Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: EvanescentHour from the USA!


Every so often, we do a little spotlight about a Postcrossing member, and this time we reached out to EvanescentHour, who lives in Illinois, USA. Without further ado, here are her answers to our questions!

How did you get started sending postcards? What is your earliest memory of them?

I actually didn’t get into postcarding until 2021. So my earliest memory is still fairly recent. My first postcarding experience was driving around with my mother, trying to find a good place that sells postcards. For some reason, I remember that I was reading 'Small Favors' by Erin A Craig in the check out line.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

In 2020 I started getting super into travel and learning about countries outside of my own. I liked researching places that I wanted to travel too, like The Netherlands and Norway. While doing this research I remembered that when I was around six or seven years old I had a penpal from Ireland. I thought that I would get back into the penpaling hobby but, unfortunately, the phone number that my grandma had called to get me set up with a penpal is now defunct. So I started searching for other websites and services that help set people up with penpals. That’s how I came across Postcrossing. It wasn’t penpaling so I was a bit skeptical at first, but I love collecting things so I thought that I would give it a go.

What got me hooked was the community. I love seeing other people’s handwriting, how they use stickers and washi tape, and how they structure sentences. I enjoy going to the forums and talking to users there as well.

What’s one way that postcards have changed your life for the better?

Postcards have been super important to me. 2020–2022 had been very rough years for me and sending postcards helped brighten my day a little bit. They were something to make me smile when I felt like I didn’t have many other reasons to do so. They also helped me connect with my mother and grandmother.

Have you met any other members in real life?

I have! I went to a postcarding meetup with my mother and grandmother. It was an amazing experience, lots of friendly people and we had a nice lunch in this local cafe. The atmosphere was very relaxed and quaint and everyone seemed to connect right away. I also found out that I had met one of the people there BEFORE the actual meetup; we had talked to each other at an Eivør concert about two months prior to the Postcrossing meetup.

Have you been surprised by any place that you have received a postcard from or sent a postcard to?
A postcard from Guam, showing a hammock strung up between trees

My favorite Postcrossing coincidence is that I was browsing for users from the Bahamas to request a direct swap from and the profile that I clicked on, ended up being the user whose address I pulled!

I was also surprised to have gotten one from Guam.

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

My favorite post card that I have received is the Blue Man Group postcard from this photo of my collection. I don’t have a close up picture of it but it has a special place in my heart because my mom surprised me with it one day. She knew that I was getting super into the hobby and when she visited Chicago she sent it back to me as a little memento. My mother has very recently passed away and so it’s nice to have this small piece of her with me.

A photo of Zangelica's collection, showing a number of different cards like one with pugs and one with Harry Potter characters

As for postcards that I got from Postcrossing there are two that I really love and can’t choose between; there is this bat maxicard. I adore bats, they are my favorite animals and this is the first maxicard I’ve received. It’s also pretty new!

A maxicard from Australia, showing a bat in flight

I also really love this one. Bellatrix is one of my all time favorite characters so it was super cool to get a postcard with her on it!

A postcard showing Bellatrix from the Harry Potter movies
What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

I think that my favorite part of the process is actually walking to the mailbox! Both to send postcards and to check to see if I received any. I especially love doing so in the springtime when I can get a whiff of the lilacs and wet grass.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies or collections?

I like to say that I collect collections because I have so many from rocks to fandom merch. But my favorite collection is my CD and Vinyl collection. I have over 500 CD’s (my goal is to get 1000 of them). I have CD’s across almost all genres, my favorites are Symphonic Metal and Folk Metal.

My favorite hobbies aside from postcarding are creative writing and scrapbooking. Writing in particular; I have been making up fantasy stories since I could pick up a pencil. I love writing horror and fantasy the most and hope to be a published author one day. For now I share my stories with the world through fanfiction and have made a lot of friends that way.

Is there anything else that you are passionate about?

Music and nature are my passions. I also have an interest in bats, the goth subculture, storms, Dutch culture, and Swedish culture. I have autism so I get super super invested in all of these topics.

Music and the goth subculture are probably the two things that I am most invested in. I have a goal to discover and listen to one band from every country in every continent. So far I have listened to one band in every country in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America and one band in every US state. I am working on discovering one band from each Oceanic country.

