And none will hear the postman’s knock
Without a quickening of the heart,
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?
Night Mail, W.H. Auden
The day is here at last — it’s World Postcard Day! 🎉 This is the day in which we celebrate the humble postcard, a means of communication so simple, and yet carrying so much joy and thoughtfulness within it. Today marks the postcard’s 153th anniversary, and amidst this era’s instant messaging and email, they continue to be a treasured way to keep in touch and show someone we care for them.
Around the world, thousands of us are going to be busy writing to the people we treasure or miss, to those who need some joy or appreciation, to children and the elderly and to other fans of postcards! Some are joining one of the events taking place in museums and libraries, others are meeting in person to write some postcards together, visiting stamp shows or go fetch a special cancellation mark. It is a day to remember! And at the end of the day, there will be thousands of postcards dropped in postboxes all around the world. It makes us happy to think of all those well-fed postboxes, brimming with postcards and just waiting for the next visit of a mail carrier. What a surprise they will have the next time they empty the postbox!

If you’re in Estonia today, you’ll also be celebrating the launch of your own Postcrossing-themed stamp, so your World Postcard Day cards will feature this special stamp and be just extra cool. Enjoy!
If this is your first celebration of the day, we suggest taking some time to learn more about the history of postcards, from the popularization of the printing press, to the modern offset printing methods… and all the way to Postcrossing. 😊
If you need a break from writing so many postcards, do come share with us how you’re getting along on your World Postcard Day celebrations on this forum topic, on the comments below, or on social media using the hashtag #worldpostcardday. We’ll be reposting and highlighting some photos and testimonials throughout the day, and we hope they spread the word about the day, and inspire others to write a few postcards as well!
Happy World Postcard Day, everyone! Wherever you are, however you wish to celebrate, we hope you have a great one!
PS: Don’t forget the ravioli! Or maybe some Leibniz cookies, which someone pointed out are also shaped like postage stamps! 😋
123 comments so far
Here I am! Will send 8 random postcards today, with WorldPostcardDay theme card printed!
woo! looking forward to the festivities :)
Happy 🌍 World 🌎 Postcard Day 😀😀
Happy World Postcard Day 22 guys! Just finished my morning coffee on this rainy Saturday morning & now im off to write some postcards. 😊😊😊
I will be sending off my allocated cards today PLUS I've gone through my friends and family address book and about 15 fortunate people will get a surprise in their letterbox very soon. Enjoy the day and big THANK YOU to all the people who enable us to enjoy this wonderful pastime.
Happy World Postcard Day everyone! This is my first year participating and I also drew out addresses today. I will write a bunch of postcards today not just for other Postcrossers but for my friends and relatives too using the official World Postcard Day card shared by Postcrossing Team to all of us. Enjoy writing! Have a great weekend! :)
Happy October 1st and world postcard day! I can't wait.... I've been planning what I'm going to do and to celebrate world postcard day
Happy World Postcard Day everyone. Looking forward to sending official and unofficial postcards. ✉️🥳🤗🎉
i'll send 58 cards to 30 countries today,
not including 6 official cards (or should i request more addresses ?)
so excited ..
Happy World Postcard Day, Postcrossers...
Happy world postcard day from rural Kentucky! I plan to drop off a big stack of cards in the morning in hopes of an October 1 cancel!
I sent 3 cards today.
Happy World Postcard Day!
Thank you mail carriers and postal workers all over the world!
Happy World POSTCARD DAY! I have many going out on this very special day!!! Woo Hoo! Peace to all and joy in postcard-ing!
Happy World Postcard Day!
I'm at work (Emergency unit) and at the moment (3.45 a.m.) is "quiet". Perfect time for sending some WPD postcards...
Happy World Postcard Day to all.
Happy World postcard Day everyone got 4 to send from New Zealand , have great fun posting ,📮
Happy World Postcard Day📮📬🌍🌎🌏‼️
Excited to send postcards!!!!
