Sometimes we think the Dutchies have all the luck! They have stroopwafles, vla, tulips, scrumptious cheese… and all the best postcard shops, it seems!
We already told you about a few of our favourites, and today we feature another fantastic one: Kaartfanaat!

Kaartfanaat stocks an impressive range of publishers: from Tushita to Aquarupella, from Inkognito to Kartoenfabriek… including all the variations of “Keep calm and…” you can think of! :)
They heard about Postcrossing from some of their customers, and since they know how we all love our postcards, they’ve decided to generously sponsor this weekend’s giveaway with 5 packs of 10 of their best-selling postcards!
To win one of these fantastic sets, visit Kaartfanaat's website and leave a comment below, telling us which postcard (or series) you liked the best! But be prepared… choosing from so much eye-candy will be a hard task! :)
Good luck! Do check back on this post around this time next week for the winners (randomly picked by Paulo’s number generator).

PS – For the duration of this giveaway, Kaartfanaat is also offering a 10% discount on all orders from €10 (excl. shipping). Use the code BLOG during checkout!
And the winners, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… lianalaurie, ceruliz, Tsadida, ESD and marciaguedes! Congratulations and thank you everyone for the comments! :)
512 comments so far
It is to much . Love all there Cards Cannot choose.
Happy with everything they got.Great shop!!!
Hi Meiadeleite,
It sure is a marvelous site with cards in all categories! Worth while to look around and make your choice. I like the categorie 'foute kaarten' (means wrong cards, ugly cards, cards you wouldn't choose), just because these are cards you can't find elsewhere and there's a big change that the receiver hasn't got the card yet. A 'foute kaart' often brings a smile on your face!
Greetz, Janine (from the Netherlands, fan of Kaartfanaat!)
Happy postcrossing to everyone!!!
Such beautiful postcards! I especially like the ones in the Postcrossing category- bikes, beach signs, tapes!
A great shop :) I love the postcard book with Carl Larsson's paintiongs :) And the Reizen category is great too )
Love the Incognito series, they're so surreal!
There are so many great Cards on the site! The Pop Up Cards look cute. POP1064 - Pop-up - Magic Hat is my fave so far.
Great shop. A pity that I don't have time this weekend to take my time and order something with a discount :(
I have a weakspot for Aquarupella cards but also liked the one with tapes.
Wow, wow... lots of GREAT cards at Kaartfanaat! I really love the 'Pippi Langkous'-cards, such a fun and crazy girl!! :)
Fingers crossed for the give-away!
Smiles from Belgium, Saskia :)
I really like the 'Scooter Marriage' card. It is whimsical, and reminds me of when I was first with my husband and we would do fun things like this.
Woaw ! Such a wide range of cards ! I love the HUMOR ones ! :-)
They have such beautiful cards! I especially love the ones from the 'Film Freak' category and antique map!
Thank you for the giveaway :) I love those B&W + humor! ;)
wow, I liked Kartoenfabriek: KTF1099 - Ansichtkaart - IKEA fiets. A cool way to check the details of a bicycle.
What a great shop! I like this series:
I love the Aquarupella heart forest card. So many wonderful cards to choose from on this site!
I love the "foute kaarten" and the textcards, and the "Keep calm..." most, but the whole range of kaartfanaat is very interesting :-)
it is really hard to choose...but probably Id go with Keep Calm..and all the bicycle ones scattered in different categories :)
What a huge selection of cards! I love the Incognito cards best as I adore their humor and ironic message sometimes :-D.
I love so many cards ... Hard to choose... I like the B/W cards, the ones that shows mailboxes, the maps, the ones with "Anita" from my childhood books...
I love the Spiritual (Spiritueel) category.....I hope to receive and send some of these beautiful postcards!
I love the one of the binds of red chiles in Vietnam and the dog holding a stick with three parakeets on either side. Such beautiful cards!
Oh, my! really huge collection!
But my favourite is >>>> AQUARUPELLA!!
Great selection and so colourful!
Wish you good sales)
Hi! Thanks for the giveaway.
I especially liked 'Spiritueel' and 'Fotografie' category. The most beautiful cards to me are Aquarupella ones! It would be great to get them!
I like the Bloemen category - the flowers were so pretty!
There are so much great cards!!! One of my favorites is this
Happy postcrossing everyone!!
Beautiful postcards! I love Marijke Jans artwork.
I'm glad you make me discover this online shop, I haven't found a similar French one yet! And I think I need some holidays because my favorite cards are "Signs", "Beach signs" or "Under water girl" (Lip). Thanks for the chance to win :)
Not sure if I have the luck to win a pack of cards...recently I'm obsessed with building ancient wooden sailing vessels (models), so the cards about Captn Sharky definitely are my current favorites! Great shop, great cards, good luck to the winners!
There are so many beautiful cards it's so hard to pick favourites. I think the best way is to close your eyes, put you hand in and pull out whatever your fingers close on. It can't fail as they are all so lovely.
Lovely post cards - a few of those are also available in German card shops, but this looks like a great place for some online postcard shopping. :-)
I particulary like the "Keep Calm..." postcard series.
I like Camera, as well as Globes :)
Oh really lovely postcards! so hard to choose one , but i would go for ''keep calm and carry on''
Also black and white and humorous cards like the cards named ''WP310 - Ansichtkaart - Laurel and Hardy'' and ''Gutrath: MG773 - Ansichtkaart - Fit is fun'' on site.
Maybe marilyn monroe themed or old fashioned vintage cards are really beautiful!
I love the one with many stamps!
Definitely "Keep Calm and Read Books", "Keep Calm and Drink Coffee" and "Keep Calm and Think Differently" - these are the three most important things in life!
I thank Kaartfanaat for this offer.
Its difficult to choose a card!
Oh my god! It have so many different type of postcard!!!!
In those postcards...I love the Keep Calm series :D
Colourful and meaningful card!
Awesome postcard. I like "Keep Calm..." collection :)
So many beautiful postcards, but this is my favourite: :D
I like the Cart Swiss collection!
lots and lots of great postcards ! love this one !
The vintage series is absolutely lovely!
i love retro cars, i'm so glad if i get the "car" postcard series :) thankyou~
I just love the Filmfreak series!
