Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > July Writing Prompt: Friendships


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

22nd July is the United Nations’ International Day of Friendship, so what better time for Postcrossing to ask about a topic near to everyone’s heart: friendship!

In July, write about what you like to do when you hang out with your friends!
A photo of two people holding chocolate-covered ice creams

At the moment my friends from university are scattered all over the UK, but every so often we like to meet up and have a meal. I’m very lucky to live close to the friend I’ve known all my life, though. We were born in the same hospital, went to the same nursery, and then to the same junior school. We’ve been there through thick and thin, and it was her wedding I wrote about on the blog for May’s writing prompt. As you might expect, over the years we haven’t always had the same interests, and we’re almost more like siblings than anything else, so generally we keep our relationship healthy by meeting up often and chatting, rather than shared activities. Lately we’ve been going for walks around a local country park, at Newmillerdam. It’s a lot of fun watching the changes through the year. It’s my turn to buy us ice cream this weekend, too!

Mostly, though, my day-to-day interactions with friends are with online friends who I met through the massively-multiplayer online game, Final Fantasy XIV—I’ve been having incredible fun over the last couple of years meeting up with them in the game and doing things together, like playing hide-and-seek (I’m not very good at it), doing the game’s treasure hunts, and doing “raids” (difficult fights that require a lot of coordination). A large part of the game is made to be experienced with 3–23 other people, so there are lots of opportunities to team up.

Plus I’ve ended up meeting one of them (so far) in person! Over the last year and a half I’ve dragged my new friend “Prof” to several bookshops, a zoo, and a surprise trip to a botanical garden (because he loves plants). Perhaps in July we should start planning our next adventure, in honour of International Day of Friendship! Do you have any special plans to hang out with your friends in July? We’d love to hear about it here, and you can write about it on your postcards if you’re stumped for what to say!

21 comments so far

humanus, Korea (South)

That's so lovely prompt. I can remember many friends that I may hold my head on their shoulder. Thanks for the prompt.

treasureisland, Germany

I have not very much friends - but the friends I have are VERY good friends. We are always there for each other in all situations, whether difficult or funny, some for a lifetime. It is not the number of friends that is important, but the intensity of the friendship. Thank you, all my friends !

Mirella673, China

Oh no,there comes another excuse for me to write postcards:3

RSB, United States of America

treasureisland said it well. I have those close friends too. Thank you to my friends.

Smutjeline, Germany

Unfortunately, things went a little differently for me. i met my so-called best friends when my husband died. but there were others who picked me up. i'm proud of them today

Shivetta, Germany

I have no friends. I have been disappointed too often. Therefore, it is better to be alone than in bad company

lindeclark, United States of America

My best friend is someone I met on a bus in 1983 when my car broke down. While she was 15 years older than I, we connected on a surreal spiritual level and we’ve been friends ( my best) friend ever since. She knows my son as a little boy, now turning 37 in two weeks. She is a treasure in my life. She now lives some distance from me but we see each other every other month. She is Canadian,

lindeclark, United States of America

I just read the persons comment about not having friends. I see people as selfish, self centered and into their own world. I am by myself alot despite being my grandsons nanny and teaching art. Other than that, I am alone alot as well. I’m a widowed woman of 71 and I would love to have even another close friend to hang out with. I share your sentiment about disappointment. Write to me and I’ll correspond with you. Where in the world do you live? I’m in the US: California.

KiriAct1, Korea (South)

I also really like ff14!

wifetoalineman, United States of America

I normally hang out with my sisters by heart either eating in each other's house, go to the casino but most of the time talk about what is new in our lives.

BevSykes, United States of America

I'm 81 years old and most of my friends have either died or moved away. I have a BFF whom I met in college and we are still close friends ~60 years later, but she lives 100 miles away and neither of us drives any more, so I don't see her often, but we have email and Facebook. My other BFF ghosted me very painfully and it makes it difficult for me to think of making new friends

Verabrady, United States of America

Hello to all my postcrossing friends.
Today’s my birthday and my neighbor and good friend since1980 took me to breakfast at our local Indian restaurant. I now exchange interesting adages with Yana, who out of the blue contacted me through postcrossing. I will be sending this special friend a postcard today and request a new address to which I’ll send a postcard because what nicer way to spend one’s birthday than postcrossing?📫🖋🔖
To Shivetta,
Perhaps you can establish a postcrossing pen pal or two to share your joys and sorrows with. Don’t let a few bad experiences keep you from the satisfaction of new friendships.

SusanY701, United States of America

Thanks to Postcrossing I have become friends with Maire in Toivakka, Finland. We send emails each week. This makes me so happy. I’m learning about her beautiful and happy country. I’m sharing all about my life with her. This friendship is one of the very best I have ever known in my 76 years!

thejulibean, United States of America

My friends are all over the country and none in my state so I see them once or twice a year. We usually make a vacation out of it and meet up somewhere to explore for a couple days. It makes me very happy

beesknees, United States of America

You dont have to worry about cleaning up when your friend comes around

sonataca, United States of America

Ah, a touchy subject for me.

GoCindy, United States of America

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.

olgatseitva, Russia

And my best friends are God and my parents. I don't have anyone in the world who is the same sincere and loyal friends. Other people are busy at their jobs, but sometimes we see each other to find out how each other is doing.

Flippie, Canada

I moved from the Netherlands to Canada in 2007. Left good friends and family behind. Thank god for my new Canadian friends. I can't not live with out them even if I do nothing with them when they're around. That's friendship.

orange_memo, United States of America

I met great friends and get to know more when I moved from Middle East to USA, I would say Postcrossing is best known for postcards but also it's the catalyst for meeting new friends, closing up the distances, it's a small world!

Robin67, Austria

My circle of friends has come from some really good, steady friends to virtually zero. And like a relationship, I find one can't make friendships happen. Also, the older I get and the better I know people, the less likely I am to get too involved with someone again.

Either I can do something alone (be it something nice, or difficult), or I can't do it.

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