Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Coronavirus & Postcrossing

Coronavirus WHO

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the 2019-nCoV (aka Coronavirus) outbreak in China, since it has been all over the news for the past month. A lot of you have been contacting us with questions about this situation, so we thought a quick post was in order to clarify a couple of points.

First of all, there is no risk of contagion via postcards or mail. Here’s an official response to the question from the World Health Organization:

Q: Is it safe to receive a letter or a package from China?

A: Yes, it is safe. People receiving packages from China are not at risk of contracting 2019-nCoV. From previous analysis, we know coronaviruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages.

This situation has had a heavy impact in the postal world though, with many postal operators having stopped accepting mail to China due to cancelled flights and widespread delays. For this reason, Postcrossing has temporarily stopped giving out Chinese addresses. We will continue monitoring the situation, and when things return to normal, the algorithm will resume giving out Chinese addresses for everyone to send postcards to.

Doing this really saddens us, as we realize this is a difficult period in which Chinese postcrossers most need support. So we hope everyone will join us in the comments below, sending the Chinese Postcrossing community and their families some encouraging thoughts and good wishes. 中国加油!

Since many countries have re-established their mail routes to China, Postcrossing has also started giving out addresses in China again. Keep an eye on your mailbox, Chinese postcrossers! 🇨🇳

315 comments so far

guyt, Canada

Dear Chinese fellow Postcrossers, our thoughts are with you and your loved ones.

Xapphirea, Netherlands

Am I the only one who thinks it is strange to stop sending to China while the officials from WHO claim there is no danger? I do not get this decision :-/ sorry

yirobinson, Netherlands

Some Dutch and Belgian meet-up participants signed in my cards in which I wrote 'Kom op Wuhan en China' (Come on Wuhan and China), 'Samen tegen coronavirus' (Fight coronavirus together) and '武汉加油!中国加油' (Come on Wuhan and China). Many thanks to their support indeed.

meiadeleite, Portugal

@xapphirea Much of the mail we send and receive everyday is transported in normal passenger flights. With many of these flights being cancelled, it's difficult for postal operators to maintain their services... thus the temporary suspension.

Copperplate, United Kingdom

🧡 Love to all the world!

archrsiren, United States of America

Oh no I just mailed out a postcard to Taiwan!

meiadeleite, Portugal

@archrsiren Mail delivery to Taiwan is not being impacted, as far as we can tell.

Nana805, France

Sending all my best wishes of quick ending to this crisis and all my support for Chinese people who are confined and worried about their relatives. Stay strong and you will come over it as soon as possible.

Penpalvk79, India

we are happy to swap postcard apart from postcrossiiing .wishes to china postcrosser soon the epidemic will cease...

Gen24, United States of America

Best regards to those in china. Wishing for safety for you and your loved ones. :/
It's a shame we cannot support you with postcards during this time! :(

fisherman, Ireland

We are thinking of all our fellow postcrossers in China and we hope they are safe at this time. We hope things will return to normal soon.

MerlinM, Germany

Dear Chinese Postcrosser,
All our hearts are with you. Keep your heads up high and as soon as the crises is gone you will receive all the joy again postcards can bring to you. Take good care of you!!!

Polina_Kruk, Belarus

Dear Chinese postcrossers! Amazing postcards with bright and beautiful stamps come from your country. My son and I even started to study a little bit of characters. And we hope to continue as soon as everything is resolved safely! We sincerely wish you to quickly overcome this damn virus and return to your previous life. Please believe that everything is possible! Belarus with you! Polina and Ivan.

Дорогие китайские посткроссеры! Из вашей страны приходят удивительные открытки с яркими и красивыми марками. Мы с сыном даже начали чуть-чуть изучать иероглифы. И надеемся продолжить, как только все разрешится благополучно! Мы искренне желаем вам поскорее преодолеть этот чертов вирус и вернуться к прежней жизни. Пожалуйста, верьте, что все возможно! Беларусы с вами! Полина и Иван.

AtTheEdgeofTheWorld, Greece

Our thoughts are with all the Chinese postcrossers and we hope they will stay safe and away from the Coronavirus

Cassisia, Germany

Dear Chinese Postcrossers,
my thoughts are with you too. Please stay strong and confident that this crisis will find an end soon. :) Best wishes to all of you!

Anne-Liam, France

I send my best wishes to all the Chinese members in this sad times for your country.
I hope this disease will be stopped soon.
Take care.

Stinkypaw, Canada

Dear Chinese Postcrossing members, hang in there and it will over soon, Remain positive and keep on taking care!

laberged, Canada

Dear Postcrossing friends,
It is so sad what your country is going through right now. Hopefully, the situation gets better very soon. We think about you all and hope you are safe and your loved ones also.

nikos8109, Greece

We hope that all Chinese postcrossers, but all Chinese people too, will eventually overcome this disease amd rise stronger from it. Many greetings from Greece

Trans_Niqabi, United States of America

💕 Wuhan Jiayou 💕 Stay strong, Wuhan 💕

Exploradora73, Netherlands

I think there ia list of countries who not send to China. Just only stop these countries. Like Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Kazahstan etc. We are still able to send and aupport them.

meiadeleite, Portugal

@Exploradora73 The lists we've seen so far are incomplete, and everyday we've been receiving new reports of more countries suspending mail services to China. Sometimes these suspensions are not even announced — mail is just being refused at post offices, which causes frustration and delays.

Linzerin, Austria

Dear Chinese people, my thoughts are with you! Wish you all the best!

surfclub66, United States of America

Just to clear up some misconception, today specifically said that coronaviruses in general can last up to 9 days on surfaces, but that they can easily be killed with cleaners and hand sanitizer. It is the flu virus which only lasts 48 hours. This is why China has taken the steps of decontaminating money and outgoing mail.

That being said, stay safe, Chinese postcrossing friends! Thank you as always Postcrossing Team for keeping us informed.

TattooMom, Netherlands

My heartfelt wishes go out to all Chinese people and all people of the world who are affected or will be by this Covid-19. Chinese cards are always favorite, with their lovely images and meticulous handwritings. I will miss them very much. I wish health to my Chinese pen pals and all their loved ones. Besos en Groetjes.

ColorfulCourtney, Germany

Thank you, Ana, for the clarification.

Some of my best Postcrossing interactions have been with Chinese Postcrossers! I am hoping this virus will soon be contained, and as others have already said, I am keeping the people affected by this outbreak in my thoughts. We may not be able to send postcards, but I think many are still doing their best to send our love...

saintsjprw, United Kingdom

I sincerely hope that this situation will soon be contained and that your country and its people can return to a normal life. We all miss you, and wish you well.

ned44440, Ireland

All good thoughts and wishes with Postcrossers everywhere but especially with our Postcrossing friends in China. It must be very stressful especially if you are worrying about relatives and friends. Very soon, hopefully, we will be able to send receive postcards to/from our Chinese friends. Keep safe.

NetteNetti, Germany

dear postcrossers from China, I wish you all the best Hopefully we will soon be able to send and receive postcards again as usual. I know how important it is, especially in hard times, not to be cut off from the world. Love and peace and a speedy recovery

Lies76, Belgium

hello dear Chinese postcrossers, much love from Belgium! I hope you and your families are alright. Keep the faith! lots of greetings, from Lies (Liz) from Oostende, at the Northsea.

