Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: wildernesscat in Israel!


Danny (aka wildernesscat) was born in Estonia, but moved to Israel when he was just 10 years old. After discovering Postcrossing in late 2008, Danny has sent over 3000 postcards… and risen to be the top postcrosser in Israel! :)

Here is what he had to say to our interview questions:

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I had always been fond of writing letters and postcards, but never knew that people exchanged cards on a regular basis. Then one time, as I was corresponding with my friend Aet (aka jalutaja) in Estonia, and she suggested I tried Postcrossing. At first I didn’t believe that the idea actually worked, but after I got my first card from a total stranger, I just couldn’t stop going. The idea fascinated me, and I became an avid participant, up to this day.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

I am enclosing a picture of the only post office we have in our town. Kfar Yona is a small place, and we don’t have mail distribution to residential addresses. Every family has its own post office box (similar to the ones you see on the wall), and you have to collect your mail there.

Kfar Yona post office

I am also enclosing a picture of a regular Israeli mailbox. Next to the box you can see my electric bicycle. I use it as a main means of transportation on weekdays.

Kfar Yona mailbox
What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

What I like most is the selection of a new address, and choosing the right card for that person. I do quite a bit of research before I settle on a postcard. I check their favorites, their received cards (to avoid duplicates), and some other links that may be present in the profile. Then of course, comes the preparation of the card itself. I have different stamps of different sizes, and stickers to decorate the card. Everything has to match perfectly, so the card’s surface is used in the most elegant way. I like to write down the date and the weather, and sometimes I add some sort of doodle in the corner. It has to look just right :)

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.
Danny's special postcards

Well, actually I have two such cards. What makes them special is the fact that they were sent from countries that have no postal ties with Israel. There aren’t many countries like that, and when someone living there makes an effort to send me a card (via 3rd party), it makes me appreciate it even more because I know that the sender has invested time and thought into getting it to me. One is from Wadih in Lebanon, and the other is from Bilal in Pakistan. So close by, yet so far away.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
Biking and hiking in Israel

My kids and I like spending time outdoors, particularly mountain biking. Every other weekend we load our bikes on the car, and set out to one of Israel’s nature reserves. The reserves are located mainly in the North of the country, were the climate is cooler, and there are several marked biking trails. On other days we go on day-hikes, and look for Geocaching treasure. We picked up this hobby on a recent trip to Australia, and now continue doing it back home. We were surprised at how many caches are hidden all over the country!

Biking and hiking in Israel
Is there anything that you are passionate about?

Yes, as corny as it may sound, I like the idea of promoting peace and understanding between people. There are many different religions and different walks of life in our country, and sometimes hatred stems from pure ignorance. People portray the other side in negative light, and fights are started over nothing. There are lots of common denominators between people, and when they open up to ideas different than their own, great friendships can form. I am happy to say that I have friends and acquaintances that speak different languages and hold opposing political views. It is okay to disagree on some things, but it’s also important to respect each other, and treat each other in a civilized manner. I think that Postcrossing can promote these ideals in a friendly, relaxed manner.

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37 comments so far

GoCindy, United States of America

Great post! Thank you!

Mimi1986, Belgium

Very nice to read and inspiring. Thank you!

wwwera, Israel

Congratulations!!! The first Israeli spotlight!!! I am happy to see your here, Danny!

ilove2smile, United States of America

A wonderful spotlight! Nice to "meet" you! :]

Blogger, United States of America

I love what you said about promoting peace. That is one of the things I love about Postcrossing. There are people here from every race and religion all sending mail to each other with nice messages. How great is that!!!

Great interview!

DorotheeB, Germany

Thank you for the great interview with the wonderful photos. I also especially liked the last sentences about promoting peace. I had to think about the present situation in Ukraine that makes me so sad. But a project like Postcrossing brings back some hope!

shereentan, Malaysia

Interesting interview, Danny. Awesome postcards and lovely photos.

jarezien, France

Very nice post ! I like that curious cat who wants to send a letter (a postcard ?) on the first photograph ! ;-)
Beautiful mountains !

rosenbusch, Germany

Thank you for this spotlight....

aberline, Australia

A gem of a spotlight!

guu5555555, Germany

Great Danny! Thanks for sharing!

