Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: NuriaLP from Spain!


Núria (aka NuriaLP) lives in Breda, a small town surrounded by nature in the north-east of Spain. She and her friend Dolors are the only postcrossers in town, but they do a good job of telling the world about this picturesque corner of Catalonia!

How did you get started sending postcards? What is your earliest memory of them?

When I was four years old my grandpa sent me a postcard from his holiday destination. Since then this action of sending postcards while traveling has became a tradition and I also discover my passion for this incredible hobby.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

My friend, Dolors, who is a postcrosser from my town told me about it and I couldn’t resist joining in. We are the only postcrossers in Breda. From time to time we meet and send postcards. Connecting with people from all over the world using postcards is what got me hooked. Nowadays messages are instantaneous and when a postcard reaches its destination after several days of journey, it’s so satisfying.

Another thing that I like about Postcrossing is that I’ve been able to improve my English skills. I’m not using English in my daily life, so this way I can practice it.

Show us your mailbox, your mail carrier, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!
Nuria and her mail carrier Rosa stand by side, smiling at the camera while holding postcards

In my town, there are two mailboxes. In my case, I’m so lucky because our postwoman, Rosa, comes every day to my shop to give me my postcards, and collects the ones that I’m sending. She’s the best postwoman we could have. When she is on holiday she also sends me postcards.

A corkboard hangs on a wall, with postcards stuck to it

When I receive new postcards I register them as soon as possible and then, I hang them on a wall I’ve got in my small fruit and vegetable shop. Customers love looking at them. After some days I add the new ones and the others go to my postcard box, where I organize them by country.

A box with separate folders where postcards are archived
What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

It’s difficult just to choose a part. I enjoy the whole process including the surprise of getting an address, finding the right postcard for that person, combining different stamps, decorating the postcard and writing a nice message. Receiving postcards is also a fantastic part. It’s just incredible when you think of the journey that the little piece of paper called `postcard´ made until it reached my house.

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

US-9344837 has everything that I like: Autumn and love.

An illustration of an autumn scene, with two people embracing under an umbrella
Have you inspired anyone else to join Postcrossing or start collections of their own?

YES! And this makes me so happy. My niece, Paula, who is 5 years and her friend, Jana, love sending and receiving postcards we send each other a postcard a month.

Also, the children who come to my shop love guessing where the postcards I’ve got on the wall come from. First, they try to guess it by looking at the picture, then at the stamp and finally, at the text.

One of them, Max, brought me a box full of postcards from his mum when she was young. He is so interested in this topic that he has started his own collection. I’m so proud of him!

What’s one way that postcards have changed your life for the better?

The most important one is that I’ve known incredible people, most of them have become friends without even knowning them in person.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies or collections?

Yes! I collect fruit labels. In fact, in my Postcrossing profile, I’ve got a special request, I ask if the person who is sending me a postcard can paste a fruit label on the postcard. I have already received many labels from different parts of the world.

I also love gardening, I always compare the process of growing a plant to sending a postcard. You choose the right one, you prepare it and then it flies until it gets its destination, like the plant when it grows.

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53 comments so far

jjmedusa, United States of America

Nice to meet you, Nuria! I love the Postcrossing spotlight and I love reading about other Postcrossers. :)

Zulhma, Argentina

Hello. Thank you for sharing this experience. It is beautiful how they open the community to their exchanges. I still think that exchanging postcards is a beautiful way to publicize the traditions and customs of each country and place. Gives mental openness. It makes us know and value the differences. I would like it to be like this in these parts of the world. Something more widespread. That's why I really like reading Postcrossing stories. Thank you and congratulations. Regards

Alzinaxica, Spain

Núria! 😊 Transmets tanta il.lusió que si encara no fos postcrosser, me'n faria! Visc.a les postals!

Jenzeestyle, United States of America

Love this so much, nice to meet you .

