We’ve been biting our tongue for the past few months, but now it’s official: we’re thrilled to announce that Posti, the Finnish Postal Services, will publish not one or two… but four different Postcrossing stamps this year! :)
The colorful stamps were created by design agency Kokoro & Moi, and will be available on a folded stamp sheet from September 9th onwards, both on post offices and online.

Which means, Finnish postcrossers will soon be able to send their postcards using these playful stamps! How cool is that?
It is for us an extraordinary honour to have Postcrossing featured in a stamp, and we’d like to thank not only Posti, who thought the project worth of such recognition, but also all the postcrossers who over the years persistently asked for a Finnish Postcrossing stamp! On 9th September, their dream (and ours) will come true! :)
112 comments so far
Congratulations and so great to see other countries picking up the idea to create Postcrossing stamps :D
Too bad the Dutch stamp is not available anymore :(
Congratulations!!!!! :D What a fantastic set!
I can't wait to receive some now!!!!
What a great surprise and what wonderful design for this 2nd Postcrossing stamp serie in the world!!! I will try to collect all 4 (and I bet many others will do the same ;) )
congratulation... it's really cool... :)
These stamps are absolutely awesome!!! Can't wait to get my first card with one of them :-)
Congratulations! I love them. :)
How amazing! :D
Wow! They look very cute.
The finnish posti is so wonderful - they always have so amazing stamps and now this! Congrats!
wow, these are wonderful! i hope i'll get one or two.. :D
That's cool! I especially love the lower left one...
Too bad they are not yet available at the International Postcrossing Meeting in Helsinki in August - would have been perfect!
What a quirky set of stamps!! Great! Look forward to seeing one on a postcard! :)
Wow, I love to receive them!!!! They are cute!
Woooow, what fun stamps!!! Do want! :D
Wow! I managed to get my hands on a full sheet of the Dutch stamps to frame and hang by my desk. Unfortunately, in spite all our efforts in the German forum and beyond, we weren't able to convince the German PO to issue any German Postcrossing stamps.....so for now I'll be thrilled for the Finns and will be on a new hunt in September to add these to my REAL wall, and maybe the German PO will eventually change their mind and give us our very own Postcrossing stamps.
Congrats on this achievement!
Wow, how wonderful!!
Oh I'm really going to put those stamps on all cards I will be sending in the future
Those are really cool stamps! :D
Woo~I would want to receive these stamps~
wonderful news!
Many congratz for this amazing stamps! XD I like all four of them! It's cute and cheeky. Very wonderful! :D
Can't wait to get some of those stamps!
I hope that i can get a pc have these stamps!
@Kirsji someone suggested that on Twitter, and USPS replied with the link to the stamp application page: http://t.co/x4PfNSFd5Z :)
Yay!! They are so cute!
these are amazing! congrats! :)
Wonderful news!
So nice that a second Postal Services decided to make beautiful Postcrossing Stamps. If I get one on a Finnish card I would be very happy.
WOW! A second Postcrossing stamp set! You must be so proud!!!
Wohoo excellent! I'm going to buy those stamps and put in the cards I'll send. So maybe you'll get yours then (: Thanks for all who worked to make this happen !
Awesome, i would like to receive them :)))
Even better - at the same time, they will publish Angry Birds stamps :-)
Angry Birds stamps: http://www.posti.fi/tiedotteet/images/2013/angry_birds_450.jpg
These are great, jsut what's needed to encourage more people to send postcards and actually USE the postal system! Now just need to get Royal Mail in the U..K. to issue some, no easy task! :)
I'm excited about this, yay! :)
The stamps are sooo cute. I hope, I receive them with the next postcards from Finland...
They look great :) Cannot wait to see them on the cards I receive!
Wow! That's lovely! looking forward to get a postcard with these stamps!!!!
Congrats to the organizers of the project!!!!
I'm very impressed, those look amazing! =D Great thanks to the finnish Posti, let's hope other countries will follow. =) The Netherlands, Finland... I'm sure there's more to come.
That's fantastic news!
Great stamps.
Hope I will receive them on Finnish postcards in the future.
how awsome - unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats for everybody who was working on!!!!!
I'm really jalous... first NL, now FI - but the germans... no chance...... :-((((((((((((((((
however, lucky finnish postcrosser!!! congratssssssssss!!!
I wish they would do that in the USA! I checked, they will not do organizations like this :( Congrats to Finland though - great stamps!!
I am looking forward to get cards with those stamps already. :)
so cute, I want them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
awesome stamps :) congratulations!
When I'm in Holland I use the Dutch PostCrossing stamps, still have some!
these look great, look forward seeing them on the card(s).
Dutch postcrossing stamps are still availavble, not via PostNL, but through a few postcard webshops. I still use them.
I applaud the idea of the stamps, I applaud the Finnish Post Office for issuing Postcrossing stamps, but not wanting to rain on anyone's parade, I have to say the stamps themselves are anything but nice. Reminds me of amateur hour, they are so like children's stickers, very childish in design, and no where near what a real stamp should look like. Another wasted opportunity for a beautiful stamp for a beautiful purpose.
