Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: toucans from United Kingdom


David “the mad postcard collector” from the United Kingdom has amassed over 100,000 postcards for his collection. This 56 year old multilingual Postcrosser is also a world traveler.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I have been hooked on collecting postcards since I was a teenager. I joined two postcard-collecting groups within Mensa, one who was already also a Postcrosser, introduced me to Postcrossing, and I have been totally hooked ever since! My wife, Jeannette, keeps telling me off because I spend so much time writing postcards! I have always enjoyed having the postman deliver mail, so Sundays and public holidays are sad because there is no mail. I am so well-known by my local postmen that I even had a postcard addressed simply to 'The mad postcard collector, Felixstowe' delivered to me!

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

I love travelling and have visited more than 70 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. I love music. I learned to play the guitar (but not very well) and wrote my own songs. I even recorded several of my songs, although they are not available commercially. And I love languages too: I studied French, German, Spanish and Latin at school, taught myself Dutch, Italian, Russian and several other languages; I’m learning Japanese at evening classes too. So my hobbies of travel, languages and postcards are all related.

toucans guitar

This is a picture of me playing my guitar and 'performing’ at my 50th birthday party!


This picture, taken two years ago, shows me when I changed a small amount of money ($100) at a bank in Uzbekistan.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

One picture shows Bent Hill Post Office, Felixstowe. It’s a short walk from where I live. I buy most of my postcards there and all of my stamps, so I’m their favourite customer! The other picture, which is not so clear, is a scanned copy of a picture taken for a newspaper in 2006; it shows me with a few of my postcards and with some of the crates in which I store my collection.

toucans postoffice

toucans collection
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

I have received nearly 3000 official postcards through Postcrossing, many more through swaps, Round Robins etc. I cannot single out one postcard as so many are my favourites!

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19 comments so far

acornishmaidinzelah, United Kingdom

This is great! Lovely to see David in the spotlight. He deserves it.

nisha, Poland

Over 100,000 postcards... wish I were him. :D

dollart, Finland

How to store 100 000 postcards? 10 000 is hard enough.

Marcie08, Austria

Wow, very impressive language skills! And it's always nice to see the person behind the username! And I even received a postcard from toucans.

scrutiny, Hong Kong

Fantastic! Nice to see you spotlighted, toucans! And to have a face to the name :)

Blogger, United States of America

WOW!!! that's a lot of postcards!!! I sure would love to drool over them for a few days :) I bet you have many incredible cards.

veer, Belgium

Nice to 'meet' toucans' here. He's a great ambassador for us!

yashasmom, Iran

oh, toucans as a spotlight, too!!!! as we are swapping postcards nearly up from our start in postcrossing, we are good friends and familar.. *smile* you should teach us, how to store 100.000 cards.......
all the best for you, dear david!!!!! ipue...

Misslondon, France

Sending you all my best wishes dear David!
You are a great postcrosser!

dandilion, Netherlands

Good to see David in the spotlight! He is a GREAT Postcrosser to meet in real life. Brussels Postcrossing Meeting was fun! ;-)

Luxi, Luxembourg

Congrats! Whow you have a lot of cards !!! I also wonder about the storage ;-)Keep on you glow!
Greetz Diane

iwang, Australia

Hey mate, I sent you a card yesterday, surprising to see you in this blog.

schwan272, United States of America

How amazing and wonderful to have such a huge collection! I'm curious too: How do you store them?

acornishmaidinzelah, United Kingdom

Come on David, tell them about your garden shed!

toucans, United Kingdom

OKAY! Briefly: in fact the last picture gives an idea of how I store them. My cards are in alphabetical order, by country then by place name, in air-tight crates in a garden shed. I keep a kardex record of just the serial numbers or desciption in a little box indoors. Altogether my postcard collection weighs about one-third of a ton!

nediam_nori, Finland

so cool :) I always remember you David : you were the one I sent my first official postcard :D

MrStarkey, United Kingdom

Great interview Mr toucans

icitaiwan, Netherlands

Great to see you in the spotlights, David. We have already exchanged many postcards and you have increased my British collection a lot ^_^

kazinhabueno, Brazil

Very cool!
I've already sent a postcard to him :D
