together that day for tea, coffee and desserts while we work on some postcards to send out? : )
Send me a PM and we can organize something!
It would be so nice to know all the events happening around the world that day. Until now, I don't know if and what something is happening here.
The Czech post prepares a special cancelation mark for the occasion of 140 years of UPU (universal Postal Union). There will be UPU logo and a sign "Praha 1".
It will be available from 9. to 17.10. 2014 on Prague main post.
Anybody in Ghana want to get together that day?
Happy postcrossing :)