Wow what an achievement! I love them and hope I manage to get some sent to me :)
Super - the Finish Posti stamps are so different + often creative. I'm a proud owner of the Netherland pc-stamp. And Germany? Step for step: A few weeks ago I've got the pc-paper-bag when I bought some postcards.
What a good achievement! After Netherlands here we have Finland launching Postcrossing stamps!
Congratulations to all who made this possible!
What a cute stamp!I want to use this stamp.
Lovely!! Looking forward to receiving cards with these lovely stamps.
The stamps are very cute! Congratulations to the Finns for being so forward thinking!
i cant wait...more finnish postcrossers!!! :-) I love finnish postcards!
Wow!! Cool!!
I was REALLY disappointed when I saw the Finnish postcrossing stamps - but I will still buy and use those.. The Dutch ones were a million time better and as someone already said those look really unprofessional and childish.. :(
But on the other hand out of 28 different stamps coming to Finland Sept-Nov 2013 I only like 11 or so :(
Fortunately we have more other beautiful stamps : )
I like the idea of having a postcrossing stamp but these stamps are just plain ugly in my opinion (which is pretty much the nicest thing I can say about them). Oh well, I guess I'll be using them anyway.
I want this Stamps :)
I wonder how many new members these stamps will bring to postcrossing?
Wonderful News....
Congrats and i wish many other countries follow this :)
Keep it up...
Oh I wish Sweden could do something like that too. But unfortunatelly we're not so many postcrossers here...
I really hope that I can recive someone like that from Finland
If the design of those postcrossing-stamps doesn´t please, it is always possible to make own stamps. It costs more, is expensive, but it is worth trying out at least once for special purpose https://verkkokauppa.posti.fi/PublishedService?pageID=18&freePage=2020
WOW :-) ... I am looking forward to get these special stamps on postcards!
How wonderful ! My father's favorite collecting !
Have people can exchange with me?
I want it!
Please message to me
wowww!! So cool :) want them, please, Finnish postcrossers!!
Awesome! I hope to receive them from our Finnish postcrossers once they're published! (I have to write to the boring Dutch stamp makers... ;))
How wonderful they are!!!
I can´t wait to send those stamps. Finally some good news.
fantastic ,I am looking forward to receiving one.
Great, just can´t wait to receave a card from Finland with one of these stamps.
..thats great...hope to get one stick on a postcard ;o)
can't say i like them, they seem to be inspired by Keith Harings work but i prefer the real thing...
Nice, postcrossing stamps but.. I'm so fortunate to live in Holland. Over here it's possible to create and order your own personal stamps. That's just what I did 2 weeks ago, I used a photo of myself and added a few words.... I love the result and I hope the receivers like it too ;-)
I really love these new postcrossing stamps already and I hope that I'll get a lot of cards with these beautiful stamps.
Wonderful! Espectacular!
Wow! This is awesome!
each and everyone of you can see the power of persuasion . I encourage all of you to petition your Postal Service to follow suit
Oh, how lovely! First the Netherlands and now Finland. I can't wait to receive one of these from a Finnish friend!
Exciting! The one on the bottom left is my favourite :-D
I already LOVE them!
I hope all Finnish postcrossers will use these stamps so I might receive some! The stamps look great!! Unfortunately our dutch postcrossing stamp isn't available anymore :(
Well done everyone! This is a really wonderful news. Congratulation! 祝贺!!!
Great stamps, hope to receive an card, with such an beautyfull stamp, you never know, perhaps.....
Hope the post in the Netherlands bring out some new stamps voor the world, because, the are the same for almost 2 years now...
I hope china post can make some stamps about postcrossing!:)
woooooooooo great stamps,how much i would like to receive one of them¡¡¡
That´s amazing! :D I have been waiting those stamps already a long time. ;)
Love them! I look forward receiving at least one :D
Yay! Now there´s something to expect in autumn! Posti just made me proud, hahah! :)
so great! hopefully I will get a postcard from Finland then... :-)
Now I have learned that there will be Angry Birds stamps, too!
I heard it in the news that the Angry Birds stamps will be published also on the 9th of September. Dear Postcrosser Friends, we will "stay tuned and allerted" in Finland and as soon as both Postcrosser and Angry Birds stamps will be published we will be ready to send them for you all. Meanwhile - take care! :)
It's wonderful!
These will look fabulous on Postcards! I hope I get some soon!
awwwwwww amazing!! grrrrr :)
Congratulations Postcrossing!!! Its really a great honor by Finnish Post. I love these stamps, they are cute and fun. Hopefully, I get them from someone in Finland....
That's great, so happy. Looking forward to receiving one some day.
Good day to release them, it's my birthday then!
These are super cute, love them! Thanks for sharing it with us! Happy postcrossing, can't wait to receive some in near future!
These are great! How impressive!
Every country should have postcrossing stamps really! Who would have thought that a while ago? Maybe it'll be more countries in years to come. :-)
Oh please please send me these stamps :D
Kiva! I'm looking forward to next postcard from Finland:)
this is wonderful. I cannot wait to receive mail from Finland.
This is really good news for all the postcrossers. Finland is the second country to have the new postcrossing stamps.
The Netherlands was the first country with a beautiful postcrossing stamp, but it is no more aivaible and I'm not happy with that.So, postcrossers from Finland, please send me in September cards with the new postcrossing stamp. Than you make my day!!!
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