Herkenbe, Germany

Hope this is only a temporary outage... happy life and good health to everyone everywhere!

Ally1987, Chile

Oh, this makes me sad since I became a good friend from China to whom I sent an envelope with some gifts inside. Too bad what is happening. A lot of strength postcrosser friends.

from Chile a big hug😘😘😘😘

Heepy, United States of America

Dear Postcrossers from China: The world cares about you! It is so difficult to not be able to receive postcards. I am sending best wishes that this situation will be resolved soon.

picketfence4, United States of America

Thank you to Postcrossings for the update concerning why this temporary hold needs to happen. With our Chinese friends being asked to stay home, the country is logistically still dealing with everyday life....yet putting much of life on hold, such as the mail. Our thoughts continue to be with China and everyone touched by this situation. We look forward to coming back together soon.

shayper, Canada

Sending good wishes to all the Chinese Postcrossers! I'm looking forward to being able to send to you again once the mail is back to normal.

Bet, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrosser,
My heart is with you and your countrymen dury this health situation. Wishing you and your family good health. Love from the United States of America! Peace and Grace to all.

cartonfamily, France

Warm wishes for all the Chinese postcrossers !

Inna_Varia, Russia

Dear Chinese postcrossers! I with all my heart and soul with you! Such beautiful cards always come from you! I hope these hard times for you pass soon. And as Professor Dumbledore said: "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light". :)

Blue69, France

Love love love from France . Big Hugs dearest friends

Lata, United Kingdom

Sending too my best wishes to the Chinese postcrossing community and indeed the Chinese people in general. We are all thinking of you.

bombusfranklini, United States of America

Thinking of all of our postcrossing friends in China!

anagahan, North Macedonia

I hope that things in China get back to normal soon and that people are safe and sound.
It would have been really nice at times like this to send some loving mail to our dear Chinese postctrossers but we'll make it up to them :)
On a side note, the postal service in Macedonia has also stopped accepting outgoing mail to China for the time being (the incoming mail from there is not affected, as they say)

joanneleslie, United States of America

To my Postcrossing Friends in China!! I am with you all heart & soul!! I hope that these hard & scary times will pass soon. I am so grateful for the wonderful postcards I have received from your beautiful country & I appreciate the special stamps, stickers and artwork that goes into the cards. The world is made closer & more loving through each of our personal postcard connections. We are forever friends & I look forward to all of the Chinese friends I will continue to make in the future. Be strong. Be brave!! You are so important to all of us!!

isabetta, Italy

Much love to all Postcrossers in China! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well, and we look forward to meet you again! <3

STANS, Russia

Hold on there guys!
We will send you tons of postcards as soon as the flights will resume!

livemylife, Netherlands

Wishing everybody all the best and hope that the Corona virus will end soon so everyone can receive their cards again. ❤️

gianni99, Italy

maxrispetto e solidarietà ai compagno cinesi.....

booboo_babies, United States of America

Thank you for advising us of this news. I know that this was a tough decision for you to make, but better safe than sorry! I pray that this Coronavirus situation is resolved soon! It is so scary because it is a disease that we do not yet know much about. And yet there is at least one story in the news every day about deaths from it, not only in China but other countries as well.

LuSays, United Kingdom

Keep safe and well, we are all thinking of you!

volvomom, United States of America

Best thoughts to our Chinese Postcrossers! We'll have cards ready for when it's time to send again! :)

poli_go, Bulgaria

Sending all my best wishes to Chinese people and hoping for quick end of the crisis!

Jacque53, United States of America

My heart goes out to all Chinese Postcrossers and anybody else touched by this awful virus. I sincerely hope this horrible outbreak will be under control very, very soon!

I am sending love, healing thoughts and good wishes to all our dear Chinese Postcrossers. Keep strong and safe!

kssmith, United States of America

This makes me very sad. I pray this crisis ends soon as I have a dear friend in China that I met here on pc and I worry about him and his family. Stay safe my friends and to all the Chinese people.

CindyMc, United States of America

I'm so sorry to hear this. Much love to our Chinese Postcrossing friends! ❤️ Since Postcrossing is not giving out Chinese addresses, largely because of mail transport issues, does that mean that Postcrossers in China are not being given any addresses outside China?

meiadeleite, Portugal

@CindyMc Mail within China and sent from China is still working as normal in most places. Naturally, some delays are to be expected, but Chinese postcrossers are able to send postcards abroad, as far as we know.

RainWang, China

@CindyMc, you can still get postcard from China, the Chinese post system is still working but with some delays.

Iside82, Italy

Hold on Chinese Postcrossing friends! Our prays are with you!

mapa, Belgium

Stay strong Chinese Postcrossers and family. Today they wrote in Belgian newspapers they found something that could help (chloroquine against malaria), so lets hope it will soon be over!

Pangolee, United States of America

I hold all of our Chinese postcrossers in my heart! I love getting mail and sending mail to China. May we resume soon!

thstreit, Switzerland

With all best wishes to our 🇨🇳 China 🇨🇳 postcrosser from 🇨🇭Switzerland 🇨🇭!!
Maybe here‘s the right place to ask them to update their postal addresses in Chinese, too! I think our postcards will better find the right place with a Chinese written address. Most of the expired postcards are to China - Hopefully a lot more postcards to China will find their way to the postcrossers as soon Postcrossing is giving out China addresses again!

Burg01Lady, United States of America

Many Prayers and Thoughts to China and your population. I hope this crisis will be over soon. Please take all the precautions that your physician has advised so you and your Loved Ones to get better.
To the World greetings of Good Health and Happiness.
"Anything is possible if you have Faith" Mark 9:23
Thank you Postcrossing Team for keeping all your Postcrossers informed.
I for one will send a personal message to the Chinese Postcrossers
that I have sent a postcard to and received one from.

0-8-4, Australia

Thanks for all of you.

ValkyrieGizmo, United Kingdom

Good health to all in China, I look forward to sharing postcards with you again soon. <3

parkeraj, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossers,
My family, friends, and I send you much love
and our thoughts are with you.
Stay strong and know that the whole world is hoping for the best for you all! And praying for a quick ending to this terrible crisis!

muumilapsi, Finland


figtrees, United Kingdom

Lots of love and support to our fellow Postcrossers in China. 💕 🇨🇳

We're looking forward to being able to post cards to you again.

AutismMom, United States of America

Sending positive vibes from the USA! I hope this crisis passes soon and you will be able to resume normal activities. Stay strong!

borntoorganize, United States of America

I'm sending healing energy your way from San Jose, California. I hope to be sending mail to you again soon.


paperposts, United States of America

💜 from America.

ClairePC, United States of America

To our Chinese Postcrossing friends, I send best wishes for your health and happiness. I look forward to being able to connect with you again soon.

emineguner, Türkiye

I feel sad. I thought that as if we were leaving them alone. Hope everything will be normal soon. I wish goodness, health and peace to the whole world. And my dear Chinese friends, I'm with you.

