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Blog > A Postcrossing postmark from Czech Republic!


Good news, everyone! The nice people at the Czech Post are launching this lovely cancellation mark featuring Postcrossing next week!

Czech postmark

Isn’t it cute? Its creation was suggested by Mr. Břetislav Janík (aka Bret_Prague), who is the director of the stamp design department… and a keen postcrosser!

The cancellation mark was designed by David Vlček and will be available during next week (24–28th February) at Prague’s Main Post Office, in Jindrisska street 14, Prague 1. A special commemorative sheet, featuring the postmark on a World Post Day stamp will also be available for purchase.

So if you’re in or around Prague, don’t miss this opportunity to have your cards cancelled with this unique cancellation mark! And for those of us far away but aching for a trip to Prague, here’s a picture of their Main Post Office…

Prague's Main Post Office

Nice, right? I bet we all wish your local post office outlet looked this nice! :)

73 comments so far

Romkje, Netherlands

You are so right, what a beautiful postoffice!!

shui, Taiwan

Wow!!!!!! What a beautiful post office!!! :D
And the postmark looks so lovely!

felix_n_naky, Spain

What a nice tribute for this wonderful project

chiany, Netherlands

That looks so awesome!!

horrorpop, Czech Republic

Always sending postcards from there. Love that place for years...

jjmedusa, United States of America

It's amazing how many countries have officially embraced with their stamps & postmarks! Wow! And I LOVE that post office!

Pupickov, Czech Republic

Fantastic! too bad we won't make it to Prague next week...

indianfriendszone, India

Great News....
Congrats once again :)

Wonderful Post Office...

I wish if someone can send me a postcard with this special Cancellation :)

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Beautiful post office.

I wish to have a card with the beautiful special stamp cancellation. Will my wish come true?! :P

nyassa, United Kingdom

That has to be the best ever way to spread the word! :)

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Wow! Very impressive post office :-D lovely Postcrossing cancellation mark too, wish Royal Mail would do one for the UK!

izmya, Czech Republic

I cannot wait for Monday to let my postcards stamp :) And yes The Main Post office is really nice :)

LIDOCH, Russia

Great cancellation!

TheDude, United States of America

very cool!

DorotheeB, Germany

Wonderful! Fantastic to see the impact of the Postcrossing idea - and great to be part of it. Well done, Bret_Prague and Czech Post!

honeybee, Austria

A beautiful post office and the postmark looks great!

rosenbusch, Germany

good news....

racheltheemuts, Netherlands

This is truly a gorgeous postoffice, wish I had one like it...would go there for every single stamp, haha :-)

post_tenebras_lux, Czech Republic

This is my favoured place to mail my postcards :-) Kind greetings from Prague.

tuandon, United States of America

I hope this wonderful post office will be protected as a historical monument. It is so beautiful.

HelgaVikmane, Latvia

Looks like in a fairy tale :)

ZenCat, United States of America

Wow! A beautiful post office and postmark!

cumah, Germany

Wow, fantastic. A very beautiful post office :-)

fiya_wata, United States of America

What is a cancellation mark?

crazyaboutpostcard, Canada

What a lovely post office!

Red_and_Green, Poland

@fiya_wata - a cancallation mark is a mark which the post office puts on the stamp to show that it has been used. It often shows the date when the postcard or letter was sent and the name of the town. Some of them are beautifully designed, for example to commemorate an event or a person... or Postcrossing :-)

Kat_44, United States of America

What a beautiful Post Office! I'd love to receive a postcard with their special cancellation (hint, hint)!!!! ;-)

Red_and_Green, Poland

Thank you, Bret, for carrying out such a fantastic project! It is great to see one more wonderful tribute to Postcrossing. And the post office is just breathtaking... "My" post office is located in a pretty nice building from the 1930s but it can hardly be compared to this one... Truly gorgeous.

Dancing_Sun, Thailand

I wish to visit this post office once!

nugget, United States of America

Nice postmark! Any Postcrosser would be happy to receive a card with it.

iphoto, Australia

Magnificent architecture!

navi, Taiwan

I would love to have a swap with a Czech postcard cancelled with such a lovely cancellation mark. :-)

AnneMarrit, Netherlands

We used to have such wonderful architectural post offices in Holland, (Amsterdam) as well. Sadly, they do not exist any longer. We only have annexes now. I was in Prague's Main Post Office a few years ago and bought my stamps there when I was on a city trip. It is a wonderful building like all buildings in Prague. Beautiful city! Lovely cancellation mark.

yongs, Thailand

OMG! Hoping for a postcard from Prague! *pray*

zzzys, China

What a beautiful post office and Beautiful postmark!Hope to have the opportunity to receive a postcard from Prague.

conventgirl, Canada

Wow, how lovely!

edo, Spain

Awesome Post Office and a very interesting postmark cancellation!!

sophie54, Netherlands

Wow what a beautiful postoffice, sorry I missed in when I was visiting last year.