Hello,happy world postcard day 🥳🥳📮📬
India Post Maharashtra and Goa Circle will release special Cancellation on Occasion of World Postcard Day.
I like many Postcrossers have been looking forward to today. It is also good to not that On 14 December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the "International Day of Older Persons" I have sent four pc's out with both themes included. Cheers from Colin
Happy World Postcard Day! 😊💕
Love from Japan 🇯🇵📮✈️✨
Happy World Postcard Day friends!
Today I will sign many, many WPD postcards, both for postcrossers of the official site and for my pen pals and close people!
Happiness and peace to all!
Happy WPD everyone <3
Happy World Postcard Day. It is also my son's 30th birthday today.
Happy Postcrossing Day! I don't have empty slots for sending cards, so if anyone wants me to send them a card, drop me a DM ❤️
Happy World Postcard Day 😻 I will send three cards to postcrossing friends and some more to friends near and far 🫶
Happy World Postcard Day 💌
Happy World Postcard Day!
Ravioli tonight!
Love from Canada xo
I wish all my friends from POSTCROSSING a happy World Postcard Day
Happy World Postcard Day! 🥳📬
Love from the Netherlands 😊💌
Happy world post card day
All have a raviolicious day!
Happy world postcross day..Agnes from Holland
Happy World Postcard Day!
I sent 5 postcards today.
All the best!
Wish you all Happy World Postcard day
Happy World Postcard Day! it's always a pleasure to send and to recieve notes from around the world. I cherish every card and I take much joy in writing.
Happy World Postcard Day to everyone ! ❤️
Happy World Postcard Day, I send 5 cards today!
Happy Postcard Day!
21 cards are waiting to be written on and to be allowed to travel
Happy World Postcard Day, everyone!
I'm just making coffee, putting on some music, gathering my supplies and cards... It's raining here, perfect card writing weather!
(I drew some addresses last night just past midnight, I couldn't wait).
I hope to send about 20 cards today, some PC cards and some to friends.
Happy World Postcard Day!! 🥳🎉
Happy World Postcard day !!!
I will send 10 postcards today !
My birthday is the 3rth of october. I wish I will receive some postcards !
Hello everybody,
Happy World Postcard day!
This is the first time participating for me!
And did you know that today is World Coffee Day in the Netherlands?
(i didn't now it before yesterday ;)
Have fun with writing some cards today!!!
Happy WPD, everyone! I just finished drawing 12 slots for the big day. I've already sent some WPD 2022 postcards unofficially, to try and entice some friends to consider joining Postcrossing. Also sent one to a director at Canada Post asking for the first-ever Canadian Postcrossing stamp! Here's hoping the cute washi tape and my strange squiggly printing work their charm ;)
To you all, happy Postcrossing!
What a great way to think of others and enjoy the new people around the world we live in!
Happy day!
Happy World Postcard Burning!☺️
Happy World Postcard Day everyone!
Sending out cards into the world.
Let's write some postcards! HAPPY WORLD POSTCARD DAY 2022!
Congratulations on the postal day!
#worldpostcardday Happy World Postcard Day!!!
Happy World Postcard Day 2022 to everyone !! I send today a lot of cards and I looking forward to receive some :-).
Congratulations!! 🎈🎊🎉 It is World Postcard Day!! 🥳🥳
I’m looking forward to send some (10 or even more…? 🤭) postcards today 📮😊☺️ Wishing y’all a happy day when writing your postcards ✍🏻🌏🌎🌍 💕
Sending 100 official design World postcards today
Happy World Postcard day!
I send 7 cards!
couldn't find themed postcards for the day but I am still sending some x
Happy World Postcard Day! I love the idea of a ‘well-fed postbox’ :-)
Here I am. I will send 7 wpd postcards today !!!
Happy WPD! ❤️
Posted 7 post cards today with a special cancellation, which was released by India Post Maharashtra circle, it was a wow moment.
