Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: Andry1961 from Estonia!


Andry (aka Andry1961) from Estonia is a special postcrosser: over the past 7 years, he has mailed postcards from over 30 different countries! Before the Travel Mode came along, this was not a very easy task… but his diligence and determination to get those countries on the map were part of the inspiration behind the new feature.

For years, we’ve been fascinated by Andry’s many travels around the world, so this spotlight interview was long overdue — come meet a globetrotting member of the community! :)

How did you discover Postcrossing, and what made you stay?

I have always spent a lot of time in post offices sending postcards to my acquaintances. One day, my girlfriend sent me a link about Postcrossing and told that this might be something that interests me. That was true! It was very interesting to meet other people who shared the same interest to send postcards, to receive them, to choose them, to explore the stamps from different countries and of course the label “par avion”.

When and how did your traveling adventures around the world start?

I have been interested in collectibles since the early days of my teenage years. As the collectors gatherings happened all over the USSR, it led me to travel alone to Riga (Latvia) in 1974 when I was just 13 years old, then to Leningrad (now St Petersburg) in Russia, after that to Chisinau (now part of Moldova) etc. Since those days, I have already visited 115 countries of the 193 member states of the United Nations.

Andry mailing some postcards in East Timor
Andry mailing some postcards in East Timor.
What are your favorite countries so far (if you can choose) and why?

Countries where I want to go back again and again are Australia and USA. To rent a car there and to just drive and stop in places which are really famous or maybe places that I have never heard before. In Estonia, where I live, you can drive 3 hours maximum and then you meet the state border.

One of the most valued travels were to Antarctica (I went there in 2009 with research ship Akademik Ioffe), to Ushuaia (southernmost part of Argentina) and I especially value a travel to Iraq.

We traveled to Iraq in November 2012 with a small group of 13 people from Estonia, going to Bagdad, Samarra, old Mesopotamia, Karbala, Najaf and Basra. We did not come across any other tourists there, but there was a lot to see! The locals asked us to pass on a message: “It is safe here, we are waiting for tourists!”… but just half a year later it was impossible to travel there. I also sent some postcards to postcrossers from there. I was supposed to send one postcard to Israel, a country that you couldn’t even mention in Iraq, much less send a postcard to. I wrote the address as it was, but instead of Israel wrote Ireland as the country name. I guess they figured it out in the post office in Ireland, as some time later the postcard reached its Israeli recipient. Great thanks to them!

The visiting of Iraq post office was also a very special. Although they assured us it was safe, they did not allow us to go anywhere alone without an escort. So, they organized a visit to the post office for the whole group because of my passion, with an escort of 12 soldiers and two local guides. :)

What’s your favourite part about visiting a new country? Is there anything that you do in all the countries you visit?

Visit a post office (and I’ve been doing this since the age of 13), go to a market and if possible, use some form of local public transportation.

Outside a post office in South Georgia
Outside a post office in South Georgia island.
What countries are next on your list?

This year I have plans to visit Andorra, San Marino, Saudi Arabia (If I get the tourist visa) and Columbia. In the first half of the next year I plan to visit 7 African countries located along the gulf of Guinea. And of course, the neighboring countries of Estonia, including attending some meetups nearby.

76 comments so far

ybur, Czech Republic

When I found by chance the Andry's profile a few years ago, I just envied how many interesting countries he visited and sent postcards with the ID from there. And I could not understand how he did it , when the address could be changed in just 60 days … (Vivat Travel mode!)

Thanks for the great story!

GoCindy, United States of America

Wonderful! Thank you for such an interesting story.

Zdami, Czech Republic

I was really very lucky to receive Andry'card from Tonga in January, so now I am very glad to read this great interview, thanks.

Flippie, Canada

Hi Andry, I love your travel Story, but I missed your visit to Canada. You have to explore our beautiful Canada, Specially Vancouver Island at the West-Coast, where I live. You gonna love it! See you soon...., Anneke

Tranchile, Guernsey

Great to be able to travel so much and nice to put the ID for the country where you are at the time now and more fun for him. Someone I once worked with in Guernsey who introduced me to Postcrossing has received one from him.

Olddutch, Spain

I loved reading about Andry's travels and I must say that I am just a little bit envious.
Thank you for such an interesting story of such an interesting person.

LeilaKewl, Philippines

Great!! I wonder what he does for a living that he could travel so much!

Janiejensen13, Canada

Good for you buddy life is too short not to travel your heart out. After all we must travel while we can for experience is far more valuable than money will ever be!!!!!!
Explore, dream and discover!!!

abookworm, United States of America

Such an interesting profile, glad to read about it!

Ramya, United States of America

Such a sense of adventure and tenacity! Well done sir! Very tricky to write Ireland on the PC. Here’s to continued good travels. 🥂

hwsamuel, United States of America

Wonderful story, such a small world surrounding us all 🌎

kimikomus, Japan

Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this interesting story<3

Wendy-xiaowen, China

Wow!Thank you for sharing such a good story!

