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Blog > February Writing Prompt: What is your comfort food?


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

January’s drawing to a rather dark and dreary close here as I write this with Storm Corrie throwing rain against my windows, and that’s been turning my thoughts to tasty warm comfort foods. It’s always something that’s interesting to hear about, because it can vary culturally and between people. So why don’t we all share what we love?

In February, write about your comfort food!
Choziro and bean stew

For me, the absolute classic comfort food is always going to be my dad’s cooking, namely the way he makes roast potatoes (or roasties, as they’re commonly called in the UK) that are beautifully crispy without getting them burned. I know how he does it, but we’ve never managed to replicate it in our kitchen. Sometimes I’ll ask my parents to ask us over just so I can get some roasties!

We do have our own comfort food choices at home, too, and the best part is that our absolute favourite is really pretty simple. We found the recipe on the BBC Food site when we were looking for ways to use some chorizo, and fell in love with the simple filling tastiness of it. The chorizo makes it super flavourful, as well! We usually add some nice crusty bread to dip into it, because I really love bread.

What about you? Do you have any recipes to share? Maybe you even have a postcard depicting your comfort food! Let us know here, and you can use this prompt when you’re not sure what to write this month as well.

70 comments so far

meiadeleite, Portugal

I'm on team Japanese curry! 😍

Saintois, Belgium

instant noodle

eugeniarussell, United Kingdom

Slow cooked baked beans (as in your picture!) served with warm bread.

Redamancy_, China

Yesterday was Chinese New Year's Eve and the family got together for a dinner as promised. I like the dishes cooked by my father, every time I eat them, I feel very happy, such as,Egg yolk chicken wings, Multi-Spiced Beefmulti,eight-treasurericepuddingand so on.

Ginnine, United States of America

Homemade chili over French fries with cheese melted on top

AgnesPauline, Netherlands

My comfort food is chili very nice with kidney beans ans brown beans and meatloaf

BuonaFortuna, Netherlands

Italian food! Or...just Dutch fries with cheese soufflé, Dutch mayonaise and coca cola! 😂😂😂

loesvand, Netherlands

Soup is definitely my comfort food! especially those with a lot of vegetables, not only comfortable, but also healthy!

loving6thgrade, United States of America

If I’m stressed - chocolate in any form
If I’ve been sick - home-made chicken noodle soup
But under normal conditions I love a good chili dog or some nicely browned fried potatoes and onions.

Alusru, Germany

Ich liebe Bratkartoffeln und Ei mit Gurkensalat. Herrlich schmeckend und schnell zubereitet.

debster, United States of America

Macaroni and cheese. I got several recipes from Pinterest. I cook it in the crockpot and it is so good.

Postenkartenfan, Germany

German fresh "Fischbrötchen"-bred roll wish fish, most fresh herring.

Erna11, Netherlands

My all time comfort food is Rendang (an Indonesian dish of meat cooked slowly in a spicy paste and coconut milk). Really tasty! Lovely with spicy green beans and rice.

ruthkepler, United States of America

I'm reading this while eating my morning pumpkin & chocolate chip sliced muffin with crunchy peanut butter on top. We Americans do love peanut butter! It's fun to read everyone's answers.They all sound delicious- although beans on toast I'm wavering on.

Pangolee, United States of America

I find most foods comforting! Right now I am having a bowl of oatmeal with cherries, seeds and some brown sugar along with a cup of good organic darjeeling tea.
Pastries and cookies and a cup of coffee can set me in a good mood pretty fast, too.

lindeclark, United States of America

My favorite savory food is Japanese. Its healthy and doesnt make you feel guilty when you eat it. My favorite sweet food (hold on to your straps) is anything lemon, apple, chocolate, banana. I am a chocoholic so dark chocolate with almonds is my go to comfort treat.

Free-to-be-Me, Netherlands

Soup of any kind, but preferably thick and creamy, with lots of filling.

Hasip, Belgium

One of things that I like most are the traditional Belgian Mussels served with French Fries as shown on my sent postcard :) ....

Angelthepup22, United States of America

Cajun Jambalaya and Gumbo is the comfort food of the south!

Lies76, Belgium

what a lovely theme !

Midcoast, United States of America


HookedonPostcards, Canada

Bad idea to read through all these wonderful foods when hungry! Now, I want a bit of everything listed here. But, in a pinch, I'll have to settle for some chocolate since the pierogi are frozen.

Regndroppar, Finland

Chocolate in any form 🍫🍫

Aina-the-unicorn, Russia

I really love bananas. In the Soviet Union they were a rare delicacy. They were sold unripe, green, and I had to wait a long time for them to ripen. Now they can be bought anytime and anywhere, and they are an important product in my diet. I also love potatoes and baked goods. And, of course, Russian gingerbread!

Owlagdad, United States of America

Homemade TexMex, like my mom made!