I love this one!
My personal fav is the one from Lichtenstein. But definitely everything is so eyecatchy and wish to get many of them! :)
The postcrossing cards are very Nice also keep calm serie i loved them
I really like the Art Press cards, they seem somewhat simple yet are so captivating!!!
The globe one! Love the shop!
I love the movie cards because they are like little movie posters that you can put everywhere you like. You can use them as cool bookmarks, pin them on to your fridge or decorate your bathroom tiles with them. And since I'm a huge Gene Kelly fan, I especially love the "Singin' in the rain"-Card! =)
All are GREAT! I liked BZR14044 - Ansichtkaart - Dessert first :)
I like the postcards in the fotografie section!
Wow, what an impressive collection of cards! It is really hard to pick just one favourite series... But we are going for Swiss Cart because we already bought several cards from this publisher from various other sources. We just realized that we've been seriously overpaying, so kaartfanaat has gained some new customers in the future!
My favourite is Gutrath card MG1570 - Ansichtkaart - Letterboxes :D.
Ohh, I liked the Vintage ones so much :)
Whoooaaa so many cute postcards I'm gonna dieeee! I love all postcards in Kaartfanaat, but my top two are Bizarr : En Avion and Inkognito : Captn Sharky. I wish Kaartfanaat open up a store in my city so I can buy tons and tons of postcard! :)
Hi Meiadeleite,
I always look for the cards which represent a country, like the Dutch cards. But the humouristic cards are so much fun, anyone would like to receive a card like that. It puts a smile on your face. And anytime you get a card from Kaartfanaat, you know that somebody took great care in finding a spectacular card.
I think the next card represents a (post)crosser:
I liked the artsy stuff, art category, and black and white humor cards. But the Incognito series was great.
Edward Hopper postcards!
Beautiful postcards! I like the animal section (:
Ofcourse lots of them are pretty. I really like the spiritual cards. The one called drop made me dream of for quite some time
Wat geweldig veel keuze. De meest mooie kaarten vind ik toch de 'vintage' kaarten. Ook omdat ik merk dat vintage(look) kaarten veel geliked worden op postcrossing. Blijkbaar zijn mensen daar net zo dol op als ik!
It's so hard to choose only one, they're all beautiful, but I love pin up dolls and this one caught my eye Tushita: TFAB1516 - Ansichtkaart - Pin up
Tunnel du Mont Blanc!
Vielen Dank ;)
Oh wow! I must say your repro black and white photo cards are the best - my favourite was the one called "Baby Boom"! Well, I never win anything in giveaways, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)
Well I love their cat postcards. Nuff said.
Their "Holland"-postcards are awesome, but there are so many cool ones! I haven't heard of this shop yet, thanks for the tip! :)
I m not going to check on their website right now because I m going to get
Lost there ;-) They ve so much nice cards, hard to choose from, but I like the Keep calm and...series and the Inkognito cards very much!
So much choice... And I thought picking cards in our local shop was hard already... But my definite favorite is the series by Mili Weber!
My favorite card is:
The one with the text 'life is short, eat dessert first' (A)
I like this one for example :
This one caught my eye. I adore the colors, the lines, and the simplicity.
Wow! I like the Lip postcards.
Vintage cards are very cool too.
Love the black and white baby ones like the baby feet or the father and newborn one.
I love this one most , maybe because it is exactly my motto :)
Humor postcards delight me very much.
Especially this one - :D
It was hard to find the only one but I like the postcard Inkognito KOG36514 "Heart for you" the most!
I like the vintage ones!
Utterly charmed by a postcard called "Rose cupcake". It combines two of my favorite things: sweets and flowers!
Love all the cards!! Pffff.....
Roller coasters!!! Love how they are designed!!!
These are amazing! I love Bizarr: BZR13967 - Ansichtkaart - Tourist! Postcrossing has really given me something to look forward to!
LIP: P36 - Ansichtkaart - Hunks, omg I love it :D I like the other LIP cards too! I actually think I have some of these already...
There are a lot of nice cards. The b&w, tekst, humor, foute kaarten. And many more.
They are all beautiful, but the "keep calm" are my favourite :-)
”Which way to the Amazon?” (page 23) is my choice. It’s a pretty drawing with lots of details, but it’s also funny with the cat imagining itself as a big hunter in a jungle. It’s a kind of card that would make me smile if I received it.
I love the B&W Hot air balloons the most! It gives me a great and dreamy feeling! I like the shop alot!
HOLY POSTCARD SELECTION!! That is by far one of the best sites I've seen for postcards! I adored the Kunstboer collection and the Bizarr collection (but I would take them all)!
All cards are very beautiful! But I like the most cards in Spiritueel category, especially card nr. TFAFL09.
Q12654 - Beware of the dog. So cute!
It is difficult to pick one or a series! But I stared so long at TUBU013 - Postkaartenboekje - Van Gogh! :)
I like almost every card in the 'cart swiss' category. They are so beautiful.
The Keep Calm and Eat Pizza card - because I was just in Italy for two weeks and I fell in love with pizza (again). I'm a New Yorker, what can I say?
I love every single one from the Bloemen series! They are amazing.
So many awesome postcards! And so difficult to choose only one thing. But my favourites are Keep Calm and Incognito collections :)
I love their Art series, especially Hopper's 'Nighthawks'
Waouw ! Such great cards :) My favorite one is "Je suis au café" WP5743 - Ansichtkaart - Je suis au cafe... quite strange :)
Your postcards are wonderful!! Some of my favourites were the Nuns and many of MG series but some of the top ones were KTF1080 and the #1 has to be MG1080!!!
Thank you for the giveaway. I Like a lot of cards ! Difficult to choose one.. maybe WP5038 - Ansichtkaart - Er is een vent in huis
Strange, never heard of this site. As I am a Dutch(wo)man in Taiwan, I prefer the Holland cards. :) HOME! AHHH.
Bloemen cards are the most beautiful for me! :-) would be great to have some :-)
Awesome cards, for me fotagrafie series is the best :D
so beautiful card!!!! I loved the vintage style category!!!
My favourite but oh so many to see!
Their pop-out cards are awesome :)
So many lovely cards. I like the Carl Larsson collection, the card with all of the stamps on it, and the bicycle cards.
