Hurray! July 14th is Postcrossing’s anniversary and we couldn’t be happier! Eleven years of connecting the world, one postcard at a time… feels great!
Postcrossing is not just a platform or a bit of code on a server. What makes this project great is definitely its community… which means YOU! Every single one of you, that perhaps looked at this idea with suspicion in the beginning but decided to jump in anyway and give it a go. All of you who ensure the world’s mailboxes are filled with smiles and kind words. Those of you who help each other in the forum, who organize and attend meetups, who send us tips and ideas, who send thousands of postcards to lovely ladies on their birthday. We’re thankful for your trust, support and enthusiasm in the past 11 years. Long live Postcrossing!
A couple of postal operators neatly lined up their Postcrossing-themed stamp launches to mark the occasion, so today, Poland and Guernsey see new stamps come to life!
Polish Post drew inspiration on the theme of traveling through postcards, and re-imagined a “postcrossers’ suitcase”… which naturally has a mailbox on the side!

To celebrate the stamp launch, Polish Post is holding several events in Wrocław. Among the activities, there will be a free tour of the Post and Telecommunication Museum in Wrocław, a competition with some prizes and, of course, the opportunity to buy the new stamp and even receive a special cancellation mark.
Today is also the day two new stamps from Guernsey Post make their debut! International postage is being updated, and the stamps (for Europe and Rest of the World) reflect this change. Guernsey Post’s new stamps were drawn by Sue Hamon and aim to share the island’s rich flora and fauna with the world through the postcards they’ll be traveling in.

Guernsey Post is also launching a set of related products along with the stamp, on their online shop, including first day covers and maxicards.
So, happy birthday Postcrossing! Now it’s time to blow those candles and grab a piece of cake while we write some postcards — do join us! :)
PS – Speaking of stamps, the German Postcrossing community has been trying for years to convince their Finance Ministry that a Postcrossing-themed stamp would be a good idea… with little success so far. As Germany is the country with most postcards sent in the project, we think they deserve it. So if you have an extra card, give them a hand in turning this dream into reality!
112 comments so far
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! Thank you for countless happy mailbox moments and for letting me experience that there truly are nice people everywhere in the world. When I joined 8 years ago, I never thought this ting would become this big, but it has.
To speak with the famous German comedian Loriot: A life without postcards is possible, but pointless. Long live Postcrossing and its wonderful community!
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday pc and congrats to polish and guernsey postcrossers on their awesome new stamps! cheers \o/
These stamps are so wonderful and great designed.
I hope that my country (Germany) can issue such stamps sometimes. :)
-> Happy Birthday, Postcrossing !
And a big thank you for the great idea, Ana and Paulo :)
happy bday pc
Hapy Birthday Postcrossing!
These are such beautiful postcrossing stamps. Well done! =) I hope we can have such nice postcrossing stamps as well, soem day. The german post office loves giving out stamps themed after the 125th anniversery of the death of person XY, but postcrossing? Big no-no. *sign*
Either way, off to many more years with postcrossing! Let's make it even bigger. =D
#HBY Postcrossing!!! <3
Happy 11th birthday from Denmark! I was a bit sceptic when my English friend introduced me to Postcrossing nearly five years ago, but what happened? I was soon totally addicted! A very sad thing though: Danish postage prices have just gone up again: it now costs $3.36/3.72 Euro to send one single card!
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY " I 'm so glad to be part of this community
Great stamps maybe I get one of my next postcard. Ciao
Happy birthday, everyone!
Happy birthday, Postcrossing. Greetings from Ghana to all Postcrossers.
Happy birthday to Postcrossing!!! It's so cool that there were stamps released to coincide with this day. I love the Guernsey stamps in particular!
Happy Birthday, Postcrossing!
Help Germany to get a own postcrossing stamp, please!
Thank you :)
Happy Birthday Postcrossing and thank you!!!
A very special day. I was able to meet so many lovely people with this project. I wish I will get one of the new postcossing stamps one day.
Wow! Great! Congratulations!! :)
Wonderful - Happy Birthday !!!
