Voting is now open on the competition that chooses the most beautiful EUROPA stamp of the year!
The theme this year is “Stories & Myths”, which is just a brilliant topic. Every country has its own mythical creatures, legends or sagas connected to their own history which are part of that country’s DNA. Sometimes they are based on historical events or geographical oddities, and sometimes they are just fantastical adventures that evolve with each retelling, often infused with magical tones to explain the inexplicable.

I love this theme and the stamps coming out of it — give me all the dragons and witchcraft, haunted castles and tales of shipwrecks, nymphs and brave heroes that save the people! There are some gorgeous designs in this year’s selection, inviting us to discover each country’s folklore and oral traditions. You can see the full gallery on this page.
What do you think of the stories and myths that were chosen to be featured on this year’s stamps? Which one will get your vote? And if you’re not from Europe, which legends from your own country do you think would be worthy to be featured on a stamp? Let’s share our country’s best stories in the comments below!
106 comments so far
So many beautiful stamps!
And, again, Italy has not issued nor announced its ones yet :(
I love Europa stamps! And for this theme, I think I like the stamp from France the most!
Lots of great designs. I'm leaning towards Norway.
I wish Canada would get that creative in their stamps.
I love the ones from Norway (my country): Huldra (the forest nymph) and Troll. They are so representative for the folklores and fairy tales here. Everyone has heard of the trolls, but the Huldra is not as well known outside of Norway, as I get a lot of questions about her. One of my favourite fairytales from when I was a kid is "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll" by Asbjørnsen and Moe.
I do like the Greek and San Marino entries. The Greek stamp has a beautiful, elegant colour scheme, and the San Marino stamp has a simple, colourful, whimsy not found in the other stamps.
I absolutely love the finnish stamps but didn't know they would be part of the Europa series. So cool! Can't wait to send them and receive some of the others. The theme is so interesting and I'm curious to learn about all those stories. :)
My favourite up to now is Farör Islands with the pig and the keys... As every year I really hope to receive many of them ♥
It's really interesting to learn about different cultures!
My favorite one isn't very traditional however, it's the stamp from the Serbian postal service of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the black monkey. I find it so modern, so transgressive! I also really like the stamps from Slovakia and Germany.
I find it great to have the opportunity to vote for our favorite Europa stamp, it's a bit like the Eurovision of stamps :-)
I love the Liechtenstein one, I love simple but strong designs. I also really like the Farör Islands stamp with the pig with the keys.
San Marino
Croatie waouhhhhhhhh
Yesterday I received a postcard from Finland with the goddess of the sun. It is a large stamp and very beautiful.
I'm curious about the story behind the Sweden stamp with the beautiful flowers.
The Norwegian and Croatian ones are outstanding!!
Russia issued the best stamp of this year, but it is not in the list. Have no idea what to choose instead
The Belarusian stamps aren't in the list. :( But they are beautiful
What is the reason for certain countries to be excluded from the contest?
They are all fantastic! I voted for Croatia but I loved Austria and Turkey as well. So hard to choose! In the U.S. I'd love to see a Big Foot stamp or a mermaid stamp.
I voted for France but Portugal was equally beautiful.
For so many years in a row, Belgium (my motherland) has edited a stamp, so expensive you will never find it on a postcard. Well done Belgium ! ! ! (NOT !!!!)
Why can some countries have 3 entries ?
They are all so beautiful. But Armenia got my vote. (Also, Lejo from France, countries like BiH have 3 separate postal systems like it has 3 Presidents. BH Pošta (Bosniak) is one of three companies responsible for postal service in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other two are Srpske Pošte (Serbian) and Hrvatska pošta Mostar (Croatian).
What a pity that they didn't do the same for Portugal as I don't see on the list Madeira or Azores. And Madeira has so beautiful stamp this year. As for me - Norway, Croatia, Sweden, they're wonderful.
I enjoyed reading about many myths I'd never known, but just on beauty I voted for Sweden's flower stamp.
