We know that in big touristic cities (or smaller towns) postcards can get quite expensive, or even hard to find… sometimes all there is left in the local paper shop is a stack of yellowed cards in a corner box.
Fortunately for us, Amazon.com has a great selection of postcard books which will cover your every need! They’re also surprisingly cheap yet very good quality, so we decided that a little roundup was in order. Here are 20 of our favorite postcard sets:

- The Art of Star Wars Comics: 100 Collectible Postcards
- Hi Postcard Book: 30 Postcards
- Wanderlust: 30 Postcards for Insatiable Travelers
- Rex Ray Postcard Book (set of 30 postcards)
- Happy Animal Time: 30 Postcards
- Where’s Waldo? The Phenomenal Postcard Book (set of 30 postcards)

- Pantone Postcard Box: 100 Postcards
- The Art of Vintage DC Comics: 100 Postcards
- Greetings from The Onion: 100 Rectangular Postal Cards
- Postcards from Penguin: One Hundred Book Covers in One Box

- Secret Weapon: 30 Hand-Painted Spam Postcards (Postcard Book)
- The Cutest Sneeze in the World – Postcard Box (set of 30 postcards)
- XOXO: Hugs and Kisses (Postcard Book) (set of 30 postcards)
- If You Don’t Love Books, You’re Going to Love This Book (someecards): 45 Cards for All Occasions, from Extremely Important to Utterly Pointless
- Bunny Suicides (Postcard Book): Little Fluffy Rabbits Who Just Don’t Want to Live Anymore (set of 20 postcards)
- Indexed Postcard Book (set of 30 postcards)
- Vintage Postcards from Vanity Fair: One Hundred Classic Covers, 1913–1936
- Charley Harper: The Animal Kingdom: A Book of Postcards (set of 30 postcards)
- Charley Harper: Birds: A Book of Postcards (set of 30 postcards)
- I Feel a Sin Coming On: 30 Postcards
What a bargain! :) Happy shopping!
40 comments so far
i highly recommend the Waldo book...the Onion set and Charlie Harper
the Vanity set is not out until October :D
You can also buy some great postcard books from
I have bought a bunch from here.
Ah, well spotted RuskiG! I'll add a note! :)
A couple of years ago, discovered the Art of Pixar on the UK site... bought it, posted link on forum, and they went out of stock quite quickly. When it came back into stock, the price went up!
(good grief, just looked at price now!!! I think I only paid £5)
@FairyFoot: indeed! we have that Pixar set and it's lovely... but the price has gone crazy expensive, so I took it off the post.
I have the Animal book and wanderlust ones, I recommend them =)
I've also ordered from pomegranate.com. 100 postcards sight unseen for $15.00 plus shipping. Still inexpensive per postcard and a lot of them have been Favourites!
I order from chapters.indigo because they are faster in delivery than amazon and some of these sets are available there too!
Postcard heaven! =)
I ordered Waldo's postcard! I recommend them ! Pretty nice, hard paper, 3 things to search in every postcard, yeah, it's a great purchase ! :D
no problem i practically live on amazon :D
OOOOOh! I LOVE those postcards. I think it would be such a perfect birthday present :D
Shame they aren't all available on Amazon UK... I've bought several postcard books/boxes from there :-D
I have the Hi set, it has a lot of great quirky art :)
Thanks! ;)
Half Priced Books sells post card books as well! (= That's where I got my Suicide Bunnies cards! (=
Half Priced Books sells post card books really cheap! Usually $4.00 for 20-30 cards! I found a post card book full of views from space in the clearance section for $1.00!
These are incredible, so cool!
I have the Wanderlust, Bunny Suicides and Cutest Cats cards. They are very cool! Charley Harper cards seem very nice also, just like the Happy Animal Time cards. Don't like the Pantone, Onion and Penguin bookcovers postcards.
The Pantone collection is unbelievable!!!!!
I bought "Postcards from Puffin" at Dublin airport, that is the twin box for Postcards from Penguin... And it has only Children's book illustrations.
And I suggest this for those who enjoy people and fashion (?):
I have bought several books of postcards from Amazon, the variety is excellent. Often adults like the childrens cards as they remind them of books they read when young.
Like Danielle I have the Cutest Cats cards, I love them and and am tempted to keep them but will be good and send them to Postcrossers! I'm sure they will love them too.
I buy many postcards from www.zazzle.com They have everything.
Thanks for the post. I wish I knew about these. I'll check Amazon.
amazing! thank you!
two tips other then commercial amazon
Germany, if you want to spent money for charity (vegetarians). My reason was not charity, but just to get a card from Nina Hagen. She has had so many different haircuts that I had espected to find a Taschenpostcardbook from here. But not.
Canada, happy cards from happy brothers printed on a bit thinner paper then usual - so you your travelling cards do not weight so much and need less kerosine then the ordinairy cards (towards a greener environment)
I bought too many postcardbooks everywhere I can find them, from Auschwitz to Cicciolina. Be serious and Have fun!
love the "i feel a sin coming on" one!
For those of you in the U.S., I get many of my postcards from http://postcardstop.com/ as well as Amazon. I have the Where's Waldo and The Cutest Cat in the World sets - great sets. Found a Mutts set a year back on Amazon too.
I've bought several postcard books, 2 that are in the ones you featured :)
Postcard Books are great...I have too many...LOL!! My husband says...are those all postcards and well now I have to stash them because like I said...I have too many!!! Anyways, another place to check out is www.bookdepository.com because the prices are good and they have free world wide shipping.
woow.. thanks for the information.. now I want to have them all..
Yay! I found some of those in a Finnish bookstore! Check out adlibris.fi fellow Finns :)
And I wasn't supposed to buy any more cards... Well, "Ooops!" ;p
I have the "where is Waldo" book. Very good quality!
Thank you zoomster for the link ! I already made my first order of postcards and now its time to shop books also :D Thanks !
Thanks a lot for the post. It was very interesting to know about such postcard books. I am impressed.
What are on the Pantone ones though? Just swatches of colour?
yup, just colors. http://paperstreetpress.tumblr.com/post/10925952130/ohhhh-so-this-is-whats-inside-the-pantone-100
Would be perfect for the colour tag in the forum. :)
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