Love Pipi Longstocking! Brings back memories of my grade 6 teacher reading aloud after lunch recess. Oh how we laughed at Pipi's antics.
There's so many very pretty cards!! My favorite is the set of Bloemen cards :)
Picking a card is never easy, you never know what you like will also be liked when received. As a serie I like the kids card, because it has a bit of everything : Some realy 'just for kids' - some (humor)photo-cards - some to send for a birthday - some you can send to adults - some just for everybody / for fun.
For the lucky ones: Have fun with your cards!
The one with heart is one of my fave :)
Inkognito : with books, animals, trees, oh well : all of them.
I love the cupcake postcard and all the 'keep calm and ..' serie :))
Kaartfanaat is a great shop with great cards! I'd love to have them all :D but if I had to choose just one, it would be this one of Jacques Tati facing a statue:
What a great collection! So many to choose from! I think the Vespa one is brilliant:
But the Happy Birthday Balloons will be excellent for a lot of upcoming birthdays!
I love the photography and flower cards.
Eye like um.
Oh, my, so many, so hard to decide... Filmfreak cards, vespas & scooters and of course Inkognitos are great. :)
I love the inkognito ones! :-)
I like all the postcards in the Vintage series!
Considering how much I love pop art, I choose this one to be my favourite postcard (but there are sooooo many beautiful ones, I wish there was such selection in my country)
What a great site, I immediately put it in my favorites :) I really love the postcards in the kunst section!
Oh wow! So many fantastic cards. I think my favourite theme would be Liefde - I'm an old romantic at heart ;-
I love the film freak collection!!! Especially the 50's sci-fi movie posters
These are great! I think my favorite category was the VON-B set. I can't actually read what they say. But I have a sneaking suspicion they are hilarious.
I can't choose between fotografie and bloemen. I love them both the most. I just bought number 1 and 3 from the flower section in a store yesterday.
What a great selection! I love the Gutrath category.
I love their Aquarupella cards.
I love the Aquarupella cards! :-D
So many beautiful cards - hard to choose, but some I like very much are the cards from Aquarupella.
So many fantastic ones!
I love the aquarupella.
I love them all! What if I can't choose one?
I like e.g. humor and vintage cards.
The Retro and ofcourse Kartoenfabriek they are so funny!
Incognito series are my favorite ones =). I would be very happy to have them.
The stamps postcards C1001 are nice. I'd love to see a set of 10 different or something like that.
"Keep calm" series are among my favourite postcards. But they have so many nice postcard that the choice is hard!
Interesting shop. I like the Inkognito cards.
Humor cards are awesome! Loved all and each one of them (:
This is definitely one of my favourites (:
Very nice cards! I liked the animals
oh! I love all the cards! ))) But Vintage - the most!
Cart - Ansichtkaart - Tree - C882
Very original, haven't seen it anywhere else yet! I'm definitely going to order here soon :D
Really great collection. Wish I could find some of those B/W cards around here.
my favourites, Happy Birthday NBPK 198&199
I like the Keep Calm collection! Lots of people asking for those on PostCrossing!
This is my absolutely favourite:
To me, it's a symbol of freedom and peace and fun and childhood and summer and everything, which makes life worth living :)
oh!! so many wonderful cards! I love Inkognitos, and Cart - Ansichtkaart - Piano - C997 - what a lovely piano card!
There are a lot of wonderful cards - i love Keep calm, Inkognito and the animals !!!
I like them all, but the one with the "Nonnen in de zee" is my favorite! :)
Loved Pippi Longstocking when I was a kid - and still do at the age of 50! What a marvellous set of Pippi cards.
Incredibly beautiful onces! I especially love these by Marijke Jans, she's very talented.
I really love the "Keep calm and.." cards. They are funny and there is always one that perfectly suits you, whether you love cupcakes or you think you're Batman.
"Take a break" from Kartoenfabriek --> like them best!
OMG! I am in LOVE with these categories of cards...
Pop-up Cards - (My favorite cards from this category are Water Lily, Peacock, Magnolia, Silver Butterflies, but my ultimate favorite from this category is Campsite!!!)
Sticker Cards - (My favorite cards from this category are EG8-7 and EG8-19)
Pop-out Cards - (My favorite cards from this category are Phone Booth, Kruisje Bolletje, and Uil)
3-D Cards - (My favorite cards from this category are Kussende lippen, Weerhuisje, Kussend paar, Ballerina, Pluto and Goofy)
These are just AMAZING!!! I need to go shopping!!!
I have to go with - NBPK197 - Ansichtkaart - Happy Birthday Postcard
Love the variety that they have! It's different!
Thank you for this change :-) I really love the Pipi Langkous cards :-)
So many beautiful postcards! But my favorite serie is the tekstkaarten. Lovely :)
Wow, so many wonderful cards. I especially like the black and white ones. The card "Sinterklaas" (KOG2302) is really cool.
All of the cards are great! I really liked the animal ones in the "Dieren" category. My favorite card though has to be this one:
So many lovely cards and so difficult to choose. The Aquarupella cards are especially wonderful.
Wow, the cards are so amazing! It's so hard to choose just some of them. Well, if you want to hear something, I like those with a photo or picture in retro style, and the Pippi longstocking cards are lovely too :).
i LOVE the crads from Laurel and Hardy (category:Ansichtkaarten - Postcards)
What a website! It's way too much to choose from. Keep this going.
Thank you for turning the spotlight on this fabulous shop! I love the vintage cars the best, I think. :)
Fantastic shop! I think I liked aloust everything... I like how the cards surprise, the different styles, great variety of themes... very, very fascinating :)
And I do love this blog, too :)
Certainly lots to choose from but I found my favourite: Pippi Langkous - Ansichtkaart. Pippi of course!
I love the American Airlines postcard :)
wow, so cool site! I love the "keep calm and.." collection;
also these:
beauty cat cards!;
Wow! I have not even heard of this site before. Great cards! I am in love with this one: Aquarupella: QX151 Tuscany, Italy
Thank you for the giveaway!
I think I like the travelling series most of all from these lovely postcards ☼
Max Hern Design's cards
The shop is great! I love the postcards, especially the category "Reizen"
great art cards. I like especially the "great wave" from Hokusai.