Amy2013, Malaysia

Thank you for sharing this interesting story ! Especially the part where Andry sent a card from Iraq to Israel with the country name as Ireland and the card eventually reached the Israel recipient ,this is amazing !!

Heepy, United States of America

I sent a postcard to Andry a while back and received a nice hurray message. This is fascinating, especially the parts about Iraq and Antarctica.

PascaleOh, France

Thank you so much for sharing. Andy's passion and experience are absolutely wonderful.

Misa015, Czech Republic

I sent one postcard to Andry some years ago. I'm traveller too, but only around the Europe. Before travel mode I changed every 60 days country on my profile (Slovenia, Italy, France, Monaco, San Marino). It was a bit difficult, because I had to count when I can change country on my profile. But it was nice time for me. With travel mode it's easier. :)

Paauuu5, Belarus

This is cool :)

mounten, Italy

Wooooow! What a great story Andy, I hope I get a postcard from you someday. Thanks for sharing good luck for your next travel ciao from Italy.

miwi2, Germany

I don't appreciate the travel mode regarding the countries with up to 4 figures. I'd prefer to get a postcard from there sent by a member who is living there but not by a traveller. Nevertheless it's a great story!

FinPostcrossing, Finland

Finnish Postcrossing Friends Association 🇫🇮 has been happy 🤗 to have Andry 🇪🇪 to visit our events/meetups several times. The last time was only in this June, on our 3rd Postcrossing Adventure to Åland Islands, in where we heard about these travels a lot. Looking forward to see you again soon, and at the latest on the 4th trip to Åland Islands 🇦🇽 (

thibcabe, Switzerland

Thanks for this awesome spotlight ! I saw your profile few times and was amazed by the number of countries you visited. :D
As I went to Colombia 3 times, let me know if you want any tips (about stamps or anything) !
PS : Leave some space on the cards, you have to use 3 big stamps !
PPS : Please note that the the rates are special : 2.200 $ for the USA, 2.700 $ for few countries (Australia, Switzerland,...) but for all the other countries, it’s 3.300 $ !
PPPS : Do not be stressed at The Colombian post offices ! :-)

Greesh, India

Andy you r really great,it's amazing

Gurudath21, India

Great work sir,Hats of to you.
Thanks for sharing

MareGel, Philippines

Sir you are the Michael Jordan of Postcrossing!!!! If basketball have Michael Jordan... We the postcrosser have you Sir!!! Amazing!!!!

SunflowerLover, United States of America

I love Andy's sense of adventure with traveling! It is fun to learn about other places and to check them off the list!
Safe travels, my Postcrossing friend!

LiseS, Netherlands

This interview is so fun to read, since I received a postcard from Andry from San Marino!

Crystalinne, United States of America

Many happy wishes and blessings for your continued travels Andry! May you always be safe, and have your mailbox be full. Perhaps I too shall someday be a lucky recipient of one of your cards. Traveling is exciting, educational and amazing!

triplightly, United States of America

I just received a postcard from Andry! It was such a happy postcrossing surprise. I envy his world travels and wish him safe journey.

yohanamaria92, Indonesia

Hello Mr. Andry, its amazing!

leaflets, China

So happy to find those who have the same hobbies in the world.

halsza, Poland

It is exciting! Congratulation!

tibulamoos, Estonia

Very interesting. Õnnelikku rännuteed!

Asrach, Indonesia

Thank you for sharing this amazing story

MailboxIngrid, Netherlands

Hello Andry, what a wonderful story. Have fun and happiness with your next trips. Thanks for sharing.

Jacque53, United States of America

Wow, Andry.....I am impressed with all the countries you have been to, including North Korea! I hope to someday get a postcard from you, from somewhere in the world! Happy traveling and thanks for sharing!

gavzmaks, Russia

Я тоже отправлял некоторые открытки из своих путешествий! В том числе и из Эстонии! Тоже увлекся этим делом благодаря одному армейскому знакомому из Чехословакии моего товарища, который отправлял ему открытки изо всех стран, где бывал! Потом уже с приходом Интернета нашел сообщество любителей открыток, а потом и Посткроссинг!

jesssicat, United States of America

Wow! Andry, I am so impressed with your dedication to visiting countries that don't have much outside tourism. You're brave and making a difference! I hope I get one from Andry some day!!

Samuraiko, Germany

Got a lovely postcard from Andry from Estonia last month. That's a rarity, as he is always on the road, posting from other countries. :)

Lien85, Netherlands

Wow.. What a pleasant story to read! Goodluck to you. Hope to receive a postcard from you someday :)

robinmp, United States of America

What a wonderful life 😊. I love hearing about your adventures. Best wishes!!!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Absolutely cool! When in Brazil, let us know and we will be pleased to arrange a meeting and a visit to post office!

AnMiSa, Germany

Great guy! Great story! I hope to receive a card from him one day.