The goth subculture has also been very important to me. For the longest time I had trouble making friends because I never really tried to 'mask’ my autism. The goth scene in itself is a subversion to societal norms and so I, already more of an outcast so to speak, found a home in that scene. I love the fashion and the music. I love the aesthetics. And I found that after putting on the corset and the choker, my confidence skyrocketed. I started making more friends both fellow goths and outsiders who were curious about why I dress the way I do.

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29 comments so far

Willi, Germany

Hallo, leuk om van je te lezen. Ik mocht je een paar maanden geleden een kaartje sturen 😎

HM, Netherlands

!!!!! I read it completely without skipping and the end came too soon.
Very interresting! Thank you both.

Aguaroble, Lithuania

Thanks a lot for that type of interview, always very nice to know fellow postcrossers!

XxXthalyaXxX, Brazil

It's so incredible to find goths here, great interview <3

XxXthalyaXxX, Brazil

It's so incredible to find others goths here, great interview <3

Anjanette, United States of America

I love this! Thank you!

E_Safiri, United States of America

GREAT interview! EvanescentHour, I am so sorry to learn of the passing of your mom. I lost mine when I was 9 and I am now 76 and occasionally wonder how my life would have been different with her in it. She was born in Belfast and I never learned anything about her family there. I keep fantasizing that I will someday communicate with one of them via PostCrossing!

For readers outside of the U.S., it might be interesting to note that we were in the midst of the pandemic and "Sheltering at Home" isolation in 2020. Life as we knew it had come to an abrupt halt when this member became interested in travel and learning about other countries, so PostCrossing became an important way for many of us to safely reach out to others at that time and in 2021.

Kristi-D, United States of America

It's great to learn about other Postcrossers. These are a favorite feature of mine from Postcrossing. I wish the best to EvanescentHour with all her many interests!

Jambar, India

Read your article completely.Very interesting.Thank you.

Mailbird2, United States of America

🦇 Beautiful interview! Thank you, EvanescentHour. I hope our paths cross on "official" sent postcards sometime.

Colette-2049, United States of America

Very interesting interview. I am also sorry for the loss of your mother. Like E_Safiri above, I lost my mother when I was young and I am now 75 years old. I still miss her and wonder how different my life would have been if she had lived. No other love can replace the love of a mother.

mavigo, India


orange_memo, United States of America

Thanks for this interesting interview, always very nice to know fellow postcrossers and for reminding us how beautifuly postcards connecting us regardless of race, ethnicity, cultual background or gender.

wifetoalineman, United States of America

Thank you for sharing your interests with us postcrossers and it's fun to get to know you more. I hope I can pick your name one day ;)

Demmi, Romania

These little spotlights are precious gems :) It's always very interesting & nice to know fellow Postcrossers!
Best regards to EvanescentHour!
Thanks a lot for the interview shanaqui :)
:) ;)

craziferretlady, United States of America

Love this interview.🙂 I always love seeing other users interested in the goth/alt scene.🦇 Waving “Hello” from Central IL!👋

WorldPeace1, United States of America

Hello from Tennessee! Thank you for this interview. It is filled with so many lovely facts about your life. My condolences for the loss of your mom. I feel you are making your mom proud. Wishing you much success in completing your goals! Happy postcrossing😊

beesknees, United States of America

I enjoyed reading this, best wishes.

isagv, Germany

I like the spotlights. Mine is more than 10 years ago.
Congratulations on this one.

Niinuli, Finland

Nice story<3

clabeff, United States of America

Lovely, thanks for sharing!

cerres, Estonia

Very lovely interview! Thank you!

Flippie, Canada

Thanks for sharing.

sangosengoku, Germany

Greetings from another Symphonic Metal, Folk Metal, Bat and Bellatrix Lestrange Fan ;)
I really like it that you can find the strangest Folks in postcrossing and everyone ist friendly cause WE all Fkin Like postcards *giggle*
Happy postcrossing to everyone from this little metalpunk

Asato, Russia

What a lovely spotlight!

NIDUSKA, Finland


tinkerstorm, Canada

I am so pleased to read this spotlight! Z and I met on the forum shortly after joining PC in 2021, and we have been penpals ever since, so yay for connection and a love of snail mail 🤓

ArturHeger, Germany

Hallo aus Germany,
I'm very sorry about mather,The pain will never go away.I'm locking for my
grandma na,ans wer from the authdrities.I wish all postcrossern a
Merry Christmas
Artur 17.11.2024

tucsonjen, United States of America

I love bats too, so I am very jealous of your bat maxicard 😁 I do get to see bats most evenings, as they live in the siding of my house. Thank you for an interesting interview!


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