Difficult to pick! I think my favorite is the Russian dolls Happy Birthday one
Wow! Too many to chose from! P84, which is a pinup girl, is one of my faves! I'd love to have that one in my collection! Unique!
I like the postcrossing section best! They made a perfect selection!
Love the Aquarupella cards, but there are so many beautiful cards that it is difficult to choose the best one!
Vintage cards are great
So many wonderful cards! You have some great ones with black & white photos showing piles of books. And I love the "Piano Girl" card, of the little girl in pink sitting at a small piano, singing her heart out!
There are lots of special ones! I like the post cards with the stickers.
I love all of them! :)
So many great card! I like all of them, but the best ones are in Cart Swiss, there you can find the most wonderful card!
Such a nice selection! My favorite is "Kerst - BZR14125 - Ansichtkaart" but unfortunately they say that is out of stock. Runner up? "Pasen - Postkaart - Paashaas - KOG28209." Just love that forward-looking bunny.
WOw, all of these are amazing! My favourite would have to be
Inkognito: KOG63103 - Ansichtkaart - Hannibal! It is amazing!!!
So many great cards! Maybe one of the prettiest, in my opinion, is "Aquarupella: QMD12433 - Wenskaart - Roseraie, rose garden". Maybe ...... ;) ..... .
I love the card with the old music tapes. Listening to tapes is almost as old fashioned as writing postcards, and I like it both a lot!
Amazing cards! I love this one: Inkognito: KOG16003 - Ansichtkaart - Vicent steelt zonnebloemen
It is really hard just to pick one postcard that I love from this website. There are too many to pick! The first one that stood out to me was the stamp postcard.
Love so many of them. Would have to say travel is my favs! :)
It is indeed difficult, but I really like the ArtPress animals x)
I just LOVE the Tekstkaarten... So cute!
Defenitely for today
WP300 - Ansichtkaart - Bouchers de El Fayoum
composition, colours and the tiling are fab.
Great postcards! Majority, or all, are really nice! For now, let's say that the Vintage set is a must. There are humour in them. Check this one PBB47 Mind the Beatles!
So many wonderful cards... I especially like inkognito and the "Keep calm" series. But oh well, I haven't seen all of those great cards yet...
Oooh, I can't even choose one! I really like the travel ones though :)
I love the Christmas: Set 12 pieces - Pulp Paper Christmas Joy set. :) I'm definitely putting this site in my favorites!
great cards... hope to see them "live" soon!!! ;)
Loving the giveaway! Anything vintage is great for me! :)
Great shop, even if the switching to another language doesn't really work for me. I love their ArtPress animal cards, especially the elephant. :)
So many to chose from! I love Inkognito and Carl Larsson.
Love the Artpress! Great store, thanks for the link!
Wonderful store, how do you pick a favorite? Agh!
I will go with Inkognito: Adelaar tattoo
I often wonder if people realize what their tattoo will look like when their skin starts to sag when they're older, love this postcard.
The beach signs are great and remind me of summer (:
Amazing selection of postcards!!! I love a lot of them, but the humour ones are great, I don't even need to speak Dutch to understand them!! HA!! And I also loved the "Fotografie, Aquarupella" collection, so many amazing images!! Way to go kaartfanaat!!
They are all great, but I like the black and white humor cards.
I really like Esthex: STX004 - Ansichtkaart - Slak. the contrast of the ground-bound snail and the high-flying kite.
There is SO MUCH on the site.....I loved so many, but among those I enjoyed were the Laurel and Hardy cards.....
I'm fond of this one - Shelter each other - and the others similar to it.
There are so many beautiful, funny and original postcard in there !
I think I have a preference for the vintage cards series.
I love the style and colours given to this one : . I find this picture full of happiness and fun !
But I also like this one : . It made me smile, because it reminded me my childhood and its kitschy side is quite funny !
Wow! Amazing selection of cards. I think the Wenksaart are my favourite. : )
Great collection of cards at this webshop! I haven't ordered anything there yet, but I think I will when I need new cards for my stock.
My faves are: Inkognito, Aquarupella and Tushita.
Love this site! So many to choose from, but I love Pippi Langkous.
I love the quote cards from Inktvis!
Love the SoHo series. Thanks.
i love Amsterdam Memory Game postcard set..beautiful;')
I love the nuns!
There are so many to choose from! But one of my favorites was Marjike Jans - The secret letter.
I really like the bike card in the postcrossing category.
black&white, humour and stamp cards! Don't get those in South Africa :)
I love postcrossing cards and children's postcards!
It is a great website! Proud to be Dutch :-D
I like the "tekstkaarten" the most.
What a great website to buy cards! I love how they have a whole section just for the most popular Postcrossing cards.
I love the category "Kinderkaarten" :-)
The Cart postcards "Coffee," "Rollercoaster," "Carousel," and "Typewriter" all really caught my eye because of the pastel colors.
I like the postcards in the category "humor" (especially the Inkognito postcards). I love the Aquarupella cards as well (beautiful photography), but not to use for Postcrossing. I like to stick to postcards that are more related to The Netherlands.
I prefer the "Keep Calm ",coffee,bike and also POSTCROSSING :)
All the cards are awesome,it would be great to win any card :D
Thanks for the Giveaway ;)
Beautiful! All of them! The "Bloemen"-series is fantastic and "Kunst".
I love the Keep-Calm-cards :)
Thank you for the giveaway initiative.
I think I'm spending the whole morning just going through the page and admiring these lovely postcards!
I love the Kunst section the most! I like the fact that such a variety of art work are on one place :D
The Kunst section for sure!! Just amazing!!
I like this card best: Gutrath: MG1054 - Ansichtkaart - Hello! It would definitly make me smile receiving it through postcrossing :D
there are so many great cards,so it is a difficult choice, but I really like the vintage style ones :)
My favorite collection is "fotografie". :D
I love the
Filmfreak: Ansiechtkaart - Breakfast at Tiffany`s FF941 !
but all the cards are great! :)
I love tulips! So the tulip postcard is my favorite one!!:)
Great site - I love the Tushita cards :-)
After MUCH deliberation (honestly, all the items are really adorable!) my top 5 faves are "Ziek als een hond", "Vogel", "Geluk maak je zelf", "Uithulpkracht", and "Cafe" :)
Definatley "Kippen op de bank" is my favourite, as well as all the other animal postcards!!
