Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: Sprinkledonut from Canada!


Andrea (aka Sprinkledonut) is a world traveler and her beautifully decorated postcards caught the attention of some of you, who suggested we interviewed her for the Spotlight… here she is!

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

Hmm, you mean there was a time in my life before Postcrossing? Haha! I joined four years ago after learning about it on another website that I am passionate about: Someone posted about it in one of the group forums. I am very grateful to them wherever they are today!

I was hooked from the get-go! I loved seeing what types of interesting cards people would send me, what their handwriting looked like and all the little details.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

Here’s our typical Canadian mailbox, covered in postal codes as an anti-graffiti measure. It seems to work! Whenever I drop in my postcards it sounds like they’re landing in a hollow cavern 10,000 miles below the surface of the earth. Where’s everybody else’s mail, I wonder??

Canada postbox
Have you been surprised by any place that you have received a postcard from or sent a postcard to?

I received a random card from Fiji which was very special. I’m a big fan of direct swaps so some of my fun direct swaps have been with people in New Zealand, Estonia, Kenya and Bangladesh.

Sometimes I like to check out this site to see what new stamps are being issued around the world. With the direct swaps to New Zealand and Estonia, I asked the people if they could send me a particular wonderful stamp and they were happy to help! Thanks, guys!

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

Bicycle cards are my absolute favourite to receive. Here’s just part of my bike collection:

Andrea's postcards

Airmail stickers from around the world and some favourite art-themed postcards:

Andrea's postcards

Cards with quotes and positive messages. You can see two here from my friend Yvonne in the Netherlands who always sends me fantastic cards!

Andrea's postcards
Have you inspired anyone else to join Postcrossing or start collections of their own?

When I was buying stamps in Portugal, all of the people in their post offices were really friendly. I told one of the postal workers about it and wrote down the website for him, which he immediate showed to his coworkers. I think he was excited to check it out! Some of my friends have signed up, too, when they saw what beautiful postcards I was receiving.

Maybe you have read this tip before but they say the best way to get mail is to send mail. I make a habit of sending postcards to my friends so now lots of my friends will send me postcards when they travel or just for no occasion but because they saw a card that they know I will like.

What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

Definitely working on outgoing cards for people!

Andrea's postcards

I try to choose a card that fits what they like to collect but the part I really love is decorating the back of the card. It’s a bit of an elaborate process…first choosing the stamps (always more than one!), then glitter around the border. Next the stickers. Then the rubber stamps! Finally if there is any room left, I can write a tiny message. Haha, if you have received one of my cards you will know what I’m talking about. My goal is always to give someone a happy surprise when they turn the card over to read it. Plus when I’m busy working on the cards, it is like a form of art therapy for me. It’s really fun and I get to be creative.

Andrea's postcards Andrea's postcards
Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Well, traveling and couchsurfing are a big hobby of mine. I’ve been part of Couchsurfing for over ten years. It’s an online project that connects travelers with hosts in cities around the world. I recently couchsurfed my way around Portugal this past June. has the same kind of open, caring, friendly and generous spirit that Postcrossing has! Making the world seem just a little bit smaller. And of course I tell my hosts all about Postcrossing when they see me writing loads of postcards.

Is there anything that you are passionate about?

I love to participate in Free Hugs events. So far I have given hugs in: Vancouver, Seattle, New York, Barcelona, Lisbon, Montreal and Austin. When we have a hugs event, people often ask why we are doing it. To share some love with the world. To make you feel good for a moment or maybe longer. To take away some stress, fear or loneliness. And hopefully because it feels nice and makes us both smile! Like sending a postcard.

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67 comments so far

moonlessnite, Canada

Nice to read about another CANUCKIAN who is passionaate aobut postcarding!

Andreahexe, Germany

What a wonderful interview!! To know something about the person "behind the postcard" is as great as to send or receive the postcards :-) Also I love to see the creativity - I know that such needs lot of time, but it's wonderful, brings lot of joy and it's like a hug ;-) Better than only "greetings from..." or even less. Big hug to you Andrea :-)

Bahbah, Germany

What a great interview, I hope she'll get my address one day :-)
Greetz from Germany, Bahbah

rosenbusch, Germany

Andrea write beautiful postcards. Thank you for the interview....

schnueffelliv, Germany

your cards look wonderful!!

aberline, Australia

That giraffe is cute!