Happy World Postcard Day! So glad to be able to send some postcards out today as I missed doing so the past two years! Happy Postcrossings to Everyone! ❤️❤️❤️
Happy World Postcard Day!
I'm joining a meetup tomorrow. Over 20 cards to write. What fun!
BTW, there are 26 WPD meetups 1-16 October in Finland. :)
Happy World Postcard Day!
Hi, Happy Postcard Day!
This is my first participation! :-) And today I went to place where I can get the cards stamp with the date, and the lady say: "wow, I will going to stay here all day stamp your cards" :-) :)
And in the afternoon I go there again with more cards..... will see what the lady says :)
Happy World Postcard Day ❤️
8 WPD cards I sent out 📮 into the world 🌍🌎🌏 this morning.
I wish you all the best 🍀
Happy Postcrossing 💌
Happy World Postcard Day!!! 🎊🌎🎉🌍🎉🌏🎊
I wish every Postcrosser have an amazing day! :))
Happy World Postcard Day!
Happy World Postcrossing Day Everyone!!!
My hand is cramping! have written 40 postcards so far, and am not yet halfway done! Happy world postcard day, fellow postcrossers!
Happy Postcard Day!
I´ll send out a few cards, probably one to my IRL friend as well.
Happy WPD everybody!
After years of not being able to participate, today I am sending out my own design bird pastel WPD card, to a whole bunch of people. I do needed this little break haha, because I slept little, drawing my addresses in the night. I got many SEA countries to send cards to, which I love! I am excited to hopefully find some in my own mailbox later.
We are making a positive change today!
Stay cool, my friends!
Today its my first postcrossing day.
My son 11 years old is now postcrosser.
Hy write his first card today.
Greeting for all the lovely postcrossing.
Happy World Postcard Day! I'll send 6 postcards today. I really love the design by Pauline Chrétien. I'll send more WPD cards in October, if my postcards arrive (I've reached my max today). Greetings!
Today there was no the philatelist clerck and I left 3postcards at post office to be stamped... IF you want to be really kind.... monday to stamp with today's date ;-(
Happy World Postcard day! Drawn 13 addresses so far - seven to Russia, and six to Germany. All will be in Monday's post as we have a postal strike today. I'm sure I'll write more before then!
Actually, I only wanted to send 6 postcards via Postcrossing today. But I only got addresses from three different countries ☹️ which are always the same. So I exhausted my maximum of 12 postcards today and got three more countries 🙂.
Happy World Postcard Day to everyone 🖊️💌📮
Happy holiday everyone! This time I can't pull out the addresses, because. all my postcards are still on the way and the limit has been exhausted. But I still sent it via direct exchanges)
Today I am getting only US and russian addresses. I dont like that algorithm.
As a newbie, I am thrilled to be part of something that really brings joy to our mailboxes and 💕… to those behind the scenes who made this happen….you matter!
Love the WPD card . . . mailing about 100 cards today to friends and postcrossers!
Hiep Hiep Hoera! It's finally here.....
I'm gonna be busy with my seniors writing there cards and my personal ones.
I love WPD day.
Happy World Postcard Day! I'm so excited to send out some postcards!
Happy World Postcard Day. Spread the joy.
Am posting 3 today to other members of the Postcrossing family. Had to "sit on my hands" and wait for October 1st.
Hello everyone!!! I have been waiting for this day patiently!! I have 50 WPD cards and can not wait to send them out today!! my plans are to send out 30 postcards to my postcrossing family and the other 20 to the people who I have started sharing the card with the last 2 years so that they have a complete series of the WPD cards since the beginning!! Can't wait for them to receive them! They will be so HAPPY!! Happy Day it is!! :)
Hello all you “strange “ post carded friends out there.
I just mailed 47 postcards and had them hand stamped at my local Wurtsboro post office.