Karishca, Belarus

Perfect postoffice:)

ned44440, Ireland

What a beautiful place to work. I do hope I am one of the lucky Postcrossers to get an official postccard with this amazing datestamp on it. Well done to Bret_Prague and to Czech Post.

April_ka, Russia

была в Праге в декабре 2012 года , была на Главпочтамте 2 раза. Очень красиво и удобно для посетителей. Буду очень благодарна , если кто-нибудь вышлет мне открытку с красивым штемпелем.

alison41, South Africa

Wow! I've seen shopping malls that don't look as good as this Post Office.

danielc, United Kingdom

Another nice tribute to Postcrossing. That Post Office is amazing! I wish I had seen it when I was in Prague. UK Post Offices are rather dull places.

dollart, Finland

i wish i could travel to Prague next week :)

alterego, Canada

It's a lovely design! Congratulations!

zuzzzi, Czech Republic

I go there to buy stamps every time! :):):)

Han-ka, Czech Republic

My favorite place for buying stamps and sending postcards!

MiniP, Czech Republic

I remember that post office!! Like most of the buildings in Prague, it's stunning!!

Amiya-and-Dhruv, India

What an amazing post office! And yay for the postmark, Mr. Janík and Czech Post :)

cocoaby, Japan

What a beautiful postoffice! Nice postmark.

Mama-Bear, United States of America

Beautiful place! I would go there everyday to mail my things if I lived in Prague. I would LOVE to visit such a beautiful city someday.

agentgirl, Czech Republic

yes! currently living in Prague and 5 minutes walk from the Jindrisska post office! time to make my status active again and take advantage of this! how cool :)

RainbowButterfly, United Kingdom

What a wonderful post office, puts the UK ones to shame! Love the postmark too.

Rozlinda, Malaysia

I love this post office and I don't mind to come everyday to mail postcards.. ;)

butterflycard, Malaysia

There are lovely postoffices worldover..Just have to get the images displayed.

Ssabalongo, India

Nice Postmark ! And Post Office from Heaven :)

majklp, Czech Republic

Here is my first postmark!
I must not forget to stamp mark on a postcard too...

If you want this postmark too, send me email. Michal (

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Great place to visit and congratulations for the organizer and creator of cancellation!

ECarrington, Canada

Gorgeous, another place to add to my list of things I want to see in Prague. I will do a trip there in the next few years.

hanazal, Czech Republic

I sent today 4 postcards from this Main Post Office at Jindrisska street and of course let them stamp by this cancellation mark. I plan to send another ones during next week. I always buy my stamps here and often mail my postcard from here. I live 5 minuts walking from here.

Brona, Czech Republic

Great idea with the stamps, guys!

Yes, the Main Post Office (in Jindřišská Street, near Wenceslas Square) is really beautiful place. But I think it is the only one attractive post office in Prague :D I love to send my postcards from here but more often I have to queue at our little and always-cramped post office.

Geminiscp, Portugal

OMG, I'm inlove!!!! :) The post office is so cool!!! The cancelation is very nice too. :)

Aipy, Indonesia

Amazing Post Office :D Beutiful!! :)

krishnaraosridhar, India

Cancellation has come out very nicely...

Fantastic... Wonderful PostOffice... Really beautiful...

Laurentina, Portugal

What I lost when I was in Praga! Very beautiful the Main Post Office! In our country we don't do nothing: no stamp, no cancelation...

JustKatie, Canada

I hope Canada Post does this too.

Atka_4, Germany

This is such a great idea, thank you Mr. Břetislav Janík (aka Bret_Prague)!!! Another place to see on the next visit in Prague, beautiful post office!

FelipeDuarte, Brazil

Great! It would be amazing if more postal administrations done like the Czech Post.

DorotheeB, Germany

Today I received the fantastic card of the postoffice with the Postcrossing postmark - I am so happy! Thank you Bret_Prague!!!

Robin67, Austria

Oh, what a lovely postmark! I wish I was in Praha this week! For sure I'll check out that post office when I'll finally visit Praha! :-)

rayday2, United Kingdom

I received a card this morning with this cancellation mark a lovely bonus as my card was lovely too thank you @Rainicka

emoffdayz, United States of America

so awesome and beautiful post office :) :)

x_PostcardPerfect_x, United States of America

I'm so happy to recieved a postcard thru private swap with this awesome!!


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