Mulberry_Mailbox, United States of America

How fun to see Nuria featured! She's a great postcard pal! ❤️

sealed4ever, United States of America

A delightful spotlight on Postcrossers. Just great. Thank you for sharing

avenue, United States of America

Really enjoyed reading this interview and the photos! Thanks!

LeilaKewl, Philippines

It must be interesting to see your customers read your postcards. Awesome way of displaying them in your workplace.

BridgetLarsen, Australia

What a beautiful story. I love the sound of where you live. I would love to send you a postcard from my island in Australia. I am the only postcrosser on my island too so you beat me with two

Happy Postcrossing

mounten, Italy

Great story,thank you. The fruit label collection what a nice idea. Thanks for sharing keep on going.

Kristi-D, United States of America

Ha! On Nuria's board, I see a favorite vintage-style "Greetings from California" postcard that I've sent to other postcrossers (not to Núria). Now, I wonder where that sender is located, since that design is not common--might be a neighbor :) .
I do love reading about other post crossers and this was an especially fun interview. Now, I'd like to see a photo of Dolors! Happy Postcrossing!

BevSykes, United States of America

What a wonderful idea. I've started sending post cards to my granddaughters. Thanks for the suggestion.

SalishSea, United States of America

Love these posts about the community--keep it up. Thanks for sharing the life in Breda.

Mamaduke, Australia

As a dear Postcrosser friend once said, "You meet the nicest people on Postcrossing". Isn't that the truth😃

SLPascual, Philippines

Thanks for sharing...

Bemera, Belgium

Thanks for sharing, it's great!!!!!

Alfonso57, Spain

Saludos desde Bossòst. Me siento muy identificado contigo, no se si soy el único en el pueblo pera seguro que soy el único que compra sellos en el único estanco que tenemos para meter las postales en el único buzón de que disponemos. Puedo compartir que la cartera me ha manifestado que le hace mucha ilusión traer a mi buzón las postales que llegan.

Greetings from Bossòst. I feel very identified with you, I don't know if I'm the only one in town but I'm sure I'm the only one who buys stamps at the only tobacco shop we have to put the postcards in the only mailbox we have. I can share that the portfolio has told me that she is very excited to bring the postcards that arrive to my mailbox.

Free-to-be-Me, Netherlands

My mum lives in Breda, in the Netherlands.

HookedonPostcards, Canada

Thank you for sharing this lovely feature interview! Telling us about Postie Rosa reminds me how fortunate many of us are to have *awesome* postal workers "in our corner". The staff at my local post office are amazingly helpful and kind. I'm grateful to know them. I write them nice postcards every now-and-then just to remind them how much I appreciate their work. And they post them in the post office. :-)

Flippie, Canada

THANK YOU FOR YOUR STORY and I love your favorite card aswel. (Fall & Love)

iliovasilema, Greece

Nice girls and I also love the way you keep your cards :) looks neat! nice to meet you!Greetings from Greece

KiriAct1, Korea (South)

Thanks for your stroy. It makes me happy, because it makes me realize that I can make some other people happy by a card. I also received some beautiful cards, I love everyone who is willing to share their life with me.

Fastwalker, Serbia

Interesting story! If somebody needs fruits labels (small stickers from fruits) I 've got some. I also like hand-made cards. Cheers, all the best !

Owlagdad, United States of America

The best part of your story, Núria, is that you are sharing the fun of postcrossing in your community and with your family. Fun is a joy to be shared—thanks for sharing with us!

footprintleaver, Singapore

thank you so much for sharing your story.

Sandristica, Spain

Fruit labels, it's a great idea!

sanddunebunny, United States of America

Nuria, it's great to meet you. I love how you share Postcrossing with your community.
Maybe I'll try that. I have the best post office in California. I need to post a picture.
Thanks for sharing. So fun!

Robin67, Austria

How nice to read and what a wonderful post lady you have!

When I was so sick recently, after only 2 or 3 days I received a get-well-card from the wonderful staff at "my" philately shop! They, and the ladies at the philately events are totally the best and clearly so is Rosa!