Flippie, Canada

You can make me happy with; "Mac & Cheese, Pancakes and Paprika flavored chips". On a depression evening; "Ice-cream", please...
Those are comfort for me.....mmmmmm!

herr_luke, Argentina

Definitely the kickoff is a glass of wine. But my comfort food has always been chicken (cooked in oven) + baked potatoes (crunchy, with garlic). It is simple. Cheap. But not that easy to prepare. At least not the way I enjoy it. It’s a humble and simple dish, the way I understand life should be.

joshelton, United States of America

My comfort food would have to be cheeseburger pizza.

msquared47, United States of America

Mac and cheese or pizza.

Muemily, China

Because yesterday was the Spring Festival, so in the evening, our family gathered around the bonfire and ate freshly baked noodles. I'm so happy.💕✨

Jona_postcards, Poland

I love bananas, pickled cucumbers, chocolate, ice cream and coffee.
Main dishes such as: Polish dumplings (with meat or with cabbage and mushrooms ...), pizza, various dishes with mushrooms ... :)

Robin67, Austria

I love different kinds of soup and different kinds of ice cream best to comfort me.

Something good to eat is hard to beat! <3

Nala1, Germany

I'm from Germany but my family is from Poland so I love, love, love Polish food. For example Barszcz (it's a soup) with Uszka (filled dough)
I also love sweet pierogi ❤🇵🇱

nisa_auliya, Indonesia

Mine is Sate Ayam (aka chicken satay). The combinantion of peanut sauce and a sweet soy sauce make it more tasty 🤤


Lemon rice garnished with finely chopped coriander leaves, grated carrot and coconut .

alison41, South Africa

Baked potato, with butter and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Simple and so satisfying.

sohanur, Bangladesh

I'm from Bangladesh. For me, the comfort food is going to be Khichuri. Which is called 'Khichdi' in India. It is a dish in South Asian cuisine made of rice and lentils.

teamug, Germany

Actually most warm food - but also hot chocolate.
If I prefer something savoury: Pasta and some simple sauce, rice with some stir-fry or potatoes with butter and fresh herbs, and maybe a sprinkling of cheese.
I better have some late lunch now....

RowanP, Netherlands

Hamburger en pizza!

Lider, Russia

"No chocolate, no breakfast" (Charles Dickens)
I adore chocolate! 🍫🍫🍫

SuziH, Canada

Macaroni and cheese, lots of cheese!

NCS, United Kingdom

Chocolate 🙏🏻

Edpe11, United Kingdom

Smoked salmon on a plain bagel which is spread with horse reddish mayonnaise, a bit of lemon juice squeezed on and sliced avocado on top. So delicious.

lavender_teafish, Russia

dumplings in pots. few people know about them in other regions of Russia, but they are very popular in the Amur region.

alicia347, Taiwan


Iside82, Italy

I would be predictable, but ... pasta and pizza ^_^
Oh, and chocolate!

eliska-langerova, Czech Republic

Homemade spagetti with our sauce :D my mother is so talented

dobebeth13, United States of America

Plain Spaghetti or Baked Spaghetti

melilot, France

One of my favourite comfort food is an italian recipe:
linguine + tomatoes + garlic + hot pepper (you can use Cayenne pepper or Espelette) + colatura.
Colatura [colatura di alici di Cetara] is essential for the umami taste. It's a south italian condiment, created in a little village, called Cetara, and that can be found in some fine groceries. Not all trademarks are good, try Defino for eg.

A recipe here:

Other comfort food :
a big mix of rice, shrimps, crayfish, coriander, olive oil and on top of this : passion fruit (instead of lemon or vinegar). Rice is served hot, so it's a sort of hot salad. You can add also cashew nuts, so it's completely decadent, esp. if it's cold outside.Smoked salmon can also be added (or smoked tuna). I call it the north-south salad, and it has known little variations through the years.

Quick comfort food :
cottage cheese + chives cut in little bits + oilve oil + salt and pepper. Can be eaten with a spoon or on toats, esp. Krisprolls.

steph2000, United States of America

Spaghetti and meatballs, chili, pot roast are all my fav comfort foods! Yes, we had veggies with meals, but I don't count them as my comfort foods!

Dashirak, Russia

крабовый салат, мандарины и оливье на новый год

Rovena_Maria, India

I am from Mangalore and for us the comfort food is fish curry , boiled rice and stir fried vegetables. You can also visit my blog for all kinds of Mangalore food ,I am really glad about this month writing prompt , that is food which is my hobby .It's also joy to read about different types of food from different countries . Thank you post crossings.

MailFromNanning, China

Wonderful idea!