I like the nuns having a fag!
Great idea! We like postcards with sea views. Just like this one:
I like this one very much
I like this card
Thank you!
So so many beautiful postcards! I love the "Hello World" postcard but also i love so many other ones too! Winning this competition would be SO exciting! It's wonderful to have found such a stunning collection of postcards!
We realy like the Seasons, Easter, Flowers, Humor and offcourse the postcrossing cards. "Dangerous" site for us. We postcross with our complete family ;)
I like 'art press' and all the others as well !
All postcards are beautiful!
But I like the movie series, with all good classic movies :)
Just love the "Keep calm and..." cards! I've now had a look at all the variations on Kaartfanaat's website - I hadn't known that there are so many different "Keep calm"-cards!
They are all wonderful! but I think my favorites would be Betty Boop as vintage movie posters. They are very clever!
I like the card Vintage beach at most. Its one of the postcrossing-cards :)
All postcards are great, so beautiful. The best one for me is Pippi Langkous' series. I love Pippi :D. And of course, I like Holland's series too.
Any postcard featuring an urban sketch would be good! Good luck to everyone ^_^
I like the "Bizarr"-series, also the Pin Up motives... so many beautiful cards! *0*
Hello! I like this one:
And I am also intrigued by the Dutch dessert vla that you mention in this post. I followed the web link & vla looks delicious!!!
the keep calm cards....:O)
good luck!!!
the cards with all the books are fantastic!
a teacher of the first class with all the kids
Beautiful cards! Had a hard time choosing!! I love the "Dieren" series. They have some beautiful ladybugs cards :)
Lots of great cards and almost impossible to pick just one! However, I really like these little birds:)
The name Kaartfanaat says it already: fanatic about postcards and it is difficult to choose. However the retrogreetings, black and white (beautiful Audrey Hepburn) and Incognito bookcards are slightly preferred.)
Sooo many beautiful cards! I found so many that I liked, but Bizarr: BZR13967 - Ansichtkaart - Tourist stood out for me. Realy charming.
Thanks you, Postcrossing blog, for introducing such a wonderful website.
Tomorrow is Monday, and this "don't forget to be awesome" postcard is the power that I need to survive.
So beautiful postcards, I like this one very much:
I just love the "humor" page. The "Gutrath" pictures (black and white) are fantastic!
I echo many of the comments in saying that there are so many fantastic cards on Kaartfanaat's site! I particularly like the postcards in the Fotografie category--such striking images in those photos.
the Incognito series is majical!
For me, it's the "Keep calm" cards :D
The "Plan B" postcard series was interesting.
The Keep Calm serie is my favorite.
You have exceptional postcards!
My top 3:
Keep Calm
News Productions
Oh man I love them all... the "Kunst" series is great though, with reproductions of art!
I liked the "Spiritueel" section, a lot of esoteric and beautiful landscapes.
İ love the site and postcard . keep calm series are funny i want to take them:)
We both like the 'keep calm and...' series!
I think I'm gonna have to go with the "Filmfreak" series, because I love those old movies.
I like the "foute kaarten" a lot!!
I checked the website and my favorite ones were definitely the Fotografie series. It has one card of Audrey Hepburn in a pink dress that is one of my favorite pictures of all time of her :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
I like the Sinterklaas cards, I'd love to send them out in december :)
I love funny and bizarre cards so for me the series of postcards from the Kartoenfabriek are one of the best. The little strange texts suddenly give the old photographs a completely different meaning.(^-^) Great assortment!
"Inkognito" is my favourite! :D
I loved the 'Hawaii surfers' and I loved the Inktvis series and the artpress series. I also liked KTF1099 and all the postcards with stamps on. all of the postcards are delightful. it was so hard to choose.
I also love the ones in the postcrossing category. they are so adorable
I really like the "Love is All you Need" Beatles card!
There are so so many amazing postcards there, but the one that caught my eye (and surely didn't let go) is the one with cat :D
I love it and I'd like to receive it someday :3
I am a huge fan of the children's cards! Having traveled to the Netherlands a lot, I know they have wonderful cards! I would be happy with anything!
There are Truly some Fantastic Cards. But my Favourites are the "Humour" Cards.
I love B&W (this is my fave, and also Photography!
Thank you for sharing. I like the postcards for kids...
They are all very beautiful! Amazing collection!
I liked the Photography cards a lot!
An amazing collection with great cards.
I love the card "parrots" --> Aquarupella.
Inkognito is great, too.
I love the art cards, especially the Art Nouveau postcardbook, and Pippi Longstocking
I love the vintage cards!
We are postcrossers so:
No seriously, I love a lot of these, the ones that look like they just come out of a person's private photoalbum, around maybe 1960/1970, but also all other vintage cards, or anything related to mail, or tea and coffee, or bikes - or just cards that show how colourful this world is!!!
Such a great collection of postcards ... I drooled over many but my absolute favorites are humour PCs such as the one where the two gangs of old guys ( in wheelchairs) are still arguing whether the STONES or Beatles is the best haha...
I find it hard to stay away from Christmas themed postcards . . . . . .
i love retro cards and map cards :) but the other ones are great too : hard to choose !
The cassette tape card (879) is awesome! I'm sure there was a turntable in there somewhere, though I didn't locate it...
I love the "stamps" postcards. As well all the cards of the Incognito series. I just love them! The all have their special "turn"
I like the "inkognito" humor cards - they are sweet and funny!
The Pippi Longstockings series is my favourite!!
My two favorite postcard series they have are the cool animal postcard that look like old children's game cards and the Pippi Longstocking ones.
Great Vespa cards!
What a AWESOME site Kaartfanaat has!! The French Bulldog with wings by Kato has always been one of my favorite pictures/postcards!
As a lover of art history, the ART (Kunst) section is my favorite :)
Aquarupella of course;')
I really loved the Old Bookshop postcard. I'm a huge bookworm and it would be one of my favorite to own. :)
i happy if i can win this all postcards because it was really hard to get this kind cards in my place! all the best!