The best is a brand from Belarus. But she was excluded for obvious reasons. Voted for Guernsey.
Really cool stamps! But, unfortunately, there is no russian stamp:-( it's really beautiful and it is illustrated the most famous russian fairy tales.
The stamp:
Voted for Guernsey, but Serbia and Spain I like too, they are all great!
Again, very hard to chose! My first choice was for the french but I really love the german stamp... and the polish... and the czech... :D I guess I have to think better about which one I'll vote! In the end I may vote for Portugal cause I love the legend of the horseman saved by the Virgin Mary. You can visit the stone where it is said to have happened in Nazaré, the stone where is a horseshoe carved!!! :)
where does the time go - seems like a couple of months ago i voted for last years - looking forward to going to the website and admiring the artwork
Oooh, I love all the stamps, as well as the myths and stories behind all of them! I finally decided to vote for Finland’s gorgeous stamp, although Norway, Sweden and Montenegro were a close second. I can’t wait to hopefully receive some of these stamps!
Honestly I rec'd few Europa stamps and liked all. Each stamp is unique and has some story behind it. Being from India, I am not aware of these stories/history of event in stamp, so for me it's not easy to vote for any particular stamp.
Sweden all the way!
I voted for Croatia, I just really liked the aesthetic. In the USA I think they could have done Bigfoot, jackalope, Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, even George Washington & the cherry tree.
I look forward to this every year! Finland's is gorgeous and its shape cut! It will get my vote.
I voted for Finnish stamp. It's very beautiful, and I have read Kalevala (in Russian translation, long time ago).
I have yet to vote/make up my mind, but I like Sweden, Belgium and Austria best.
The Austrian stamp is really, surprisingly, wonderful. I already have it at home and have sent it out also. <3
I voted for the Republic of Georgia because of several reasons:
1. I've lived here for about 5.5 years so far;
2. The sujet on the stamp corresponds with the region where I live (Medea, Jason's wife, is riding in an ancient car: as we know from the Greek mythology, Jason found the golden fleece in Kolchis, - now this is the region in the western part of Georgia where I live);
3. Frankly speaking, I didn't like the other stamps and feel really upset because I haven't found Belarus and Russia in the list. Otherwise I would definitely vote for Russia as the fairy tales' characters are familiar to and beloved by many postcrossers. And. please, don't forget that the Russian postcrossing community is one of the largest ones in the world.
I love stamps from Belarus and Russia from this year Europe seria they are based on our myths and tales and they are really beautiful and great as can be used on mails both to children and to adults.
I voted for Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bogeyman) - but France, Ireland, Greece, the Faroe Islands, and Denmark.... were equally beautiful.
Nice competition!
:) :D
I voted for Armenia because it is so lovely, but I was sorely tempted to vote for Poland’s stamp because it was so amusing! As an American, I would love to see a stamp with Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe, and their southwestern counterpart, Pecos Bill. Upstate New York has Icabod Crane (The Headless Horseman), and there’s the Jersey Devil which would make for striking stamps. And there are so many great tales about Pele, the volcano goddess of Hawaii. There are hundreds of wonderful Native American stories, too - I think the most widely known involve the Thunderbird. And we mustn’t forget dear old Sasquatch.
Not all countries have submitted their Europa 2022 stamps yet, so I would suggest waiting a bit with voting ;) and next year announce competition later, when the stamp list is full :)
Wow. Most of these are pretty awesome. But since I'm a big fan or dark and sinister stuff, my favorites are Guernsey and Jersey. Now if I only would get postcards from those places with these cool stamps. 😁
Voted for Jersey
I am very sorry that there is no Russian postage stamp! It's not fair!
I am more than disappointed by the stamp of my own country - Germany - I don't like the design and it doesn't tell a particular story although there should be enough legends and myths to tell...