Broe, Germany

I enojoyed reading this spotlight and got goosebumps when I read about your two favourite received postcards, the reasons for it and what you said about being so nearby and yet so far away.
Thanks for sharing :)

Sprinkledonut, Canada

A big peaceful greeting from Toronto, Canada! Thanks for sharing your interview with us. I love the card with the porters in Pakistan. WOW!

I just came across a nice quote in my book today. I think it really applies to peace as well.

"I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear." - Oprah Winfrey

Agreed. We are different but we are also the same. We are all one consciousness. When you hurt your enemy, you hurt yourself. Love is the way.


danielc, United Kingdom

Thanks for sharing your world with us Danny. Promoting peace and understanding is never corny. I have many happy memories from my trips to Israel/Palestine and as a result quite a postcard collection from there.

booboo_babies, United States of America

I did not know that there are countries where mailing items to Israel is not allowed. Learn something new every day! - Gail Anderson (booboo_babies)

Geminiscp, Portugal

nice pictures and interview! :D

edo, Spain

So interesting interview!! Thanks!

raeweed, United States of America

Inspiring! Thank you.

Elisabeth_, Austria

I fully agree with everyone here: a wonderful interview with great photos! Thank you! I have to add that I really like your electric bicycle. We are planning on buying a handy one like this one :-) And it's great that you like spending time outdoors with your kids - this is exactly what we love, too. Best wishes to you and your family!

Jesterday, Netherlands

What a nice blog, I love your commitment to peace and understanding and I'm sure you are spreading this to others in your own proximity. I think that's beautiful an not corny at all. (Please include ALL life, not just humans =D)
And great pictures :)
“By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart.” ― Confucius

alison41, South Africa

Such an interesting article. Especially the bit about some countries not having postal services between each other. This I did not know. I like his ideas about peace and understanding. We need a LOT MORE of these things!

x_PostcardPerfect_x, United States of America

It is always a pleasure to read spotlight specially from postcrossers who are from not so common country and the cards he shared are also beautiful. Bilal is a nice and honet member from Pakistan.I traded card with him and he sent me a nice card. :)

Secret_kitty, Russia

Great interview, thanks! I received two cards for different profiles from Danny and it seems that they all are chosen really carefully. ;)

Loli-ts, Spain

I agree with you so much. I think that Postcrossing should deserve the Nobel of Peace!
And your cards must look gorgeous moreover ;-)

sabina777, Germany

Thanks for the great interview. I have some very beautiful nice faves from wildernesscat :) and I have one beautiful bw card from Israel. But I've never had the opportunity to write to Israel. May be one day!

kamikm, United States of America

Loved reading all about you!! This Postcrossing is a wonderful idea!! I love it!!

Alison_Machado, Brazil

Great. Thanks for share!

neimelo, Brazil

Ótima entrevista!

sumares, Puerto Rico

My favorite part of the interview was the mention of Danny's favorite postcards from Lebanon and Pakistan. I certainly admire that the senders went the extra mile to make sure their postcards were delivered in Israel! The human spirit can tackle any obstacle!

Aibee_Brews, Qatar

Very interesting! It's nice to learn certain things about other countries, too. :)

honeybee, Austria

A very nice and positive interview.Thank you.

SabrinaBatoul, France

A country not called Israel but Palestine

wildernesscat, Israel

+SabrinaBatoul, I think you are confusing two different locations, one is and the other one is I am from the former, not the latter.

emoffdayz, United States of America

:) so cool :)

jjmedusa, United States of America

wildernesscat's response to this question "Is there anything that you are passionate about?" was so inspiring! I wish peace to wildernesscat & to all Postcrossers!

isagv, Germany

"but it's also important to respect each other, and treat each other in a civilized manner. I think that Postcrossing can promote these ideals in a friendly, relaxed manner."

SO TRUE!!! Great Spotlight! :)

hopeley, United States of America

I agree with "peace through postcrossing", I know I probably send cards to some that if we talked, we might disagree on significant issues but when I come to postcrossing, that is the last thing on my mind, like Danny, I am looking for the right card, read the profiles carefully and review favorites, what to write, what kind of stamps, every postcard gets a heart sticker, my way of showing love worldwide.


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