Ahoj, everyone! After Russia and Slovenia earlier this year, Czech Republic is about to enter the exclusive club of countries with their own Postcrossing-themed stamps!
The Philatelic department at Czech Post has some very enthusiastic fans of the project, who successfully pushed for the stamp to become a reality. The stamp design was commissioned to graphical designer and illustrator Maria Nogueira, who imagined a playful way to translate the idea of Postcrossing into the tiny format.

The design went through several different stages, until it concentrated on the essence of Postcrossing: a never-ending flow of postcards, from hand-in-hand, connecting different people all around the world! :)
The new stamp will be launched in early September at the yearly Sběratel/Collector’s fair. We look forward to it, and will share more details about the launch event closer to the date!
84 comments so far
Lovely ^ω^
I LOVE it :) it really captures the Postcrossing ... sentiment
Wow! I hope that Japan Post will issue Postcrossing stamps someday, too :)
Woo-Hoo!!! Way to go Czech Republic and all the cool Czech Postcrossers who made this a reality! You all rock!!! I hope I get this stamp....it's darling!
That's also rather good advertising. Very beautiful stamp.
I am sorry, I really do not like this stamps... Do not understand at all, why the classic British design of postboxes was used... instead of our good old "orange boxes"... Most users in our Czech PC FB group do not like this stamp as well and many are really upset about this...
Maybe the good idea would be to consult Czech Postcrossing community before...
Thanks to all who made this possible! This stamp shows what Postcrossing is about and how Postcrossing connects people.
Czech posrcrossing community dislikes this stamp.It is disgusting and has no relation to the Czech republic.
I ask the Czech Facebook postcrossing community not to speak for all Czech postcrossers. I find the stamp nice. Of course, the Czech design of postbox could be used, but the stamp shows the idea of postcrossing very well. I´m looking forward to September.
Many clap-clap-clap to Czech postcrossers!
(I am sorry that some Czech postcrossers expected to see a National Stamp. Please, understand that as much Universal the communication, more faithful to Postcrossing meaning!)
a nice stamp....
Great design! I hope we get our own in the UK some day :-)
Very cute! I love it!
I appreciate we have this privilage. I like the idea of the stamp, the idea of this cycle of sending/receiving. But I don't like the design. It's weird and too childish. I miss something which would represent the Czech Republic (maybe the post box?) or the idea of the world (I can't see the world there). It looks more like a recycling actually.
A lot of people from here who aren't postcrossers won't probably get it, thus they won't buy it. I thought it could be something to promote the Postcrossing project, to let them know there's such a thing.
Well, who knows. Everyone's a different opinion. :)
yay!!! wonderful!!! the more countries that get postcrossing stamps, the more other countries will follow!!!! Come on Australia Post!
Nice to have "our" stamp finally. I was looking forward to it very much. But as many others I´m disappointed by the design. In comparison with the high quality czech stamp design the postcrossing stamp is much bellow the average.
I think it will be my favorite postcrossing stamp, it shows the idea of postcrossing much better than others :)
Even if some czech postcrossers from the czech FB group don't like it, I am sure that many non-czech postcrossers would be more than happy to recieve a card with this stamp to add to their collection :)
Nice. Why doesn't the U.S. Have a postcrossing stamp or have they already issued one?
@Vlbibb0596 not yet! :(
I think the illustration is cute and playful! ^^ I think it captures the spirit of Postcrossing wonderfully: "send a postcard and receive a postcard back." Congratulations to the entire Postcrossing community for this new accomplishment!
Great! Wonderful idea!
Although I can understand the critique, especially about the british postbox, I'm looking forward to receiving a postcard with this nice stamp. Of course, it is not perfect, but it is a postcrossing stamp and it catches the spirit of postcrossing quite well!
@CatharinaG3 If you cannot see the animated image shown on the post, you can also see it on this page: http://expo-net.blogspot.cz/2015/06/ceska-znamka-pro-postcrossing.html
Thank you, meiadeleite, found it! It's a lovely stamp and perfect for Postcrossing!
Colorful and tells the story! I hope to receive one..