Ejderha, Netherlands

Lovely interview.
It's so much fun to read about all the creative Postcrossers.
I definitely feel inspired by some of your decorating ideas, Andrea.
Thank you for sharing! (^-^)

tulp57, Netherlands

The cards I sent are really plain compared to these card. They are so beaufiful!!

Knerq, United States of America

Love all the pictures! A great interview.

zomertje, Netherlands

Really like this story very much; and what marvellous postboxes do they have overthere!!!!!! Very positiv story. And the cards she makes are wunderfull, hope to get one someday. LOVE IT!!

akviinas, Latvia

It's always so nice to read more about these people in this project! Sometimes it's like a about an old friend - you have seen his name in forum or just from random profile checking.
Anyway, I wish to Andrrea to receive a lot of interesting mail as she sent out a real master pieces!

graugans, Germany

Thanks for this fabulous spotlight portrait! I've enjoyed reading about another dedicated postcrosser. I love the magnificent bicycle card collection!! I collect them, too!

xira, Netherlands

Great interview! I was so lucky to receive a card from Andrea a while ago. A really happy mailday! I just had to send a thankyoucard for all that effort.

martha66, Netherlands

What a wonderful story and beautiful pictures. I hope one day to receive an "Andrea"card in my mailbox, that 's for sure.

Neldchen, Germany

Wow, I love the canadian postboxes. They look great. Also love the back of the cards being sent off. So much effort and joy in it.

Stephyy, Netherlands

Lately I have noticed how postcrossing is expanding. Widening its range and reaching to more and more people. I have been a member for only 5 months and i am so passionate about it. Everyone that have ever met me have heard about the website and our community. The feelings while finding, preparing , writing, stamping, sending and receiving a postcard are just one more reason to smile. Even people who are not that passionate and committed at first, have this feeling eventually and cannot let go of something like that. My dream is an official postcrossing movement. I am imagining something like the facebook situation nowadays but a postcrossing one. Is this only me? I have gotten so motivated by this interview and recent articles I have red. I want to make my contribution towards postcrossing expansion but I actually cannot figure how. What about you ladies and gents? So many people are not able to spend much time on cards because of work or/and financial state. What if your job actually is postcrossing? Maybe being a postcrosser can become a profession. Being a youtuber wasn't consider a profession before, right? And now it's viral. Smiles everyone :)

Monge, Brazil

Couple of years ago she sent me a postcard and we started to talk about how it was nice to exchange some words and feelings with people you never heard about through cards. Then she mentioned the couchsurfing project saying how good it was to travel to a place you have never been before and staying at a native house, exchanging stories, moments and feelings. I gave it a try, create an account and from March to August 2014 I've travelled to 9 states here in Brazil using only the couchsurfing to find a place to stay. So far it was the best experience I had on my life.
She introduced me to couchsurfing project, so I guess I have to thank her for it Thank you Sprinkledonut!

Sprinkledonut, Canada

@ Stephyy - I agree! Sometimes I dream of getting a beat up, inexpensive car and decorating it in a fun and interesting way that people couldn't help but notice and drive around the world telling people about Postcrossing (and Couchsurfing)! I think it would be so fun.

Thanks for the nice comments, everyone! Big thanks to Paulo and Ana for creating this beautiful global idea. It's made my life fuller, richer and happier.

jjmedusa, United States of America

Wow, Sprinkledonut is not just sending postcards - she is sending works of art. What beautiful postcards & such time & effort put in! And such great handwriting, too! I am a very creative person too, but sometimes that goes by the wayside, being so busy & overworked & tired. So Sprinkledonut has really inspired me!

honeybee, Austria

You are a wonderful postcrossing artist. I love your decorated cards. And thank you for the really nice interview.

HopeWillGoPlaces, Philippines

She inspires me to be more creative with the postcards I send.

sinta, Indonesia

What a beautiful & inspiring interview! I very much agree on the art therapy ^_*

DennyP, Australia

A great story from a very compassionate Postcrosser...she appears to be enjoying her life to the full traveling and ,couchsurfing, hug events...wonderful...a very creative woman with whom I'd love to swap a card with as that is my hobby also..sprinkledonut..Keep the pen writing. the cards posted, and keep the wheels turning.hugs for you..

