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Blog > January Writing Prompt: Goals and Resolutions


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

Happy New Year, everyone! It’s the start of a fresh year, and inevitably some of us will be thinking of kickstarting some of our postponed or idealistic goals with renewed vigor. Scientists say writing down your goals makes you more likely to accomplish them… so maybe sharing them with other postcrossers will also help? 😊

In January, write about your goals and resolutions.

Written postcard

I’ll go first then and share one of my goals for 2020, which is to learn a couple of new Chinese characters every day. I’ve challenged myself to take a language exam in July, so I’ll be working on building up my vocabulary until then. By making the goal deliberately small, I hope I can build up some momentum, and keep it going until the exam date. Wish me luck!

Regardless of whether you call them new year resolutions or perhaps just goals, which objectives or challenges will you be working on this year? Share them with others on the postcards you write this month, and let’s cheer and help each other along the way!

35 comments so far

AnnElliot, Russia

5 halfmarathons this year!

Libara, Czech Republic

My goals are: loosing my weight a bit, the best about 3-5 kilos... to start running regularly again. Keeping my English at a good level. It means, some English exercise every day... In this case, I hope that many contacts with postcrossers help me with it ! Libara

yuki-a, Germany

I have no resolutions, other than try to make some more workout but as long as I'm healthy it's, for me, no urgent problem.
Oh and I wanted to write that reading and learning about other Postcrosser resolutions - it is so motivating!

LeilaKewl, Philippines

Resolution: to read and write proficiently in Baybayin, the ancient form of writing by Filipinos.

nahit, Türkiye

at least the world is small with postcards

kallini2042, Canada

My goal is (perhaps, it's a whim) to learn Spanish quickly - within three to six months with an emphasis on speaking what (incidentally and still surprising to most) language is. We don't speak as we write. Therefore - speak first, write late. I already have large enough vocabulary, and now I need grammar and someone to talk to on a regular basis.

No se donde empezar, pero (I don't know where to begin, but)... I'm not going to and through any time-consuming (and expensive) courses. So,that is the idea - one goal. Of course, the biggest challenge is to keep going and not losing motivation, which is possible. I wanted to learn Spanish since 1995 and never got serious about it. The worst part - I don't need it. So, wish me luck!

meiadeleite, Portugal

@kallini2042 I can recommend an app called Tandem, that matches you with other learners so you can do tandem chats with them. They help you with your target language, and you help with theirs. It works great!

Gen24, United States of America

My goal is to have less expired postcards this year...I already have 6. >_< Anyone agree?

Heepy, United States of America

I never make New Year's resolutions because you don't have to wait for a once-a-year date to make changes in your life! I have goals, but they don't depend on that date. My goals aren't that specific, but I try to learn something new as often as I can. Postcrossing certainly helps with that! Okay, winning the lottery - that is a specific goal! :-)

Fleura, Russia

I would like the postcards sent by me to be received.
Happy New Year to everybody

szpal, Hungary

Sending postcards from Viena!

shc, Japan

I want to travel to other cities, probably stay there for a week or more ;D

SeanPatrick, United States of America

I wish to encourage more young folks to join Postcrossing. I think this encourages young folks to use what many folks under the age of 16 think of as an old fashioned way of communicating. I have watched several young kids (age 12 & age 14) get really excited to find kids their own age in other countries that share their same goals and ideas. I think it is very important to open young minds to how big and yet how small the world can be. I know that I have had my mind opened many times on Postcrossing and I am nearly 50 years of age. I have learned that people almost everywhere in the world are people... only governments differ! This may be over simplified but I believe there is a bit of truth in it, too.

kallini2042, Canada

@meiadeleite: Thank you for your advice. I certainly will look into it. So far, I tell everybody so that it will be difficult for me to back out of it. Surprises happen along the way - I habitually greet people with "Buenos dias or buenas tardes". Most, of course, ignore, but once in a while a person goes at me in Spanish at full speed. More motivation to be able to respond cohesively at the same speed. :))))

Damla-e, Türkiye

2020 için hedefim işimde daha iyi olup daha iyi bir iş bulmak. Polonya'ya arkadaşımın düğününe gitmek için para biriktirmek istiyorum.