Tapa, Russia

It's a great story, it's true! Thanks for sharing!

Demmi, Romania

Hola from Corona aka Brasov-RO
dear Nuria & Dolors. I hope someday randomly You will pick my address or I will pick yours!
It was fun to read about your story and so glad to discover you both!
Stay safe & Healthy and Happy Postcrossing!

AsterArt, Belgium

Thanks for sharing this with us. I enjoyed reading the interview. The story about your shop. It's nice to read that also kids enjoy writing postcards. It really is all about connecting with others and that is so beautiful.

Cheryll, Suriname

Nice interview! I like your postcard wall in your shop, super idea!
Funny to see on your profile that today is your birthday,
Wishing you a nice birthday 🎂🎈💐

CMorr, United States of America

I love the idea of the post card wall, what a great way to share. Have a great day and thank you for sharing.

Niinuli, Finland

How lovely story- amazing ideas! Have a nice summer :)


Many more happy returns of the day. Have a great day.

JoyceM, Netherlands

Hello Nuria,
I didnot know that there is a place Breda in Spain. We have Breda as a city in the Netherlands too. So I learned something today. Have a wonderful summer.

Elschwobo, Germany

Wonderful, thanks for sharing. Happy belated birthday.

rousita, Mexico

Qué lindo post sobre dos Postcrossers catalanas! Me encantó la foto con tu cartera Rosa, es mi tocaya! :: So lovely to read this post about Catalonian Postcrossers, your postwoman is my namesake and I love that she also sends you postcards. Keep on Postcrossing!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

What nice to hear from Nuria and from Rosa. there are so many ways to spread the joy of postcards besides those that send and receive! People around us also enjoy the fun.

memo_baghdad, Iraq

Me encanta mucho esta articulo, mucho gusto Nuria!

TishaAnn, United States of America

Nuria, ironically I just drew your name for a postcard today. What an incredibly wild world we live in!

petrichor, Germany

What a nice story. Many great ideas.

trish13, United States of America

Hi Nuria!
I love your favorite postcard too and I'm stealing your card organizing idea. Love it!

danbo120, China

Did I send the fruit postcard on the wall? I am glad that you like this postcard.

Iryna_zn, Belarus

Hello everybody! I also post the received postcards on the wall! My colleagues look at them with interest and guess the country they came from. I love postcrossing! I really regret that the postcards that I received from my relatives and friends in childhood have not been preserved. I thank NuriaLP for sharing her story.

AlohaD, Russia

Hello store customers! They are lucky to have such a fruit stand. I hope that someday my card will decorate the walls of your store :)

Ensaladilla, Spain

Hi, ladies, I'm glad to know about you. I don't know if I am the only person in Mataro who is in Postcrossing, I hope I am not.

Quina meravella això de postcrossing, llarga vida a la felicitat de mirar la bústia. Abraçades.

judohelen, United States of America

Thanks for your interesting interview!

I love the idea of organizing the received cards by country the way you do!

Leonard, Netherlands

Hi Nuria, I am excited to discover a Breda in Spain.
I live in Breda, The Netherlands.
I love to read what you are doing.
Greetings from Breda!

Deliana, Russia

What an interesting idea to decorate your store with postcards from different countries, maybe someday my postcard will delight your visitors

inky_finger, India

Dear Nuria
Greetings from India!
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Similar to your experience, i was inspired by my teacher who had relatives abroad and who would send him letters and cards.
Wishing you health and happiness!

friesb4ore_guys, United States of America

This is such a delightful story! I especially love that this user showcases her postcards in her shop and request fruit label stickers on the postcards she receives. I love hearing about these connections that others have through "Postcrossing." I hope that I can inspire others to connect with the world around them through a simple postcard while alos supporting our postal service.

anpami, Poland

I just read your comments on the postcrossing blog. I like it a lot.
Best regards to you, Dolores and Rosa.


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