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Thanks for sharing the interesting story! :)

sacdalton, United States of America

Really enjoyed this interview and her joy that comes from giving to others through Postcrossing. Thanks for sharing.

Poste, United States of America

Andrea AKA Sprinkledonut is an outstanding Ambassador for Postcrossing! Keep enjoying life and thank you for sharing.

I joined last month after talking with a Lady about and in turn learned about postcrossing for which, I will forever be grateful.

One of my "words with friends" just became a postcrossing member last Thursday and ordered a starter kit of postcards.

limeIike, Philippines

Postcrossing is simply incredible.
It makes everyone happy.

elagipsy, Netherlands

You are a great inspiration to me. I like making presents of the back too, as i call it. But you gave me new ideas. Thank you. You seem like a lovely person to me. Thanks for sharing your story.

StetsFlauschig, Germany

Swapped some cards with her. Wonderful girl :) Thanks for the nice spotlight!

MyBelleRose, United States of America

Great spotlight, and great ideas! I rarely decorate the back...I always seem to think I need to use the space to send more info about where the card is coming from. But decorations say a great deal about the sender, too. I'm still pretty new to this, but I love it and I'm learning a lot. Thanks Sprinkledonut, and thanks Postcrossing!

aanjali, France

Andrea is a lovely girl and I was lucky enough to receive a postcard beautifully decorated, I felt so honoured!

Robin67, Austria

Beautiful! And how cool you make an effort with the stamps. Whenever I get mail from Canada I am always disappointed with the (not very fancy) stamps, when I know gorgeous ones are out there!

Kat_44, United States of America

Great interview. And Andrea, you are so talented! I hope to someday receive one of your special postcards!!

bochum11, Germany

Hi Andie,

wow, nice to find you here.......great interview :-)

Hugs Frank

paicontea, Germany


Maka_Nani, Germany

Interesting interview! The postcards look lovely, however, I prefer to have a long message on the back instead of a lot of decoration, I love to learn as much as possible about the senders life/home town/culture ;)

HM, Netherlands

Joy splashing around - that's the spirit!

teamug, Germany

Hi Andrea,

nice to see you here in an interview.
I am lucky to be able to admire your artwork through the cards and letters you send to my daughter "pumpin".
You are so giving.

We've just been to a Postcrossing meeting in Bielefeld and came back more inspired than ever.

@Stephyy: Yes, doing postcrossing professionally would be my dream too.

Lots of cards - and hugs all around....

linku, Germany


ichabodhides, United Kingdom

I received a postcard from Andrea and LOVED the back of the card, so inspirational!

topcloud, Kenya

Andie, nice to see you here again. I received your beautiful postcard in 2012. It's really pretty and carefully decorated.

Sprinkledonut, Canada

Lots of love for Postcrossing here! Awesome!
Don't forget to become a Supporter if you can afford a small donation. : )
It helps keep the project going. ^_^

Debz61, South Africa

absolutely love your cards and hope to receive one from you one day!!! Off to check out couch surfing!!! See ya!!!

Lila20, Australia

Thanks for the interview. Isn't it great to feel that spirit of giving that comes through in Andrea's cards and comments. I'm also a firm believer in the good that comes to you in the creative process. Cheers

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Cool ppstcards! Congrats for your care to the lucky recipients!!!

EngelDD, Germany

Very inspiring and interesting to read - hopefully I will receive one of your cards someday... ;o)

burer, Netherlands

Ah Andie!
It's great to meet you here and I love the interview. A few years ago I met you because of Postcrossing and swapping all around with you, give me a lot of positive energy.
Big hugs and meow from Zusje,

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Beautifully decorated cards! How kind of you to spend so much time on them :-) Those bicycle cards are great. Hope I'll receive a card from you one day Andrea!

ipuenktchen, Germany

hi, dear andrea!!!
thx for sharing your great ideas making the world better!! I'm a postcrosser up from the beginning and the same a couchsurfer and I agree your ideas, hoping more pppl will be inspired and get the spirit of both ideas!!!!!! your interview is really touching - you should give interviews to press and TV, too, to spread the idea more worldwide!!!! we mostly try it, but for you with an english mother-tongue it's more successfull and impressing!!!!

whenever you'll come in our part of the world I'll be happy to welcome you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy postcrossing forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nugget, United States of America

Fun interview. Thanks for sharing!

