Have you ever been to a stamp show? It’s a bit like being in a magic wonderland, filled with (postal) treasures to be discovered! Although we are not collectors ourselves, browsing the stands brimming with old postcards or curated sets of stamps is irresistible, and we are always pleasantly surprised by how knowledgeable and patient the vendors are… even to clueless newbies like ourselves. 😅 There are also exhibitions on interesting philatelic topics or rare stamps, and often also talks or seminars on different themes.
The biggest stamp show in Europe is Stampex International, which takes place in London twice a year… but, in this atypical year, they’re doing something new and turning its Autumn edition into a virtual show! Everything will happen online: the talks, the exhibitions, the perusing of catalogues and even the chatting with the vendors. This is unprecedented but definitely good news, as it gives everyone the possibility to safely participate no matter where they are in the world.

Which brings me to the topic of this post: October 1st is both World Postcard Day and the first day of Virtual Stampex — and we will be there!
Paulo and I will be participating in a Stampex talk, in which we will talk about Postcrossing, the World Postcard Day and why we love postcards. We’ll be joined in this conversation by Constanze, who is both a postcrosser and a philatelist, and Graham Winters, chairman of the Association of British Philatelic Societies, who will show us some special postcards from his collection.
We’ll then open the mic to everyone who would like to show their favorite postcards… which means YOU can participate too, if you’d like! We invite everyone to register for Stampex and join us there on October 1st at 4pm (London time, GMT+1), on the Spink Auditorium for an hour or so filled with postal fun.
Don’t forget to bring your favorite postcard to show & tell!
PS – Graham from the Exploring Stamps Youtube channel did a great video to show everyone how Virtual Stampex will look like, and ran into our World Postcard Day booth. 😍 Check it out:
22 comments so far
Wow! That's great and amazing! I wish everyone a good time and have fun! c:
Unfortunately, I'll be at work. So have fun for me, dear postcrossers-friends!
I'll try to be there to root for you guys!
That is fantastic! I enjoyed a front row seat when you gave a talk in Ingersol Ontario Canada :). I will try to connect. Angeladonna.
Wow best of luck guys .
Happy world postcards day in advance to everyone
Hello everybody!!! \(^o^)/
thats cool!
The good side of these undesirable times!
Было бы интересно поучаствовать!!Спасибо
I love the idea, or I can participate, I don't know because I'm working a long shift that day to. That's why I write the cards the day before and go in my break to the post-office for the Oct.first stamp.
But enjoy everyone!
i would if the time is right...will there be a recording of it after that :-)
I registered! See you there.
It's cool! I'll be there!!!
I will join, what time is that in Amsterdam?
I will be there!💌
I will send many official Postcrossing postcards on October 1st.
Anyone who wants to exchange cards on this date make contact.
Happy World Postcard Day for everyone.
Hi!!! Let's send cards to each other.
Big events cast their shadows ahead. I'm prepared to write some postcards to postcrossing users; have a lot of empty slots.
So World Postcard Day can come.
Just registered for Stampex and am looking forward to the presentation! Yet another reason to be excited about World Postcard Day ...
Здорово! Это будет уже завтра 1.10.2020.Поздравляю! И интересно провести время на выставке.
HAPPY POSTCARD DAY EVERYONE. Today, 1st October 2020 I have just posted 50 limited edition postcards from Ashford Kent Post Office. The brilliant staff there have promised to carefully apply their Cancellation mark. Now it's back home to join the Stampex gang at 4pm. Bye.
Me passing my retirement life with stamps & writing letters. Anybody writing me, I reply within 10 hours.
R-5, H-122.
DHAKA -1206.
Warm Regards to all.
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