Cherilyn, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossing Friends, Please be safe and healthy. I wish for the good health of your family and friends and neighbors also. Sending much love and a big hug!

Yueya, Netherlands

I was born in China, but I moved here. Sending a Postcrossing card to China, was like sending a card home.
Stay strong, friends from China! I can't wait to write a card to you again soon!
Until then, fighting!!

Rocky3000, United Kingdom

Dear friends in China - you are not alone. Thinking of you daily. Take care of one another.

lucslinka, Hungary

Dear Chinese! Endurance!

aegisW, China

As for me.I just use Surface mail(Train or ship)to success mail two members here.

78, China

You guys are awesome, thank you for all your support!

mitoumi, France

All my love for chinese people. You are in my thoughts and my heart.

LordDamius, United Kingdom

Hello Fellow Chinese Postcrossing Friends,
Love to you all and look forward to sending you cards in the not too distant future...... xx

Majowi, Netherlands

Ni Hao chinese postcrossers,
I wish the families all the best in this difficulty
situation. Hope all will soon be better for you all !
Greetings from Holland,

Nytetears, United States of America

I am sorry this decision was made. I do understand why, the backlog of mail will be intense but this is when people need cards and love more than every

NorthStar1, Türkiye

First of all, I wish the Chinese people health.
Hopefully soon everything will be back to normal for China and the world.
You are never isolated. We are always with you.
We love the Chinese people.

cainyzainy, United States of America

To our dear Chinese friends,

Please know that you are in mine and many people's thoughts and prayers through this terrible time.


retiredemo, United States of America

This is so sad, I feel bad for the Chinese members and I hope the situation is resolved soon. I hope there can be more awareness for how the disease is actually transmitted so we can avoid misinformation like this.

leiste, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossers,
I look forward to sending many cards to you! I hope this crisis is over soon. I'm so sorry you are facing this.

HaohanY, China

Thank you!

betslets, United States of America

Some of the most interesting and beautiful postcards I have received are from Postcrossers in China. Some of the Postcrossers and I have exchanged more messages, too. May you and your loved ones take comfort in knowing so many in the world are thinking of and praying for you. We look forward to exchanging more cards very soon.

lena_ukraine, Ukraine


MarinaKaterishina, Russia

I hope that everything will be fine! A man with faith and the presence of spirit wins even in the most difficult enterprises,

JenniferJiang, United Kingdom

Thank you all for the support!!! In order to stop the outbreak of Coronavirus both the government and citizens did a lot of things, for my hometown Shanghai didn’t have any new patients yesterday! Everything will be fine finally!

Mengmeng, United Kingdom

I was moved by all the comments above. Thank you dear postcrossing friends from all over the world. China will survive this virus. I’m looking forward to the day we can freely exchange postcards and share stories!

venerag7, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossers,
we think about you all the time, we watch the news and we hope and pray that everyone in China will be safe and sound really soon and that it will all go back to normal really soon. We can not wait to receive good news from you, and we thank you all for the wonderful postcards that you send!
Best wishes and just always remember that our heart and our thoughts are with you always! Blessings!

sinta, Indonesia

My thoughts, prayers and supports are for all people in China, (also Hongkong, Macau and Singapore). Please be safe, I hope this crisis can be handled soon. I also pray for doctors and nurses, who were so brave and sacrificed their own safety <3

cinciong, United States of America

Thank you for addressing this, Postcrossing. I'm so sorry dear Chinese Postcrossers that you are all enduring so many restrictions now thanks to the Coronavirus. Sending well wishes to all of you and may this outbreak be done soon so everyone can get back to life as normal! You are in our thoughts and prayers. <3

bibliobures, France

Dear Chine se Friends, we are all thinking of you. We'll bé happy to send you lots of postcards soon !

ZenCat, United States of America

Dear Chinese Friends,
My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I hope this terrible situation will end soon. I am looking forward to sending postcards to you again.

lovesreward, United States of America

Sending well wishes to China and all of those affected by this virus. I sent a postcard to Hong Kong 26 days ago, any word if mail is getting to them since the Coronavirus outbreak?

JSTEN, Canada

Our thoughts are with you and your families Chinese Postcrossers! Hopefully soon this will be over. Be well.

angelicca, Brazil

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, my thoughts are with you and your loved ones. I hope your country will soon overcome this terrible situation. I wish you all the very best and that we go back to sending/receiving postcards soon.

sonataca, United States of America

My best wishes to our Chinese Postcrossers, stay strong and hang in will be over soon!

ferryyang, China

Thank you very much. At present, the situation in China is improving

jm1122, United States of America

Sending wishes for peace and comfort to all!

sir-chris, United Arab Emirates

I love you my Chinese friends and hoping to receive postcards from you guys. I pray and hope that all these will be over soon. Love you all.

seascape327, United States of America

To all in China - you are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe everyone.

RyanWeng, China

Thanks for all of the world!!!!! ❤️

loving6thgrade, United States of America

I watch this situation closely because my son and his family live in Hong Kong . They visited us over Christmas holidays and returned to Hong Kong just before the outbreak was announced. Thank you meiadeleite for sending out this blog. To the Postcrossers in China, may your life return to normal soon, and may the joy of Postcrossing be at your doorstep in the very near future.

Mamaduke, Australia

It is a very sad and worrying time for all concerned in China and the many people who have been infected with the virus. It is a shame, as at this is the time people need our support and postcard just gives a boost to your day.

Please be assured that Pocrossers worldwide are thinking of you at this time.
Colin (Mamaduke16) NSW Australia

VarunECboy, Hong Kong

My thoughts with China and all others who are affected. Hope this situation will be behind us very soon. Stay safe everyone!

cutetaiki, Indonesia

Sending best wishes for China postcrosser, stay strong.
This too will be over.

wifetoalineman, United States of America

I wish all the Chinese that they can find cure to stop the coronavirus.

sharifah, Brunei

I wish this (Covid-19) will end soon and everyone in the world will be able again to live a happy and healthy and peaceful life. Stay strong expecially to China Postcrossers.

AOILIN95, China

I feel the warmth from your blessing to China. I understand postcrossing move at this time.

This is what I saw on the official website of China Post. Some countries or regions suspend or delay sending mail to China (incomplete statistics):
①Stop receiving all kinds of mails (international letters, parcels and EMS) to mainland China: Spain, Romania, Croatia, Georgia, Serbia, Jamaica, Singapore, Panama, Germany, UAE, Zimbabwe, etc

②Stop receiving letters and parcels to mainland China: Greece and Denmark

③Suspension of transit mail business (international letters, parcels and EMS) from other countries to mainland China: U.S.A

④The time limit for all kinds of mail (letters, parcels and EMS) sent from mainland China to Hongkong, Mongolia, Macao, etc. and from Japan and South Korea to mainland China is affected.

For reference.

GonePostal1840, United States of America

US Postcrossers:
check and click on USPS Service Updates and then look for the international advisories. Currently still accepting mail for China but expect delays.