Happy Postcrossing to all here :)
The Stamps from Guernsey are quite nice, i bought one :)
Happy Postcrossing to all of you guys, and happy birthday to the most amazing site ever!
I wonder if there are some stamps in England...
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!! :D A great site and lots of fun sending and receiving postcard.
Happy birthday Postcrossing! I love it!
Those stamps are awesome! Happy birthday postcrossing!!!
Happy Birthday!
It's a great day for a birthday by the way: It's mine, too, today, and it's also my son's birthday. He's 11 today, as well.
Let's celebrate! :-)
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!! I have been with Postcrossing for almost 2 years now. I am totally addicted!! I love the new stamps. I wish Canada would release a stamp.
Happy birthday to us! What a great hobby.
Happy Birthday Postcrossing. I have been a member for almost 8 years by now. And I have enjoyed every moment of it. Meet so many wonderful people from around the world. Face to face or by postcards. These Postcrossing stamps are awsome too. Sadly the Danish Postal Service probably never would make some to. After all they would be far to expensive too. I will continue this great Hobby. But I simply need to send my card from Germany in the future. But it would be so sad to stop being a Postcrosser. Once again Happy Birthday Postcrossing. And congratulation to all of you
Happy birthday Postcrossing!
Thank you to everyone involved to give us so much enjoyment by sending and receiving all those wonderful postcards.
Kind regards, Greta.
@bstb that is a brilliant coincidence! :D happy birthday to you and your son!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing. I am a newbie on here and have yet to receive my first card back.
It would have been my Father's birthday, but he his no longer alive.
I am looking forward to many years of postcrossing and I love the forum
Annette, Birmingham ,UK
Happy birthday Postcrossing ! Coming across this forum is one of the best things that could have happened to me :) Keeps in engaged and always wanting for more postcards from postcrossers across the world ! Great going :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! :)
Awesome stamps!!!! :)
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
What a great project! I like the new stamps and I hope to get one of them!
Cheers and many more years of Postcrossing!
Happy Birthday, PostCrossing! ♥
ThankYou for all those happy moments you brings :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY und alles erdenklich gute zum Geburtstag.
2 Great stamp stets of Postcrossing stamps. Today I even found at the Post office an item (lables for international letters) with Postcrossing ads on the backside... it is somekind of sad that we can't convince the ministry of finances to issue an Postcrossing stamp :(
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! Thank you for what you are. You make my world wider and more interesting.
Live long and prosper! ^_^
С Днём рождения!
Happy 11th Birthday! I am happy to be part of this wonderful project.
And I love to see the Postcrossing stamps from Poland and Guernsey. It's amazing to see the different ways the Postcrossing idea is brought on these little papers!
Happy Birthday ! Such an amazing iniative!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! It still feels like the 10th anniversay was just around a corner :D
All three new stamps are looking great!
I hope we in Germany get one soon too
Happy birthday Postcrossing 🎉🎂
I cannot wait to start using the Guernsey Postcrossing stamps
Happy Birhtday Postcrossing 🎂🎉🎉🎉🎉
Beautyful stamps❤
Happy 11th Birthday, Postcrossing! I am happy to be a part of this project for almost 10 years now.
Beautiful postcrossing stamps! Congratulation Poland and Guernsey!
What a day today! Let's celebrate it with the joy postcrossing delivers on our daily life. Thanks and long live of happy mailboxes!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing. 11 years! I am just coming up for two years as a Postcrosser and you have me enthralled!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing.. How fun.. Keeping our fingers crossed that we will be sent one of the new stamps :)
Happy Birthday Postcrossing and well done to each and every one of us who help to spread such positivity across the world. We have no borders and we know no boundries. Here's to the next 14 years!!!!!
Happy b-day!! Postcrossing is fantastic way to learn from other cultures and people. It makes you feel so important every time you receive the card 😊
Happy birthday Postcrossing!! My 10 years of Postcrossing have been such a wonderful journey, and I'm so very thankful you exist! Hooray Postcrossing community! Also, the stamps look really awesome. When will the USA do a Postcrossing stamp??