I just love the Aquarupella cards, the photography is stunning, it invites you to dream away
So manyyy, my fav must be "By a winter moon" from the vintage cards :)
I like the "Reizen" postcards a lot. Pictures on it are very colorful and joyful.
Nice shop :) The Under water kiss (LIP: P16) has got to be my fave!
I love Special Cards,sure!!They´re different and original!!
Plaizier, definitely! Cards like this are really cool: Too bad it's sold out :)
I like the keep calm cards. They are great.
oh ~
i love all the Black & White cards. so nice n creative...
happy postcrossing to ALL...
I like the Aquarupella cards. They are beautiful.
Oh, my gosh! They're all so gorgeous. My favorites are the Bookworm and Keep Calm. :D
My favorites are vintage postcards.
Great photos on Aquarupella series!!!!
Loved the "Drukte" cards
All cards are so amazing!!
If I have to choose what I like the best, that would be "kunst" postcrads. \^o^/
Gee, so many to choose from... I can't make up my mind.
I like, kunst, seizoenen and dieren! Okay, if I have to choose... animals, so much choice!
Inkognito, Black and White and Art are my favourite ones. I like that cards make me to think. I make a real effort to find something interesting, which gives a glimpses of me, the sender, but also glimses of the reciever.
A very good site ! Love all the cards !!
Thank you for this great giveaway!
It's difficult to pick one or two favorite postcards among these amazing postcards.
But I love Inkognito (seizoenen), Black & White and Aquarupella series.
I realy like the keep calm postcards.
It's quite hard to choose...
I love this style by LIP postcards:
And of course the Keep Calm and....!
My favourites are the keep calm ones! :D
This chocolate one made me smile :-D
What a wonderful idea! I like the B&W postcards especially the section Fotografie. They are quite gorgeous!
There are so many beautiful cards but I choose Inkognito.
De IKEA FIETS, veel mensen maken er hun favoriet van. De landkaarten, vlaggen ook zo veel gevraagd. Succes met jullie fantastische aanbod kaarten. Groeten,
There are many cards with bicycles, i like it all!
Thanks for such an event!
I like Reisen karten. The one from Bali, Indonesia impressed me most.
Good luck to you!
Hello! I love Aquarupella and I especially love bikes and mushrooms :-)
Thanks for this idea.
Great cardshop! I like these categories: Kunst, Reisen, Fotografie, but there are many many interesting, nice pieces! Best wishes from Serbia!
i like this card very much :
thanks for this giveaway !
I like this one a lot:
Thank you for this giveway!
Warm regards,
great cards! I like best the 'foute' kaarten. Thank you for this giveaway!
As my birthday is on the 5th of December any of the Sinterklaas cards I would love, especially the sticker one where you can count down to the day!
They all great cards! But for me the best is "Inkognito", especially this card KOG34763 - Ansichtkaart - Strand varken
Have a nice sunday postcrosser!
I absolutely love all the cards! The colorful, the black and white and many more.....
oooo that's a tricky one....I would prob have to say anything showing travel or maps would be my favorite
I like the series of "keep calm and ......."!
The postcards are all so nice it's hard to choose! Maybe the retro cards, or cupcakes, or black and white, or birthday, or animals, or birds, or Keep Calm...
Aquarupella, Aquarupella, Aquarupella!
My favorite card is the autumn trees,
Wow, I hope I am chosen!
OMG! There are so many amazing cards.Most I love "Keep calm.... " and the vintage cards.
my favourite postcards ar the aquarupella cards
All the cards are really worthy to wish to have. I like the series depicting children at home when they are cooking, doing the house - they are something!!!!
The postcards with old cars are the best. That shining chrome and lacquer :)
They are all amazing! I think I like the ones from art press best :)
I love postcards with those magic words ! those are awesome..
They are all great... :) I especially like the vintage animal cards, like the zebra (
I love this series. It's so bright and really breathtaking)
They have som many beautifull cards, but if I have to choose I would wish for Inkognito or Keep calm cards.
Wonderful shop! I like the square card of the various globes because I love maps!
The Studio Inktvis series is lovely :)))
I love the Von B collection!
I don't know if this is acutally a series of cards or not but I absolutely love the cards titled with LIP International because they look retro + a bit crazy which I totally love!
We love the serie from aguarapella there ar wonderfull and coloure fall.
My goodness, all of the lovely cards! I love the one with the dog and the birds on the stick. Beauty!
They all are really wonderful, but my favorite one is absolutely postcards from Tushita :)
Oh my, my shopping cart is getting full. I notice lots of Gutrath. Especially the old women.
I hope to win, but I'm ordering a whole bunch anyway! :D
I love the vintage photograph postcards, beautiful :)
Very nice website! :o) Luv It! DIFFICULT CHOICE.....hmmm.. I would go with 'lets te vieren'... Beach party for example!
I love the Gutrath series. It is so nice to surprise my Mom with a postcard with a Grannie. And Gutrath has so many postcards with elderly people. Great!
I love because I'm fascinated by Native American culture. Thanks for the giveaway, Kaartfanaart!
I love all those KEEP CALM postcards and the humor series, so much fun! Bravo Kaartfanaart it's an amazing website! :)
Oh so much eye candy and delightful post! I think the LIP International Ansichtkaart are colorful and from a time gone by.
I love all the postcards; it would be hard to choose just one or two. My favorite so far is the Hawaiian surfer postcard.
Love the postcards! My favorites have to be the humor ones, especially the nuns :)
Great stuff! I love many of the vintage-looking ones-- faves would be and because they are reprints of the kinds of actual vintage cards I collect. Though it's a greeting card I adore this one:
My very fave I've found is this one, because it is so odd and cool:
Thanks for sharing!!
The Aquarupella series for the win!
And the Tushita ones are soo cool! Thank you Kaartfanaat!
Postcrossing category :)
My favorite so far are the Fotografie series, such stunning images. The one that sealed the deal was is Aquarupella: QMD106 - Wenskaart - Heart ---> this same image was featured in Boys Over Flowers, and I believe it's in New Caledonia. In any case, awesome site Kaartfanaat!!
This is definitely my favourite one:
It's so hard to pick just one, but this card with kitty is just adorable:
This beauty will remind someone about the summer
there are so many nice postcards that makes it really hard to choose:D but I finally found my favorite postcards -> "Bloemen"
I really love the incognito cards!!!!