Unagna, Italy

I'm very sad about health emergency in China.
武汉加油(Wuhan Jia You), 中国加油(Zhong Guo Jia You) ! Oh, I hope this is written in correct Chinese, I'm sorry if I made some mistakes. What I want to say is to be brave, I hope things would turn better for Wuhan and China as soon as possibile.


Thank you very much for the help of people all over the world to China. With our efforts, we believe that we will overcome this epidemic soon. I hope to receive a postcard from my friends soon. Come on, Wuhan!

sacdalton, United States of America

Sending support and well wishes to our Postcrossing friends in China. Look forward to writing you again soon.

orange_memo, United States of America

I sincerely am wishing that CoronaVirus will soon be contained and that your China and its people can return to live in normalcy. And I'd like to thank Postcrossing for addressing this. I'm really sad my dear Chinese Postcrossing fellows that you are all enduring so many restrictions now due to the Coronavirus. Sending thoughts & prayers to all of you and may this outbreak be done soon.

Torchwood3, United States of America

This just breaks my heart. We love our Chinese Postcrossing friends and will be sad not to be able to share cards with you.
But you have our support and look forward to when we can send all of our cards to you again!

IndonesiaRaya, Indonesia

dear Chinese Postcrossers,
our thoughts & prayers with you.. stay strong !
warm wishes from Indonesia.

but flight between Indonesia - China was closed since Feb 5

david98928, China

Dear fellow Postcrosser worldwide:
Thank you so much for such warm-comments, i heard you.
By the time I updated this situation to you, almost every province of China (W/O HuBei) is safe, with no more that 10 new confirmed cases reported.
Life goes on, the whole chinese society is back to normal.
No need to be worried about isolated the cards from China. And,in China, now, the domestic postal service is still available.
Wish to see your guys in postbox, soon.
Stay strong and Stay together with WuHan.

Nan1900, China

Thanks ALL of you.❤️.

MailFromNanning, China

Thank you everybody! ❤️ 中国加油!
Спасибо большое всем за ваши тёплые комментарии!

rockycip, United States of America

Dear Postcrossing Friends in China,
I hope this will pass by soon!
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Braam, Australia

Be patient, everyone - especially those people who are enduring isolation & quarantine because of the spread of this dreadful disease - you are all in our thoughts. We have some specialist doctors in Melbourne who are working hard to find a vaccine, but it will take time. I am sorry to add this, but I love puzzles, & I have realized (with a puzzling brain) that the letters "coronavirus" can be re-arranged to form the word "carnivorous". This might be a warning to us all, to be careful of what we are eating now.

ramivezs, Malaysia


triplightly, United States of America

Thoughts and prayers going out to our Chinese members of our world family. May safety and peace come to each one of you.

quichelady, Japan

臺灣加油♥️ No more pressure by China.

lichan, Taiwan

everything will be fine

PaulinaV, Belarus

Let´s hope the situation gets better soon.
Belarus stopped sending mail not only to mainland China but also to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao :(

Gummu, India

Dear Postcrossers in China and all your near and dear ones, we are sure this will pass soon and cannot wait to resume sharing cards with you. Please take care and be safe. I love all my cards from China.

Svetlia, Belarus

Мы следим и желаем скорейшей победы! Здоровья Всем!!!

jody_zhang, China

Thank you for your kindness!

chungsin, Hong Kong

Please notice that Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan is not equal to China!

As my opinion, I think the epidemic situation of the Wuhan pneumonia will not be get well soon easily. In fact, the situation of the hygiene in mainland China is very bad. Meanwhile, most of the Wuhan people has left before the China government block the transport between Wuhan and other cities. They may go to other countries with the virus, this point is we can not eliminate.

MagiaHobbs, Germany

Dear fellow Chinese postcrosser, my thoughta are with you every day. I am sorry, that we have to stop mailing to you for some time. Is is very devastating, as this project builds bridges to connect people from all over the world. On the other hand, writing a postcard and not being able to send it out to China isn’t not only depressing, but also a waste of resource.
I hope, I will be able to send soon postcards to China again and until this happens, my dear Chinese friends, be assured that we are all with you and don’t forget about you.

FeNa, Netherlands

Keep safe and stay strong, my fellow Chinese Postcrossers! I hope we can exchange cards again soon! I’ll keep you in my prayers and thoughts.

salkinila, Germany

Dear Postcrossing friends in China,
Stay strong and take care, you're not alone, we're all thinking of you! Hopefully the crisis will soon be over so that we can exchange postcards like before. The most important thing, however, is that you and your families stay healthy and that those infected get well again.

Anactf, Portugal

Dear Chinese Postcrossers
I send my best wishes to all of you in these sad times for your country.

SayaliM, India

Sending out best wishes and fast recovery for all who have been affected by this virus. Get well soon! 🌼

Annyos, United Kingdom

Dear Postcrossing friends in China,
I feel for you all - I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy, and that the situation eases soon. Prepare to be inundated with postcards when it does!

DrineR, France

Courage to our Chinese friends. I don't understand this panic when the flu kills more than this virus and we take no precautions...

Antonella-, Italy

Dear Chinese friends,
count on my thoughts and prayers! You are going through a hard period of your life but do not get discouraged! Stay strong! <3 ^_^



annaxanna, Netherlands

China, I feel very sorry for you and the people you lost.
I have never thought the virus could be spread bij mail. For as a nurse we had to run around the hospital everytime we had been with an isolated patient to get rid of the virus.
It's over 55 years ago:)
So hugs for everyone!

elbe, Germany

Stay healthy! My thoughts are with you all!

Eels, China

I'm truly very touched by reading all the messages above,thank you very much for all the support and help from all over the world,may the force be with us!❤

Elane, France

Reading all this messages makes me think peace in the world is still possible. So nice and moving.
All my love for the Chinese people.

carlafed, Italy

We partecipate to a video to help Wuhan and all China stay strong and make them feel closeness. It was a touching experience, sorry I cannot post it here. My thoughts are with all the brave friends in China

Zwollywood, Netherlands

Our thoughts are with all the Chinese postcrossers and we hope they will stay safe and away from the Coronavirus

squirrelygirl, United States of America

I was so sorry to hear that you're not able to receive postcards at this time. Hopefully things will return to normal soon, but in the meantime know that your friends here in the US (I live in Michigan) are thinking of you and hoping you are all safe and healthy!

mozoltov7, China

Thank you so much for your supporting!
Just one question, what should we do with some of the expired card from or China? I got few cards written before the situation went serious at the end of January but failed to mail it since the postal service is slowing down. Besides, i still dont know when will i be able to send them out.. I really want to come back to Postcrossing as soon as possible.
stay safe and take care

saikat_das, India

My best wishes to all my fellow Chinese postcrossers, stay safe and we hope this epidemic will stop very soon.

everdina, Netherlands

Dear Chinese postcrossers.
I hope, we can send post to you as soon as possible.
Keep strong!
Best wishes!