I'm happy to have this stamp! Can't wait till September to be able to send it! :)
can germany please do something like that? >_<
all other countries seem to get those beautiful cardsT_T
oh well,but if germany would make such a stamp RIGHT NOW, after 6 weeks post strike,which will contuine for at least 3-4 more weeks..
there would be a postman on strike on the stamp lol
would be funny XD
@Prima_murasakibara The German postcrossers are doing their best to push for a stamp! Do give them a hand in convincing the Ministry of Finance: http://forum.postcrossing.com/viewthread.php?tid=100545 :)
OMG !!!
This stamp is soooo UGLY !!!
Childish and grotesque.
The only good thing is Postcrossing word on it.
For sone it seems enough to create the desire of having it.
India hasnot issued postcrossing stamps. But has issued only greetings stamp. We may follow suit
Awesome newest Postcrossing stamp!! Congrats to all Czech postcrossers,and hope to receive one stamp too!!
This is what CZECH postbox looks like:
A legendary "orange box", an iconic item for Czech postcrossers, which have been around for very long time.
I absolutely do not get, why Postcrossing admins decided to use BRITISH-style postbox on CZECH postage stamp.
I am really sorry, but this is quite disappointing, to say the least.
Hope to get one of it
Love the design
I like the stamp :) I am happy that there is another one and I am looking foward to receive it on cards :)
@post_tenebras_lux I see where you are coming from with the disappointment with the british-styled postbox on the stamp, and it is indeed a good point, BUT what if it was chosen because, you know, Postcrossing is a worldwide thing? And that being said, maybe the person sending the card on the stamp may be from one country with such postboxes and the other two characters might be from entirely different countries aswell?
And yes, everyone has different opinion and even negative feedback is a feedback nonetheless.
Though nobody is forcing you to buy this stamp (when we have so many different stamps to choose from in here!), but I am sure that many other czech postcrossers, me included, will buy it and will be more than happy to send a card with this stamp to postcrossers from around the world who would appreciate it :)
Сongratulations Czech republic!
What a sweet stamp! :-) I'd love to have one on a card and I hope it'll be around for a while, not for a limited time-span!
@post_tenebras_lux The red postbox was chosen simply because it is the most recognisable format of a postbox around the world. Czech orange postboxes are unique... but not immediately associated as places to post mail by people who have never been to Czech Republic. In order to make the design more easily decipherable all around the world, we picked a postbox image that is quickly recognised and understood. It's that simple! :)
I'm Czech and I like this stamp! It is easy to read the meaning of postcrossing, and that is the most important thing ;)
Every Country should have one...and more Countries represented. Congratulations to all involved and good show Czech Republic!
@meiadeleite - in this case you choose to ignore local traditions and local iconic items, with long emotional history for local post crossers - in favor of some "globalized" image? In this regard I do not understand at all, why you try to pretend, that this is a "Czech" postcrossing stamp. No it is not. Especially I have been amazed, why no Czech designer or engraver was consulted or entrusted this job - there are some pretty world-famous people among them, delivering stunning postage stamps designs.
As most of people on the Czech FB group, I feel that you decided to create a "Czech" postcrossing stamp without bothering to learn about opinions and feelings of Czech postcrossers.
I am sorry but exactly as many of my friends on PC here, I am not going to buy or use this stamp. I do not like it, there is nothing genuine or local on it.
Hope India will launch some postcrossing stamps soon...
Wow!!! What a lovely design!!! :D
I like it
...and now DEUTSCHE POST...show as the Postcrossing-stamp from Germany ;-)
I understand some people's disappointment about the post box motive. Just checked the picture of the "real" Czech mailbox (thanks for the link), it looks like a face with two eyes - clearly a missed chance for designing a stamp! And still, the idea of Postcrossing has been captured maybe better than ever before.
To make my criticism as constructive as possible, I just posted my support postcard for the German Postcrossing stamp 2017 - let's go for it!
Oh, it's a lovely stamp, fun and colourful. (^-^)
It makes me wish that we had another new design here in the Netherlands.
But it's a little sad to read some of the negative comments.
The earlier Postcrossing stamps all featured the idea and feeling of Postcrossing: they were not meant as a "national" stamp but as something recognizable for the world.
And I think that's the message that's coming across with this new Czech Postcrossing stamp, so good job!
I would be very happy to receive it!