However I voted for Guernsey - wonderful stamp! and I also liked Croatia, Faroer and Aland :-)
For me:
1st place - Belarus ( Have you seen how beautiful these stamps are? )
2nd place - Russia (
3rd place - Sweden
The Dutch stamp picked a great story to show, but I think the picture is downright ugly. So I voted for Portugal, I like the beautiful drawing and the story that is behind it.
I doubt if anyone will vote for the Netherlands.... 😝😕
After a long moment, I'm down to 10 stamps... No idea how I will manage to find THE one to vote for... They are so beautiful !
After a long moment, I'm down to 10 stamps... No idea how I will manage to find THE one to vote for... They are so beautiful !
I love Finland’s stamp the most so far, I really hope I’ll receive a postcard with one of those stamps :) they’re just so pretty.
I guess my comment will be deleted, but...
For russians and belarusian, it's not fair that your stamps arent presented?
Maybe it's not fair that Ukrainians are killed?
Hope to stay alive and see Ukrainian Europa stamp
My vote goes to Norway, since its my forefathers country; i love it!
I loved reading the legends/myths from the various countries which were represented, but missed seeing some contributors that participated in previous competitions. As for my vote - it goes to Sweden because I believe the world could use more illustrations of beauty as depicted with their florals.
The most luxurious postage stamps of Belarus! Magical!
In second place for me is the postage stamp of Belgium!
I love Finland's stamp! It's really beautiful! I hope sometime I can see it on a postcard in my post box! I've read Kalevala times and I'm into it!
Love the Slovenian entry (might be biased) but the Kralj Matjaž (king matthew) design is beautiful
This is so fascinating reading all the different myths and fairy tails around Europe. I always loved reading Hans Christian Anderson and The brothers Grimm stories. Since I collect stamps I can't wait to hopefully get some of these stamps.
This year's theme is fantastic! I loved the Guernsey one!
I can't choose between Lithuania and Serbia, they're both so interesting and beautiful to me. Maybe the stamp from Serbia is a bit scary, too.
My vote is for Armenia. The stamp's design is dramatic and mysterious, suggesting an intriguing folk tale. I would like to learn more about it. Johnny Appleseed would be a fine postage stamp, emblanmatic of our country's agricultural growth and development in our early years pre-industrial explosion.
They're all so beautiful! It's hard to Choose.
Lithuania and Belgium really caught the attention for me.
I voted for Latvia.
This year I found it very hard. Also it is a pity that the vote is opened before all countries are listed.
My close choice was Sweden, Serbia, Norway, Latvia, Guernsey and Croatia. I checked the link of some users for Russia, which is also very nice.
In the end I went for Croatia...
I voted for Croatia, though Guernsey ran a close second. These two really stood out <3
I like Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Luxembourg and Sweden, Finally I voted for Croatia.
I put my vote on Croatia. My second is Guernsey and third Norway.
Why can't I vote for at least three stamps? They are all so beautiful. And the stories are so great, so interesting.
PS I miss the Ukrainian stamps very much (
I voted for Romania. Many of the other counties stamps are too spooky and fantastic for me personally. Romanias Hunting scene is beautiful and "normal", even though it illustrates a legend. And I really don´t like the QR-Code which is printed on all German stamps now. It destroys the little artwork which a stamp certainly is. So I´d never vote for my own country again.
I like very much the ones from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Jersey (quite creepy, in the good meaning), Monaco, Norway, Romania, Russia and Spain.
But my very favourite are the Finnish ones.
I voted for Norway but also like the Hungarian one and a few more. Nice theme.
How very difficult to choose. So I chose emotionally. I've just lost a dear friend, Mary. She loved all things "fairy" so I voted for the stamp from Bosnia-Herzegovina. I also liked the fact that it looked as a child created it.
I love the stamp from Ireland. That is the one for me...
Hard choice but my preferred stamp was for Armenia.
UKRAINE is not here this year... we all miss Ukraine so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really liked Guernsey and Montenegro.
Theme this year is fantastic, love the serie. My personal favorites are Norway and Sweeden, but must confess that it is unfair to call one as winner, they all are winners and promoting culture and art!