Chenoah, Germany

My thoughts and prayers are with you, dear chinese postcrossers. I hope you will soon be able to go back to normal. Know you are not alone in the process, even though we cannot support you with mail right now. I‘ll do it heart to heart until the paper route is safe and open again. Hang in there!
Lots of love from Hamburg, Germany! ❤️

OhioGal, United States of America

To all postcrossers in China, I'm thinking of you

Sidolix, Germany

XIE XIE Chinese Postcrossers !
Keep calm and stay strong !

mounten, Italy

I have a few good Postcrossing friends all over China and as far as I know they are all well. About postcards I've recieved a few the other days but didn't think at all that there could be the Coronavirus on them sorry.
I'm sure it all will be over soon greetings from Italy to all Chinese people.

Immerda, Germany

What a shame our Chinese friends cannot get mail from us to tell them we are with them in our thoughts and hearts.
Wishing for you and everyone on earth that this situation will soon be under control and thereafter history!

Fleura, Russia

我们与你同在 We are with you. We look forward to receiving your postcards

Chacucha, United States of America

Sending love from the USA! Be strong. Thinking of you.

Taromazzy, United Kingdom

We hope to reconnect with China again soon. My sister has lived in Ningbo for many years, and this spring break has been stranded with us in Scotland. She is very worried about her friends and colleagues who remain, and is hopeful that life will return to normal soon. We are all thinking of you and your families in China, lots of love xxx

April_ka, Russia

Очень жаль, что так произошло. Я против прекращения общения с посткроссерами Поднебесной ( так в России называют Китай ). Мне очень жаль, что наши китайские друзья лишаются радости получать открытки. Мне грустно.

Kristi-D, United States of America

I guess this helps explain why my latest postcard to China has not been received. I hope it gets there eventually! I wish those affected all the best!

sweta86, Germany

中国 加油!
China, sei stark!

luvmy4dogs, United States of America

Dear Friends,
Sending positive thoughts that this will end soon. I know that all of us across the world miss you all very much and hope to exchange with you again as soon as possible.

DontBblu, United States of America

I'm keeping a good thought for all of the Chinese PostCrossing members (and all of the other Chinese people, too). I'm hoping for a quick and happy resolution... and I am looking forward to exchanging postcards with you again very soon.

honeybee, Austria

Dear Chinese postcrossing friends, I am thinking of you and send my heartfelt wishes to you.

Liskeh, Netherlands

Dear (Chinese) postcrossers.
I send all my luck to everyone involved with this illness. I hope we can send and receive postcards from Chine again soon. Hope everyone is well and healthy.

werewegian, United Kingdom

I love my Chinese cards, and postcrossing friends from the entire region! Looking forward to sending more cards soon and hope everyone stays healthy and happy in the meantime.

joma4153, Netherlands

From the Netherlands sending a lot of greetings to every Postcrossing Member and there familys in China.
Best wishes and good luck to all of you.

wat3rm370n, United States of America

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for China! Look forward to future postcrossing with you!

EmmaJansen, Netherlands

Good luck, people in China!

MAI57, United States of America

I am so sorry for all the suffering, I am praying for this awful devastation to come to an end so that the healing can begin in healt and in your hearts. I am anxiously waiting for more postcards from China!

Mary Ann

iTamo, China

Hope to receive the blessing from the whole world! Come on wuhan!

NikkiMartin, Canada

I am saddened by the situation in China and can imagine how scary it must be to many. I do agree that suspending postcards from China is needed as they dont know the time frame that the virus remains on surfaces. But I do feel we should be sending lots of postcard to China in support. Can there be an initiative put into place to request 5, 10 or 15 addresses in China at one time?

Ywinki, China

May everything be restored as usual when spring is warm and flowers are blooming

YatfeiCheung_CZ, China

Pry for China! We are expecting to receive the postcard cards from all over the world again after everything going well.

Eduardo85, United States of America

You got this China, one more battle that I’m sure it will be won! ❤️

Mom_s_sweet, Russia

Dear , my friends from China, we are with you, we are waiting for you and wish you a speedy return to our favorite activity and great health to all the inhabitants of China!

MEOKUOK2, Canada

"This is a sad moment for postcrossers , my heart and prayers to China .

JasmineYang, China

Thanks for all the warm comments!!
Now I'm in ZHEJIANG, China, where the virus is also serious. Some roads are blocked, so we try not to go out . But the life here is still orderly, the national management is very strict and rational. Please have confidence in China, we will be able to overcome the virus.
Moreover, the situation of the hygiene in mainland China is very very very very well.
And, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan IS BELONG to China.
Thanks again!! Hope you'll have a good day.

zudwa, Russia

Neighbors on the planet! Everything will be alright! Do not be afraid! We think about you!

RimantaQian, China

Thank you for your blessing! I come from China and the situation is much better now. I believe you will see the Chinese friends around you again soon!中国加油,武汉加油!

RimantaQian, China

Thank you for your blessing! I come from China and the situation is much better now. I believe you will see the Chinese friends around you again soon!

RimantaQian, China

Thank you for your blessing! I come from China and the situation is much better now. I believe you will see the Chinese friends around you again soon!

RimantaQian, China

Thank you for your blessing! I come from China and the situation is much better now. I believe you will see the Chinese friends around you again soon!

Stargirl73, Germany

So sad. Dear people of China, stay strong and keep safe. All the best.

Miganasi, Russia

Hello) dear friends from China, I hope this will end soon! Cheer up!))

Jamira, Germany

Dear Chinese postcrossers, please take care and don’t give up hope. After the night there will always be another sunrise. We are with you in mind and heart and we will light your way through the night until the sun rises again.

rollmaeppchen, Switzerland

I asked Swiss Post. They only cancelled accepting parcels and letters at postoffices. If I put the mail in the letterbox they will proceed it as usual with the available capacities.

We are with you, dear Chinese people! Stay safe! 💖

Nimma, Netherlands

Dear Chinese friends, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy, and your country will overcome this sad situation quickly. I will be so happy to send and receive postcards to and from china again soon, maybe we could all send you some ‘catch-up’ cards once everything is back to normal.... Is that at all possible Postcrossing?
Love, Lena.

miwi2, Germany

Good health and stay strong! We will be starting to send our best postcards to you as soon as possible!

adam0730, China

my eyes are getting wet 

Libara, Czech Republic

I hope everything will be OK soon !!!

Patsmum, Germany

Dear fellow Chinese Postcrossers,
my thoughts are with you and your families - may all your loved ones stay safe and healthy! I am looking forward to sending more cards to China and I hope this will happen soon! Stay strong!

Bille, Germany

Dear friends in China, I'm sending you many hugs from Germany.
I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and I keep my fingers crossed that the virus can be controlled very quickly and that the sick ones will recover soon.
Take care, stay strong and don't give up hope.
It is a pity that we cannot write cards to you at the moment, but we are with you in our thoughts.
When everything is back to normal, we will surprise you with lots of cards.
I wish that it is possible for a while that we could choose how many cards we would like to send to China .

teamug, Germany

Dear Chinese postcrossers,

please be safe. Our thoughts are with you - hopefully life will return to normal soon.