@ Stasele then your card will stay a long time in the post box. The German post workers are on strike. How would you act if your employer tries to cut your salary for 25%?
For this stamp: used to the Continental European (Czech, Swedish, German, French, a. s. o.) rectangular post boxes, I first thought of a kind of trash can when I saw that round and red thing on the stamp. And the arrows reminded me on trash recycling, right.
The Czech republic is a small country (with a long standing history), which has had more foreign rulers and was more often occupied in the last 100 years than the most other countries. I can understand that they are upset about an English post box on Czech stamp.
Great Stamp. Good job Czech Postcrossers. :D
No matter the design, it's great to have another Postcrossing stamp! I hope I get one someday.
This stamp is cute, funny and bright. I like this stamp. It's easy to understand what Postcrossing is all about. Thank you all for creating this stamp! Hope someday, it will arrives at my place! :D
Like the stamp and hope to receive it on a postcard. Pitty it's only launched in September. My sis is going on holiday in August. But anyway, congratulations!
I must say I love this stamp .. congratulations to the Czech postal authorities .. well done, and here in Australia we continue to mail the Australian Post Office with ideas about an Australian Postcrossing Stamp. Unfortunately limited interest so far.
Robert-in-australia! send your request for a postcrossing stamp here:
If you have an idea or theme that you think would be great on a stamp, please send your suggestions to us as follows:
The Manager
Philatelic Group
Australia Post
GPO Box 1777
We issue a limited number of stamps each year and have criteria that we must meet in planning, assessing and selecting all new stamp designs. Our selection process begins at least two years before a stamp is issued. For these reasons, while we receive many ideas and suggestions for stamp subjects, not all of these can be adopted.
Wow! Nice stamp! :)
So cute!!:D
Sadly, I won't be the first to say it, but why couldn't the lady be British, and the two other people from two different continents? The design may really be not perfect, but so far, it's the only stamp that tried to show the motion of postcards, even though, yeah, it looks a bit like recycling.
"New postage stamps Czech author Maria Nogueira comes from Portugal"
Yes! Now I understand everything!
Still VERY, VERY (and yes, VERY) UGLY stamp !!!
@EHV, thanks for your support!!! You got it right. This is what bothers us the most. Being a small country on the crossroad between West and East kinda sucks. It happened way too many times in our history that we were just a "toy" of bigger countries, that things/events which were crucial for our nation and which influenced our lives for decades, were decided without us, famous "About us, without us". It´s very sad that postcrossing, the great project which we all love so much, did the same to us and reminded us old injustice. I think we can´t be really blamed if we feel rather bitter and dissapointed with this stamp.
I have nothing personal against the author of this stamp, actually I don´t mind that the Czech postcrossing stamp was designed by foreigner....if only that stamp were somehow N E U T R A L!!!! (like the Russian one, even if there is a link to russian architecture, too). This should have been a BRITISH postcrossing stamp, it would make some sense at least.
Ps. I bet if this were Russian/German...stamp, they wouldn´t have been excited about it either.
I like the design because it is lovely and cute. But I understand the disappointment because it is not typical for Czech Republic.
I think it's cute. I can only hope I will receive one on a card. I would love to see US put a stamp out for Postcrossing!!
I love the Czech Republic and this stamp is incredibly cute! :)
Me and my little girls and my husband love to receveid postacrd of the world... thanks postcrossing!!! a french familly
I hope the USA would come on board and get a Postcrossing stamp in the future...
beautiful stamp!
I just want to chime in with those who don't recognize that round red thing instantly as a mailbox (I agree with the trashcan brigade). I can understand that you were going for as universal as possible, but I think that a British mailbox, particularly in a child's drawing, is less recognizable than you might have guessed. Perhaps it would have been better to choose an equally unrecognizable (to the rest of us ;)) Czech mailbox and make them happy.
Oh, and it would have been nice to see a bit more diversity in the faces on the stamp as well. If, as mentioned, a foreign postbox was chose to make it "international," well some international faces might have better gotten that message across and been more inclusive.
je velmi dobre :D
Why the designer isn't Czech and why it has nothing to do with our Czech culture ??? Quite disappointing .. ( I am Czech living in Italy )
I don't have a granny to walk my cards to the mailbox. I sent out cards for my almost 80 years old aunt's account. But if you keep on walking your cards it keeps you fit!! I promissed myself to walk all my cards to the mailbox.
