On July 14th 2005 the Postcrossing project was open to the world with a goal: to connect people across the world through postcards, independent of their location, age, gender, race or beliefs. Any mailbox could be turned into a surprise box.
But what started as a small pet project quickly turned into a fast growing community spread through out many different countries. And today, 4 years later, over 2 million smiles have connected more than 100.000 members across the globe making this project surpass all its best dreams and hopes.
Over 4 years Postcrossing has evolved considerably and this last year was a specially busy one. It’s been a long path in many milestones along the way and to share them with you, we have put together a Postcrossing History page. If you ever wondered how it all started, we hope you’ll find your answers in this page.
We hope to continue to connect the world through smiles and postcards. A big thank you to everyone who make this possible!
Happy birthday Postcrossing!
85 comments so far
wow, already!! :D CONGRATULATIONS!
Happy Birthday PostCrossing! Thank you for making our lives joyfully postal!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! I'm looking forward to celebrating many more years with you in the future.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear postcrossing,
Happy Birthday to you.
(Be glad you can't hear me sing it to you :)
May you have many more
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! And many thanks to all of us who keep it going.
Happy Big Day, postcrossing, Luv you forever
Woo hoo!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy birthay Postcrossing!! Thanks for make me so happy :)
Happy Birthday, Postcrossing :D!! Thanks for making so many people happy by sending and receiving postcards..
Happy birthday to a wonderful adventure! And where might we send our Happy Birthday postcards????
Congratulations! :)
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear P*O*S*T*C*R*O*$*$I*N*G
Happy birthday to you
May you have a looooooooooong life and continue to bring joy to all of us around the world:-)
Thank you Paulo and the team. Keep up the good work!
Sandy from South Africa
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday PostCrossing~HOHO~
Happy Birthday! And thank you for keeping it all going for 4 years now, Paulo and Ana!! :D:D:D:D
Mutlu yıllar Paulo! İyi ki doğdun Postcrossing :) (it's happy birthday in Turkish :)
Long live Postcrossing!
Loves from Turkey ;)
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! And thanks for all the wonderful emotions brought!
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! And thanks for all.
I hope a long live for postcrossing :D
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!!! Hronia Polla from Greece :)
Its party time.....
Gefeliciteerd (Dutch for happy birthday) POSTCROSSING.
Thank you for Postcrossing also, always a smile on my face when there is a postcard in my mailbox.
Greetings, Juliët
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
I think it is one of the most wonderful things on earth!;)
Greetings from Germany/Finland, where I participated my first Postcrossing Meeting with very nice people from Finland and Australia!:) Thanks to you!
Happy Birthday, Postcrossing and thank you for brightening up my days!
Happy Birthday and thanks for keeping the borders open!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday!! :) and thanks, too of course ;-)
Happy Birthday!!:D and thank you so much for all the effort put in..
生日快乐!happy b day! :-)
Happy birthday Postcrossing! :D
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!! 祝你生日快樂!
Happy birthday and thanks to bring so many joy to me in many ordinary days.
CONGRATULATIONS and thousand thanks to all the work put in this fantastic project! HAPPY POSTCROSSING to everybody!
It's too close to my birthday!
Happy postcrossing!!
Congratulations and many happy returns! Thanks to Paulo for brightening up the lives of so many people in so many countries!
Happy B! Paulo my life changed with this project!! Never give up!
Onnea syntymäpäivänä!!!! Best of luck now and always!
What did we do before postcrossing??
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
happy birthday,
Happy birthday! Thank you postcrossing for making us so happy, letting us become friends.
Congratulations and many happy returns to Postcrossing! Thank you for adding so much to the gaiety of the nations.
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations to Paulo and all others responsible for Postcrossing - this is one of the best things that has come out of this Internet age!
Thank you!!!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Thank you all my new friends!
I just went and read some of Postcrossing's history - so interesting! Especially reading about the couple who got married! XD Amazing!!! To Paulo, Ana & the rest of the PostX-ing team: CONGRATS again for bringing happiness into the lives of so many people around the world! I wish you & PostX-ing many many years of happiness to come!