Please be aware - this is from the site of "business insider":
The outbreaks of both the Wuhan coronavirus and SARS likely started in Chinese wet markets.The close proximity of shoppers to stall vendors and live and dead animals in wet markets makes them breeding grounds for zoonotic diseases.
„Governments must recognize the global public health threats of zoonotic diseases,“ Christian Walzer, the executive director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s health program, said in a statement. „It is time to close live-animal markets that trade in wildlife, strengthen efforts to combat trafficking of wild animals, and work to change dangerous wildlife consumption behaviours, especially in cities.“

Protect people's lives - by protecting animals.
Peace and love to all of you.

PENG-Hsiochang, China

Thanks every kind people!

sarahr123, United Kingdom

Lots of love to all Postcrossers and in particular Postcrossers in China!

EllenWalker, United States of America

Dear Friends in China, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this time of illness passes quickly. Peace and love to each and every one of you.

mimi2007, United States of America

Chinese friends, I hope everyone reading this is safe from the virus. I hope anyone you love is well. I will miss my cards to and from China. People from China always say such kind and interesting things.

Luluz, Finland

Hugs to Chinese postcrossers from Luluz, Finland ❤️

Gagaie, France

Good luck for this difficult time. I send to you a lot of good thoughts from France.

Ancupola, United Kingdom

Best wishes to the Chinese people and indeed others impacted by Corona. I heard that India and Japan have stopped mail from China and that New Zealand is considering this too as well as Russia and Malaysia. Is this correct?

linlin198, Russia

As I'm in love with chinese culture and language it's always a lot of pleasure for me to receive/send cards from/to China and a pity that I can't do it...
I hope that nobody else suffer from this awful virus, I want all these problems caused by Coronavirus finish as fast as possible.
Warm hugs to every chinese postcrosser from Russia!

AllSerene, United Kingdom

Thinking of all the Chinese postcrossers. I hope you all stay healthy and I'll look forward to sending more postcards to you soon.

eldanka, Finland

All the best for all the Chinese Postcrossers, hope to send and receive your cards again soon 👍

tkracmer, United States of America

Thinking of all of our postcrossing friends! May you stay healthy!

-Flo-, France

Hope you will be back soon, good luck everyone <3

revode, United States of America

So, so sorry. We will miss you dearly. We care about you very much!

GrobisFrau, Germany

Dear Chinese friends, We are here with you in our thoughts. This terrible time will also pass! Be strong! Stay healthy! Or get well soon!

pinkpokadot, United States of America

Dear Chinese post-crossers, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. we are all in this together. Stay strong, this too will pass.

CardTrekkie, United States of America

Due to the danger to the postal officers going around to deliver the mail and the suspended flights, I'm not surprised that mail service is getting affected. Hopefully all the cards that are currently stuck in a holding area get delivered soon and we can have a welcome back to China - when they come off hold, we will get a flood of numbers for cards to send to China and welcome them back!

Bluehydrangea, Poland

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, please be safe and healthy. Greetings from Poland!

kee2, Netherlands

Dear Chinese postcrossing friends,

Wishing you strength and love in these difficult times.
I really hope there will be a remedy for the virus soon.
So you will be able to live your normal life and send many cards again.

Take care!!!!

agreentiger, United Kingdom

Thinking of you all in China at this awful time.

Butterfly28, Canada

Love and support to all that is affected by this virus. 💖

LeslieBryant, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossers,,,
Sorry that you can't receive or send cards right now. Hope this storm passes soon. You're in my thoughts and prayers!

osmarmirhu, Spain

Many spirits from Tarragona. It will come soon, and we will enjoy your postcards and your smiles again. Until then, all our support.

Glorip, United Kingdom

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, sending love and best wishes from the UK to you, your friends and families. It's good to know that gradually this illness is being brought under control. We all hope everything will get back to normal as soon as possible and that we can send each other cards again. Until then you are in our thoughts and prayers ♥️

Mr-WoCao, China


sakibakisakura, Malaysia

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong!

dos130, China

Thank you ALL and the situation is improving. Although you can't send official postcards to my country, direct swap with us is always available.

adriennefriend, United States of America

Really sorry to all of our Chinese Postcrossing friends. Looking forward to sending you very beautiful cards soon. So sorry that you are going through this. Sending love.

Fluidity, United States of America

Dear postcrossers in China,
I am so sorry for your situation ! I hope they can find a cure for this horrible virus soon !❤❤❤

LoveCTU, China

Although it is quite hard time for our country but we sincerely welcome all postcrossers to visit our beautiful country after the period.

mavpochka_ri, Ukraine

Dear postcrossers from China!
I hope you and your families are all well and good. Take care of yourselves! And to the new postcards!

DrummerRinty, Russia

Dear postcrossers from China!
First of all, I wish all of you, your relatives and friends, good health and reisistance to disease! Take care of yourselves!
I hope that this terrible situation will end soon!
It's sad, that we can't support you with postcards for now...
However, if you know, that you post office is still operating, please, contact me and give me your address - and I'll send you some encouraging card to brigthen a bit your day!

itracy, China

I'm so moved reading all these super warm comments. The situation is getting better day by day. Hopefully it will all return to normal very soon.
Thank you so much for the wishes and love. See you soon through postcards : )♡

PedroSantos, Portugal

Força para todos os postcrossers chineses:)
Abraço para todos.

Antonina__, Russia

Health of Asia, we pray.

Ernesto_, China

Thanks to all the support from foreign countries. Your words are much warmer than that of some people from Hong Kong. We take them as compatriots all the time while they just think we're virus:)

rosenbusch, Germany

Hopefully China will get a grip on the coronavirus soon. Take care of yourself, dear Postcrossing-friends. Stay healthy!

KoffieDeern, Germany

I would like to send greetings to all Chinese Postcrossers. Our thoughts are with you.💚

❗🔊 Who will join my idea?:
I will randomly select Postcrossers from China from the "COUNTRY PAGE" and send them a message by using the "SEND MESSAGE" button. I'm sure he or she will be happy about it in this hard time.

❗❗🔊🔊I would love it if other Postcrossers from all over the world would do the same.❗❗

DMTerry, Canada

I don't know if anyone else does this, but I keep a book with all my addresses of sent cards written in it. I've looked at mine and have a few recently to China. I will send them an RAS card. That way it's not an official and no need to worry about a time frame. If it gets there it does. If it's late it won't matter. We could all do this with people we have sent cards to in the past. Just to say hello and that we are thinking of them. Even if we all just pick one person then the Chinese post should be able to handle that. It's worth a try I suppose.

Bugang, China

Thanks for all of you!!!

MiaNekko, Germany

It‘s really sad by stop giving out CN address. As a chinese international student in foreign land I've always expected to get an address from my home country as a precious chance to write something in mother-tongue. Hope this could pass so soon as possible. 武汉加油!中国加油!💪

baaciiga, Taiwan

I think Taiwan is not belong to China.
Otherwise the ability of controlling the situation (number of cases)between Taiwan and China will be similar.
Hope the postal system all over the world become normal soon due to the COVID-19.

PeaceFox, United Kingdom

Thinking and praying for you all. Keep well, you'll soon be back with all your Postcrossing friends.