I stick this stamp from Poland on all my postcards - it is amazing!
The Latvian one is the most amazing to me. We have also the same story - you have to feed the snakes (in fact, not a poisonous ones, they are considered to be people's friends) in order to attract luck and happiness. A wonderful idea to revive this story.
Oh wow, I ordered the German Europe stamp yesterday without knowing there was something like a Europe stamp 😎 I think the others are way more beautiful though... I'm not sure about the myth it shows... can't be a very popular one if it's a specific German one - why haven't they chosen the Nibelungs? Plus I don't like that new qr code (or whatever it is) on the German stamps 😒 so all the other stamps are my favorites!
I voted for Croatia. The design, colours and atmosphere are just magical. It was a hard choice, though! I have to say that this year's theme is just perfect to my taste.
Germany, Armenia and Norway has designed beautiful stamps this time. <3
I like Finland and Croatia but I voted for Norway.
I vote for Belarus! 1st place should go to Belarus (Such beautiful stamps I've ever seen!!! )
A lot of beautiful stamps. I'm very undecided. :-)
This year's theme is very interesting. You can see very beautiful stamps. for now i stay with france
Very interesting, strange that Belgium always decides to issue its Europa stamp on a value that is not being used for postcards or ordinary letters.
I love them all. I don't think I could pick a favorite. And it's such a good variety in the set.
So beautiful and unique! Armenia is my favorite ❤️
I didn’t see UK on the list either…. Too many wonderful designs to pick just one, like trying to decide what to get in a candy store!
coooooooooooooooool <
Fantastic theme and beautifull stamps. It was hard to pick one.
I love the dutch one too, as I love the story of the woman of Stavoren (all though dreadful story).
I'm very undecided between the stamp of the Sweden ( with history by 7Flowers ) and that of the Azerbaigian ( Simurg : the bird that gives away its magic feathers ) even the myths to wich the refer are very beautiful ....perhaps romantic.
I like all of the stamp. It's hard to choose one.
All the stamps are so beautyful! I voted for Austria, I love the colour and the story of the stamp. Jersey, Finland and Azerbaijan I like too. Italy is missing....sad!
Such beautiful stamps. Unfortunately, the gallery is not full and it cannot be, as some countries have not issued their Europa stamps for this year yet. So the competition is a bit uneven for them, is it not? What a pity! That´s why I´m waiting with my vote...
The mythe of the "Flying Dutchman" who'se had lost at sea in a heavy storm.
This was so difficult as all the stamps and stories behind them are lovely and intriguing. I ultimately voted for France's Melusina (Melusine) as I remember her story from childhood and found it fascinating.
This is the most difficult year when it comes to voting. It took me forever to decide and even when I voted I was like... oh no all the other ones are so pretty. Nicest theme to date. I ended up voting for Guernsey because I loved not only the stamp but the description next to it. On a side note, so nice to see Greek Mythology on allot of stamps this year :)
So hard ti choose! Such amazing artwork and great stories behind each one. I had to finally go with Malta after long consideration!
my fav from Liechtenstein! the colors!
The Finnish stamp is beautiful ❤️.
Now I'm curious about all that myths and legends of other countries; hope I can find the tales in my language or English 🐉🦄🧙🏻♂️🧚🏻♀️
And as usual, the Belgian stamp is of such a high value that it can't be used on postcards.
Armenia, Guernsey, Slovak Republic. I didn‘t get the German one, as I’ve never heard of this myths, also the drawing is quite ugly. The
Irish one is really scary!
There are so many pretty stamps. Stamps from all over the world look like a work of art. I really liked the Norway and Sweden and Aland and German stamps.
Amazing stamps and stories. Too bad we can only pick one. I chose Liechtenstein. The story and illustration were the ones that spoke to me the most. Now I absolutely want to collect them all!
I chose Guernsey for the art and the story - I like that there's a good witch and the they can sit outside the chimney on their sitting place :). Cute to share with children.
Hard choice. Armenia, Finland, Norway
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