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! ❤
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
Great stamps! I ordered an extra set of the Guernsey stamps on the postcard to give away as a prize at the Orlando, Florida (Home of Walt Disney World) Postcrossing meet-up in January of 2017 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I adore this site, and so happy to know it's turning 11 years! In an era where seems only tecnology matters, it's great we show them that thousands of people still think that a full mailbox (a truly mailbox) is one of the most happy feelings in the world! 'Cause old is gold! :)
Love the Postcrossing stamps!!
I love you, Postcrossing! Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday, Postcrossing! It's so great to be part of it!
And thank you, post of Poland and Guernsey for two new, great postcrossing stamps! I hope, I'll receive postcards with them soon.
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! I have been doing this for a little over a year now and I LOVE it!!! The new Postcrosinng stamps from Poland and Guernsey are awesome ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
😄🤗😉HAPPY 11 BIRTHDAY Postcrossing❣from "Down Under"
Vibing everyone's mail boxes are overflowing with 📝 In celebration 🎉
Happy birthday Postcrossing! I hope I will receive those beautiful stamps one day!
Congratulations to all of us, we make it work, yes!!!
I immediately will send a card to Berlin to help convince the Ministry of Finance.
Good luck to all of you.
New stamps are great, hope to receive them some day.
Happy Birthday to Postcrossing! Thank you the team behind the scene for your hardwork and dedication! Thank you all Postcrossers and Thank you for the beautiful Postcrossing stamps! :D
Happy Birthday Postcrossing!Proud to be the community.As the world today is annoyed by terrorist or sea disputation,Postcrosser shows the spirit of peace and togetherness.Long hail Postcrossing!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Thanks for making it happen---it's so fun to send and receive pc from all over the world. And the new stamps are gorgeous. J.
A lovely Birthday Present for Postcrossing! Beautiful stamps. Today I received my first postcard from Guernsey! Not yet with the new stamp!
Happy birthday, dear Postcrossing! :-)
What fabulous stamps! I'm not likely to ever receive the one from Guernsey, but maybe the Polish one?!
Anyway, too cool! :-) I find it especially excellent, if a country issues postcrossing stamps repeatedly! Super! <3
Big thank you to meiadeleite-Ana :D
For this blog on the NEW Postcrossing stamps - Have been online to Polish Post & Guernsey Post ... registered & processed my order, both are on their way "Down Under" Yahoo hey!?
Contrats Ana & Paulo on 11 "postcardabulous" years ... with no doubt many many more ahead!
Wow, Happy Birthday Postcrossing! I've been here 10 and a half years of those 11 and enjoyed every minute.
Happy Birthday, Postcrossing! And happy, happy day to the entire community! Peace through Postcrossing!
Bastille Day will never be the same for our French comrades, after the horror in Nice...but our common humanity will rise above such madness. Thank you to all those in our PostCrossing Family who help spread love & positive feelings into the world. I am so glad to be a member. Many Happy Returns to us all!
P.S. The new stamps are so bright & eye-catching! I wish that Australia Post could issue something similar, for Ozzie PostCrossers. Keep hoping!
Happy postcrossing
I can't believe it's been running for 11 years!!
So happy
I wish India issues wonderful stamps like these
Congrats to the Postcrossing founders and team - !!
Congratulations, the whole Postcrossing team, and thank you so much for connecting us all in these 11 years!
happy birthday, so nice that postcrossing excists.
Happy Birthday to Postcrossing, One of the awesome site ever!!
Happy Birthday ~~ =))
Happy Birthday Postcrossing !!!
Thanks you for all those happy moments you brings..:-)
The new stamps are sooo magnificent *******
Woo hoo!!! Another year!! Another year of smiles for me; I love to see what is in my mailbox. :-D
More stamps?? How awesome is that!! Happy birthday!!
One of the best "inventions" of the past 11 years! =D It brings so much love, friendship, fun and joy! ☆♡ ☆ All the best and to the next 11! ;D
PS: The stamps are wonderful !! ~♡~♡~
Happy birthday Postcrossing! This idea has given me so many happy hours and moments when I open up my mail box and can see a postcard waiting for me ... All the best for this birthday and for the next happy years with postcrossing and its friends!
Happy birthday Postcrossing; the wonderful group who has helped me to participate in our wonderful world. We are so much more alike than we are different; Postcrossing proves that. Thank you for all you do!