Gen24, United States of America

Apologies if i am asking a question that was previously answered, but will this delay also affect Hong Kong and Macau?

postmaus, Germany

We'll flood China with postcards as soon as this crisis is over! Until then, best wishes and stay healthy, our thoughts are with you.
I think the ideas of sending messages randomly or send postcards to people you've mailed to before is really great and I'll do just that!

camelotqueen2014, United States of America

Prayers to everyone affected by this terrible virus!!

aeofa, Germany


dackelerna, Germany

Dear friends in China,
I am thinking of you and hope the sad situation will soon turn better.
I wish all of you, your relatives and friends, good health and reisistance to the disease.
Stay strong - you'll soon be with us again!

luvwhidbeyisland, United States of America

To all our fellow Postcrossers in China, please know we are thinking of you every day. I keep hearing on the news that scientists around the world are working at breakneck speed to develop a vaccine so hopefully soon this epidemic will be stopped!

Shipovnick, Russia

All bad things come to an end! Everything will be fine!

SeanPatrick, United States of America

Wishing you all the best ! You are in our thoughts China!

Jaroslavna13, Russia

I am glad that my postcard (RU-7654273) was delivered to China, to Sammi! In difficult, anxious times, support and mutual understanding are important for people! We see how much work, knowledge, perseverance, and courage the people of China are currently showing! I am constantly surprised and sympathize with all medical professionals who have to leave their families, even small children, to treat patients with coronavirus. We wish you a speedy victory over the disease! Let our cards, like little birds of joy, make your every Day Happy!

cjf3848, United States of America

May the Sun soon shine again on the Chinese people who are suffering so deeply.

Felicialee, Taiwan

Greetings from Taiwan!
May all the people in China, Hong Kong, and Macao stay healthy and wish all those who are infected with Coronavirus recover as soon as possible and return to the warm embrace of their family and friends!



MimiWanderer, Sri Lanka

Love from Sri Lanka to Chinese Postcrossers.
Our prayers and thoughts are with China everyday. Sri Lanka has not suspended air flights to China and hope I can start sending postcards to wonderful Chinese postcrossers soon. <3

Rainbeau, New Zealand

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, sending my love and thoughts to you. May this time of illness end very soon, so we can all send to each other again. Wishing you all the very best in Health, Life, Love and Happiness.

CutieMellon, United States of America

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, sending love from California!

Huhongjie, China

Thank you! Wish everyone stay healthy! Thank you again for your kindness😊

Nana_Sue, Germany

In China the coronavirus, in Australia fire, in many other countries war. It's really sad.
But I hope that soon there will be a cure for the virus. So much courage and perseverance and that we can soon exchange mail again...

DaryaBerlin, Germany

Lots of love to you! <3

Catllady, Finland

I hope all the best to all chinese postcrossers 🙂🌹.

moinkent, United Kingdom

Sending my love to all our Chinese postcrossers. I hope that with courage and help from the whole world you will soon overcome this virus and terrible situation.

Asato, Russia

It was really sad to read this (I'm just few days late...)...
Chinese postcards and the stamps are among the most beautiful and best ones! A postcard from China is usually a little masterpiece. But, huh, postcards themselves don't matter. It's the people who make us happy and I look forward to get Chinese addresses soon like many others here. Chinese postcrossers are always warm-hearted and nice, I wish everyone stays happy and calm! It goes without saying that the epidemic will end by so much efforts done by Chinese government.

Nikhil_Nitesh, India

A mere disease cannot break the spirit of Postcrossing and Postcrossers. We are all with the people of China and the postcrossers among them. We will surely fight this together and resume the process soon.

dandilion, Netherlands

Sending my best wishes to the Chinese people and people around the world who are affected. Take care everyone!

SueBUK, United Kingdom

I'd like to send my very best wishes from the UK to everyone affected in any way by what is happening.

Vallettas, Germany

We all pray for you in this difficult time. May you survive this quickly and undamaged. We look forward to sending postcards to your addresses again. stay strong.

Melitabono, Germany

We are in our mind with al of you. Hope you are all safe and healthy. Best wishes to all Chinese people and Chines postcrosser all over the world, hopefully soon will be everything ok. We miss you here and can’t wait for the next mail to you

LKX980226, China

作为一个中国人,我感受到了爱与温暖。我们共同生活在同一片天空下,希望病毒被消灭时,我们能畅快呼吸,将自己的快乐和感动分享给每一位在postcrossing的朋友们。谢谢大家的支持!As a Chinese, I feel love and warmth. We all live under the same sky, and we hope that when the virus is eliminated, we can breathe and share our happiness and gratitude with every friend at postcrossing. Thanks for your support!

leaflets, China

Thank to all above!
Everyone in our country is doing his/her best to struggle the ncv.
The spring is coming and I believe we will meet soon in your mailbox.

Hasenwinkel, Germany

Best wishes! Keep calm and carry on!
We soon will be able to exchange postcards again.

Matreshka1209, Kazakhstan

Dear Chinese friends, I hope all will be good! Let’s take care yourself and myself!♥️♥️♥️

nisnoopy3, Malaysia

Please take care of your health to all Chinese postcrossers! We will go through this difficult time together and stay strong! Add oil (x2) ! !

Pacomole, France

I sent a postcard on January 3, 2020 to Fujian before the situation deteriorated. I understand not having news. But I received a canceled Macau card from January 30, 2020. Mail is circulating.
I extend my full support to the Chinese people and I remain ready to correspond as soon as possible with the Chinese.

Chabadabada, Canada

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, my thoughts are with you! Take care!!

EFR, Canada

I'm sorry to hear this. Hopefully the mail will resume soon. Wishing all of our Chinese friends the best. Take care

WilmaT, Netherlands

Dear Chinese Postcrossers, especially those in the region with many sick people and those who are in quarantaine. I hope you are well and wish you a lot of power in this difficult time. After the epidemic is over, you will be overloaded by cards. Keep courage!!!!!

HowCum, United States of America

Best wishes to China,
I heard on the news that a vaccine has been developed in the U.S. Just how long it will take to produce it and ship is any ones guess.
Stay strong.

Flippie, Canada

Stay Strong, We miss you, Try keep smiling and please come back on post-crossing soon as you can, OK
With all my love to you, Anneke

rafi_, Australia

I wish you and your loved one are in the safe place. Dont forget to smile and be strong my fellow Chinese friends:)

ThePostCat, Spain

I was unable to send post from Costa Rica to Korea last week. I hope it is all back to normal soon - take care you lovely postcrossers!

blijdatikschrijf, Netherlands

Dear Chinese Postcrossing friends, and all people from other countries who are affected by the present situation, too,

Hereby sending you a lot of love from the Netherlands. I am so sorry and sad about the present situation. I hope and keep my fingers crossed that the epidemia soon will be over and that all can go back to normal life soon. And that we all will be able to send and receive postcards again and enjoy the little postal treasures.

My thoughts are also with the people who have lost a dear one, and whose life won’t be as before, due to this virus.

Wishing all the best,

remo38, Germany

Der Chinese Poatcrossers, whish you all the best and hope that it will get normal for you soon. Take care on you.

nisnoopy3, Malaysia

Covid-19 is hitting Japan, Italy, South Korea and Iran.. Please stay strong to all friends!

bigbadbuelow, Canada

<3 stay strong ya'll



wahijem, Malaysia

Dear Chinese Postcrossing friends, our thoughts always with you all. Hope things will back to normal soon. Take care!