Now we are one Europa this Portuguese designed stamp for Czech Rep could be offered to any country even to Tokelau. But it says Cezka Rep, many Europeans live, work and love in another European country, so why not a stamp designer.
Czech chauvinism - I can understand in one way though.
Congrates to Czech post for issue so, so, so, so nice stamp!!!!!!!!
Is anyone interested to making exchange of cards (or letters) with postcrossing stamp?
I REALLY, but REALLY love it!
I don't think that stamp is ugly, but it has nothing to do with Czech Republic and I think the Czech stamp should be naturally designed by Czech artist.
Well, those hateful words about "Czech chauvinism" are completely missing the point. The problem here is, that the stamp design completely ignores everything iconic and traditional regarding Czech postbox design and history.
We have no problems with Portuguese designer being involved, despite current design seems to be poor to many of us, in comparison with world-famous local stamp designers and engravers, who have been consistent in delivering beautiful stamp designs for many years. Many people here really do think that the design is childish and lacks many features of Czech stamp designs, such as use of traditional old-school techniques.
We are really sad because of seemingly nobody from CZ community was ever consulted regarding this stamp and it seems, that designer has got absolutely no previous knowledge. Should this stamps be called "Czech", it should in our opinion reflect local traditions, local history, local iconic items, local emotions etc.
The more Postcrossing stamps issued, the better!!
Congrats to all Czech postcrossers :-)
Thank you all for the nice comments! It was a pleasure to design this stamp.
I understand that some people might be disappointed about the stamp not being representative of Czech culture and traditions but that was not the goal of this particular project. The challenge was to create a Postcrossing stamp that would express what Postcrossing is all about, as many of you said it does.
It's of course impossible to please everyone and this is only one of the many possible approaches. and I hope there will be many more stamps in the future showing what people feel and how they relate to Postcrossing!
The idea for this stamp was to show in a simple way the main thing that connects all the people who are part of Postcrossing, what brings them closer and that is of course Postcards and the love for sending and receiving them.
Well....It is look lovely, but I don´t see nothing of my country. When I saw Russia stamps, there were sighs of Russia (Kreml, azbuka...), but this is picture of how Postcrossing works, not Czech Republic.
It will be better say this is Postcrossing-friendly stamp, not stamp that represent Czech Republic.
Hi..,I feel that it's a very exciting idea of launching new stamps; but it has to be a very special of it's kind and not a replicate to convey affectionate message to the world.It would be better if we learn from nature itself with a wide view..,
sorry, but I think you are a little bit to fast to ignore the critics. I don't think they can be put on the side so easily. It's right, nobody can please everybody, but here have spoken a lot of Czech Postcrossers against your design with a lot of profound reasons.
Alone to read how you think this stamp will explain the idea of Postcrossing would be very interesting.
I will tell you why.
You don't used alone the wrong postbox, you used also the wrong icon.
With the postbox, ok, if you think this red thing stands for internationality....
I don't think so, internationalism means not that every thing at every place has to be the same, Postcrossing isn't McDonald or Burger King. Vive la différence, as my French friends say. Only my two cents.
But for the icon, there is no discussion:
The circling arrows are the international icon for trash recycling, not for Postcrossing:
Use something, put it in the trash can-> make something new out of what is in the trash can -> use it-> put it in the trash can a.s.o. round and round.
Is this the meaning of Postcrossing?
Then, why not show, that this stamp is from Czech republic?
For the figures, why not use iconic Czech figures? Sveijk for example, not to talk of the face of the Czech postboxes.
I have the feeling, you haven't even thought about the Czech republic.
This stamp could come from everywhere, but more in the meaning of a hamburger store chain, than of an individual country.
I love Postcrossing just because it connects different individuals in different countries. That other, the same same stuff, I could get on Facebook.
"It's of course impossible to please everyone"
Heck! Interesting way to escape bad comments upon your... work. Hope you don't have the same attitude in the real life !!!
Better than the Lady Godiva (naked lady) stamp from Cr that my 7-year old granddaughter got the other day! LOL
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