Ok, so on the last post we’ve unveiled some of our plans for commemorating the 150th anniversary of postcards later this year. These include the 150yearsofpostcards.com website detailing the historical events related to postcards, as well as inviting everyone to celebrate this milestone together on October 1st.

Today we’re putting together one more piece of the puzzle, one in which everyone can participate: a one-of-a-kind postcard exhibition at the Universal Postal Union headquarters, all about our love for postcards!

Your special assignment is to tell the whole world what makes postcards special to you. What is your fondest memory featuring postcards? What do you feel when you open your mailbox and there’s one there waiting for you?
Pour your feelings into a postcard and send it to:
(address removed, as the event happened already)
This should be a perfect match for the Postcrossing community, as we all have strong feelings about postcards and are very familiar with the spike of excitement when we open our mailboxes. 😍
There will be prizes for the nicest postcards and messages, so don’t forget to add your email address to your postcard — make sure you check all the details here. The best part though is that a selection of these postcards will be exhibited at the Universal Postal Union headquarters in Switzerland 🇨🇭, during the month of October!
We’re super excited about this collaboration with the UPU, which is the United Nations specialized agency for the postal sector. They’ve agreed to lend us a wall in their headquarters, and we look forward to covering it with postcards and show everyone just how much postcards mean to all of us.
This exhibition is a pretty big deal, but for it to happen we need postcards… and we’re counting on YOU to participate with the words and images that we’ll be showing in Bern this coming October. Join us in sharing our love for postcards with the whole world!
72 comments so far
Oh my gosh, this is huge! Will send a nice postcard in soon, thank you Postcrossing for this wonderful opportunity.
Will definitely do 😍
Sounds fantastic! Definitely count me in 🎉😊
Looking forward to participating in this whether my entry is selected for display or not ☺. Every memory will be special and individual. 👍
How would I know if you received my postcard?
@fuziz I'm afraid we don't have a way to personally acknowledge all the postcards we will receive. Keep an eye on the 150yearsofpostcards.com page though — we might share some postcards there! 😊
Love it! I will carefully select a postcard to send.
Will there be an event in Berne or „just“ the exhibition at the UPU headquarters?
I am excited and will send one in. Happy 150 !!!!!!!
Its a great chance to explore your feelings about post crossing.
What a great idea. I'll definitely send one in.
@john_doe always write in English if you're unsure what language to use.
I have written my card which is special to Guernsey. A great idea.
Lovely Idea!
I will send a card for this great project!
Oooh, muy buena idea
What a great idea. I'll definitely participate.
So cool!
Well I'm not sure, if the meet up is going to be organized in my state but I will try to do my best to celebrate it. :-)
I will definitely do!
Happy #150years!
I will join it :)
Happy 150years!
Very cool, I'll be on the lookout for an excellent card to send!
This is very nice. I am a bit jealous of those in Switzerland who will get to visit the resulting wall of cards in person.
I love it is cool and special.
Love the IG hashtag idea!
Their website says #150yearsofpostcards
Hard task!!! :D But I'm sure we can do it! :)
150 years off Postcards! Hiep Hiep Hoera! I love the contest, I'm already looking around for the right card to send.
This is a great idea! 😃 I'm already thinking about the postcard I want to send... 💕
I wish to organize something similar here also, in Siberia ♥
How exciting! I will be sure to get involved in such a project.
Sure - I am keen to send the Postcard too. Will someone acknowledge on receipt ? Please confirm. Likewise, I am keen on organizing the event in Chennai (India). Please advise how to go about it!
Vignesh Raja
oh! pretty cool idea,I'd love to do so.Absolutely meaningful!
Oh man this is awesome!! I'll send my postcard soon !!
i already send one 😀
wow!so nice!
very Happy. As I am working in Postal Department,every year October 9 to 14 celebrate postal week with various activities,Today I send a post card
I am super excited, Wish I can visit the exhibition!!!!
It’s interesting!! Can’t wait to send my one together with everyone~❤️
I will send a cool art card. Awesome, Postcrossings!
Sounds like a plan B~)
Wonderful idea!
I will send a postcard and join this celebration.
A "chain" that connects people around the world! :-)
wow .I love it .我一定要寄一张明信片啊啊啊,希望你们喜欢
Send out ,Passing the beauty of the moment
Have mine ready to “travel” ... fingers XX it arrives for the Celebrations❣️Have a great party 🥳 will be thinking of you 😉☺️😊
thanks postcrossing
Just prepared one and will post it tomorrow :)
Thank you postcrossing and postcrossers around the world
Great! I’ve already sent!
Are there and plans for a meetup at the UPU headquarter?
What a great idea! I've already sent my Postcard 😊
Dear all what a great idea. 150 years of postcards. I think the UK is lagging behind with 128 years. But it is the celebration of 150 years of pillar boxes in the UK. As usual, the postal service Royal Mail swept it under the carpet. They prefer to sell high money collections rather than heritage. Anyway will be sending a card (s) to Po Box and wish all Postcrossers to do the same
I have already sent a postcard. Hopefully it will arrive soon. The postcard is the best invention ever - and of course postcrossing.
Very good. I have sent a postcard.
I was not acknowleged to this activity of Postcrossing, so it is totally new for me. It is doubtless a very interesting one and I hope not to miss a postcard to Tavira. One more way to communicate, sending an extra postcard that will be so valuable!! Who knows??
All the very best.
I have sent a postcard, Let's see what happens, Fingers crossed.
hello, my card is ready to go ...
I’ll be mailing a postcard out tomorrow!!
Nice project, my postcard is in the mail
I sent one postcard too! Nice project!!
HI, My fondest memory is receiving 2 hand made New Year postcards from Japan when I was 12 from penpals. I have been hooked on seeing the world one postcard at a time ever since. After 60 plus year I still get a thrill when I receive one. I love them. Enjoy the day! Demaris
P.S. I still have those postcards. :)
Sent my card yesterday! :)
I'm so excited about this! I have mailed two postcards and I hope one or both of them make it to the exhibit!
Nice initiative, Thank you!
Wow!! It’s amazing idea ......I will surely send
Hope that fits me best...cool. Thanks..
So exciting that we postcard nerds get to show our love of little, colorful pieces of mail!!!
What a marvellous project!
I'd love to be part of it, so my card is going out today.
Can we visit the wall at the UPU in Bern?
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