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Blog > Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!


This year of 2020 has been rough and it could definitely use some extra good things in it, so it makes us extra happy to announce our yearly partnership with Deutsche Post on the Cards for Literacy campaign, where postcards count for a good cause! Without further ado:

For every postcard sent from Germany through Postcrossing during the month of December, Deutsche Post will make a donation of €0.10 to the non-profit organization Stiftung Lesen (Reading Foundation).

So if you’re in Germany, all you need to do is to send postcards! If your December postcards are registered before the end of February 2021, you will be contributing to this cause and entering a draw to win some neat prizes! Seven lucky postcrossers (residents in Germany only) will be randomly selected to receive one of these:

So by sending postcards from Germany in December, you’re not only helping a good cause, but can also win some customizable stamps or maybe a cool-looking messenger bag. Hurray! Each postcard sent is worth one entry, so the more postcards you send, the more chances you have to win one of the prizes.

And although only postcards sent from Germany count, there’s always a receiver in every postcard exchange — so each time a card from Germany is registered, the recipient will be indirectly contributing to this donation too. So don’t forget to register your postcards promptly, so that more can be sent!

As usual, Paulo will run his random number generator in March next year, and we’ll reveal the total amount of postcards sent (and money raised for Stiftung Lesen) here in the blog. Last year, an unbelievable total of €9,968.30€ was raised for this good cause, breaking all previous records and nearly going into the 10K level. The bar has definitely been raised for this year! 😄

Stiftung Lesen

Stiftung Lesen is a German non-profit organization, working to increase literacy in the population, especially among children and adolescents. Their activities include reading clubs, media literacy projects and initiatives to promote the learning of German language by refugee families in the country.

We hope you’re as excited as we are for the 8th edition of the Cards for Literacy campaign. If you’re in Germany, gather your stamps and postcards and get ready for sending lots of postcards in December to make them count for this good cause! Everyone else, keep an eye on your mailbox for those postcards!

P.S. – As always, we respect your personal information and will not share it with any company without your explicit permission. The full details of this campaign can be read here (German only).

36 comments so far

MozartS, Germany

I have heard about it and am happy to join for the first time. :-)

MerlinM, Germany

Great! I am happy to join again for this good cause. I have 29 free slots so far.

CharlottePia, Germany

My yearly personal challenge. Had 149 cards last year and hope to have more in 2020. Let's start and have fun with sending and recieving great postcards for this good cause

RalfH, Germany

I am already saving slots. 72 are free so far.

ned44440, Ireland

How wonderful to see this back. This year more than ever, Charities need all the help they can get as most of their usual ways of raising money were not open to them this year.

nicetry, Germany

I stopped to participate during the US camapign (didn't want to send to ... certain people).
This seems a good reason to start again now. Though last year only a few of my cards were counted.

Dandelion2808, Germany

A wonderful idea!
Unfortunately I have read this only just now. Otherwise I would've saved slots for a couple of days. BUT december starts soon anyway.

Sleep, United States of America

Yey, good luck to all German postcrossers, the prizes and donation seem great. 😊

wurzelsofie, Germany

This is such a great initiative! :-D Since I'm relatively new to Postcrossing I've only been able so save up 4 free slots so far, but I still have a few cards travelling and hope they'll be registered soon!

NIDUSKA, Finland


tumbleweed, Germany

Ah, I have been waiting for this! My open slots are way beyond what I can manage to write, but I will do the best I can :-)

Katjaquilt, Germany

Shame on me! I didn't think about that and I have only 5 of my 9 slots open.
Hopefully the other 4 postcards will registered in December that I can contribute a bit more.
Happy Postcrossing!

alessia83, Germany

How amazing that this wonderful campain is happening again this year! Unfortunately, I didn't think about it and have only 5 slots or so open, but maybe some postcards will be registered in the next few days too...and I have more slots than I am able to write postcards anyways so...but I'll definitely try to do the best that I can to help raise some money for this wonderful cause! Thanks for this Postcrossing and Deutsche Post! <3

Axolotl, Germany

29 free slots are ready! Let's see how many I can actually send. :D

AnneElliot, Germany

Oh, I’m waiting for this😍
50 free slots

MagiaHobbs, Germany

Yes, finally. I had feared that this wouldn’t take place this year. Should have all slots open again by 1. December.

reiselustig, Germany

Well I only saved 15 free slots, because I know that at the beginning of december I cannot manage to write more postcards than that, but until mid december the others will arrive and then I will keep going! Hopefully I will contribute many, many postcards! I am alreayd eagerly waiting for this the whole month :-) - Great that it is happening again!

Kasimir2007, Germany

I will participate like every year, too. I now have 33 slots. I start on Tuesday sending new cards and hope that a lot of those from the beginning will be registered till the end of December so that I can sent much more.
If we all stay together perhaps we manage the goal of 100.000 registered cards and a result of 10.000 Euro for the "Stiftung Lesen" of the "Deutsche Post".
Let´s try and do our best.
Last year more than 60 cards of my in December sent cards were registered.

Sasalia, Germany

A shame I didn't know this earlier! 10 of 10 cards are still one their way. One to China and thats took always a long long time. ;/

Robinchen, Germany

I have saved 25 free slots to start with. I am sure some will be registered tomorrow so startign Tuesday I can send many cards for a good cause :)

Gen24, United States of America

Go Germans! Your time to shine! =)

Geminiscp, Portugal

Go, Germany!!! Congratulations again to Deutsche Post and to all of you that will help with your contribution. :)

HM, Netherlands

Go Germany!

And myself as well. I hope te visit Germany in December and sent postcards in Travel Mode.
Reading, the good cause here, should be a worldwide right to learn for everyone.

TanteD, Germany

ohhhh how wonderful is this!

Cassisia, Germany

I've been saving slots too and I'm ready to use them! 😎

werewegian, United Kingdom

I received 63 December cards from Germany last year. Looking forward to many more in 20/21. All the best!

xnici, Germany

Can‘t wait to write my Christmas cards this week! :)

gabis, Germany

I've been waiting for it, too. 100 Slots are free... here we go!

ned44440, Ireland

Wow @gabis, you will be very busy - have fun 🎅🎄🤶⛄😃

smgiovannetti, United States of America

So cool! If any of you want to Direct Swap to send more cards I’ll be glad to participate with you! It may not count for PostCrossing but it will for the campaign!

lauranalanthalasa, Germany

@smgiovannetti Unfortunately that's not how it works. Only cards sent through postcrossing and registered by the end of February count for the campaign.

lillygun, Germany

12,196 postcards have been registered already. 39,173 are travelling currently...

Brueghel, Germany

I hope this year we will reach the 10.000 mark.

MerlinM, Germany

If every German card will registered we gonna make it.

Duesseljin, Germany

In December 2020 I send 235 postcard for this cause and 150 are already registered.

And the overall numbers are looking good, especially since there are almost two month left for our postcards to arrive and get registered.

Willi, Germany

Cool! Over 10.000 € !!!


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