5 will go overseas: Australia, France, Greece, Ireland to people I know, and the 5th one to Finland which I requested through POSTCROSSING on this wondrous day. I’m hoping to get a few replies.
Happy World postcard day !
I could only send two cards, one to Austria and one to Russia.
I hope the one to Russia will find its way because my other cards to Russia travel for a long time.
Happy World Postcard Day!
Sending out 6 official postcards (Germany, Russia and USA) today plus a few more to some friends all over the world.
Happy World Postcard Day -- As always, I take things steady and slow just as Snail Mail sometimes goes. Hopefully, all will receive the postcards I send to celebrate this day. I am also taking this occasion to renew my Postcrossing Badge. . .an important part of this special day! And I'll raise a glass of something, with extra spirit, before I hang up my pen.
Happy World Postcard Day, fellow Postcrossers. This is my first WPD. Sent one postcard today, to Taiwan. However, our wonderful Royal Mail decided to strike yesterday and today! So, no postcards arrived today, and the one I sent won't go out until Monday. As I said, thanks, Royal Mail!! Anyway - Happy WPD everyone.
P.S. How do we get the badge for sending a card today, please?
@Abbie4Wood When the postcard you sent today arrives, you'll receive the badge on your profile page. :)
First time I could be a part of this special day! I loved it. Sent out three cards to the world from Argentina!
Happy world postcard day to you all!!!
Happy World Postcard Day! ❤️
I sent three postcards today, two as part of Postcrossing to Finland and Taiwan, with another to a 95 year old retired Minister moving to Calgary, Alberta, Canada and his Happy World Postcard Day mail may very well be his first mail that he receives at his new home where he will be able to see is daughter more often. As he says..."He is not getting any younger" and he just became aware of postcrossing too.
I’m really disappointed. It’s still the first here when I sat down to request addresses I’ve been holding on to openings for today, but because of time zones even though there are several hours left in the 1st where I am all my sent cards are shown with a send date of October 2nd and I won’t get a badge this year. Seems like a flaw in the system.
Happy World Postcard Day! I sent 106 cards today, a mix between friends, family and Postcrossers!
Thank you for your helpful reply, Meladeliete. As it's gone to Taiwan, it will be ages before it arrives, though!! Hope you've had a good World Postcard Day. Happy Postcrossing, & thanks again.
Very sad, for me it's still October 1st and I finally had time to participate for the first time on postcard day by sending a postcard today (October 1st) but the system says that I sent it on October 2nd. I imagine it has something to do with the time zones. How bad and sad for me. I was very excited to participate and receive the badge 😭.
I had the same problem as @Mcaos, I sent my cards between 8 and 9 pm on October 1 (Eastern Daylight Time) but it says they were sent on October 2! This is unfair to those of us in other time zones. Besides, there is no postal service here at all on Sundays, so the October 2 date isn't even correct. Can you please fix this in the system? I'm sure there will be many disappointed Postcrossers if you cannot!
Happy world post card day
@ettahenry, @mcaos, @paulafurd, I asked the Postcrossing team because mine all said Sept 30th. They said that as long as it was Oct. 1st in your timezone when you requested the addresses, it will still count towards the WPD badge.
Happy WPD 2022! It's currently 11:35 P.M. E.S.T. (U.S.), and mine, too, states October 2nd. @ktbela - Will look for the badge.
Much has happened in my life this year so sending postcards kind of fell by the wayside. I knew I couldn't let World Postcard Day go by without sending any so this was a great motivation to finally restart my Postcrossing adventures! It took some time but I pulled names and filled out 26 cards today, the max number I can have traveling at the moment.
I'm looking forward to when some postcards eventually start to arrive--they will be the first in my new place! :-)
Yesterday I signed 4 postcards, and today I will sign another one. Postcrossers all over the world, CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE ON WORLD POSTCARD DAY!!!
I was excited about World Postcard Day so much that I sent out 18 postcards last week before the end of September and 24 more on Oct. 1st. Four of the cards are flying thru Postcrossing, the rest to family and friends. So much fun, so glad I joined this group!
