We’re always in awe of teachers and their innovative ideas for class projects involving Postcrossing. Sometime ago, we told you about this game of bingo from a Taiwanese school, and now Charlene (aka clbrown) from the USA wrote in to let us know of a project she’s been doing with her class, connecting their lives to Mozart… via postcards!
I know it sounds a bit strange, but it works! Charlene is an elementary school teacher in Omaha Public Schools in Nebraska. This summer, their camp theme was “Making Connections” — and what better way to connect Mozart to students than through postcards? The assignment was to select postcards that represent the student, represent Mozart, and cards that have something in common for both the student and Mozart. Charlene gave them all an example, plenty of her own postcards, and let them do their research. Here are some photos of the result:

Did you know, for instance, that Mozart called his wife "little mouse’, or that he loved the colour red and had a few red suits? What about the fact that he was an animal lover and kept several pets?
The results are great and they show a lot of meticulous researching, as connecting an Austrian composer to a random postcard takes some creative thinking! Turns out, we’re all humans in the end, so connections are inevitable, once you go looking for them.
Well done children, and well done Charlene, for coming up with this imaginative activity!
26 comments so far
All projects involving cards are welcome and this has wonderful cards and cute ideas from kids! Congratulations Charlene! :)
Happy to see kids getting involved with postcards! I Best wishes to the teacher and those kids!
A fantastic project!
Charlene is so dedicated to her students and her work. We have exchanged several letters and I have been impressed with her love for the children, her home, and her family. Well done Charlene!
Great work of both the students and Charlene!
I wish, I had had teachers at school, who had given us such interesting assignments.
Thanks for sharing this cool story. It really makes my heart smile! 💖
Congratulations great project,well done Charlene and her students.
Sure all had fun. As we enjoy just to learn about it!
Congrats Charlene.
There will be a new set of stamps issued on 9 September in China, the theme is musicians. I am so excited looking forward to them. :) Music theme is always a pleasure to learn more. Thanks to the students and Charlene.
Fantastic project, thanks for sharing. For all fans of Mozart, or birds, or natural history: I highly recommend the book, _Mozart's Starling_
Such a great project! What a marvellous way to make the students work out all kind of aspects of Mozart! Love it!
Thank you everyone for your kind comments:) I can't wait to see the students' big eyes when they log on when Travel Club starts up again and they see a story about themselves!! Also - - what other things are people doing to "recycle" their cards??
Thank You Charlene for sharing this story with us. I love Mozart and postcards too... Anneke
This is amazing. Thanks for sharing
Great idia!
Clever kids, to make all those connections! And a wonderful idea, to connect two such lovely things, good music and postcards. :)
What a creative idea. More teacher need to fun things like this. Letting kids portray how they interrupted something, or someone in this case. Great job.
This is really amazing!
I like all the teaching activities about postcards.
In addition, I am surprised to see the article about bingo again.
Inspiring project of inspiring teacher. Great!
Great project! Can I ask a question: were postcrossing cards teacher's ones or were they students'?
It's really amazing! Happy Chinese Teachers' Day to Charlene in advance:)
This is delightful!
Delighted to see a fellow Nebraskan on postcrossing
this is amazing ! great job charlene !
Super project! How clever.
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