Remember Audrey (aka audreyyung), the little girl from Macao that we featured on the blog some years ago? Audrey is now 8 years old, and has received so many postcards through Postcrossing and other swaps that she made her own postcard exhibition!

The exhibition took place last month at the Fundação Rui Cunha, in Macao. The postcards were hanged around the room in thin wires within reach so that the visitors could interact with them, and there were also posters in 3 languages explaining Postcrossing. Despite the current circumstances, lots of people visited (including her classmates and teachers!) and Audrey was even interviewed for the local TV and radio stations, as well as the Macao Daily newspaper!

All the images on this post came from the Fundação Rui Cunha website, where you can browse more photos from the exhibition and even see a video of the event. We love how the exhibition turned out, and are super proud of Audrey and her dad Alan’s achievements — well done! 🎉
52 comments so far
I sent her a card
WELL DONE Audrey 👏Your passion for postcards is INSPIRING 👏👏
Great inspiration for everyone! Well done, Audrey! :)
Extremely happy to see young children take a interest in postcrossing and
also got to appreciate her dads effort to help her in this endeveour
Well done! Bravo!
Happy Postcrossing!
Congratulations, Audrey! I hope you enjoyed making and talking about your exhibition!
It´w wonderful i wish her the best and stay healthy.
I had this times an Exhitbithion too in Munich with Postcards and incoming Postcrossingcards. Look here:
Is a non profit Exhibithion.
Cool, I sent postcard to Audrey too
I ❤❤❤ Postcrossing!
A life time memory!
ohhhhh Audrey ❤️ really a precious memory.
Great display 👍👍. You are a wonderful young lady Audrey 😃 , and inspiration to your classmates. I wonder will many of them take up Postcrossing because of your exhibition> It would be great if they did. It is a marvellous way to learn more about the world.
A great project, what a wonderful inspiration! Happy day to you, may you receive many more post cards!
This is a beautiful effort of time and passion! Thank you Audrey for being wonderful you!! It is exciting to see our youth being the fine examples of sharing and kindness!
Hey, I've sent her a card, too!
Крутой проект! Я рада за Одри. Пожалуй, эту идею посткроссерам в разных странах стоит повторять.
I sent her a card in April of 2018 - US-5131548 - it took forever to get there (86 days) but it got there eventually - hope it made it into the exhibition. :)
This is the sweetest :)
Awesome Audrey! That is so great! I hope it can inspire more people to join postcrossing. :)
Wow! What a great idea!
What a great way to showcase postcards and Postcrossing! I sent her a card too-GB-769315!
You're making memories Audrey for yourself, family, friends and all the Postcrossing friends. Thank you!
A little girl with a big heart ❤️ Such a sweet way of wanting to show and to share with the world the happiness it brings you. You have brought happiness to us all sweet girl thank you 😊
Awesome! What a wonderful project! Very inspiring!
This is so great to read. I love her and I love seeing the support all the adults around her are giving her and her community. Well Done Postcrossers!
Wonderful! I wonder if any of the people who visit the exhibition were inspired to sign up for their own Postcrossing accounts?
Already five years ago I was sending a card to Audrey, and it's inspiring to know that this card probably didn't end up in a shoe box - congratulations to this nice project ;)
How delightful!
This is amazing. What a great idea! I would love to do something like this!
Wonderful exhibition of a lovely girl.
Postcrossing brings the World a little bit closer and more friendly.
I wish Audrey and family all the best.
Well done Audrey! I hope her love for postcards inspires other kids to try out this hobby.
Lovely Audrey! So cute and so inspiring. Age is no restriction at all.
Omg what a brilliant little curator..🥰
Congratulations to all involved!
Congratulations Audrey!
really nice
Well done! You are amazing!
A lovely exhibition! Nice to think one of my cards is there somewhere. Well done Audrey and dad Alan.
Awesome, Audrey and dad Alan! That is so beautiful and so great!
Thank you for sharing your exposition with us.
oh wow..that's nice....
What a lovely girl ❤ Her parents can be proud of her!
嗨Audrey, 我好開心呀 :)
I am so happy to notice that I have sent you a card before!
Thanks for sharing :)
PS: I think I found my card on one of your pictures ;)
That is wonderful Audrey. Your parents are on the right track teaching you all about the world. As a teacher, I love it :)
I created my exhibit in the virtual world.
oh i've sent one to audrey too :)
your exhibition is wonderful! hope can go to macau to see it in person :)
An adorable story: Thanks for sharing!
What an amazing exhibition! Great idea! Happy postcrossing and best wishes from Bulgaria!
Now I've also received a postcard from Audrey - Macau is the 74th country for me
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