I like the great selection in the "Postcrossing postcard" section! Good luck to all in this drawing!! Kat
I liked the "Keep Calm and eat Pizza" and the Rose cupcake
Aquarupella is my no.1 choice;')
I wish I could read German so I could search for my favorites. Browsing I came across this lovely bird card. Bizarr: BZR14121 - Ansichtkaart - The garden. It was just lovely.
Fantastic! The amount of cards is justunbelievable. I liked almost everything)))))))))
I like the series done by Esthex. They have childlike qualities and simplicity in their design.
I love TinTin's postcard so so much! I'm a big fan of him XD
I love the travel (REizen) category, all the postcards there are so amazing! This one would be one of my favorites there:
I love those Homor cards.
One that I love and that really speaks to me these days
Being a movie lover, I like the Filmfreak series a lot!
They're so lovely! It would be really sooo hard to pick some favourites, but as animal lovers I definitely fell in love with that Dieren category :)
I love sun flowers
All those cards are amazing. I do love the "Keep Calm..." collection and more accurately the Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake and Keep Calm and drink tea.... It sums me up very well!!!
Vintage postcard my favorite, but all cards are interesting.
i like the Reizen postcards.
I love Reizen category :) this one to be exact
I Like all the cards, but aquarupella is my favourite!
I am Huge fan and collector of Vespas(réplicas only) and só to that My favorite card is the one of the Vespas!!! Its amazing!!
I wish there were so many beautiful cards available in our country. Sometimes it's just impossible to find some nice cards, not only towns and cities, but also nature, arts etc.
And the arts cards are those which I like most from the offer in Kaartfanaat - Great Wave or Girl with Pearl Earring. Just wonderful...
Lovely landscape photographies :)
I just fell in love with the vintage series :) i'm crazy about vintage stuff!
I really love the Inkognito series!
This one is cool :)
The cards in the Photography section are wonderful, but so is everything else :)
i like the postcards with the stamps and this one
Wonderful postcards... But most I like Desastre type of postcards for example this :)
I liked the following categories: Vintage, Dieren and Fotografie!
The Inkognito series is really awesome!
Wooow, what a lovely site! I especially like the "vintage" part, such as the one called "Cooking with wine".
Wow, those postcards are just totally awesome!:)) I love especially postcards with Pippi - who was one of my favourite book characters when I was little:) But I have to say, all of the postcards there are so cool that it´s difficult to choose:)
Thank you for this giveaway!:)
Greetings from Slovakia:)
This is my favourite card:
There are sooo many beautiful cards! I like the black and white ones the most, for example this one:
What a fun site!! I love movie related postcards and they have a fantastic selection.
It's hard to choose and I found a lot of card publishers I've never heard of before. I liked a lot of the cards from Bizarre, for example birds shich look like papercuts, "Only halfway home" and similar.
I love the sunflowers series~ They have the symbolic meaning of good luck and happiness~
Happy Postcrossing!!!
Really great Shop! I like the Inkognito cards and the card with beach Signs and cupcakes
I absolutely love the "Ansichtkaart - Hello world - C960"!!! I'm from the Philippines, and I'm on a mission to keep snail mail and postcrossing alive. Imagine having something of yours scattered around in the care of different interesting people! The Netherlands is a dear country to me, in fact, I started learning the language. :)
oh, such an impossible decision to make...
i love anything to do with travels and road trips...
c901, WP5794, and everything to do with books :)
I can't choose, I like them all! But the most I like the humor cards :) But also awesome that you can buy other stuff like magnets and other accessoires.
I like this one: I like vintage style, I hate when guys have mustachesand my boyfriend is planning to has one. Seeing this card - it made me laugh.
They have a really large and great selection of cards, thanks for sharing I think I'll have to get some next time I need cards :) And my favourite is this one, it's advice I take seriously:
It's not easy to choose my most favourite card, but I like very much!
I love the beautiful colors and since my holiday last january to Bali i'm in love with that island!
Such a great site!! And so many postcards..what a choice (: well I can't choose just one but one of all them made me a really nice impression :
What a nice offer! I already knew this site and now more people can enjoy their creativity. I really like teh female we can do it-card!
I love the all but the keep calm,the blank and white,flowers so mutch and beautifel
I love the travel cards. Especially the aguarupella ones. The card showing women carrying water pots, Taj Mahal, india impressed me a lot!
I love the card showing the Vespa motorbikes. it reminds me of the time my husband and I would be riding through town together on his Vespa, before we had children... sure one of our best memories (though he wouldn't admit it haha) In any case: i'd love to win and I would give him the Vespa card - for old times' sake !!
Hahaha, Feeding a Horse!! Love that one :) The Book postcards are amazing! And all those lovely filmposter postcards! Pippi Langkous postcards are great too.
How could anyone possibly ever choose just a few favourites?
I might be shopping a little by the end of the day... :)
I loved the Aquarupella collection - with colourful images from all over the world ... Just so amazing!!
I'd pick this one (, because Martine book series was one of my favourites when I was a little girl. I think the main reason is: she was called Maja (my name) in than Yugoslav edition of the books :)
It's really such an astonishing site with so much postcards and other things to explore. As far as I can examine, I like Laurel Hardy, Cuba and travel cards like Cuba, Alaska, Micronesia and Egypt. Hope I can receive one day.. :)
I love the card of pig in soup, Michael Sowa painting.
The best series for me is spiritual. Very beautiful and magical cards. One card I liked the most is this: "Those who do not believe in magic will never find it". This quote is something I would like to share with people. Magic is everywhere, but most of people doesn't want to find it.
Very difficult to choose between such a hugh amount of cards! Laurel & Hardy, Elvis, great vintage cards... but I feel a slight preference for the spiritual ones.
I do love a lot of the cards but the skull and crossed cutlass postcard is a particular favourite.
I like the Reizen cards. the colors are beautiful
I loved the bloemen category : , but my favourite for now is : - cannott wait for the summer =)
I like the Postcrossing series! Especially ansichtkaart, kaart, signs and stamps!
Loved the "Tekstkaarten" postcards !! It was a difficult choice amongst all the lovey designs :)
Oh their Vintage cards are fabulous!