Steffilovesmusic, Germany

What a wonderful interview, very inspiring!!! Thanks so much!

Loli-ts, Spain

Ooohhhhh how wonderful are these postcards dfecorations!!! A big (free) huge for tou too :-)

JinaSensei, United States of America

Very cool postcards. I love all the detail!

DowntheshoreDebbie, United States of America

I love this and how you are so creative with your cards..Maybe you will come across me and my address in postcrossing to send one of your beautiful cards to me..I would love to receive one from you someday ..I enjoyed the interview...It was awesome to read of people's different interests..I love your collection of bikes...I think its great...Well, happy postcard sending!! I love it myself and I'm addicted. Im new to this but having a ton of fun...Thanks again for your awesome interview..A Fellow postcrosser!!

Petra_sunflower, Germany

Really great + creative person - thank you for your inspirations!! :)

postmuse, United States of America

I love how you decorate the cards! And I'm inspired. I think I will spend more time making the backs interesting. I love to make mailart, but not many Postcrossers like handmade cards. By sending a traditional postcard, with my mailart on the back, I can feed my creative impulses!

Amiya-and-Dhruv, India

Loved reading this! And OMG the postcards she sends out are soooo awesome. I was ready to call it a day but this has inspired me to send out those few official postcards I should've written and mailed today. That's it, I'm getting started on them right now and I'm gonna try my best making them at least half as pretty as hers!

LaternaMagica, Spain

I want to recieve a postcard from you soooo bad!! :D Haha from now on I will take more time to decorate the back side of the card :D

Karishca, Belarus

That's amazing and inspiring:)

TsaiHung, Taiwan

Oh... I love the way you work so hard on all the postcards.
I did much drawing on my cards, but I think you spend more time on each of them. I bet each person received your card felt so much joy on that day...

I will try my best on all the cards like you do.

petrini1, United States of America

Awesome, Sprinkledonut! I love your postcard decorations. Now I want to try some postcard mailart, too! Also, I remember sending you a sprinkle donut-related postcard last spring. Nice to learn more about you.

Sunneva12, Norway

wow! I realy like how you decorate the postcards! something to get inspired off :-)
I'll try to make my postcards a litle moore exciting too.. :D


arthurwittebrood, Netherlands

Canadian postcrossers are the best. I am a bit prejudiced, as I met my Canadian girlfriend via Postcrossing. We are in love, after one postcard, a lot of emails, phone calls, two visits to each other, but most special: writing handwritten letters. Wow. I am trying to go and live in Canada. All because of one postcard from Canada. In this story, I love the happy parts, esp. the free hugs. My girlfriend, well me too, we just love hugs. Arthur. The Netherlands.

Janine87, Germany

I love this interview and even if I don't know that much about Andrea, she is so sympatic! This blog post inspired me to decorate my postcards as well, just because I love this idea so much and I have some free time at the moment.

lisaclown, United States of America

Agh! I would love to get a postcard from her! The back of her cards are little works of art. She could probably find blank postcards and just decorate the front of them. I like to use as many stamps as I can to "decorate" the back of my cards. Sometimes it takes many for the total cost to add up and there's not too much room for words. Wow!
Lisa United States

david2051, United States of America

Hi Andie! I needed a little lift today and searched back to find a spotlight interview and was so pleased and happy to find your interview! It was great to read more about you. I and my kids so appreciate all the love and joy you put into their cards. Your cards are truly amazing and your interview gave me a huge smile. Hugs!
David :-)

DiannaMacau, Macao

Dear Andie!

Ni Hao! 你好 ! Happy New Year! I love your interview and the way your postcard send and decorate, it's wonderful, I can also see more and more people love to travel and enjoy sending postcards. I gave a interview on Macau Radio sharing about Postcrossing, people love it. I wish to swap card with you one day.



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