Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Marina's Scarf of Friendship


Scarf of FriendshipHave we mentioned how much we enjoy seeing postcrossers getting creative with their hobbies? A few years ago, we wrote about a Postcrossing-sourced quilt and also showed some beautiful knitted and stitched postcards on our Instagram. Today we have another Postcrossing-inspired project to share!

Marina (aka 167marina) is a postcrosser and a knitter from the Tombov region in Russia. She tells us that her small town of Rasskazovo is often described as the “capital of knitting”, because most people like knitting there. It seemed natural to combine the two hobbies somehow… so one day, Marina decided to create a special scarf with yarn sent to her by other postcrossers from all over the world. She called it the “Scarf of Friendship” and posted the request on her profile. Soon enough, colourful bits of yarn started arriving through the mail, along with her postcards…

Scarf of Friendship

And voilà! Right now, the scarf has the very impressive length of 2 meters, and features yarn from 23 countries! It’s still a work in progress though, as Marina will keep knitting it till the end of the year — so if you’d like to participate, send her a message. :)

Here is her dad, modelling this awe-inspiring project:

Scarf of Friendship

Isn’t it wonderful how random strings of yarn from all over the world can be connected into a beautiful scarf? Come to think of it, this sentence sounds a bit familiar, doesn’t it? I guess we’re just fans of connecting things, be it through postcards or yarn! 😊

Well done, Marina — we look forward to seeing the end result!

34 comments so far

Fish476, United States of America

I would love to do that only with crochet!

marica_t, United States of America

It looks lovely! Wonderfully done, Marina! :)

- Marica

Rosebuddy, South Africa

Oh well done Marina👍😬of all the wonderful initiatives and friendships that come out of postcrossing, this is one of the very best. Will write to you directly for your address to send wool from South Africa. Best wishes and please keep the project going, Leigh

zomertje, Netherlands

Looks marvellous, what a beautiful idea !!

ConstantGardener, United States of America


Catlady78, United States of America

Love this! So beautiful, Marina!

flora-nova, United States of America

What a lovely idea, Marina! Simply gorgeous!

CasSaintDenys, United States of America

Wow - I love it. I may have to "borrow" this idea!

Flippie, Canada

I loooooooove the colors!

borntoorganize, United States of America


Angeladonna, Canada

This is amazing! What a great idea, I was at a postcrossing meet up in Ottawa July 8th and I was sitting near two ladies who liked knitting and one works at an Ottawa post office. :) I am sure I have some wool and would love to send you some :)

Lianozovo, Russia

Интересная идея! Я хочу участвовать!!Но не поняла...я должна прислать связанное полотно?Какого размера? какая высота изделия?Куда присылать? А открытка?

Evgeniy_Panov, Russia

Красивый получается шарф дружбы!!!
Отличная идея!

nola_Brandy, United States of America

Such a wonderful idea! I can only wish i was that talented! :) Beautiful colors!

mounten, Italy

Amazing and a wonderful idea. I do a lot of crochet this spring I covered my gardenbench and the mainentrance handrail.
Keep on going I'll get in touch with you with a message!!

jolsen42, United States of America

What a beautiful scarf and a beautiful idea to connect people together. Keep up the wonderful work!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Lovely inniciative, Marina. Congrats.

Kammers, Estonia

That is so awesome!

AnnaAzalee, Germany

what a great idea.

Destiny62, Belgium

Very inspiring and unique design through all the different colours. I have sent a piece of fabric to a postcrosser from US requesting it in her profile to create a "We Are The World Quilt".

ladyfrances, United States of America

I can't knit but love to crochet. I would love to get yarn in the 4 ply thread to make a lap robe to use.If intereted see my profile. or send me a mesage thru my postcard line Frances or Lady if thats ok

squirrelygirl, United States of America

How wonderful! This hobby just keeps getting better and better!

Tresart, United States of America

Great idea. I love the scarf - so colorful! Best Wishes!

akalle, Sweden

Wow what an excellent idea :-)

chammy, Japan

How beautiful!! It's a wonderful scarf warming until my heart (*´∇`*).

joanneleslie, United States of America

How wonderful! Postcrossers are the best and most creative people in all the world!

Riabom, South Africa

A wonderful initiative.
In South Africa on 18 July we celebrate Nelson Mandela Day, a day when we do something charitable for disadvantaged people for 67 minutes.
By devoting 67 minutes of our time – one minute for every year of Mandela's public service – we can make a small gesture of solidarity with humanity.
This year I have decided to start, with the help of my colleagues, a patch blanket of knitted squares, each starting with casting on 67 stitches.
It may take longer than 67 minutes to vomplete the blsnket, but by knitting 67 stitches every row, we will be reminded of the goodness of this wonderful man and his legacy.

Lario, France

fantastique , moi qui tricote je trouve cela beau Elisabeth

Ejderha, Netherlands

Such an original and wonderful idea! And the scarf looks absolutely beautiful. Marina, thank you so much for sharing this story.
I'll look forward to the end result! (^_^)

Vikulichka, Russia

Молодцы! Я тоже хоте ла бы знать кому послать кусочек ласкутка, кому ниточку! Было бы здорово потом увидеть все это, выставку создать таких изделий!

167marina, Russia

Dear friends! Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you liked this project. I'll be glad if you will repeat it in their countries. It's great! Thanks to the authors of this site for the idea with postcrossing. I'm so happy that I am a member of postcrossing! Thank you so much!
If You are interested in the idea, email me through the site or on my email listed in profile.

InaBruch, Romania

What a beautiful thing your hands have made! :)

Tinangel13, United Kingdom

What a fabulous and inspiring idea! Thank you so much for sharing 💙

Dancing_Sun, Thailand

Just mailed my yarns to Marina today. Excited to have them in her scarf. <3


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