SylviaM, United States of America

Very cool, Andry! Thanks so much for being part of the inspiration behind travel mode (which I love).

I think you will love the Travelers' Century Club.

You definitely qualify (must have traveled to 100 countries) and their 2018 international meeting with be in Barcelona in October.

freez, United Kingdom

I thought I was lucky enough to have travelled to many places too.....and sent cards from a few....albeit with the GB tag.
Still to use the travel feature but it will come in useful. 😁

BeckyS, United States of America

Great interview, Andry! Absolutely fascinating! For some reason, I now have the urge to pack my backs and go wherever the wind blows me. ;)

pixii, Hungary

Oh I knew I heard that nickname somewhere!!! I checked, i received a Star Wars card from him from Andorra 😁
What a lovely human. I wish him all the best

Sprinkledonut, Canada

Great profile! I love the story about your tricky postcard to Israel via Ireland. Amazing! Keep exploring and nurture your curious spirit.

Hugs from Canada!

merryCM, Germany

DAS ist ja mal krass, Andry. To open the mind, eyes and heart is not ev´ryones luck. Best wishes for your next journeys.

Koyohtay, United States of America

I got a card from San Marino from him! What a wonderful story!

helent, Australia

I received a card from Andry, from Mongolia. Very nice to get a card from such a rare country.

Utelia, Germany

What an interesting personality! I hope to get a card from him some day...
God bless him and grant him a long and healthy life to be able to visit ALL countries on this planet!

Aquajewel, Singapore

I hope some day I will receive a postcard from one of the countries Andry travels to.

alison41, South Africa

I really enjoyed the article. Andry : if you ever visit South Africa, let me know! Failing this - would love a postcard from you.

mymyc59, France

I see the article today only. I was suprised because I received (more than) a card from Andry THIS MORNING. It was in a cellophan, there was a block of stamps. It commemorates 100 years Estonia. Thank you Andry!

Nakendorf, Finland

I am treasuring the card Andry posted to me from Vanuatu. It's the most valuable card in my collection, from underwater post office. I was so excited to get it. I am a lucky person. Good luck for your further journeys, Andry!

IndonesiaRaya, Indonesia

wow.. cool adventure ! you must be travel more than a month to one place to do that. and i hope will get a card from Andry's travel someday

mazli, Malaysia

amazing story. good for you!

mapcardcollector, United Kingdom

I found myself sitting next to Andry at the Aland Islands meeting in June. What an inspiration! I thought that I was doing well with 14 countries in Travel Mode.

Lemonade, United States of America

This is amazing- you are one lucky guy Andry, how wonderful to get to tour the world and share it with so many others!

Ksyusha_M, Ireland

Didn't know of this relatively new feature! Can't wait to try it out now.

Go Andry!

ned44440, Ireland


fisherman, Ireland

Nice to know I did send Andry one in 2012 :

Robin67, Austria

Super! :-)

plaraye, United States of America

Fabulous! I hope to get a card from you someday. Happy travels and good for you. I’m impressed!

designerbrittney, United States of America

So interesting!! I am always curious what people do for a living that they can afford so much travel. My DREAM is to travel the world, but how can people afford it??!

IrinaAlexandr, Russia

It's very interesting! Thanks a million!!

lilithchen, China

I did direct swap with him,he is kind.So happy to know this wonderful story of him.

Karolka91, Poland

It's great that Andry has the possibility to travel the world and send such unique postcards :)

BridgetLarsen, Australia

Hi Andry,
If you ever come to Australia, please visit and stay with us in Brisbane, Queensland. We live on an island.

SeanPatrick, United States of America

Wonderful !

HM, Netherlands

Wonderfull Andry! It's amazing to see in your sent list and this blog all the countries you have visited! I wonder how many hours you spent in aeroplanes and on airfields. And if all airfields had wifi to request addresses and if they had postcards for sale including the stamps!

It is wonderful if you buy your cards local, to help the local economy. I presume you do a lot homework in Estonia and take your own designed pre printed home printed cards with you. Allthough you put effort in them I think they are ugly.
I know finding a working internet connection to request addresses and then to find postcards and a postoffice and or mailbox is difficult! especialy if time is limited.

Enjoy your travels!

Lejo, Spain

I am sure many of us would want to be in his place.
The card I received from Andry came from the Åland Islands.
I hope you manage to travel the world for many years to come, Andry.

ansuli, Finland

I met Andry today at the Tallin's local postoffice. I was buying some stamps and Andry came to advise me. My cards got great first day postmarks.
Thank you Andry for being very helpful! Maybe see you next time in Finland in some meeting.

katilaik, Estonia

Cool post! Merry travelling and have great meetings via postcards!
Vahva postitus! Rändamiselusti ja toredaid kohtumisi postkaartide vahendusel!

socialgadfly, United States of America

Great interview Andry,the adventurer Marco Polo would have envied your travels


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