Black and White Humor! Thanks!
Oh my... how does one choose??? I could go broke shopping on this site! I LOVE the smoking nuns, the birthday matrushkas, underwater girl & ... well I could go on & on & on & on....
I'm so indecisive. I love them all. thank you.
Cards about travelling , the coulours are so beautiful on them !! Thank you .
All Keep calm and cards are so fantastic! This card is really pretty!
I love the Succes / Sterkte category :)
I'm all about colourful cards, so I really love the Gollong series and the Kunstboer series! They're awesome :-)
Oh wow! I'm not sure I can pick a favorite! There's so many to choose from!
Although this site has loads of great cards, I managed to make a choice. Going for the black and white cards! Why? Cause I love them myself and cause they offer different themes, so good to send of to anyone. Would be really happy with a set of those :)
Really cool postcards!! :D
I really love the Aquarupella series!! :)
Really, really like them all I would be happy with any of them.
Loving the Inkognito: Uilen card. This one is just too Cute!
My favorite is Love Potato ... a heart shaped potato surrounded by Shamrocks... totally adorable... thanks for the chance to win...
Oh my.. way to much to decide!!!
I have to pick one? Need.To.Decide.
I'm gonna puck BZR14123 - By a winter moon. Two little birds sitting on a tree. Beautiful!
Oooo, I love so many cards! But this one....! :D
We are all alike in Holland, haha!
I really love the postcard: "Er is een vent in huis - Il y a un vent dans la maison"! :D
There are so many lovely cards to choose from. I think the black & white cards are the best. I will be spending time tomorrow looking and placing an order.
My favourite cards are all of the Marijke Jans cards. Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
They are all fantastic! BZR14121 - The Garden would have to be one of my favorites tho!
My faves are the ad-like cards in the 'vintage' category, and the pin up one from Tushita.
I like ART postcards :)
It's really hard to choose from such a huge range, but I like the cards from the "Spiritual/Spiritueel", "Fotografie", "Tekstkaarten" & "Reizen" a lot :)
I love Fotografie, especially the Audrey Hepburn postcards! :-)
Ik wou dat ik ze allemaal kon hebben! I love retro inspired cards in particular!
I like all the Bizarr cards, and I especially love Bizarr: BZR14156 - Ansichtkaart - Vintage kids 6. Vintage, kids and sailing - all my faves!
Another favorite - - Bizarr: BZR14154 - Ansichtkaart - Vintage kids 4
Hello, in fact is really difficult to choose... But I think the most beautiful are the Aquarupella collection. Amazing! Thank you
I could spend hours just looking thru every single card and find it impossible to single out just a few as my favorites. Your cards are fantastic and I'm sure anyone would be pleased to receive one. We struggle to find great quality cards like this in the US so I am excited to order from you!
Amazing postcards. Almost impossible to find postcards as nice as that ones in Spain. For me, the best ones are in the category of fotogrefie, specially, Aquapella.
I love the ones from the Reizen category so much!! :)
I love the postcards in the vintage category! Also the sprookjes category :-)
Great giveaway!
Hard to choose only one! In Brazil we practicaly don't have beautiful cards like this one!
But I liked the "Viva Las Vegas" card and any card related to cartoons and movie posters! I loved those!!
I love the fotografie cards!
Kunst!!! :)
My favourites are the three scooters.
Wow, there is so much! I love the "humor", the "kinderkaarten","Kunst", "Reizen","Tekstkaarten" and the b&w's!! There are so many more!! Hope I win :-)
I LOVE the Suzan Visser cards!!
Love the humor cards!
Wonderful website! I like so much 'Ansichtkaarten' postcards, 'Mili Weber' and 'Verhuizen' cards. Happy Postcrossing!
I hope I'm not too late to join this. I love the black and white cards and the 'nasty' cards.
I love beautiful print of Tausendschoen - Ansichtkaart - NBPK262 - Roses
I love the beautiful Wenskaart flower cards!!!
They have awesome cards!
I love the landcards postcards, because you can let others see where you live. It also stands for being a postcrosser and love to send postcards al over the world, that's why I like postcrossing and these cards are the one who express that.
I also love the card with the text: those who do not believe in magic will never find it - Roald Dahl. It says all what I believe. I love magic and I love the magic of sending and getting postcards. Magic is reading and writing and that are the two things you do when you are doing postcrossing.
Happy postcrossing to all of you!
I really love the 'foute kaarten'.
Loooooooove the vintage cards and the black/white ones!!! Great site!!! :D
So many pretty cards. I love fotografie and vintage serie
They're all so lovely but my favourites (I think) are the Bizarr cards!!
There are so many beautiful cards! I love the Aquarupella and vintage series.
They are all great! The best one for me is "Gutrath". Or "ArtPress". Or "Inkognito". Or just love them all!!
I really love the vintage cards ! This one made me laugh :
Great site! I really like the humorous ones and the smile face!
It is the variety of cards that catches you. At the Kaartfanaat. A great site! There is something for everybody. You can not NOT choose something. I love the fotografie series and also the black an white and Incognito cards. But all the rst also has iTS charmes. The people that will be chosen to get a free sample of any of these card cards are the lucky ones!!
All the vintage cards look so cute :) My favourite ones are 'The Storyteller' & 'A la Mer' ....
All of them as each postcard will make somebody happy!
I love Pippi postcards! :)
It is a great website :) I love the IKEA fiets postcard!
So many fabulous postcards! I liked the Lip International one's. Very groovy!
I do love Ansichtkaart series! They are so cute. :) They made my day!
I love the "Filmfreak"-section with all the amazing vintage pictures of the great Hollywood Actresses. Wooow :))
Has to be Klimt :)and the Heart A
Love most of the cards.My favourite would be "Angel" :)
Aquarupella well I love all the postcards but those were really colorful and beautiful
If I were to choose ONLY ONE from the series, I would certainly pick Cart Swiss series~ ★
Simple yet elegant, random yet meaningful~^^
I love the fotografie series (especially the audrey hepburn,vogue 1955), soo beautiful. But, overall, the cards in the website are absolutely marvelous! :D
Hope I'm not too late here. I loved all the black-and-white cards, particularly Laurel and Hardy.
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