Happy birthday!!
Thanks a lot for making this wonderful project that brings joy to many people :)
Paljon onnea Postcrossing ja kiitos Paulo!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing and thank you Paulo!
Thank you Paulo & all that make this possible!!!
Parabéns! Sou um utilizador recente e satisfeito! Aos pais do rebento deixo aqui os meus sinceros agradecimentos e votos de muitas felicidades para todos os projectos.
Congratulations! I'm a recent and satisfied user! To the parents of this "child" I leave my sincere thanks and wish you many years of happinesses for all projects.
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY POSTCROSSING! I wish I'd known about you 4 years ago!! I've only been here for two months but I LOVE it and I'm so glad this project is not only "still kicking", but GROWING! Here's to many more awesome years ^_^
happy birthday.
i'm proud to be a little piece of this amazing project!!
greetings from germany.
Happy Birthday from the Netherlands! The project is awesome! I hope many more birthdays will follow :)
Happy Birthday! :D
Happy Birthday Postcrossing. It's a wonderful project. Postcrossing makes me happy.
Thank you Paulo and your Team.
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Thanks, Paulo, Ana, and the rest of the team, for keeping it going. Having been a member for over three years now, it's a rare occurrence when I don't find at least one Postcrossing postcard in my mailbox every day!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
Happy Birthday, dear Postcrossing!
I love you :-)
Thank you everyone for the wishes! We are very proud of where we brought Postcrossing to and we hope that this project continues to sprinkle smiles for many many years to come.
Happy Postcrossing! :)
இனிய பிறந்த நாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் !
வர்ஷா பாபு
Happy Birthday !
With Love
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! :) Parabéns! :)
Muito obrigado para todo!!! :)
Feliz aniversário! Vida longa ao Postcrossing!!!
Happy Birthday!!! I wish a long life to Postcrossing!
Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all Deinen Wegen, Postcrossing!!
Thanks to all who made it possible!
Thanks for all the smiles!
Susan :)
Happy Birthday and thank you so much for being part of my life! :D Isa
Joyeux Anniversaire!
HAPPY HAPPY B-DAY to one of my most cherrished activities!
Congratulations to the Postcrossing team and congratulations to all of us...;-)
Happy Birthday dear postcrossing :).And huge hugs and congratulations to our postcrossing-dad Paulo and postcrossing-mom Ana and to all team members and postcrossers who have made this work.("Hyvää Syntymäpäivää rakas postiristeys" in Finnish)
Happy Birthday!
Buon compleanno carissimo postcrossing, grazie di esserci!
Happy birthday, Postcrossing forever! xoxo
A little late, but Happy Birthday...I'm really happy I found you and that you can surprise me...Thank you!!
Wishing you many more years!!
Happy Birthday!!! I'm so happy that a friend told me about postcrossing! Thanks so much for this great project!
Happy birthday to you Postcrossing.
Thanks for make me happy.
Benz Bangkok Thailand.
Parabéns a todos os que deram vida a este projecto.
Para o ano que vêm podemos fazer todos uma grande festa em Portugal :)
HEX-lichen Glückwunsch - Happy Birthday!
But something is wrong here : It is Postcrossing that has its 4th birthday, but who gets the birthday presents ??? ;-)
Thanks Paulo, Ana and the entire team for this wonderful present you have given to all of us - again and again!
Happy 4th year my dear Postcrossing :D
Buon Compleanno=Happy Bday :)
Thank you!
Congratulations on 4 years of Postcrossing!!! Wow, what an accomplishment and so much happiness you've brought to the world.
Now I am eager to read the history page, but the link is not working. I hope it can be fixed soon!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday
(A little late, sorry!)
Tee hee!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd-happy birthday!!! :)
Happy Birthday :) Congrats for this great project!
Happy Birthday to Postcrossing. This awesome project has been part of my life for almost 4 years. It just keeps getting better :-)
Amazing website with even better idea! Keep on growing!!!
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