Dear Postcrossing. And his entire Team. Congratulations on the birthday. I wish only all the best!!
Huge Hello from Russia, Chelyabinsk Region, Miass!!!
Soon going to hold an exhibition dedicated to Postcrossing, promote favorite Hobby!!!
I would love to get one from Poland for my collection - if anyone from PL likes to help me in that matter, please PM me :)
And yes, we try to get a Postcrossing stamp here, but the ministry seems to be so stubborn -.- Every year it's the same tragedy. Thanks for making people know about it :)
Happy 11th Birthday and Dear Germany if a tiny little Island like Guernsey with very few members can produce three Postcrossing Stamps since the start of this wonderful site then please let us have a lovely Postcrossing stamp from you!
No postcrossing stamp from Germany, that´s right, but there was a postcrossing postcard last year:
We have matching postcards for our three Postcrossing Stamps too. I have not yet received your postcard but in time perhaps. It is a cheap hobby as postcards here cost 25p and postage 64p to Europe and 70p to Rest of the World so less than one Euro per card sent.
Happy birthday, Postcrossing. Thank you for always cheering my mailbox up :))
Happy birthday Postcrossing! :) These stamps are beautiful!
Really a great time with so many cards and some new friends. I hope, Germany will got a stamp too one day...
Happy 11th birthday Postcrossing! I love this community and meeting all my new postcrossing friends! Congratulations on the new stamp and I too, hope Germany will get a stamp one day!
Happy Birthday Postcrossing !!! I love these wonderful stamps and all others from other countries. I hope that the Ministry of Finance will be in a very good mood and give us one for Germany.
Dear Postcrossing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY or VAN HARTE GEFELICITEERD and many more years, please!
I love the new stamps.
11 years of happiness in our mailboxes. Great stamps.
I had no idea this organization was so involved! I am really intrigued with the overall organization, the variety of stamps, the interesting handwriting and of course the cards I receive. I've enjoyed all of it. Happy birthday Postcrossing and many more.
Hello Postcrossing, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! To the organizers - an especial THANK YOU for this creative idea. Postcrossing says I have been a member for 603 days. The longer I have been a member, the more I have become completely captivated in this fun little hobby in every aspect: first, in receiving cards in my mailbox, second, in shopping for cards to send to people and seeing to whom I will send them, third, in finding the perfect stamps, and now, in coming up with creative ways to organize my cards. Thanks again for the inspiration to spread and share joy across the globe.
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Are there any Postcrossing stamps from the USA?
Happiest Birthday PostCrossing. Greetings from the Philippines.
Happy Birthday to Postcrossing! Hope there'll be Postcrossing stamps in Taiwan!
many many happy birthday wishes to you my loved site post crossing again happy birthday wishes i love you post crossing past from 2 years from shafath india
happy birthday wishes to you
thanks to poland and gurensey to issue beautiful stamps on my loved site postcrossing
Happy Birthday Postcrossing! It's always a dream for me to receive postcards from all over the world, and Postcrossing helps me realize this dream:)
Feliz cumpleaños Postcrossing !
Happy Birthday !!!
I wish that INDIA post should soon release a stamp on post-crossing too :)
If any body sends me these new released stamps I will return a beautiful postcard from INDIA.
Happy birthday! I've only recently joined the Postcrossing community, but have thoroughly enjoyed how each postcard makes the world a bit smaller and richer.
happy Birthday!
i know post crossing will give address to post crosser from gurensy and poland to send those stamps with lovely postcard
thanks in advance for the postcard
eager to see postcards in my mailbox
shafath india
Is anyone in the United States working on asking the US Postal Service to issue a commemorative Postcrossing stamp? If so, please contact me, as I'd like to support such a US stamp.
Fabulous stamps!
fyi - U.S. stamp selection process and stamp subject selection criteria-
,·´ ¸,·´`)
(¸,·´ (¸*♥ Happy birthday
Postcrossing! ♥〃´`)
,·´ ¸,·´`)
(¸,·´ (¸*♥
Better late than never ;-)
I wish the USA would make a postcrossing stamp!
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