Diana_Sevastopol, Ukraine

Wow! Setting goals and achieving them is my favorite pastime. I can’t wait to write about it on a postcard, but so far my postcards are traveling. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to all!

mariabolacha, Portugal

Happy 2020!!! I have many things I would love to do this year. Travel more, learn a looooot more and my main goal will be to become a dive master and get the chance to dive a lot more.

Love to everyone!

Guo-Yiying, Taiwan

Thanks for your suggestions

alison41, South Africa

Usually I make a few New Year resolutions, or quiet private promises to myself, but not this year. One thing I do want to achieve in 2020 is to be less busy - to spend more quiet time at home and not be running like a rabbit all day long! Oh: and to finish a tapestry that I should have completed 6 years ago - maybe a line of stitches every day? Good luck to us all!

Joerg1971, Germany

My goals for 2020: For myself staying healthy and doing a good job as leader of a library (I like books and can never have enough books!) - and for the others making them happy here on Postcrossing with postcards I write to them to give them a smile and happy moment when reaching and reading the card after the way from my home to anywhere in the world!

chasingkites, Russia

Learn how to cook some Georgian food, learn Finnish, spend much time communicating face-to-face than online.

Flippie, Canada

My resolution for the new year is; "Keep the pedestrians safe on the street", I mean to call them on time when they walk trough red lights with there noise on the phone! I see this daily and it's scars me!
And to be kind to myself 60 sec. daily!

HikesAndFlowers, United States of America

My goals for 2020 are 1. to walk/hike 1500 miles, 2. read 40 books, and 3. learn something new every week -> Postcrossing often brings new ideas or history or a viewpoint every week :)

Learner_for_life, Singapore

My goals for 2020 are to spend more quality time with family, learn a new skill like skating or swimming and also learn a new language!

WeyChan, China

Fighting! As a Chinese, I want to tell you that Chinese characters are very interesing to learn. But may be it's a little difficult. I believe you can do it! Emmm...My goal is to learn how to use English to communicate with foreign people and can read English article or nwes.

ezredax, United States of America

HI, At 73 I have few goals except to help more people and of course to see more of the world.
Enjoy the day!

Tresart, United States of America

Write more! Read more books!

hulottati, Germany

Think positive! Happy New Year to all!

WattlePark, Australia

My goal is to finish all the various craft projects I have found in my annual tidy up. And I have resolved not to buy any more postcards until I have I have reduced those waiting to be sent to 2 shelves (so another 2 shelves worth to write, maybe this is a goal for the 20s).
Wishing all a Happy and Peaceful New Year and hoping all Australian postcrossers and their families are safe.

FantasyHouse, Russia

Приветствую всех! Моя цель в 2020 году - развить свой собственный бизнес проект (сейчас на стадии старта). Это цель, которой будет отмечен год и к которой буду стремиться. Мое желание - выйти замуж за любимого человека. Я не знаю, сбудется ли оно, но это все, о чем я мечтаю

helenlivelovelaugh, United States of America

Good luck studying on Chinese characters :)

papa-capim, Brazil

Nice Writing Prompt, meiadeleite! Thanks.

serafaina, United States of America

One of my big goals for this year is to get my website up and running and apply for more craft shows. 2020 got off to a bad start and I am determined to make it better!

pinkpokadot, United States of America

I love music. My goal is to be a better musician so to share music with others. To "Let My Light Shine"
To send more postcards.

Worldtraveler90, Germany

My goal is to make my driver license, to make it easier to travel to my friends and the musical theatres,
another goal is to become an apprenticeship & move into my first own flat with my best mate

and be more active with postcrossing


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