Finetta, Germany

Sponge cake with yogurt , chocolate pies and tanderines and cream

Stampminer, United States of America

Yeah, Comfort Food! My personal favorite is one I cooked up (pun intended) while out camping...It's called "campfire potatoes". It's fried potatoes (roasties) with peppers, onions and lots of garlic; cooked until crispy. Then, a scrambled egg mixture (seasoned to taste) is poured over the top and cooked until eggs are 75% cooked. Cheese is added at last to intensify the flavor. Any one of these steps may be eliminated according to personal taste. Have a GREAT Campfire Breakfast! Good day!

favignana, Portugal

No doubt:
Lamprey equals heaven to me and brings inmediate comfort. Want to try?:

natdobson11, United States of America

My comfort food is macaroni and cheese.

HeatherNicole, United States of America

My comfort food is fettucini alfredo with a white sauce I got from Pinterest. Mostly I love to bake. I have two recipes I love because you can be so creative.

Black Forest Cake in a crockpot (though you can use any flavors you want) - 2 qt crockpot
1 stick butter melted
1 box cake mix
1 can pie filling

* Evenly spread pie filling over bottom of crockpot
* In bowl, stir together cake mix and butter
* Evenly spread cake mixture over pie filling
* Cook on low for 3 hours or high for 1.5 hours
* Serve with a dollop of Cool Whip or vanilla ice cream


Melted Ice Cream Cake (use any flavors you want)
Preheat 350 F
1 cake mix - DO NOT incorporate cake mix directions into this recipe
2 cups softened Ben and Jerry's ice cream (if different brand, may need more ice cream)
3 large eggs
Frosting and toppings, as desired

* Dump all ingredients into large bowl and mix. When done mixing, it should be the consistency of really thick pudding or mashed potatoes.
* Pour mixture into 9x13 pan or bundt pan.
* Bake 38-42 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean
* Let cool.
* Frost and decorate as desired.

Mubiru, Uganda

matooke with beans always

ChrisLev, United States of America

My husband's thin crust pizza with an ice cold beer or my homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of milk. And my Mom's mock chicken legs.....which I haven't had in over 25yrs and miss terribly.

Heiligenstadt, Germany

We keep chicken and a cat so I prefer vegetarian food (we won't eat friends :-) ). I love Asian dishes (thai, indian, chinese) without meat. I am the sweet loving type so no meal without dessert! And a little espresso, too.

BestemorVonnie, United States of America

Any kind of hot dish, especially hamburger with macaroni and tomato and corn; scalloped potatoes with hamburger; scalloped corn……all with homemade bread.
Egg nog, rommegrot, rice pudding….
I love food!!

hornwormhunter, United States of America

Chili & corn bread
Meatloaf & mash potatoes
Homemade cookies

tetsu70, Japan

I live in Japan. When I would travel outside of Asia, after about three days I would have a craving for Asian style rice. I guess one might call that a comfort food for me. As a result, I like visiting Asian restaurants when traveling. At home, beef stew is a nice comfort meal.

HM, Netherlands

Pumpkin carrot soup, with a Spanish pepper / chili.

In our national colour.

kroete68, Germany

Pasta Bolognese. My comfort food. (Most comfort, if mondkind cooked it) <3

moonraker_girl, United Kingdom

At the moment it's Marmite mushrooms on toast (Pinch of Nom recipe but full fat instead if slimming version)

chamekke, Canada

My mother's rice pudding recipe is simplicity itself, but incredibly comforting and tasty. It's even better when I let it sit a day or two, then reheat it to warm, NOT hot, temperature. The trick -- if trick there be -- is to double or even triple the vanilla extract ;) Of course this is carb city, especially with added raisins, so it is only an occasional indulglence!

cafeyong, China

My comfort food may be puffs.I like the puff made by my mother.She often fills them with my favorite lemon ice cream flavor(I really like it!)

June060310, Hong Kong

Maybe Chinese flavor dumplings?Here is one way that my mom make it.

material: High-gluten flour and water.The quantity of them depends on how soft you want the dough to be.
Make the dough.Knead but don’t ferment it.
Then make it a long-shaped round column.(the diameter of it is about 3cm.)
Cut it into pieces.(the height of each round column is about 1.5cm.)
Then roll them with the rolling pin. In an ideal state, they’ll be round and flat.

material:usually a kind of vegetable and a kind of meat for 1:1(Most people in China prefer leeks or Chinese cabbage. But my family usually choose celery. The meat is usually pork, beef or mutton.Vegetarians can choose tofu or scrambled egg instead), a raw egg, salt or soy sause, pepper, ginger, sesame oil
Chop all the vegetable, ginger and meat.
Mix them up with the raw egg, add things else(The quantity of them depends on you too),
Stir them clockwise.(to make them stick together)

Then wrap dumplings, usually we fold the wrappers in half when wrapping, but the most important thing is to make sure the filling won’t leak.
Boil the dumplings. You can fry them too, but boiling is easier.
When them float up, keep boiling for 1-2 minutes.Then it will be done.

Eat it with soy sauce.


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