WPD was special in Brazil. In São Paulo we gathered to join our love for postcards. @miyu_yun baked Japanese Cheesecake and decorated them as postcards. What a glory to eat our beloved ones. Only we could not manage to get signatures in such postcards :)
@ktbela I had the same problem, it's caught me twice now. I requested my addresses early on the 1st and they all say the 30th of Sept. I also wait until the countdown on the homepage finishes before I make my requests. This year I couldn't find the countdown but there was a graphic saying something to the effect of "yay it's World Postcard Day today".
Happened to me last year or the year before too and the badge didn't change then. I'll keep an eye on it and keep writing to the soundtrack of bleating sheep I guess!
Happy Holidays everyone Postcards! I have sent 6 official postcards on this site and 4 postcards to my friends and family! I am glad that I can celebrate this holiday with postal greetings and kind words!
@ @Amanda5417 @ktbela, I too, perhaps a little careless, was "fooled" by the countdown on the #WPD2022 page. I asked for addresses shortly after midnight (local time) and marked as 30 Sep. :-/ Then a post appeared in the Group, I still had free slots and took one with date 01 Oct. ;-)
When will i get the WPD Patch in my Profile?
I sended 2 cards on 1.Oct.
Hope to get one from another member
I was very excited to send out cards on World Postcard Day!
I think the chances of this happening are very very small, but my mother and I each requested addresses on 01 October. We each were provided the same address - two different accounts, two people in the same household.
Just love Postcrossing. It is so terrific! Thanks again for creating it.
Lisa RR
@Schuhmannic You will get the badge when your cards arrive to the recipient.
I'm so excited! I wrote 4 official cards, 4 friends and 1 surprise. It was fun to spend the day in the mail with everyone gathered to celebrate. Happy World Postcard Day!
I was out of town on WPD, but I did save a slot to send one. I was out of my comfort zone at home (rituals can be comforting!), but my family and I were traveling the Natchez Trace National Parkway, which in itself hearkens back in time to a simpler day. Found a card at the visitor’s center, and mailed it to celebrate the day!
I wrote and send my postcards ...
With the release of the new ESTONIA Postcrossing stamp - I was wondering if there was any way that people that were interested in buying the Postcrossing stamps in particular, could buy them centrally — from one dealer or Postcrossing fan. The Estonia stamp is beautiful as are many of the others dedicated to this theme — but the postage from Estonian to Canada for the one stamp is $10 +.
This comment is late but I enjoy reading all others that I decided to leave one. I was not at home on October 1, I got up early to pull 5 addresses and left the postcards at the hotel’s front desk for the mail carrier to pick up. Later in the day, I wrote a few more postcards to friends and family and went to drop them at the front desk again only to find out that for whatever reason my postcards were not picked up. I decided to walk to the post office to see if I could make the last “pick up.” But the post office was closed and I had missed the last pickup at noon. On Sunday, the post office is closed. I was disappointed but I reminded myself of the purpose of postcrossing for me was the excitement of receiving postcards from all over the world and maybe making someone’s day a bit brighter with the postcards I’ve sent. Or maybe learn something new from a place I will never visit. Or even by chance, make a new friend. Thank you all who participated. You made my life a bit brighter.
STUPID me forgot to mail out cards! I even had a reminder set up in my email! :-(
It was such a blast to see all the 'meets' on WPD. I sent 5 cards out and am eagerly waiting for my cards to arrive. What a super idea and can't wait till next year.
Just got the Berlin Postcrossing card from Aurelia, Bluriel, Eufrosinia, mapcardcollector, reiselustig, Alexegro, Kristina Gretel/123, stickerhappy, Valeana?, Riek1955, alvin, namibia13, Annerie, jofemapa. teleen, kid..., Anne Hippa, kidd67, Cassisia, Maike(girlFromBerlin).
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