SophietheValiant, Kazakhstan

Thank you for your information! And yes, February flights by AirAstana to China from Kazakhstan have been cancelled, so probably there are no mail opportunities for now.
And to Chinese postcrossers, stay strong, all the best to you! ❤️

BA_Yeats, United States of America

So sad for my fellow Chinese postcrossers, but don't worry we will be sending and receiving again very soon. Be well, be safe!!

Mamanclaire, Belgium

Hope everybody get well soon all over the world.
Be safe and take care !

OlgaMS, United States of America

My best wishes to all the Chinese postcrossers! Our thoughts always with you! Take care!

ljbeelady, United Kingdom

Best wishes to anyone affected by this.

XuanYue, China

Thanks for all of you♡

ECCS, China

Thanks for all the encouragement and I believe We will be healthy and return to the postcrossing soon !Everything will be all right !
I miss postcards So much !

smy, China

I have seen many relationships from countries all over the world in this Blog..China is very good now.The future will be better.No one needs to worry that the illness will pass quickly.Look at it now, has eased a lot, I believe it will soon pass, and we can happily exchange postcards.Thank you again for your concern.Come on China, come on Wuhan!

LarraChersan, Germany

Dear postcrossing friends from China, I hope the situation will clear up soon! You are on our minds!

Jacob, India

dearest friend.
I will pray for all of you. don't loose hope
. stay strong . may god bless you all

fancyQB, United States of America

I really enjoy hearing from Postcrossers in China. I hope you stay well and are back to exchanging cards soon.

papa-capim, Brazil

"Postcrossing has temporarily stopped giving out Chinese addresses"

Even to other Chineses? There are sure Chinese Postcrossers which marked the option "Check if you would like to (also) send and receive postcards to and from your own country." on their settings, and, since mail within China is still being delivered normally, as the reply to @CindyMc says, I don't see any problem if Postcrossing kept giving Chinese addresses to other Chineses.

pucky, Netherlands

中国亲爱的越野赛车手; 请耐心等待,我确定还会有大量的卡片再次出现! 保持健康!

pucky, Netherlands

(I hope google did a good Chinese translation!)

rdespradel, Dominican Republic

Dear Chinese friends: You're amongst the nicest Postcrossers on this project. I've received lots of wonderful cards from China during these last years and I hope to get more in the future. IN the meantime, take care of your health and keep fighting. Hugs and kisses from the Dominican Republic!!

deskset, United States of America

Best wishes to all Chinese Postcrossers as well as everyone affected by the virus in all countries. Also, thank you Postcrossing team for looking out for everyone, as I am sure it was a tough decision to make regarding mail in and out of China. Safety and good health to all!

florencen, Australia

i work in a post office and i have more chance of being hit by a flying bundle of mail than catching corona virus of a letter from china

NanaPam, United States of America

Postcrossing is a wonderful opportunity to send well wishes throughout the world and it is a tremendous act of kindness. We, as people, need kindness, compassion, and connection - - thank you Postcrossers! Hopefully soon everyone will be able to participate. China you are in our thoughts, wishing you better days ahead. Peace!

dreamfighter, Finland

As a Chinese living in Europe, I thank you so much for praying for my motherland. I was in China when the virus broke out, I could feel how tense the situation was, and how amazing every person is, especially doctors. That's what Italy may face currently. Therefore, I think it's the time to pray for Italy and say "加油" (go for it) to the amazing people in Italy. Combating with virus and time is hard, but China starts to see the light after the darkness, so will Italy and the whole world. Hang in there, we are always with you!

DoriG, United States of America

The news from China was better today and that made me happy!
Wishing everyone in China good health and a speedy return to normal.
May we all enjoy good health.
We are all in this together.

AnnJewel_Chyi, China

I'm a postcrosser in Beijing. Thanks for the warm greetings and encouraging words from all of you! Love you all! Now the situation in China is getting better. I hope everyone from every country stay safe and healthy! We are always with you together too!

Herkenbe, Germany

All, why not put China again to the destination list?

fmstrada, Italy

News from Italy: I live in Lombardy, the region most affected by the coronavirus outbreak in our country. I can reassure you that the postal service is working and your postcards are coming to/from us, please be patient if it takes longer than usual! Today Poste Italiane, the Italian postal service provider, published the following notice in their website (here:
"In view of the ongoing epidemiological emergency and its repercussions on air flights, routes and means of transport and on internal and foreign logistics processes, shipments of parcels and correspondence addressed abroad may be slowed down".

DebiLynne, United States of America

The USA has stopped all incoming planes from Europe with the exception of England. I believe some cargo planes are still allowed in.

writetoneao500, Thailand

Post Crossing is doing a good job.中国加油。

GDundee, United States of America

I am happy to hear that the Coronavirus is under control in
China. I wish everyone who is ill, a speedy recovery and those who have lost loved ones. My sincere sympathy to you.
I hope that this too shall pass soon so that we can resume our post crossing with our brothers and sisters in China.
Take care.

MerlinM, Germany

@meiadeleite: Wouldn't it make sense to postpone the expiring day for postcards to 70 or 80 days now? Because now also many flights from and to Europe especially Germany to the world are cancelled.
Dear All Postcrosser stay calm, healthy (if possible), happy and give each other hope.

moony-wroclove, Poland

The Polish Post stopped sending anything abroad. I turned ny account i to inactive.

MerlinM, Germany

@meiadeleite I do have another question. Is Germany or are other countries now expelled from receiving postcards? I guess so. I asked for some addresses the last three days and did not receive a German one. Which is weird as normally every third or forth is a German. I don't mind if you do this because you try hard to keep postcrossing going while this crisis happens. I am just curious to know. I know that some postcrosser set their account into inactive too. But I will not stop for asking for addresses even if the postcards will travel longer. Because postcards always gives a good feeling and help to be happy even in hard times.

maroussia, China

Very weird indeed that postcrossing stopped giving Chinese addresses as the postal system here has never stopped working, and all incoming mail has been delivered all through the epidemic.

Maybe the mail incoming from abroad has been delayed by the restrictions to international flying, but I do not think mail travels on passenger flights and many cargo flights have kept running...

In these hard-to-live-through circumstances, it is always very nice to receive a postcard....

levittamara, Ukraine

@MerlinM we do receive Germany addresses still

jody_zhang, China

Stay healthy you guys!

Depechechrissy, Germany

Will postcrossing continue as usual? Some countries like Norway, Sweden and Belgium have restricted or temporarily forbidden intercontinental mail. Flights are generally limited.

DaisyK, China

As a Chinese Postcrosser, I find this page by chance and read the kind comments here. I'm very touched. I haven't been able to receive any letters or postcards from January until April. But yesterday I found 1 postcard in my mailbox, which made me surprised and very happy! It did warm me up!

Thank you everyone here! Hope things are going good with everyone. Let's fight against the coronavirus. NEVER LOSE HOPE! We will defeat it!

Best Wishes!


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